How do you feel about known gays/lesbians as teachers...

People are free to follow whatever career path they choose... homosexuals are not a predatory group for children...

BUT... that being said.. if teachers are prevented from sharing beliefs in religion and the associated lifestyle, etc... they should then also be prevented from sharing beliefs in this lifestyle... you don't get your cake and eat it too

Except for the fact that teachers are NOT prevented from sharing their religious beliefs. A teacher who tells the class they are Jewish or Catholic or Buddhist, etc. don't lose their jobs.

Yes.. they are...

nice try... that is announcing a title in terms of belief...

They are not allowed to state that their way is right (like gays try and state their opinion)... they are not allowed to offer their theories (as gays try and do)... and they are not allowed to offer political opinions about their beliefs (as gays try and do)...

Nice try... you don't get your cake and eat it too... IMHO the homosexual teachers would have to be as silent about all aspects of their belief and lifestyle as the religious teachers are forced to be
People are free to follow whatever career path they choose... homosexuals are not a predatory group for children...

BUT... that being said.. if teachers are prevented from sharing beliefs in religion and the associated lifestyle, etc... they should then also be prevented from sharing beliefs in this lifestyle... you don't get your cake and eat it too

Except for the fact that teachers are NOT prevented from sharing their religious beliefs. A teacher who tells the class they are Jewish or Catholic or Buddhist, etc. don't lose their jobs.
Who do you think is going to lose their job about being gay?
How do you feel about known gays/lesbians as teachers...

Hmm being biased here but it is based on statistics.

Somehow Gay men seem to be able to "behave" themselves as well as Gay women when in "tempting" situations.

So I am against Gay men teaching but ok with gay women teaching.
So it is okay to know that your teacher is married...just as long as they aren't married to someone of the same sex? Did you know if your teachers were married or not? Did it effect your ability to do math, reading or science?
What does marriage have to do with anything I said?

And, no, I didn't know if my teachers were married or not. They were too busy talking about history, math, English, science, etc.

If they are married to someone, it makes it a lot easier to know if they are straight or gay. I knew which of my teachers was straight and which ones were gay. It did not effect my ability to learn in any way. (or my ability to rhyme, apparently :D )

how? did they stand up in front of the class one day and say "i'm ms. smith and i'm gay."?

or do you just have superior instincts when it comes to other people's sexual preferences?

People are free to follow whatever career path they choose... homosexuals are not a predatory group for children...

BUT... that being said.. if teachers are prevented from sharing beliefs in religion and the associated lifestyle, etc... they should then also be prevented from sharing beliefs in this lifestyle... you don't get your cake and eat it too

Except for the fact that teachers are NOT prevented from sharing their religious beliefs. A teacher who tells the class they are Jewish or Catholic or Buddhist, etc. don't lose their jobs.

Yes.. they are...

nice try... that is announcing a title in terms of belief...

They are not allowed to state that their way is right (like gays try and state their opinion)... they are not allowed to offer their theories (as gays try and do)... and they are not allowed to offer political opinions about their beliefs (as gays try and do)...

Nice try... you don't get your cake and eat it too... IMHO the homosexual teachers would have to be as silent about all aspects of their belief and lifestyle as the religious teachers are forced to be

Sexuality is not a religion and telling others your religion is not stating your faith is right.
If they are open, and make it a point telling their class how gay they are, they should be fired.
How is knowing they are gay knowing their "personal sexual habits" exactly? Growing up I knew which of my teachers was married. Does that constitute knowing their "personal sexual habits"? I know which of my children's teachers are married and I know who their spouses are. Are they flaunting their sexuality?
Knowing a teacher's personal sexual preferences has nothing to do with learning reading, math, science, civics, etc. Absolutely nothing to do with it. Knowing their personal political views has nothing to do with it, either.

It's a simple fact, yet it seems it's offensive to you.

So what you are saying is that male gay teachers should change their voices so they don't sound effeminate, and Females should wear flowery dresses and not sport chain drive wallets?

Seriously....How many teachers do you think are out there on the first day of school saying.... "Class.... today we are going to talk about case you didn't know, I'm gay....." If you think that's what's going on in our schools, you're irrational.

Even in my day, back in the 70's and 80's kids pretty much knew or at least thought they knew which teachers were gay. It was one of many topics of discussion that kids had....and still do.

As far as personal political views are concerned, I would have ZERO problem with my kids knowing a teachers Political view, as long as they presented both sides in an equal manner. A kid may ask a teacher....why are you a Republican, or why are you a Democrat....and the teacher should answer honestly... but not disparage the other side.

Because, unlike most of you... I don't care if my kids choose a different political path than mine. They know my views and it's OK if they don't share them. I just want them to be involved in the process, not a person who bitches and moans about government and never lifts a finger to try to change anything.

get more straw
I think some of these nutters are suggesting that it is OK to have gay teachers as long as nobody knows they are gay. What an original concept. Maybe they should try something like that in the military?

Actually, the military had a good system prior to 1980.

It was left to the discretion of unit commanders if the service members behavior was a problem.

That kept guys from using "gay" as a "get out of the Army free" card while allowing them the latitude to get rid of real problem children.

After 1980, they introduced a "no tolerance" policy that was largely ignored unless guys wanted to get out and outed themselves (or claimed to be gay to get out when they found out there weren't any color TV's like their recruiters said there would be) or were real serious problems, such as harrassing straight service members.

DADT really did nothing to change things, because that was kind of the defacto policy before then.

Now the yardbirds can't get out and the problem children will have to find other excuses to get rid of them.

War causes homosexuality. You are not born with it or choose it.
Everytime we go to the war homosexuality increases tenfold in the military and for potential draftees outside.
Funny how naive you "no problem as long as they keep it to themselves" folks are.
Most of the gay and lesbian teachers that I have seen in the last 50 years of my life, and especially the last 20 when my kids were in school, WERE OUTED by the community.
And the outing was for negative reasons everytime.
You folks believe there are teachers wearing Gay Pride T shirts and hats to school every day or some BS. They go outside and picket with signs during their breaks.

So what does a teacher do when they are outed? "No, I am not really gay or lesbian".
Lah lah land is where most folks live these days.
War causes homosexuality. You are not born with it or choose it.
Everytime we go to the war homosexuality increases tenfold in the military and for potential draftees outside.
Uh huh.

*slowly backs away while making no sudden moves*
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Knowing a teacher's personal sexual preferences has nothing to do with learning reading, math, science, civics, etc. Absolutely nothing to do with it. Knowing their personal political views has nothing to do with it, either.

It's a simple fact, yet it seems it's offensive to you.

So what you are saying is that male gay teachers should change their voices so they don't sound effeminate, and Females should wear flowery dresses and not sport chain drive wallets?

Seriously....How many teachers do you think are out there on the first day of school saying.... "Class.... today we are going to talk about case you didn't know, I'm gay....." If you think that's what's going on in our schools, you're irrational.

Even in my day, back in the 70's and 80's kids pretty much knew or at least thought they knew which teachers were gay. It was one of many topics of discussion that kids had....and still do.

As far as personal political views are concerned, I would have ZERO problem with my kids knowing a teachers Political view, as long as they presented both sides in an equal manner. A kid may ask a teacher....why are you a Republican, or why are you a Democrat....and the teacher should answer honestly... but not disparage the other side.

Because, unlike most of you... I don't care if my kids choose a different political path than mine. They know my views and it's OK if they don't share them. I just want them to be involved in the process, not a person who bitches and moans about government and never lifts a finger to try to change anything.

get more straw

Get more straw???? hell you have one guy saying that Homosexuality is a Perverted lifestyle...another that wants an in-depth study of Homosexuality and Pedophilia, but you single me out as building a straw man?

Yeah... you're not a partisan douchebag, are you?
The policy in a regular work place should be not to talk about sex, religion, or politics.

That should be doubly true in a K-12 classroom.

Please tell me that you don't still hold those views concerning sexual education and political science.

Teaching the above topics is different from my comment. Even still, if I were teaching a Political Science course, the injection of my personal beliefs would not be right. I teach health and medical sciences and the topic of universal health care occasionally comes up. We discuss the issues and I moderate rather than guide the conversation according to the way I see it. I don't teach "sexual education," whatever that is, but I do teach anatomy and physiology. When boy parts and girl parts is the topic, we do not talk about who those parts are used with.

I'm not sure what you mean by "still hold those views." I teach in a far left hoity-toity school district and do very well. My classes are so popular they pay me extra for the large number of students I have. Thanks for your concern though.
So what you are saying is that male gay teachers should change their voices so they don't sound effeminate, and Females should wear flowery dresses and not sport chain drive wallets?

Seriously....How many teachers do you think are out there on the first day of school saying.... "Class.... today we are going to talk about case you didn't know, I'm gay....." If you think that's what's going on in our schools, you're irrational.

Even in my day, back in the 70's and 80's kids pretty much knew or at least thought they knew which teachers were gay. It was one of many topics of discussion that kids had....and still do.

As far as personal political views are concerned, I would have ZERO problem with my kids knowing a teachers Political view, as long as they presented both sides in an equal manner. A kid may ask a teacher....why are you a Republican, or why are you a Democrat....and the teacher should answer honestly... but not disparage the other side.

Because, unlike most of you... I don't care if my kids choose a different political path than mine. They know my views and it's OK if they don't share them. I just want them to be involved in the process, not a person who bitches and moans about government and never lifts a finger to try to change anything.

get more straw

Get more straw???? hell you have one guy saying that Homosexuality is a Perverted lifestyle...another that wants an in-depth study of Homosexuality and Pedophilia, but you single me out as building a straw man?

Yeah... you're not a partisan douchebag, are you?
It was an appropriate response to your response to me.

In case you didn't notice my response to your straw, too.
So what you are saying is that male gay teachers should change their voices so they don't sound effeminate, and Females should wear flowery dresses and not sport chain drive wallets?

Seriously....How many teachers do you think are out there on the first day of school saying.... "Class.... today we are going to talk about case you didn't know, I'm gay....." If you think that's what's going on in our schools, you're irrational.

Even in my day, back in the 70's and 80's kids pretty much knew or at least thought they knew which teachers were gay. It was one of many topics of discussion that kids had....and still do.

As far as personal political views are concerned, I would have ZERO problem with my kids knowing a teachers Political view, as long as they presented both sides in an equal manner. A kid may ask a teacher....why are you a Republican, or why are you a Democrat....and the teacher should answer honestly... but not disparage the other side.

Because, unlike most of you... I don't care if my kids choose a different political path than mine. They know my views and it's OK if they don't share them. I just want them to be involved in the process, not a person who bitches and moans about government and never lifts a finger to try to change anything.

get more straw

Get more straw???? hell you have one guy saying that Homosexuality is a Perverted lifestyle...another that wants an in-depth study of Homosexuality and Pedophilia, but you single me out as building a straw man?

Yeah... you're not a partisan douchebag, are you?

no, i'm not.

you're pretty well qualified though. :thup:
Funny how naive you "no problem as long as they keep it to themselves" folks are.
Most of the gay and lesbian teachers that I have seen in the last 50 years of my life, and especially the last 20 when my kids were in school, WERE OUTED by the community.
And the outing was for negative reasons everytime.
You folks believe there are teachers wearing Gay Pride T shirts and hats to school every day or some BS. They go outside and picket with signs during their breaks.

So what does a teacher do when they are outed? "No, I am not really gay or lesbian".
Lah lah land is where most folks live these days.
My daughter's high school drama teacher was gay....he never once SAID he was gay but it was obvious. The guy he lived with often helped out with drama productions. As far as I can tell, there was no negative impact from teh gay.
The policy in a regular work place should be not to talk about sex, religion, or politics.

That should be doubly true in a K-12 classroom.
You know that isn't the case
How many teachers have lost their jobs and went to jail for doing inappropriate things with their students?

My operative word was should. I'll be the first to admit that there are teachers that should not be allowed around kids. That is not me though. I never say or do inappropriate things and do not allow it of my students. I treat students the way that I expected my own children to be treated when they were in high school. The kids deserve it, it is the right thing to do, and the taxpayer should demand no less.

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