How Does Taxing the Rich "Help" the Middle Class?

For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay income and most likely not property taxes.

But their landlord pays property taxes with their money


signs of desperation?

streeeeeeetch much leftard???
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay income and most likely not property taxes.

But their landlord pays property taxes with their money

Bam! In one, moment of partial lucidity you glimpsed one tiny nugget of truth. The Democrats ... are lying to you. Taxes are embedded in the price of the products we buy. If you grasped the implication of that, it would rock your world regarding your brain dead politics. Sadly I'm sure that epiphany will stay there and you won't actually connect it to anything else

Was there some indication where you believe I said taxes arent included in things we buy? Because you saying "The sky is blue....The Dems are lying to you" and cheering about it
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right? suck at logic....but try it again.

Well thats a convincing argument...for a 4 year old
Here is an ugly little truth about the "tax cuts for the rich" crowd.

Like a graphic editor...the aspect ratio is often locked so that the image is not distorted.....The same principle applies for taxation...

Tax increases on the rich also increases taxes on the middle class.
Tax cuts on the rich also lowers taxes on the middle class.

I'm sure you all remember the Bush tax cuts.....

Tax cuts for the rich........they screamed.....even though taxes across the board were cut.

When it came time for Obama to rescind those tax cuts....the middle class had a tax increase was well......The left were screaming about how it was unfair to the middle class.....

But wait.....wasn't it cut JUST on the RICH?

Turns out, it wasn't.

And it never is....

Long past time to put this lie to bed....along with the black lies matter crowd too.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right? suck at logic....but try it again.

Well thats a convincing argument...for a 4 year old
Well, I try to talk down to those I know cannot keep up mentally.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.
That's not true Darkwind, on property taxes.... the poor just buy cheaper homes, it is less than paying rent....

My husband comes from a family with very humble beginnings....they were extremely poor, but they bought their home for $6000 in 1962, made every payment for 25 years, till they finally owned it outright.... it was a very small 3 bedroom/1 bath, with mom and dad and 5 children along with another homeless child that they took me, they were poor....but they did not know they were poor....they just were grateful for every little bit they had.... when my mother in law passed away a few years back, her home was appraised at $250k....she and Matt's father were never middle class, always poor...who would have thought that tiny home was worth so much after 45 years?
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.
That's not true Darkwind, on property taxes.... the poor just buy cheaper homes, it is less than paying rent....

My husband comes from a family with very humble beginnings....they were extremely poor, but they bought their home for $6000 in 1962, made every payment for 25 years, till they finally owned it outright.... it was a very small 3 bedroom/1 bath, with mom and dad and 5 children along with another homeless child that they took me, they were poor....but they did not know they were poor....they just were grateful for every little bit they had.... when my mother in law passed away a few years back, her home was appraised at $250k....she and Matt's father were never middle class, always poor...who would have thought that tiny home was worth so much after 45 years?
Again, you just made My point......Yeah, they bought it for six grand in '62....a lot of money back then..

But it was worth 250 grand when appraised.

One is never poor when they have a quarter million dollars in assets.

Look, we were poor when I was growing up too.....I started out with nothing and have a great deal of it left to this day! hehe

But in all seriousness...if they are in need of cash to make ends meet, then you sell.....

That is, after all, what the government requires of you if you want to move into a government run housing assistance program for the elderly.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay income and most likely not property taxes.

Many poor people own property

Many inherit farms or houses that have been in their family for years. Doesn't mean they are not poor
Tax increases on the rich also increases taxes on the middle class.
Tax cuts on the rich also lowers taxes on the middle class.

Not to cognizant of your surroundings either, are you?

So lets get this straight...The rich and middle class are linked and cannot be taxed differently because they are like Siamese twins. Great talking to you *pats on the head*
Wow you are fucking stupid......and dishonest...

I never said that...

But you go ahead and find a tax bill in which one class of people had taxes increased ONLY upon them and not the other classes of people...

When they say 'tax the rich' they never raise the top brackets and leave the rest alone....they raise them across the board.....Understand yet retard?

When they lower taxes, Like Bush did, they lower EVERY FUCKING BRACKET......

Understand yet? Need your helmet before you go outside friend?
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay income and most likely not property taxes.

But their landlord pays property taxes with their money

Bam! In one, moment of partial lucidity you glimpsed one tiny nugget of truth. The Democrats ... are lying to you. Taxes are embedded in the price of the products we buy. If you grasped the implication of that, it would rock your world regarding your brain dead politics. Sadly I'm sure that epiphany will stay there and you won't actually connect it to anything else

Was there some indication where you believe I said taxes arent included in things we buy? Because you saying "The sky is blue....The Dems are lying to you" and cheering about it

If you actually grasped that taxes are embedded in the products we buy, you would stop fucking around with your tax the rich bull shit and advocate simple, flat taxes
Okay then....using your uh....logic...if one were to post 3 well known examples that refute yours, would that mean you are wrong to conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth?
I'd like to know just how hard a hedge fund manager works that would justify making $39,000/hr?
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.

Won't be able to pay for that military if you do that.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.

Won't be able to pay for that military if you do that.
Well, that made no sense....
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay income and most likely not property taxes.

But their landlord pays property taxes with their money

Bam! In one, moment of partial lucidity you glimpsed one tiny nugget of truth. The Democrats ... are lying to you. Taxes are embedded in the price of the products we buy. If you grasped the implication of that, it would rock your world regarding your brain dead politics. Sadly I'm sure that epiphany will stay there and you won't actually connect it to anything else

Was there some indication where you believe I said taxes arent included in things we buy? Because you saying "The sky is blue....The Dems are lying to you" and cheering about it

If you actually grasped that taxes are embedded in the products we buy, you would stop fucking around with your tax the rich bull shit and advocate simple, flat taxes

I have grasped that but understanding that doesnt mean I have to agree with anything you declare I should fuck face. I never even brought up flat taxes at all.

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