How do you fell about a Space Force?

Do you support a Space Force

  • Yes, of course the Military-Industrial Complex needs it

    Votes: 20 58.8%
  • No, we have many more needs than another boondoggle.

    Votes: 14 41.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's actually long overdo.
What are they supposed to do?

See post above yours.

Plus be able to destroy opposing satellites and protect our own.

We don’t need a new agency to do that

I think we do and I'll give you my reasons thru examples.

Different thinking...different view points...foresight compared to traditionalists.

Before WWII our Naval Leaders, most of them, believed in a "Battleship
Fleet." Surface warfare, if you prefer, with the Battleship as the pride of
the fleet. We entered WWII with 4 carriers, the Japs had 12. 5 months
into the war, we fought a Naval Battle where the opposing fleets never
saw each other's ships. (Coral Sea). We learned pretty quickly that the
traditional way of fighting a Naval Battle had passed us by, and 3 years
later, we had 16 Carries at the Battle of Okinawa.

Today, the tactical pride of the Navy is the Aircraft Carrier and the strategic
pride of the fleet is the Submarine. I don't believe we even have one
Battleship afloat.

The Army Air Force did a good job of leveling the Germans. We had air
supremacy, but with the advent of the A-Bomb as a massive strategic weapon we knew we needed a force that specialized in Air Combat, both
tactical and strategic. So we invented the Air Force. We couldn't trust
an Army Chief of Staff to balance his budget giving equal treatment to
every portion of the Army.

It's worked out well.

Every major war we've gone into, we've always been unprepared. We can't
be unprepared for WWIII. It's only gonna last a couple of days, so we won't
have time to catch up.

In WWII...we ruled the skies. Since WWII we have ruled the skies and have
ruled under the sea. Well, we're into a different age now. Every thing that
happens on this Planet is controlled from Outer Space. Every fucking
bank transaction in this country relies on and uses a GPS satellite. Our
communications, our entire electrical grid, are all controlled from Outer
Space. Hell, our weather forecasts and the early warning they provide
is from outer space.

Space is gonna be the next battleground. He who controls Outer Space,
wins the next war. That can't be entrusted to an Air Force Chief of Staff
who is also concerned with how many fighter planes we have or bombers.

We have pro's for the ground...we have pro's for the seas and we have
pro's for the skies. We now need, and actually it is long overdo, but
Pro's for Outer Space.

It would be counter productive to have 7,000 nukes and no way to
launch them or communicate with Submarine Commanders to launch
their Tridents. And if an enemy knocked out all of our satellites that's
exactly what would happen.

Where will the money come from to build a "space force"? Pence said the other day $8 Billion just to establish a command, without one piece of military hardware.

Elon Musk is working on it.
Stupid and costly idea.

Part of me says the same. I mean, just look at this probe they were sending to the sun. It was Just past a time window where everything was perfect,and they scrubbed the mission. Just doing things in space is costly and very difficult. We have a “space force” already if you count NASA. Now nothing is wrong with working towards a “space force”. Finding out how to quickly and efficiently train people to go to as well as move and fight in space. They can also develop gear for working up there to. This is something you can’t just DO. As it is now “space force” would just be yet another fovrenment organization that does nothing but soak up tax payer money.
I give it as much of a chance as Mexico paying for our wall

We're gonna build a space force and the Romulans are going to pay for it
It's actually long overdo.
What are they supposed to do?

See post above yours.

Plus be able to destroy opposing satellites and protect our own.

We don’t need a new agency to do that

I think we do and I'll give you my reasons thru examples.

Different thinking...different view points...foresight compared to traditionalists.

Before WWII our Naval Leaders, most of them, believed in a "Battleship
Fleet." Surface warfare, if you prefer, with the Battleship as the pride of
the fleet. We entered WWII with 4 carriers, the Japs had 12. 5 months
into the war, we fought a Naval Battle where the opposing fleets never
saw each other's ships. (Coral Sea). We learned pretty quickly that the
traditional way of fighting a Naval Battle had passed us by, and 3 years
later, we had 16 Carries at the Battle of Okinawa.

Today, the tactical pride of the Navy is the Aircraft Carrier and the strategic
pride of the fleet is the Submarine. I don't believe we even have one
Battleship afloat.

The Army Air Force did a good job of leveling the Germans. We had air
supremacy, but with the advent of the A-Bomb as a massive strategic weapon we knew we needed a force that specialized in Air Combat, both
tactical and strategic. So we invented the Air Force. We couldn't trust
an Army Chief of Staff to balance his budget giving equal treatment to
every portion of the Army.

It's worked out well.

Every major war we've gone into, we've always been unprepared. We can't
be unprepared for WWIII. It's only gonna last a couple of days, so we won't
have time to catch up.

In WWII...we ruled the skies. Since WWII we have ruled the skies and have
ruled under the sea. Well, we're into a different age now. Every thing that
happens on this Planet is controlled from Outer Space. Every fucking
bank transaction in this country relies on and uses a GPS satellite. Our
communications, our entire electrical grid, are all controlled from Outer
Space. Hell, our weather forecasts and the early warning they provide
is from outer space.

Space is gonna be the next battleground. He who controls Outer Space,
wins the next war. That can't be entrusted to an Air Force Chief of Staff
who is also concerned with how many fighter planes we have or bombers.

We have pro's for the ground...we have pro's for the seas and we have
pro's for the skies. We now need, and actually it is long overdo, but
Pro's for Outer Space.

It would be counter productive to have 7,000 nukes and no way to
launch them or communicate with Submarine Commanders to launch
their Tridents. And if an enemy knocked out all of our satellites that's
exactly what would happen.

Where will the money come from to build a "space force"? Pence said the other day $8 Billion just to establish a command, without one piece of military hardware.
Silly ,,,The Romulans of course
Stupid and costly idea.
John F Kenned called on the nation to look towards the FUTURE and reach for the stars.

The discoveries, the innovations, the advancements in so many areas, and the creations and products that his decision and our taking up the challenge to go to space led to are historic, record-setting, world-changing, and have resulted in hundreds of billions of dollars in commerce in industry...

...and there were short-sighted, unimaginative people just like you who said the exact same words you just did after hearing J F K's words.

As a result of Bill Clinton selling the Chinese U.S. missile tachnology, the Chinese now have the CURRENT capability to destroy orbiting satellites, capable of disrupting commercial and military communications and operations. And that's their CURRENT capability....

Much like JFK, President Trump is looking to the future, not at today's threats and opportunities but those we still face / those yet to come.

The reason we are the greatest nation in the world is because we have had vision, courage, and fearless LEADERS ... Not FOLLOWERS....leaders like Kennedy...and now Trump.

...and we still have short-sighted, unimaginative people who say looking to the future and leading the rest of the world is stupid and a costly idea.
When were these WMD's discovered, not being argumentive, just do not remember that we ever found them?

Not much exposure from the major networks.

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq!
By Alexa | Contributor
The New York Times shockingly admitted in an explosive front page report that thousands of WMDs were found in Iraq since the start of the war:

From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider


updated 6:10 p.m. EDT, Mon July 7, 2008
500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says
  • Pentagon: U.S. secretly shipped Iraq's low-grade uranium dating back to Hussein era
  • Officials: U.S. military spent $70 million for the transport of materials to Canada
  • "Yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government
  • Next Article in U.S. »



From Brianna Keilar and Larry Shaughnessy

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.

In this 2003 photo, UN inspectors work at the nuclear facility in Iraq.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says -
It's actually long overdo.
What are they supposed to do?

See post above yours.

Plus be able to destroy opposing satellites and protect our own.

We don’t need a new agency to do that

I think we do and I'll give you my reasons thru examples.

Different thinking...different view points...foresight compared to traditionalists.

Before WWII our Naval Leaders, most of them, believed in a "Battleship
Fleet." Surface warfare, if you prefer, with the Battleship as the pride of
the fleet. We entered WWII with 4 carriers, the Japs had 12. 5 months
into the war, we fought a Naval Battle where the opposing fleets never
saw each other's ships. (Coral Sea). We learned pretty quickly that the
traditional way of fighting a Naval Battle had passed us by, and 3 years
later, we had 16 Carries at the Battle of Okinawa.

Today, the tactical pride of the Navy is the Aircraft Carrier and the strategic
pride of the fleet is the Submarine. I don't believe we even have one
Battleship afloat.

The Army Air Force did a good job of leveling the Germans. We had air
supremacy, but with the advent of the A-Bomb as a massive strategic weapon we knew we needed a force that specialized in Air Combat, both
tactical and strategic. So we invented the Air Force. We couldn't trust
an Army Chief of Staff to balance his budget giving equal treatment to
every portion of the Army.

It's worked out well.

Every major war we've gone into, we've always been unprepared. We can't
be unprepared for WWIII. It's only gonna last a couple of days, so we won't
have time to catch up.

In WWII...we ruled the skies. Since WWII we have ruled the skies and have
ruled under the sea. Well, we're into a different age now. Every thing that
happens on this Planet is controlled from Outer Space. Every fucking
bank transaction in this country relies on and uses a GPS satellite. Our
communications, our entire electrical grid, are all controlled from Outer
Space. Hell, our weather forecasts and the early warning they provide
is from outer space.

Space is gonna be the next battleground. He who controls Outer Space,
wins the next war. That can't be entrusted to an Air Force Chief of Staff
who is also concerned with how many fighter planes we have or bombers.

We have pro's for the ground...we have pro's for the seas and we have
pro's for the skies. We now need, and actually it is long overdo, but
Pro's for Outer Space.

It would be counter productive to have 7,000 nukes and no way to
launch them or communicate with Submarine Commanders to launch
their Tridents. And if an enemy knocked out all of our satellites that's
exactly what would happen.

Where will the money come from to build a "space force"? Pence said the other day $8 Billion just to establish a command, without one piece of military hardware.

Get it the same way we did with the Air Force.

When the Air Force broke off from the Army we didn't throw the planes,
pilots and ground crews and equipment into the trash. We shifted them
over. That included the money allocated to operate and pay them.

US Missile Command would switch over. Cyber Space would switch over.

That money is already allocated.

We cannot afford to let anybody get a leg up on us in space. We could
gather up 40 billion by not wasting money or spending it needlessly
on Allies that don't understand the meaning of the word. Drop out
of NATO and the UN. They're both worthless to our defense.

Do you hide in a cave or do you just read whatever The Nation or Media Matters feeds you?

Chinese missile destroys satellite in space
By Richard Spencer in Beijing

2:17PM GMT 19 Jan 2007
Britain today joined the US, Japan and Australia’s condemnation of China after the communist country used a ballistic missile to destroy a orbiting satellite.

Related Articles
Chinese missile destroys satellite in space


Mysterious Satellite Sparks Concerns That Russia Has Developed A Space Weapon
A mysterious Russian object that was launched earlier this year has been performing some rather fishy maneuvers, prompting some to start panicking that the satellite could be some kind of secret space weapon.

The curious satellite, coined Object 2014-28E, was put into orbit in May of this year as part of a launch that saw three communications satellites added to an existing military group. It was originally classed as space debris, but Russia didn’t declare its launch. This, married with its peculiar orbital movements, has aroused suspicion in many. So much so that for the past few weeks, amateur astronomers and satellite trackers in both the US and Russia have been closely stalking its activity.

Mysterious Satellite Sparks Concerns That Russia Has Developed A Space Weapon



The Nudol could target U.S. navigation and communications satellites.

By Kyle Mizokami
Dec 21, 2016

Russian aerospace forces conducted test earlier this month of a new anti-satellite weapon system. Once it works, the weapon would be capable of targeting American military satellites, disrupting the Pentagon's satellites for navigation and communications.

Russia Conducts New Test of Anti-Satellite Weapon
Donald's dumbass idea is going to cost $8B, at least that's the projection.

We need bridges and roads and airports and mass transportation in this country.
Not a fucking Space Force.
Why can't you dumbfucks create polls with reasonable answers for all perspectives? It's like your ideology is stuck so far up your ass its fucking with your higher brain functions.

The answer is YES, space is our inevitable future and the only real question is do we let China and Russia dominate that eventual move or do we take the lead...

I say we grab the bull by the horns and get with it.
Having said that I believe our focus in space should be for the betterment of mankind not military conquest. For instance we should already have platforms positioned around the globe from which we could launch necessary missions when the eventual life killer asteroid is discovered. THAT should be a mission that the UN is involved in, where every country commits to the defense of human kind.
But instead we waste resources watching plants grow in space while rats run in wheels to study the effects of low or no gravity. Our ambition (or lack there of) is pathetic.

So yes leftard, we should be adventuring out into space.

The problem with that is YOU are so far behind with your own knowledge of our military scientists, programs and planners.

What made you think we are not developing those weapons right now?
What made you think Russia and China is ahead of us?

They don’t even have a good missile than can shoot down incoming missiles.

You have both Russia and China trying to steal military and commercial technology from the west.

We even have a live ROVER roaming Mars flat areas.

We are way far more advance than these 2 countries combined.

We already have on going anti asteroid program. See link.

NASA’S First Asteroid Deflection Mission Enters Next Design Phase
Stupid and costly idea.

Why is it a stupid idea?

Because in the real world it's called NASA.
But I don't think Duh Donald knows that.
So who does Duh Donald want to go kill in outer space?

Try reading, and comprehending post 167.

NASA is for research and development.

A Space Force would be for defense and attack in space which, as I pointed out to the less informed Progressives, Russia and China have already been doing for some years.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama intentionally put us years behind Russia and China in the defense of our satellites. Remember the pride of President Obama, LEAD FROM BEHIND!
Stupid and costly idea.

Why is it a stupid idea?

Because in the real world it's called NASA.
But I don't think Duh Donald knows that.
So who does Duh Donald want to go kill in outer space?

Try reading, and comprehending post 167.

NASA is for research and development.

A Space Force would be for defense and attack in space which, as I pointed out to the less informed Progressives, Russia and China have already been doing for some years.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama intentionally put us years behind Russia and China in the defense of our satellites. Remember the pride of President Obama, LEAD FROM BEHIND!

That is not true.
When were these WMD's discovered, not being argumentive, just do not remember that we ever found them?

Not much exposure from the major networks.

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq!
By Alexa | Contributor
The New York Times shockingly admitted in an explosive front page report that thousands of WMDs were found in Iraq since the start of the war:

From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider


updated 6:10 p.m. EDT, Mon July 7, 2008
500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says
  • Pentagon: U.S. secretly shipped Iraq's low-grade uranium dating back to Hussein era
  • Officials: U.S. military spent $70 million for the transport of materials to Canada
  • "Yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government
  • Next Article in U.S. »



From Brianna Keilar and Larry Shaughnessy

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.

In this 2003 photo, UN inspectors work at the nuclear facility in Iraq.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says -

First I ever heard of it, wondering why it wasn't covered more?
Stupid and costly idea.

Why is it a stupid idea?

Because in the real world it's called NASA.
But I don't think Duh Donald knows that.
So who does Duh Donald want to go kill in outer space?

Try reading, and comprehending post 167.

NASA is for research and development.

A Space Force would be for defense and attack in space which, as I pointed out to the less informed Progressives, Russia and China have already been doing for some years.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama intentionally put us years behind Russia and China in the defense of our satellites. Remember the pride of President Obama, LEAD FROM BEHIND!

NASA put us on the Moon, moron, in case you forgot.
Put them back in the business if anyone seriously thinks we need to have military in space.

Do you hide in a cave or do you just read whatever The Nation or Media Matters feeds you?

Chinese missile destroys satellite in space
By Richard Spencer in Beijing

2:17PM GMT 19 Jan 2007
Britain today joined the US, Japan and Australia’s condemnation of China after the communist country used a ballistic missile to destroy a orbiting satellite.

Related Articles
Chinese missile destroys satellite in space


Mysterious Satellite Sparks Concerns That Russia Has Developed A Space Weapon
A mysterious Russian object that was launched earlier this year has been performing some rather fishy maneuvers, prompting some to start panicking that the satellite could be some kind of secret space weapon.

The curious satellite, coined Object 2014-28E, was put into orbit in May of this year as part of a launch that saw three communications satellites added to an existing military group. It was originally classed as space debris, but Russia didn’t declare its launch. This, married with its peculiar orbital movements, has aroused suspicion in many. So much so that for the past few weeks, amateur astronomers and satellite trackers in both the US and Russia have been closely stalking its activity.

Mysterious Satellite Sparks Concerns That Russia Has Developed A Space Weapon



The Nudol could target U.S. navigation and communications satellites.

By Kyle Mizokami
Dec 21, 2016

Russian aerospace forces conducted test earlier this month of a new anti-satellite weapon system. Once it works, the weapon would be capable of targeting American military satellites, disrupting the Pentagon's satellites for navigation and communications.

Russia Conducts New Test of Anti-Satellite Weapon

True but we are already have several on going ASAT program. We even have one that can launch from F-15.

Anti-satellite weapon - Wikipedia

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stupid and costly idea.

Why is it a stupid idea?

Because in the real world it's called NASA.
But I don't think Duh Donald knows that.
So who does Duh Donald want to go kill in outer space?

I never knew NASA was part of the Military.

Watching Libs discuss National Defense is like seeing somebody
assume a position in a nursery rhyme.

I didn't say NASA was. You did.
You morons seem to forget that we had a space program using military officers, duh, dumbass.
U.S. Military Well-Represented Among NASA Astronauts
Stupid and costly idea.

Why is it a stupid idea?

Because in the real world it's called NASA.
But I don't think Duh Donald knows that.
So who does Duh Donald want to go kill in outer space?

I never knew NASA was part of the Military.

Watching Libs discuss National Defense is like seeing somebody
assume a position in a nursery rhyme.

I didn't say NASA was. You did.
You morons seem to forget that we had a space program using military officers, duh, dumbass.
U.S. Military Well-Represented Among NASA Astronauts

And we have an Olympic Committee that uses members of the military.
Meet the Military Athletes Competing for Team USA at the Winter Olympics

And your point is?

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