How do we think the war will happen? Will it happen? If it does not happen.

your cry about tax cuts is a lie, your demands that officials, you didn't vote for, do as you tell them, is another lie.

socialism murders nations, you should know that, it's been in the news.
My tax cut was a whole $27. Trump supporters are not only in the minority, they're major scumbags as well. As far as murdering nations, tell that to Iraq.
your cry about tax cuts is a lie, your demands that officials, you didn't vote for, do as you tell them, is another lie.

socialism murders nations, you should know that, it's been in the news.
My tax cut was a whole $27. Trump supporters are not only in the minority, they're major scumbags as well. As far as murdering nations, tell that to Iraq.
if that's all you got, then you must be living very well off or are a fucking liar.

I'm going with liar.
your cry about tax cuts is a lie, your demands that officials, you didn't vote for, do as you tell them, is another lie.

socialism murders nations, you should know that, it's been in the news.
My tax cut was a whole $27. Trump supporters are not only in the minority, they're major scumbags as well. As far as murdering nations, tell that to Iraq.

:206: I my tax cut was crumbs :206: I hate Trump supporters. Trump has proved that the left are a bunch of sour grapes cry babies.
:206: I my tax cut was crumbs :206: I hate Trump supporters. Trump has proved that the left are a bunch of sour grapes cry babies.
My father told me once when I was a kid, "Ya know, you've been starting a lot of sentences with the word 'I'. How 'bout this sentence? I outta kick your ass!"
Those of us who know, know this left wing commie globalist new world order coup has been going on for quite a while. We may have even at one time thought that there were two actual parties in this country. We may have actually thought republicans like Bush or Mccain represented us.

Those of us who did, should have known better. Yes, I was very deceived as well, and I would take on this attitude of "oh well, what can I do? "

It is beyond crystal clear right now for those of us who have the eyes to see what is going on. Not sure it is such a blessing to have "eyes to see" with what is going on. I would call it a curse at this point. They say ignorance is bliss, and that I believe is pretty true.

Having said all of that, we should know this. This is not going to all of a sudden end with what the left are doing. If we think that, then we are naive.THEY are not going to just QUIT their commitment. That commitment is to obliterate America and the free market. The TRUE LONG TERM GOAL of the globalists is to eventually eradicate Christianity. Those who doubt that, are just blind fools.

Those of us knowing this is not going to just end should also realize that either a war will turn it around or it is all going to disappear. If it has not disappeared already. There is a clear coup happening right before our eyes right now. As we speak, there is a clear coup happening.

What do we do? Nothing? I guess so. Aaaand one day the glory of Rome was no more. It just faded away.
In ALL CAPS....that's how it will happen. :71:
Let's be honest, the "commie" thing is a zionist thing. Which is ironic since zionist activity is centered around "capitalistic" control of real estate, the stock market, etc. This "zionist coup" really started in the late 1800's.

"Eradicating Christianity" is tricky in that common sense and knowledge should eradicate Christianity, Judaism and Islam. So if all 3 satanic cults are eradicated we would be in good shape.
Fascinating.....never did quite understand why some people unfairly accuse trumpanzees of being anti-semitic.
speaking of communists, heres one saluting another one

you guys really hate it when the Pres shows respect.

I've actually told you that it was the Gen that saluted first, and I know you already knew that, yet here you are again, spreading what you know to be a lie.

good lord dood
Nice excuse making there, Comrade.
There won't be any war, you dopes. The old will die. The young will be slightly more "liberal" than their parents, as it has been for generations, but things will carry on largely the same as before. The main changes will come from the advance of technology. As usual.

People clamoring for civil war are among the dumbest in society, just losers wishing they had some purpose in life.
There is nothing you can do to stop the progressive wave this fall. There is a major political shift going on in this country and your only option is to embrace the horror.

There's a little projection going on here --- there's a major political shift going on all right, but it is you who have to embrace "the Horror." We love what's happening. Too bad you don't.
There is a clear coup happening right before our eyes right now. As we speak, there is a clear coup happening.

No, there isn't. You can't say there's a coup going on when nothing much is going on! If there is a coup or military takeover or secession crisis, we will all be real clear about it and nobody will say you're wrong. This is a dangerous time because sure, something could push us to a tipping point, as with the Soviet Union in 1991. But this could go on for YEARS, indeterminate, and finally settle down, as in the 1930s and the 1960s-70s, both also dangerous times.

When it happens, it will happen fast and you won't have to persuade anyone. We'll know it.
What this period reminds me of most is 1906--1914 when all Europe KNEW they were on the brink of war with Germany and three big political shocks came, involving warships and fast peace conferences. The Kaiser mouthing off to The Telegraph in a shocking, warmongering interview. Novels and other books about war imminent, such as the Riddle of the Sands. And yet nothing happened, nothing happened --- until it happened, very fast.

In the end war came by nothing anyone at all took seriously: some Serb kid shot the Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne June 28, 1914, and war snuck up on everyone so quietly that even Germany didn't realize it till the last week or so, and the British cabinet didn't decide for war until German troops were actually over the border into Belgium. That's the way it really happens --- simmer, simmer, simmer for years, and then KABLOOIE all at once.

We're in the simmer stage. And it could settle down: that's what happened in 1848, after all. It looked like war everywhere in Europe ----------- but then it deflated and nothing continued.
There is a clear coup happening right before our eyes right now. As we speak, there is a clear coup happening.

No, there isn't. You can't say there's a coup going on when nothing much is going on! If there is a coup or military takeover or secession crisis, we will all be real clear about it and nobody will say you're wrong. This is a dangerous time because sure, something could push us to a tipping point, as with the Soviet Union in 1991. But this could go on for YEARS, indeterminate, and finally settle down, as in the 1930s and the 1960s-70s, both also dangerous times.

When it happens, it will happen fast and you won't have to persuade anyone. We'll know it.
Not sure that is true. I know it is common a comparison or popular one. The fall of the Roman empire was subtle. They were never conquered by an enemy. It simply crumbled from within.

There is a real disease of apathy that is happening. Our culture is in complete rot. The absurdity of what is being taught at every level of school in this country is just beyond words to describe.

One day, the glory of Rome was simply no more. That, is what we are seeing. I am saying if we are not willing to fight for the preservation of the country then it may very well be too late.

The canary in the mine shaft is if nothing is done to the democrats and those who particiapted in their clear attempt to undermine a duly elected president then I am sorry. It is dead.

The fall of Soviets was really quite different. Sorry, but if there are not a number of perp walks and if they win the election and find false reasons to impeach 45, then it is truly dead.
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Not sure that is true. I know it is common comparison or popular one. The fall of Roman empire was subtle. They were never conquered by an enemy. It simply crumbled from within.

I can't agree with that. Rome was sacked by the Vandals and other Goths several times --- simultaneously generals were fighting each other for the emperorship. So Rome crumbled from within AND from outside attacks, in that Germans kept being let in legally and illegally and they just kept attacking till they won. That's what replaced Rome --- German tribes. The parallel with our own invasions from Muslims and Mexicans is obvious, and with the invasions conquering Europe also, black Africans and Muslims from the Mideast and Afghanistan and Iraq.

There is a real disease of apathy that is happening. Our culture is in complete rot. The absurdity of what is being taught at every level of school in this country is just beyond words to describe.

The canary in the mine shaft is if nothing is done to the democrats and those who particiapted in their clear attempt to undermine a duly elected president then I am sorry. It is dead.

Of course I agree with you. The transvestites, homosexuals, black rioting, drugs, illegals streaming in --- the culture is rotten.

The fall of Soviets was really quite different. Sorry, but if there are not a number of perp walks and if they win the election and find false reasons to impeach 45, then it is truly dead.

I don't say a real political collapse couldn't happen: I'm the one always saying it IS likely. My point is that it hasn't happened until after it happens. People mistake the lead-up, the simmering, for an actual political collapse, not realizing that these events are very dramatic and usually involve tanks these days. Yeltsin on the tank, Tiananamen Square with tanks, tanks in the streets of Turkey just last year, IIRC. Wait till you see tanks or something equally dramatic to say there's a coup going on. It's like there can't be a revolution per se without famine; and there can't be a civil war without tens of thousands dying: there are definitions to be met.

But I agree with you that this is a quite bad and dangerous time. Actually the time I am most comparing it with is 160 years ago right here: 1858, before Lincoln's election which was the trigger that started all the secessions, when everyone was so angry and vicious in their talk, mostly the left, of course, the abolitionists.

It's always the Left that is most vicious in every civil war or disturbance. The Spanish Civil War -- the left started it and did the torturing; the Paris mob parading heads on pikes in the French revolution and hanging the bakers; the communist riots in the Russian Revolution and the Reds machine-gunning the Czar and all his children; I could go on and on, but it's always the Left that is vicious and we see that today. You are not wrong, IMO.
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There's a little projection going on here --- there's a major political shift going on all right, but it is you who have to embrace "the Horror." We love what's happening. Too bad you don't.
You people are losing every major race from coast to coast. The country hates you! God probably doesn't like you, either?

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