How do you fell about a Space Force?

Do you support a Space Force

  • Yes, of course the Military-Industrial Complex needs it

    Votes: 20 58.8%
  • No, we have many more needs than another boondoggle.

    Votes: 14 41.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If Obama/Clinton made this announcement the far left would be all in.

But since this came from Trump the far left will be against it.

The OP is far left, so we know they are against it automatically.

Quick are we going to pay for this? Trump has already cut taxes, so where is the money to fund this going to come from? Martians? And, which would you prefer Trump fund first, the border wall or the Space Force? We don't have enough money in the coffers to do both.

And yet another far left drone comes in and proves my point for me.

Actually, it's a legitimate question. Trump has already cut taxes, meaning less money is coming into the government. With less money coming into the government, how are we going to pay for it? It costs roughly 10,000/lb to put stuff into orbit.


See how the far left only wants to run their debunked narratives, if this came from their far left rich white religious masters they would be all in..
Stupid and costly idea.
John F Kenned called on the nation to look towards the FUTURE and reach for the stars.

The discoveries, the innovations, the advancements in so many areas, and the creations and products that his decision and our taking up the challenge to go to space led to are historic, record-setting, world-changing, and have resulted in hundreds of billions of dollars in commerce in industry...

...and there were short-sighted, unimaginative people just like you who said the exact same words you just did after hearing J F K's words.

As a result of Bill Clinton selling the Chinese U.S. missile tachnology, the Chinese now have the CURRENT capability to destroy orbiting satellites, capable of disrupting commercial and military communications and operations. And that's their CURRENT capability....

Much like JFK, President Trump is looking to the future, not at today's threats and opportunities but those we still face / those yet to come.

The reason we are the greatest nation in the world is because we have had vision, courage, and fearless LEADERS ... Not FOLLOWERS....leaders like Kennedy...and now Trump.

...and we still have short-sighted, unimaginative people who say looking to the future and leading the rest of the world is stupid and a costly idea.
Break out your checkbook and be generous
If Obama/Clinton made this announcement the far left would be all in.

But since this came from Trump the far left will be against it.

The OP is far left, so we know they are against it automatically.
How about taking care of Puerto Rico first?

And the far left drone comes in and proves my point for me.
Not so far left BUT all American ,,,unlike you

See once again the far left is interested in running their debunked narratives, instead of admitting they do not understand how the government actual works or show they even understand the Constitution.
If Obama/Clinton made this announcement the far left would be all in.

But since this came from Trump the far left will be against it.

The OP is far left, so we know they are against it automatically.

Quick are we going to pay for this? Trump has already cut taxes, so where is the money to fund this going to come from? Martians? And, which would you prefer Trump fund first, the border wall or the Space Force? We don't have enough money in the coffers to do both.

And yet another far left drone comes in and proves my point for me.

Actually, it's a legitimate question. Trump has already cut taxes, meaning less money is coming into the government. With less money coming into the government, how are we going to pay for it? It costs roughly 10,000/lb to put stuff into orbit.

Less money? Better check on those revenues.
If Obama/Clinton made this announcement the far left would be all in.

But since this came from Trump the far left will be against it.

The OP is far left, so we know they are against it automatically.
How about taking care of Puerto Rico first?

And the far left drone comes in and proves my point for me.
Not so far left BUT all American ,,,unlike you

See once again the far left is interested in running their debunked narratives, instead of admitting they do not understand how the government actual works or show they even understand the Constitution.

And you're a constitutional scholar?? Like Obama?
If Obama/Clinton made this announcement the far left would be all in.

But since this came from Trump the far left will be against it.

The OP is far left, so we know they are against it automatically.
How about taking care of Puerto Rico first?

And the far left drone comes in and proves my point for me.
Not so far left BUT all American ,,,unlike you

See once again the far left is interested in running their debunked narratives, instead of admitting they do not understand how the government actual works or show they even understand the Constitution.

And you're a constitutional scholar?? Like Obama?

No not like Obama (who showed he did not understand the Constitution) anyone not far left truly understands the Constitution.
If Obama/Clinton made this announcement the far left would be all in.

But since this came from Trump the far left will be against it.

The OP is far left, so we know they are against it automatically.
How about taking care of Puerto Rico first?

And the far left drone comes in and proves my point for me.
Not so far left BUT all American ,,,unlike you

See once again the far left is interested in running their debunked narratives, instead of admitting they do not understand how the government actual works or show they even understand the Constitution.

And you're a constitutional scholar?? Like Obama?

How about taking care of Puerto Rico first?

And the far left drone comes in and proves my point for me.
Not so far left BUT all American ,,,unlike you

See once again the far left is interested in running their debunked narratives, instead of admitting they do not understand how the government actual works or show they even understand the Constitution.

And you're a constitutional scholar?? Like Obama?


Yes we know run those debunked far left religious narratives not connected to reality!

Please come back when you have something else other than the debunked narratives.
How do I "feel" about a United Space force? Um well, regretful we have to militarize everything. Why can't we just leave all pettiness and territoriality on earth? Can't we transcend all that? Rhetorical question.
Stupid and costly idea.
John F Kenned called on the nation to look towards the FUTURE and reach for the stars.

The discoveries, the innovations, the advancements in so many areas, and the creations and products that his decision and our taking up the challenge to go to space led to are historic, record-setting, world-changing, and have resulted in hundreds of billions of dollars in commerce in industry...

...and there were short-sighted, unimaginative people just like you who said the exact same words you just did after hearing J F K's words.

As a result of Bill Clinton selling the Chinese U.S. missile tachnology, the Chinese now have the CURRENT capability to destroy orbiting satellites, capable of disrupting commercial and military communications and operations. And that's their CURRENT capability....

Much like JFK, President Trump is looking to the future, not at today's threats and opportunities but those we still face / those yet to come.

The reason we are the greatest nation in the world is because we have had vision, courage, and fearless LEADERS ... Not FOLLOWERS....leaders like Kennedy...and now Trump.

...and we still have short-sighted, unimaginative people who say looking to the future and leading the rest of the world is stupid and a costly idea.
Break out your checkbook and be generous

When Barry was President, did you ever look at your phone bill and notice the tax on your phone to provide people with free Obama phones? I don't ever remember such a tax being talked about or even voted upon, and I know I never agreed to pay more money out of my pocket to give people who already had phones another 'free' phone.

At least I'll get something for my money this time..
Stupid and costly idea.

Part of me says the same. I mean, just look at this probe they were sending to the sun. It was Just past a time window where everything was perfect,and they scrubbed the mission. Just doing things in space is costly and very difficult. We have a “space force” already if you count NASA. Now nothing is wrong with working towards a “space force”. Finding out how to quickly and efficiently train people to go to as well as move and fight in space. They can also develop gear for working up there to. This is something you can’t just DO. As it is now “space force” would just be yet another fovrenment organization that does nothing but soak up tax payer money.
I give it as much of a chance as Mexico paying for our wall

We're gonna build a space force and the Romulans are going to pay for it

President Fart

I have a question about space force
When will Puerto Rico have electricity?
only about 14 thousand are still without....
Why can't you dumbfucks create polls with reasonable answers for all perspectives? It's like your ideology is stuck so far up your ass its fucking with your higher brain functions.

The answer is YES, space is our inevitable future and the only real question is do we let China and Russia dominate that eventual move or do we take the lead...

I say we grab the bull by the horns and get with it.
Having said that I believe our focus in space should be for the betterment of mankind not military conquest. For instance we should already have platforms positioned around the globe from which we could launch necessary missions when the eventual life killer asteroid is discovered. THAT should be a mission that the UN is involved in, where every country commits to the defense of human kind.
But instead we waste resources watching plants grow in space while rats run in wheels to study the effects of low or no gravity. Our ambition (or lack there of) is pathetic.

So yes leftard, we should be adventuring out into space.

The problem with that is YOU are so far behind with your own knowledge of our military scientists, programs and planners.

What made you think we are not developing those weapons right now?
What made you think Russia and China is ahead of us?

They don’t even have a good missile than can shoot down incoming missiles.

You have both Russia and China trying to steal military and commercial technology from the west.

We even have a live ROVER roaming Mars flat areas.

We are way far more advance than these 2 countries combined.

We already have on going anti asteroid program. See link.

NASA’S First Asteroid Deflection Mission Enters Next Design Phase

Thank you, a post both thoughtful and thought provoking.
Gramps thoughtful?...

My response was to charwin 95, not Gramps.
Stupid and costly idea.
John F Kenned called on the nation to look towards the FUTURE and reach for the stars.

The discoveries, the innovations, the advancements in so many areas, and the creations and products that his decision and our taking up the challenge to go to space led to are historic, record-setting, world-changing, and have resulted in hundreds of billions of dollars in commerce in industry...

...and there were short-sighted, unimaginative people just like you who said the exact same words you just did after hearing J F K's words.

As a result of Bill Clinton selling the Chinese U.S. missile tachnology, the Chinese now have the CURRENT capability to destroy orbiting satellites, capable of disrupting commercial and military communications and operations. And that's their CURRENT capability....

Much like JFK, President Trump is looking to the future, not at today's threats and opportunities but those we still face / those yet to come.

The reason we are the greatest nation in the world is because we have had vision, courage, and fearless LEADERS ... Not FOLLOWERS....leaders like Kennedy...and now Trump.

...and we still have short-sighted, unimaginative people who say looking to the future and leading the rest of the world is stupid and a costly idea.
Comparing Trump in any way to Kennedy? Have you really lost your mind? Trump THE worst compared to one of our best?? We are now isolated, Countries who won't take Trumps shit will now deal with Russia the EU ,india etc etc and tell trump to stick his sanctions where the sun don't shine
Comparing Trump in any way to Kennedy? Have you really lost your mind? Trump THE worst compared to one of our best?? We are now isolated, Countries who won't take Trumps shit will now deal with Russia the EU ,india etc etc and tell trump to stick his sanctions where the sun don't shine
1. Kennedy would be considered a Republican today. He would not even recognize the Democratic Party today - a bunch of criminals and traitors who side with and help terrorists, Russians, Iran...who run criminals / felons for as his Party's nominee....

2. Trump is already one of the best Presidents in US history based on the factual results / success he has brought about ... despite all of your denial and lies to the contrary.
Comparing Trump in any way to Kennedy? Have you really lost your mind? Trump THE worst compared to one of our best?? We are now isolated, Countries who won't take Trumps shit will now deal with Russia the EU ,india etc etc and tell trump to stick his sanctions where the sun don't shine
1. Kennedy would be considered a Republican today. He would not even recognize the Democratic Party today - a bunch of criminals and traitors who side with and help terrorists, Russians, Iran...who run criminals / felons for as his Party's nominee....

2. Trump is already one of the best Presidents in US history based on the factual results / success he has brought about ... despite all of your denial and lies to the contrary.
You are smoking K2?
Stupid and costly idea.

Part of me says the same. I mean, just look at this probe they were sending to the sun. It was Just past a time window where everything was perfect,and they scrubbed the mission. Just doing things in space is costly and very difficult. We have a “space force” already if you count NASA. Now nothing is wrong with working towards a “space force”. Finding out how to quickly and efficiently train people to go to as well as move and fight in space. They can also develop gear for working up there to. This is something you can’t just DO. As it is now “space force” would just be yet another fovrenment organization that does nothing but soak up tax payer money.
I give it as much of a chance as Mexico paying for our wall

We're gonna build a space force and the Romulans are going to pay for it

President Fart

I have a question about space force
When will Puerto Rico have electricity?
only about 14 thousand are still without....

What we really need is team America.


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