How do you fell about a Space Force?

Do you support a Space Force

  • Yes, of course the Military-Industrial Complex needs it

    Votes: 20 58.8%
  • No, we have many more needs than another boondoggle.

    Votes: 14 41.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Unfortunately, this won't involve any men or women going into space. It will be ground-based and remotely piloted defensive platforms for the protection of existing space infrastructure.

Really, that's a bit depressing, how can you have a space force without anybody actually getting into space?

If the MIC wants more missiles and satellites they could just ask for it



Unfortunately, this won't involve any men or women going into space. It will be ground-based and remotely piloted defensive platforms for the protection of existing space infrastructure.

Really, that's a bit depressing, how can you have a space force without anybody actually getting into space?

If the MIC wants more missiles and satellites they could just ask for it



We've had a Space Command since 1982.
We've had a Space Command since 1982.

The Pentagon is great when it comes to nice sounding titles, too bad they don't seem to be interested in the rest

Instead of wasting $trillions on liberating oil fields in the ME they could have build a moon base by now and getting ready to bring peace & democracy to Mars

We've had a Space Command since 1982.

The Pentagon is great when it comes to nice sounding titles, too bad they don't seem to be interested in the rest

Instead of wasting $trillions on liberating oil fields in the ME they could have build a moon base by now and getting ready to bring peace & democracy to Mars


I hate to break it to you, but we're not leaving low-Earth orbit in our lifetime. It gives me no joy to say this but, as someone who grew up during The Space Race, I've been hit in the face with the fact that manned space travel is just too expensive to be worth doing.

The only way any of us is getting into space is watching the next 'Star Wars' episode.
I hate to break it to you, but we're not leaving low-Earth orbit in our lifetime...

That depends on what you mean with "we", if it's the human race than I'm not so sure, the Chinese and Russians have some ideas about that so maybe a new space race could happen and if the orange space force promotes that I'm all for it

Other than vague rhetoric and coming up with some snazzy logos and uniforms, I don’t see the Trump people coming up with any explanation of what a Space Force is supposed to do
Iraq has WMD's and Mexico is paying for a border wall!

As you know, Iraq HAD WMD's and there are six years remaining for the Trump administration to arrange a method by which Mexico will pay for the wall.

When were these WMD's discovered, not being argumentive, just do not remember that we ever found them? As for Mexico paying for the wall :420::abgg2q.jpg:
If we do it For scientific research it’s a mistake, if it’s in for defense I’m OK with it...
Like NASA is a fucking waste of time and money because of the guessing type of science

NASA is the only government which adds far more to the economy than it spends. Far more.
Not really

We could do the same thing with R&D in medical research, communications, energy or any other scientific field
So couldn’t we just do the same thing without weaponizing outer space?

Oh, and by the way, some 10 years ago we destroyed a satellite with a missile fired from a seaborne ship. Its not as if we have no capability there already.

Both Russia and China, after President Bill Clinton arranged for China to buy our rocket guidance systems and motors, have the ability to destroy our satellites in space. How do we defend them?
Why would they want to?
Stupid and costly idea.

Part of me says the same. I mean, just look at this probe they were sending to the sun. It was Just past a time window where everything was perfect,and they scrubbed the mission. Just doing things in space is costly and very difficult. We have a “space force” already if you count NASA. Now nothing is wrong with working towards a “space force”. Finding out how to quickly and efficiently train people to go to as well as move and fight in space. They can also develop gear for working up there to. This is something you can’t just DO. As it is now “space force” would just be yet another fovrenment organization that does nothing but soak up tax payer money.
Stupid and costly idea.

Part of me says the same. I mean, just look at this probe they were sending to the sun. It was Just past a time window where everything was perfect,and they scrubbed the mission. Just doing things in space is costly and very difficult. We have a “space force” already if you count NASA. Now nothing is wrong with working towards a “space force”. Finding out how to quickly and efficiently train people to go to as well as move and fight in space. They can also develop gear for working up there to. This is something you can’t just DO. As it is now “space force” would just be yet another fovrenment organization that does nothing but soak up tax payer money.
I give it as much of a chance as Mexico paying for our wall
The cost to create a new branch of our military is, IMO, so costly that real fiscal conservatives will sit up in their graves at such a policy (graves because fiscal conservatism died when The Congress and The President began to spend like a drunk Marine).

NASA has rocket scientists, Generals and Admirals are not, nor are they experienced in the myriad issues they would face in space.

Maybe using what we know (and we are still the only nation to put men on the moon) to establish a permanent base of operations on that satellite, and use diplomacy to staff such a base with American Security and Scientists, and scientists from our allies and foes would make much more sense. Let's make the moon and space a place for learning, not for war and destruction.
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I have the same opinion now that I had when 43 took away Nasa funding and I got balsted by Bush supporters -

I would rather be first in the space program than last.

Now Trump wants to spend $ on space programs RW hypocrites show up in full force - theres the rub with me.

Cool space fighters and lightsabers.

Not 'Greenpeace' in space.

Pence details plan for creation of Space Force in what would be the sixth branch of the military

Mike Pence calls for Space Force by 2020 - CNNPolitics

The President Wants a Space Force. He Might Get One.

Pence said ^^^ in his speech, asking for $8 billion to build out the idea.

It's seven years behind schedule and $163 billion over budget, or as the man in charge of the F-35 told us, "basically the program ran itself off the rails." [Chris Bogdan: Good morning.]

oops, how do you FEEL, my boo boo.

It's a great idea, time to make the Death Star great again...

The problem of course is that Nasa can't even get a man/woman into space without asking the Russians nicely but that's just a minor detail


Flash Gordon can help:

renegotiate the space treaty we have now, to include all other destructive arms like lasers and electromagnetic bombs, added to the nuke ban in the treaty should be number 1

each armed services have their own dedicated divisions right now, that are merged in with their security goals....

I think it should stay that way....

but, a division/NASA of scientists could be created for all divisions of our military to use for their needs could be created....
It's actually long overdo.
What are they supposed to do?

See post above yours.

Plus be able to destroy opposing satellites and protect our own.

We don’t need a new agency to do that

I think we do and I'll give you my reasons thru examples.

Different thinking...different view points...foresight compared to traditionalists.

Before WWII our Naval Leaders, most of them, believed in a "Battleship
Fleet." Surface warfare, if you prefer, with the Battleship as the pride of
the fleet. We entered WWII with 4 carriers, the Japs had 12. 5 months
into the war, we fought a Naval Battle where the opposing fleets never
saw each other's ships. (Coral Sea). We learned pretty quickly that the
traditional way of fighting a Naval Battle had passed us by, and 3 years
later, we had 16 Carries at the Battle of Okinawa.

Today, the tactical pride of the Navy is the Aircraft Carrier and the strategic
pride of the fleet is the Submarine. I don't believe we even have one
Battleship afloat.

The Army Air Force did a good job of leveling the Germans. We had air
supremacy, but with the advent of the A-Bomb as a massive strategic weapon we knew we needed a force that specialized in Air Combat, both
tactical and strategic. So we invented the Air Force. We couldn't trust
an Army Chief of Staff to balance his budget giving equal treatment to
every portion of the Army.

It's worked out well.

Every major war we've gone into, we've always been unprepared. We can't
be unprepared for WWIII. It's only gonna last a couple of days, so we won't
have time to catch up.

In WWII...we ruled the skies. Since WWII we have ruled the skies and have
ruled under the sea. Well, we're into a different age now. Every thing that
happens on this Planet is controlled from Outer Space. Every fucking
bank transaction in this country relies on and uses a GPS satellite. Our
communications, our entire electrical grid, are all controlled from Outer
Space. Hell, our weather forecasts and the early warning they provide
is from outer space.

Space is gonna be the next battleground. He who controls Outer Space,
wins the next war. That can't be entrusted to an Air Force Chief of Staff
who is also concerned with how many fighter planes we have or bombers.

We have pro's for the ground...we have pro's for the seas and we have
pro's for the skies. We now need, and actually it is long overdo, but
Pro's for Outer Space.

It would be counter productive to have 7,000 nukes and no way to
launch them or communicate with Submarine Commanders to launch
their Tridents. And if an enemy knocked out all of our satellites that's
exactly what would happen.
Pence details plan for creation of Space Force in what would be the sixth branch of the military

Mike Pence calls for Space Force by 2020 - CNNPolitics

The President Wants a Space Force. He Might Get One.

Pence said ^^^ in his speech, asking for $8 billion to build out the idea.

It's seven years behind schedule and $163 billion over budget, or as the man in charge of the F-35 told us, "basically the program ran itself off the rails." [Chris Bogdan: Good morning.]

oops, how do you FEEL, my boo boo.

The last administration was soo close minded. Everyone needs a space force.

Buzz Lightyear needs a job to.
It's actually long overdo.
What are they supposed to do?

See post above yours.

Plus be able to destroy opposing satellites and protect our own.

We don’t need a new agency to do that

I think we do and I'll give you my reasons thru examples.

Different thinking...different view points...foresight compared to traditionalists.

Before WWII our Naval Leaders, most of them, believed in a "Battleship
Fleet." Surface warfare, if you prefer, with the Battleship as the pride of
the fleet. We entered WWII with 4 carriers, the Japs had 12. 5 months
into the war, we fought a Naval Battle where the opposing fleets never
saw each other's ships. (Coral Sea). We learned pretty quickly that the
traditional way of fighting a Naval Battle had passed us by, and 3 years
later, we had 16 Carries at the Battle of Okinawa.

Today, the tactical pride of the Navy is the Aircraft Carrier and the strategic
pride of the fleet is the Submarine. I don't believe we even have one
Battleship afloat.

The Army Air Force did a good job of leveling the Germans. We had air
supremacy, but with the advent of the A-Bomb as a massive strategic weapon we knew we needed a force that specialized in Air Combat, both
tactical and strategic. So we invented the Air Force. We couldn't trust
an Army Chief of Staff to balance his budget giving equal treatment to
every portion of the Army.

It's worked out well.

Every major war we've gone into, we've always been unprepared. We can't
be unprepared for WWIII. It's only gonna last a couple of days, so we won't
have time to catch up.

In WWII...we ruled the skies. Since WWII we have ruled the skies and have
ruled under the sea. Well, we're into a different age now. Every thing that
happens on this Planet is controlled from Outer Space. Every fucking
bank transaction in this country relies on and uses a GPS satellite. Our
communications, our entire electrical grid, are all controlled from Outer
Space. Hell, our weather forecasts and the early warning they provide
is from outer space.

Space is gonna be the next battleground. He who controls Outer Space,
wins the next war. That can't be entrusted to an Air Force Chief of Staff
who is also concerned with how many fighter planes we have or bombers.

We have pro's for the ground...we have pro's for the seas and we have
pro's for the skies. We now need, and actually it is long overdo, but
Pro's for Outer Space.

It would be counter productive to have 7,000 nukes and no way to
launch them or communicate with Submarine Commanders to launch
their Tridents. And if an enemy knocked out all of our satellites that's
exactly what would happen.

Where will the money come from to build a "space force"? Pence said the other day $8 Billion just to establish a command, without one piece of military hardware.

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