How do you define our politcal system?

The United States was founded as:

  • A Democracy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Republic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Constitutional Democracy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
What were we designed to be by the framers? I have not defined the choices, that is up to the person responding to define.

Please add what you believe, have we met the expectations of the framers, or our we evolving into something different, and what do you foresee.

Poll to follow
Think we're a capitalist dictatorship. A democracy on the larger national scale isn't practical (can't halt everything every time a new law comes up to have a vote et al.) yet what we have now amounts to 'do whatever the rich elites say or they'll send the men with guns to come get you.' Only difference between some 3rd world country and death squads and the USA is we have arrest squads (unless non-white...) But we're by no means free, and some 80 other countries have vastly superior personal freedoms compared to the US. A free country should have personal freedoms and liberties we haven't seen in over a century.
We have the worst system of government in the world. Except for every other system of government in the world.

IMHO - in some ways we are much closer to realizing the promise of our Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. In some ways we have drifted to some points that would, I believe, horrify the founders.

I don't believe our founders ever envisioned the size or scope of our government. I don't think they would approve of all of our interventions around the globe.

But I also believe that we are much better at including and vesting all people in our nation than they ever were. I believe they would heartily approve of that.
Until we find a way to get the buying and selling of our representatives' votes out of the system, we will remain a Constitutional Oligarchy beholden to whomever can bundle the greatest amount of campaign contributions.
Democratic Republic; awkward, slow, imperfect....yet the best humans have thus far devised.
We are SUPPOSED to be a Constitutional Republic, with sovereignty given by the people to both the States and the Federal government in a limited way described by the federal and state constitutions.

What we are becoming is a single entity state, based on the federal level, and controlled by a combination of power hungry statists, and un-elected bureaucrats.
Until we find a way to get the buying and selling of our representatives' votes out of the system, we will remain a Constitutional Oligarchy beholden to whomever can bundle the greatest amount of campaign contributions.

IMHO - Money doesn't buy votes. It buys you the opportunity to influence voters. It's still up to the voters. They don't count dollar bills on election night.

@ marty - I agree. Bureaucrats wield far too much power.
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Until we find a way to get the buying and selling of our representatives' votes out of the system, we will remain a Constitutional Oligarchy beholden to whomever can bundle the greatest amount of campaign contributions.

IMHO - Money doesn't buy votes. It buys you the opportunity to influence voters. It's still up to the voters. They don't count dollar bills on election night.

True, one can see through the money, with effort. Most TV ads are worthless, to me, in particular, the negative ones.
Technically it's a federal republic.

In reality it is a corrupt federal republic
Until we find a way to get the buying and selling of our representatives' votes out of the system, we will remain a Constitutional Oligarchy beholden to whomever can bundle the greatest amount of campaign contributions.

IMHO - Money doesn't buy votes. It buys you the opportunity to influence voters. It's still up to the voters. They don't count dollar bills on election night.

True, one can see through the money, with effort. Most TV ads are worthless, to me, in particular, the negative ones.

If all voters would learn to listen critically, grade information sources, and actively participate in gathering information, the money wouldn't have nearly as much ability to persuade.

And if more people took an interest and demanded punishment for bureaucrats who circumvent the will of the people to protect their own turf, we could mitigate that as well.

In the United States the people ultimately get what they demand. Apathy is what allows a motivated minority or a wealthy minority to dictate.

Just MHO
IMHO - Money doesn't buy votes. It buys you the opportunity to influence voters. It's still up to the voters. They don't count dollar bills on election night.

True, one can see through the money, with effort. Most TV ads are worthless, to me, in particular, the negative ones.

If all voters would learn to listen critically, grade information sources, and actively participate in gathering information, the money wouldn't have nearly as much ability to persuade.

And if more people took an interest and demanded punishment for bureaucrats who circumvent the will of the people to protect their own turf, we could mitigate that as well.

In the United States the people ultimately get what they demand. Apathy is what allows a motivated minority or a wealthy minority to dictate.

Just MHO

Propaganda is a science, and negative ads work well. Because most Americans don't "listen critically" and check 'facts' (which we know by the comments by members of the echo chamber - a shout out to Stephanie, LGS, CrusaderFrank and Rabbi, four of the dumbest member of that chamber) money does buy votes and convinces fools to vote against their own best interests.
One that requires leadership and intelligence...that's why the whole thing is on hold from 2009-2017.
Our form of Government is a Republic.

Our current Political System is Crony Capitalism or Fascism. Banker control of the Politicians.

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