How do we think the war will happen? Will it happen? If it does not happen.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Those of us who know, know this left wing commie globalist new world order coup has been going on for quite a while. We may have even at one time thought that there were two actual parties in this country. We may have actually thought republicans like Bush or Mccain represented us.

Those of us who did, should have known better. Yes, I was very deceived as well, and I would take on this attitude of "oh well, what can I do? "

It is beyond crystal clear right now for those of us who have the eyes to see what is going on. Not sure it is such a blessing to have "eyes to see" with what is going on. I would call it a curse at this point. They say ignorance is bliss, and that I believe is pretty true.

Having said all of that, we should know this. This is not going to all of a sudden end with what the left are doing. If we think that, then we are naive.THEY are not going to just QUIT their commitment. That commitment is to obliterate America and the free market. The TRUE LONG TERM GOAL of the globalists is to eventually eradicate Christianity. Those who doubt that, are just blind fools.

Those of us knowing this is not going to just end should also realize that either a war will turn it around or it is all going to disappear. If it has not disappeared already. There is a clear coup happening right before our eyes right now. As we speak, there is a clear coup happening.

What do we do? Nothing? I guess so. Aaaand one day the glory of Rome was no more. It just faded away.
speaking of communists, heres one saluting another one

Let's be honest, the "commie" thing is a zionist thing. Which is ironic since zionist activity is centered around "capitalistic" control of real estate, the stock market, etc. This "zionist coup" really started in the late 1800's.

"Eradicating Christianity" is tricky in that common sense and knowledge should eradicate Christianity, Judaism and Islam. So if all 3 satanic cults are eradicated we would be in good shape.
speaking of communists, heres one saluting another one

you guys really hate it when the Pres shows respect.

I've actually told you that it was the Gen that saluted first, and I know you already knew that, yet here you are again, spreading what you know to be a lie.

good lord dood
Let's be honest, the "commie" thing is a zionist thing. Which is ironic since zionist activity is centered around "capitalistic" control of real estate, the stock market, etc. This "zionist coup" really started in the late 1800's.

"Eradicating Christianity" is tricky in that common sense and knowledge should eradicate Christianity, Judaism and Islam. So if all 3 satanic cults are eradicated we would be in good shape.
da jews invented communism to destroy all religions, including their own.

you can't make that kind of bs up
world war three looms via humanities two nauseating factions, islam and zion

apocalyptic prophecies abound, biblical, astrological, nostradamus , etc

no mention of partisanship, sorry guys

Those of us who know, know this left wing commie globalist new world order coup has been going on for quite a while. We may have even at one time thought that there were two actual parties in this country. We may have actually thought republicans like Bush or Mccain represented us.

Those of us who did, should have known better. Yes, I was very deceived as well, and I would take on this attitude of "oh well, what can I do? "

It is beyond crystal clear right now for those of us who have the eyes to see what is going on. Not sure it is such a blessing to have "eyes to see" with what is going on. I would call it a curse at this point. They say ignorance is bliss, and that I believe is pretty true.

Having said all of that, we should know this. This is not going to all of a sudden end with what the left are doing. If we think that, then we are naive.THEY are not going to just QUIT their commitment. That commitment is to obliterate America and the free market. The TRUE LONG TERM GOAL of the globalists is to eventually eradicate Christianity. Those who doubt that, are just blind fools.

Those of us knowing this is not going to just end should also realize that either a war will turn it around or it is all going to disappear. If it has not disappeared already. There is a clear coup happening right before our eyes right now. As we speak, there is a clear coup happening.

What do we do? Nothing? I guess so. Aaaand one day the glory of Rome was no more. It just faded away.
This is a progressive country. The majority of Americans prefer a progressive agenda. We don't support tax cuts for the rich. We don't support endless wars. We don't support this obscene military budget. We don't support a Russian bot in the WH. We don't support hyper-partisan gerrymandering. We don't support centrist Democrats. And we certainly don't support right-wing whack jobs going ballistic like 2 year old children every time they don't get their way.

There is nothing you can do to stop the progressive wave this fall. There is a major political shift going on in this country and your only option is to embrace the horror.
da jews invented communism to destroy all religions, including their own.
you can't make that kind of bs up

Why would they want to destroy their religion if it cleanses the Earth of competing religions and more importantly White people? Did Marx for example say he hated Jews and the cult they follow?
Those of us who know, know this left wing commie globalist new world order coup has been going on for quite a while. We may have even at one time thought that there were two actual parties in this country. We may have actually thought republicans like Bush or Mccain represented us.

Those of us who did, should have known better. Yes, I was very deceived as well, and I would take on this attitude of "oh well, what can I do? "

It is beyond crystal clear right now for those of us who have the eyes to see what is going on. Not sure it is such a blessing to have "eyes to see" with what is going on. I would call it a curse at this point. They say ignorance is bliss, and that I believe is pretty true.

Having said all of that, we should know this. This is not going to all of a sudden end with what the left are doing. If we think that, then we are naive.THEY are not going to just QUIT their commitment. That commitment is to obliterate America and the free market. The TRUE LONG TERM GOAL of the globalists is to eventually eradicate Christianity. Those who doubt that, are just blind fools.

Those of us knowing this is not going to just end should also realize that either a war will turn it around or it is all going to disappear. If it has not disappeared already. There is a clear coup happening right before our eyes right now. As we speak, there is a clear coup happening.

What do we do? Nothing? I guess so. Aaaand one day the glory of Rome was no more. It just faded away.
This is a progressive country. The majority of Americans prefer a progressive agenda. We don't support tax cuts for the rich. We don't support endless wars. We don't support this obscene military budget. We don't support a Russian bot in the WH. We don't support hyper-partisan gerrymandering. We don't support centrist Democrats. And we certainly don't support right-wing whack jobs going ballistic like 2 year old children every time they don't get their way.

There is nothing you can do to stop the progressive wave this fall. There is a major political shift going on in this country and your only option is to embrace the horror.
the state that birthed the prog nonsense has a gop governor.

Americans deeply hate tyranny, that's why progs are being shut down
the state that birthed the prog nonsense has a gop governor.

Americans deeply hate tyranny, that's why progs are being shut down
No one buys that bullshit except Fox viewers. The progressive agenda is the peoples agenda. And when the majority of Americans support that agenda, it is the very opposite of tyranny. But tyranny does exist right now in the machinations of the orange head POTUS.
you claimed jews created communism. part of communism is forced atheism.

Jews are well known for "atheism." Which is a kind of generic, universal type thing and suggests they are not "chosen ones." However, they are very violently into "Yahwehism" though, that a middle east deity chose them and promised them Palestine. :p Insane, sure, but true. And is why they hate The Donald. He does not believe the bullshit.
the state that birthed the prog nonsense has a gop governor.

Americans deeply hate tyranny, that's why progs are being shut down
No one buys that bullshit except Fox viewers. The progressive agenda is the peoples agenda. And when the majority of Americans support that agenda, it is the very opposite of tyranny. But tyranny does exist right now in the machinations of the orange head POTUS.
democratic socialism is pure tyranny.
you claimed jews created communism. part of communism is forced atheism.

Jews are well known for "atheism." Which is a kind of generic, universal type thing and suggests they are not "chosen ones." However, they are very violently into "Yahwehism" though, that a middle east deity chose them and promised them Palestine. :p Insane, sure, but true. And is why they hate The Donald. He does not believe the bullshit.
I stopped there.

good day
democratic socialism is pure tyranny.
Tax cuts for the top 1% is tyranny. Doing things against the will of the majority is tyranny. democratic socialism benefits the working class and puts an end to corporate welfare.
your cry about tax cuts is a lie, your demands that officials, you didn't vote for, do as you tell them, is another lie.

socialism murders nations, you should know that, it's been in the news.
Those of us who know, know this left wing commie globalist new world order coup has been going on for quite a while. We may have even at one time thought that there were two actual parties in this country. We may have actually thought republicans like Bush or Mccain represented us.

Those of us who did, should have known better. Yes, I was very deceived as well, and I would take on this attitude of "oh well, what can I do? "

It is beyond crystal clear right now for those of us who have the eyes to see what is going on. Not sure it is such a blessing to have "eyes to see" with what is going on. I would call it a curse at this point. They say ignorance is bliss, and that I believe is pretty true.

Having said all of that, we should know this. This is not going to all of a sudden end with what the left are doing. If we think that, then we are naive.THEY are not going to just QUIT their commitment. That commitment is to obliterate America and the free market. The TRUE LONG TERM GOAL of the globalists is to eventually eradicate Christianity. Those who doubt that, are just blind fools.

Those of us knowing this is not going to just end should also realize that either a war will turn it around or it is all going to disappear. If it has not disappeared already. There is a clear coup happening right before our eyes right now. As we speak, there is a clear coup happening.

What do we do? Nothing? I guess so. Aaaand one day the glory of Rome was no more. It just faded away.

Seems we are looking at three plausible outcomes within the next few years CONUS:


The six decade cultural war began in earnest in the 1960's--by an alliance of radical feminists and their anti-tradition anti-Patriarchy medical research supporters, Left wing political exploiters of the civil rights movement, and postmodern Marxist philosophers/Soviet infiltrators of American academia--which has evolved into a new campaign of racial divisiveness, the national atheist/secular humanist movement, the politically correct movement, the transgender/LGTBQ movement, abortion on demand culture, and anti-masculinity movement, will transform from an intellectual/media driven and political indoctrination campaign into an actual violent, uprising in the streets Revolution. In short: out of the classroom and into the streets and homes of America, just as it happened in 1960's China.

Any political crisis, similar to what we've seen unfold at our southern border or fallout from Helsinki, only magnified to an even greater fever pitch by the MSM. Democrat loss in the midterms. Something that causes mass youth outrage the likes of which was unseen even in the riots and bombings and protests of the 60's and 70's. Even possibly a terror attack of some kind, who knows.

Not pretty. Who among us can imagine facing mobs of violent young people--many of whom will be our own loved ones? Facing our nieces/nephews, sons/daughters. our students/subordinates--all acting as Party enforcers in attacking all who do not conform to the Party line--the cult of political correctness. A new government is installed by force of tens of millions of violent protesters and looking something like a hybrid socio-communist collectivist regime with many new "soviet" councils formed and all vying for philosophical, political and practical application dominance. Perhaps the military steps in and secures D.C. but again, no is going to want to mow down tens of thousands of youth protesters.


The so-called and oft mythologized "deep state" or "swamp" allegedly populated by HRC and BHO remnant loyalists who allegedly want to depose our President by any means because He is anti-establishment and neither Republican nor Democrat old guard, succeed in their soft coup d'état by quiet sedition and intrigue--out of public sight and the public streets. The MSM cleans up the ugly details, smooths it all out and explains its "constitutionality" to the people. They take President Trump down, either allow the Republican part to remain in power under a puppet successor, or manage some kind of national referendum midterm Presidential election.

If it looks to so-called "deep state" leadership like they are going to prison or our President fires Mueller or pardons himself. Revelation of new bogus fabricated charges against our POTUS that ignite even greater Leftist voter national outrage. A combination of the aforementioned two.

Back to business as usual for the so-called "deep state". All our President has done domestically and overseas undone. The European conservative/nationalist revival fails. Europe falls to cultural invasion. Back in the US of A millions of immigrants are granted instant amnesty followed by millions more flooding over the borders in the next decade. Cultural replacement achieved. Possible wars with Iran and Russia--conventional stuff only--nuke 'em high is bad for business.

The Dark Horse:
Will the U.S. military accept a return to deep state rule, or will it launch its own counter coup--either covertly or by force?


Both the so-called "deep state" and Marxist-Leninist-Postmodernist cultural revolution are subdued. The Mueller investigation ends with the taking of a few heads for political concession, while the President Trump administration takes a few of theirs in return such as those of Strzok, Rosenstein and perhaps even HRC in some kind of no jail time plea agreement to a lesser charge. Red wave in November, only not a sweeping, all humiliating Republican victory--concessions must be made, power shared--or at least the public impression that power is being shared equally with the Left. A few of these young, radical Leftist candidates get elected into office; a token show of successful rebellion to satisfy the young and intellectual elite.

In other news, the nation returns--gradually at first--to the traditions of its cultural roots. Most all the brainsick territories of the six decade cultural revolution are recaptured and reclaimed. From the level of communities and public school boards all the way up to the US Congress and heads of cabinets and Supreme Court real efforts are made to undue the amoral policies, laws and decisions of the last several decades. We see policies and laws founded on fundamental right and wrong replace those based on the moral relativism of the Leftist elitist intelligentsia. A balance is slowly achieved between Right and Left, with Right grounding and limiting Left risk taking and rebellion as it should.

The American radical Left continues to spearhead the Democratic party platform. More and more American voters defect to the Right and take up the mantra of, "Anything but more of the crackpot radical Leftist moral assault on the minds of our children."

Six more years of President Trump. Conservative domination of the House, Senate, Courts and White House for possibly decades, with some concessions to more moderate, traditional liberal candidates and policies. The less radical the core of the Democratic party becomes over time, the more elections they will win. A return to the balance of ideologies our Founders intended.

The Wild Card:
Some kind of radical Left/alleged "deep state" led open rebellion. Very unlikely. European led election interference resulting in a November, and possibly, 2020 blue wave: plausible based on the 2016 presidential election. A JFK scenario; tinfoil hat time?
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Most conflicts are bullsh*t threats cloaked in greed

Our entire terrorist industrial complex stands as example

The elites always lead the charge , dodge the bullets, and profit from every possible outcome

personally, i refuse to buy into the whole right/left narrative they're actively hiding behind

people that do are tools for them

Let's be honest, the "commie" thing is a zionist thing. Which is ironic since zionist activity is centered around "capitalistic" control of real estate, the stock market, etc. This "zionist coup" really started in the late 1800's.

"Eradicating Christianity" is tricky in that common sense and knowledge should eradicate Christianity, Judaism and Islam. So if all 3 satanic cults are eradicated we would be in good shape.
da jews invented communism to destroy all religions, including their own.

you can't make that kind of bs up
Could rub your two brain cells together and actually do some research into the inventors of communism and their TRUE origins....hint hint they ARE Jewish.

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