How Does Taxing the Rich "Help" the Middle Class?

For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.
That's not true Darkwind, on property taxes.... the poor just buy cheaper homes, it is less than paying rent....

My husband comes from a family with very humble beginnings....they were extremely poor, but they bought their home for $6000 in 1962, made every payment for 25 years, till they finally owned it outright.... it was a very small 3 bedroom/1 bath, with mom and dad and 5 children along with another homeless child that they took me, they were poor....but they did not know they were poor....they just were grateful for every little bit they had.... when my mother in law passed away a few years back, her home was appraised at $250k....she and Matt's father were never middle class, always poor...who would have thought that tiny home was worth so much after 45 years?
Again, you just made My point......Yeah, they bought it for six grand in '62....a lot of money back then..

But it was worth 250 grand when appraised.

One is never poor when they have a quarter million dollars in assets.

Look, we were poor when I was growing up too.....I started out with nothing and have a great deal of it left to this day! hehe

But in all seriousness...if they are in need of cash to make ends meet, then you sell.....

That is, after all, what the government requires of you if you want to move into a government run housing assistance program for the elderly.
She and my father in law, NEVER EVER got to see that money that their house was was their home, they lived there and could not afford to buy another home, which would have used their home's new value.... they were not wise to the market or borrowing on their own home...they were so grateful it was paid off and did not have a mortgage payment anymore because their property taxes kept getting higher and higher....

once you pay the estate lawyer and bills and funerals, with the $250k house being split among 5 children, no one got rich off of it.....especially my dead in laws.
Okay then....using your uh....logic...if one were to post 3 well known examples that refute yours, would that mean you are wrong to conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth?
I'd like to know just how hard a hedge fund manager works that would justify making $39,000/hr?
best way to find out is to get the same education he has and see.
This is what Liberals keep saying, but Just how does that work, when the Government keeps the money?
By making the the rich pay their fair share , they have the best ways to avoid paying taxes. If they do pay taxes, it is very little compared to what a minimum an hour employee pays.

The 1950's middle class boom came from having the rich extremes pay their fair share.
And? You paid nothing because you're a moocher. People who don't pay taxes are looking to mooch off the rest of us that actually work hard for a living. Why didn't you kick in your fair share???
such as?

I didn't set the numbers, moronic leftist like you did. The tax system is set the way you want it, not me. So suck it my bitch, and while your at it, pick me up sammich.

"I didn't set the numbers, so I'm ok with being lazy and living off the people who actually work hard".
I don't live off anyone.
I pay my bills, buy my own food.

You're just a pathetic loser that has no idea how to support your own policies. You just want some pathetic revenge b/c someone has more than you.

You are years past time to have grown up and learned that life is not fair.

Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
Internet tough guy.

that's what you are

you lack the manhood to stay on subject, so you attack me and my personal life.

what a sad pathetic worm you are. Do you feel better acting like this? Does it make you feel all manly? Will you go tell you FB "friends" how you gave hell to a poor man?

I work and take no handouts.

when life gets hard, I dig in and push harder. wimps like you run to mommy and daddy and cry that it's not fair

shame they failed to raise you into a man

I have no problems with the poor, I have problems with hypocrites. You happen to be both.

The fact that you can't see your own hypocrisy explains a lot. You support a party that blames the countries problems on the poor and comes up with 'solutions' that favor the rich. And you as a poor person support that. Oh I get it, it's those OTHER poor people that are the problem, not you. Right?

Simply amazing.
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.
That's not true Darkwind, on property taxes.... the poor just buy cheaper homes, it is less than paying rent....

My husband comes from a family with very humble beginnings....they were extremely poor, but they bought their home for $6000 in 1962, made every payment for 25 years, till they finally owned it outright.... it was a very small 3 bedroom/1 bath, with mom and dad and 5 children along with another homeless child that they took me, they were poor....but they did not know they were poor....they just were grateful for every little bit they had.... when my mother in law passed away a few years back, her home was appraised at $250k....she and Matt's father were never middle class, always poor...who would have thought that tiny home was worth so much after 45 years?
Again, you just made My point......Yeah, they bought it for six grand in '62....a lot of money back then..

But it was worth 250 grand when appraised.

One is never poor when they have a quarter million dollars in assets.

Look, we were poor when I was growing up too.....I started out with nothing and have a great deal of it left to this day! hehe

But in all seriousness...if they are in need of cash to make ends meet, then you sell.....

That is, after all, what the government requires of you if you want to move into a government run housing assistance program for the elderly.
She and my father in law, NEVER EVER got to see that money that their house was was their home, they lived there and could not afford to buy another home, which would have used their home's new value.... they were not wise to the market or borrowing on their own home...they were so grateful it was paid off and did not have a mortgage payment anymore because their property taxes kept getting higher and higher....

once you pay the estate lawyer and bills and funerals, with the $250k house being split among 5 children, no one got rich off of it.....especially my dead in laws.
Sure, but that isn't the argument. The arguement is that poor own property....and I say that if you own 250k worth of property, you are not poor.

Failing to utilize that asset does not alter or diminish My argument.
Working smarter is always preferable to working harder....but none of that matters..

I never.............NEVER...........have to justify My earnings to anyone....
Hedge fund managers make their money off something that was illegal in this country for a half century....................derrivitives.
This is what Liberals keep saying, but Just how does that work, when the Government keeps the money?
How does making the the rich pay their fair share is the question , they have the best ways to avoid paying taxes. If they do pay taxes, it is very little compared to what a minimum an hour employee pays.

The 1950's middle class boom came from having the rich extremes pay their fair share.
First you have to define what "fair share" actually means in dollar amounts...
You then have to reconcile the fact that it is hardly fair by any definition.

The middle class was born because business boomed and provided good jobs at decent wages. This occurred because there was little downward pressure by government on business....

Lets remember what middle class means. It means they are making a wage or income from a business that exceeds an arbitrary income range on a government calculated scale.

That means that middle class is defined by their income....

It could just as easily be argued that to ease the burden on the middle class, you simply have to reduce the burden on taxes by removing programs in government that use those extra taxes.
Working smarter is always preferable to working harder....but none of that matters..

I never.............NEVER...........have to justify My earnings to anyone....
Hedge fund managers make their money off something that was illegal in this country for a half century....................derrivitives.
Is it illegal now?

Because if that is your argument, then you are against all the pot sellers in Colorado...
such as?

I didn't set the numbers, moronic leftist like you did. The tax system is set the way you want it, not me. So suck it my bitch, and while your at it, pick me up sammich.

"I didn't set the numbers, so I'm ok with being lazy and living off the people who actually work hard".
I don't live off anyone.
I pay my bills, buy my own food.

You're just a pathetic loser that has no idea how to support your own policies. You just want some pathetic revenge b/c someone has more than you.

You are years past time to have grown up and learned that life is not fair.

Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
Internet tough guy.

that's what you are

you lack the manhood to stay on subject, so you attack me and my personal life.

what a sad pathetic worm you are. Do you feel better acting like this? Does it make you feel all manly? Will you go tell you FB "friends" how you gave hell to a poor man?

I work and take no handouts.

when life gets hard, I dig in and push harder. wimps like you run to mommy and daddy and cry that it's not fair

shame they failed to raise you into a man

I have no problems with the poor, I have problems with hypocrites. You happen to be both.

The fact that you can't see your own hypocrisy explains a lot. You support a party that blames the countries problems on the poor and comes up with 'solutions' that favor the rich. And you as a poor person support that. Oh I get it, it's those OTHER poor people that are the problem, not you. Right?

Simply amazing.
This entire reply is BS.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.
That's not true Darkwind, on property taxes.... the poor just buy cheaper homes, it is less than paying rent....

My husband comes from a family with very humble beginnings....they were extremely poor, but they bought their home for $f6000 in 1962, made every payment for 25 years, till they finally owned it outright.... it was a very small 3 bedroom/1 bath, with mom and dad and 5 children along with another homeless child that they took me, they were poor....but they did not know they were poor....they just were grateful for every little bit they had.... when my mother in law passed away a few years back, her home was appraised at $250k....she and Matt's father were never middle class, always poor...who would have thought that tiny home was worth so much after 45 years?
Again, you just made My point......Yeah, they bought it for six grand in '62....a lot of money back then..

But it was worth 250 grand when appraised.

One is never poor when they have a quarter million dollars in assets.

Look, we were poor when I was growing up too.....I started out with nothing and have a great deal of it left to this day! hehe

But in all seriousness...if they are in need of cash to make ends meet, then you sell.....

That is, after all, what the government requires of you if you want to move into a government run housing assistance program for the elderly.
The average home price in the USA in 1962 was $12,500....I just looked it the $6000 they paid for a home was less than 50% of the I said, the poor buy homes, they are just cheaper homes in poorer in-laws neighborhood, turned out to be prized property and a good neighborhood over the 45 years...people are buying the small tiny homes on this street, and just leveling them, and putting up 2 story mansions....

old people don't just sell their homes, especially when it took blood sweat and tears to buy it, over decades of time....and my inlaws NEVER took a penny from government, they didn't even know they could...they just worked harder and harder....they did get help from their Church....not money, but food, or a babysitter, or the help of a maintenance guy to help fix something....or build her deck in the back....
"I didn't set the numbers, so I'm ok with being lazy and living off the people who actually work hard".
I don't live off anyone.
I pay my bills, buy my own food.

You're just a pathetic loser that has no idea how to support your own policies. You just want some pathetic revenge b/c someone has more than you.

You are years past time to have grown up and learned that life is not fair.

Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
Internet tough guy.

that's what you are

you lack the manhood to stay on subject, so you attack me and my personal life.

what a sad pathetic worm you are. Do you feel better acting like this? Does it make you feel all manly? Will you go tell you FB "friends" how you gave hell to a poor man?

I work and take no handouts.

when life gets hard, I dig in and push harder. wimps like you run to mommy and daddy and cry that it's not fair

shame they failed to raise you into a man

I have no problems with the poor, I have problems with hypocrites. You happen to be both.

The fact that you can't see your own hypocrisy explains a lot. You support a party that blames the countries problems on the poor and comes up with 'solutions' that favor the rich. And you as a poor person support that. Oh I get it, it's those OTHER poor people that are the problem, not you. Right?

Simply amazing.
This entire reply is BS.

Thanks for your valuable feedback. Truly insightful.
This is what Liberals keep saying, but Just how does that work, when the Government keeps the money?

Conservatives ALWAYS simple answers to complex issues

The Middle Class is not “Normal”

There’s nothing “normal” about having a middle class. Having a middle class is a choice that a society has to make, and it’s a choice we need to make again in this generation, if we want to stop the destruction of the remnants of the last generation's middle class. Despite what you might read in the Wall Street Journal or see on Fox News, capitalism is not an economic system that produces a middle class. In fact, if left to its own devices, capitalism tends towards vast levels of inequality and monopoly. The natural and most stable state of capitalism actually looks a lot like the Victorian England depicted in Charles Dickens’ novels.

At the top there is a very small class of superrich. Below them, there is a slightly larger, but still very small, "middle" class of professionals and mercantilists - doctor, lawyers, shop-owners - who help keep things running for the superrich and supply the working poor with their needs. And at the very bottom there is the great mass of people - typically over 90 percent of the population - who make up the working poor. They have no wealth - in fact they're typically in debt most of their lives - and can barely survive on what little money they make.

So, for average working people, there is no such thing as a middle class in “normal” capitalism. Wealth accumulates at the very top among the elites, not among everyday working people. Inequality is the default option.

You can see this trend today in America. When we had heavily regulated and taxed capitalism in the post-war era, the largest employer in America was General Motors, and they paid working people what would be, in today's dollars, about $50 an hour with benefits. Reagan began deregulating and cutting taxes on capitalism in 1981, and today, with more classical "raw capitalism," what we call "Reaganomics," or "supply side economics," our nation's largest employer is WalMart and they pay around $10 an hour.

This is how quickly capitalism reorients itself when the brakes of regulation and taxes are removed - this huge change was done in less than 35 years. The only ways a working-class "middle class" can come about in a capitalist society are by massive social upheaval - a middle class emerged after the Black Plague in Europe in the 14th century - or by heavily taxing the rich.

The Middle Class is not “Normal”

Why Raising Taxes On The Rich Is Important

Why Raising Taxes On The Rich Is Important

The fact of the matter is that the American tax code as a whole is almost perfectly flat. The bottom 20% of earners make 3% of the income and pay 2% of the taxes; the middle 20% make 11% and pay 10%; and the top 1% make 21% and pay 22%.

IF the US went back to a higher tax rate (effective) like we did 1932-1980, how would it look?


Assume the "job creator had an income of $10,000,000 and paid a 19% federal EFFECTIVE tax rate ($1.9 million taxes) but IF they top rate was 70% ($7 million taxes), WOULD HE GROW HIS BIZ BY EXPANDING HIS COMP AND HIRING MORE EMPLOYEES? Instead today, the "job creator" just pays lows taxes and takes the money and GAMBLES it on Vegas East (WS)
I don't live off anyone.
I pay my bills, buy my own food.

You're just a pathetic loser that has no idea how to support your own policies. You just want some pathetic revenge b/c someone has more than you.

You are years past time to have grown up and learned that life is not fair.

Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
Internet tough guy.

that's what you are

you lack the manhood to stay on subject, so you attack me and my personal life.

what a sad pathetic worm you are. Do you feel better acting like this? Does it make you feel all manly? Will you go tell you FB "friends" how you gave hell to a poor man?

I work and take no handouts.

when life gets hard, I dig in and push harder. wimps like you run to mommy and daddy and cry that it's not fair

shame they failed to raise you into a man

I have no problems with the poor, I have problems with hypocrites. You happen to be both.

The fact that you can't see your own hypocrisy explains a lot. You support a party that blames the countries problems on the poor and comes up with 'solutions' that favor the rich. And you as a poor person support that. Oh I get it, it's those OTHER poor people that are the problem, not you. Right?

Simply amazing.
This entire reply is BS.

Thanks for your valuable feedback. Truly insightful.


it must be both of us them dude; cuz i dont see what insight YOU are providing Care4all
This is what Liberals keep saying, but Just how does that work, when the Government keeps the money?

Conservatives ALWAYS simple answers to complex issues

The Middle Class is not “Normal”

There’s nothing “normal” about having a middle class. Having a middle class is a choice that a society has to make, and it’s a choice we need to make again in this generation, if we want to stop the destruction of the remnants of the last generation's middle class. Despite what you might read in the Wall Street Journal or see on Fox News, capitalism is not an economic system that produces a middle class. In fact, if left to its own devices, capitalism tends towards vast levels of inequality and monopoly. The natural and most stable state of capitalism actually looks a lot like the Victorian England depicted in Charles Dickens’ novels.

At the top there is a very small class of superrich. Below them, there is a slightly larger, but still very small, "middle" class of professionals and mercantilists - doctor, lawyers, shop-owners - who help keep things running for the superrich and supply the working poor with their needs. And at the very bottom there is the great mass of people - typically over 90 percent of the population - who make up the working poor. They have no wealth - in fact they're typically in debt most of their lives - and can barely survive on what little money they make.

So, for average working people, there is no such thing as a middle class in “normal” capitalism. Wealth accumulates at the very top among the elites, not among everyday working people. Inequality is the default option.

You can see this trend today in America. When we had heavily regulated and taxed capitalism in the post-war era, the largest employer in America was General Motors, and they paid working people what would be, in today's dollars, about $50 an hour with benefits. Reagan began deregulating and cutting taxes on capitalism in 1981, and today, with more classical "raw capitalism," what we call "Reaganomics," or "supply side economics," our nation's largest employer is WalMart and they pay around $10 an hour.

This is how quickly capitalism reorients itself when the brakes of regulation and taxes are removed - this huge change was done in less than 35 years. The only ways a working-class "middle class" can come about in a capitalist society are by massive social upheaval - a middle class emerged after the Black Plague in Europe in the 14th century - or by heavily taxing the rich.

The Middle Class is not “Normal”

Why Raising Taxes On The Rich Is Important

Why Raising Taxes On The Rich Is Important

The fact of the matter is that the American tax code as a whole is almost perfectly flat. The bottom 20% of earners make 3% of the income and pay 2% of the taxes; the middle 20% make 11% and pay 10%; and the top 1% make 21% and pay 22%.

IF the US went back to a higher tax rate (effective) like we did 1932-1980, how would it look?


Assume the "job creator had an income of $10,000,000 and paid a 19% federal EFFECTIVE tax rate ($1.9 million taxes) but IF they top rate was 70% ($7 million taxes), WOULD HE GROW HIS BIZ BY EXPANDING HIS COMP AND HIRING MORE EMPLOYEES? Instead today, the "job creator" just pays lows taxes and takes the money and GAMBLES it on Vegas East (WS)

are you even capable of thinking for yourself????

or is regurgitating Soros' spoonfed propaganda all you can manage?
The poor don't pay taxes that's the truth.
That's simply not true...the poor do pay Federal taxes and State taxes....they pay ciggie taxes, liquor taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, if they own a home property taxes, and medicare taxes and social security taxes and buy the most lottery tickets which is also money going to the State... gvt fees etc etc etc....they may not pay an income tax but they MOST CERTAINLY pay taxes that pay the one gets away with least not for any length of time.... two things guaranteed in life, even for the poor...taxes, and death.
You just made the case for abolishing federal income taxes...

We already pay enough taxes without the fed income tax....

BTW....if you own property, you are not poor by definition....unless you sell said property to pay for whatever vice they have.
That's not true Darkwind, on property taxes.... the poor just buy cheaper homes, it is less than paying rent....

My husband comes from a family with very humble beginnings....they were extremely poor, but they bought their home for $f6000 in 1962, made every payment for 25 years, till they finally owned it outright.... it was a very small 3 bedroom/1 bath, with mom and dad and 5 children along with another homeless child that they took me, they were poor....but they did not know they were poor....they just were grateful for every little bit they had.... when my mother in law passed away a few years back, her home was appraised at $250k....she and Matt's father were never middle class, always poor...who would have thought that tiny home was worth so much after 45 years?
Again, you just made My point......Yeah, they bought it for six grand in '62....a lot of money back then..

But it was worth 250 grand when appraised.

One is never poor when they have a quarter million dollars in assets.

Look, we were poor when I was growing up too.....I started out with nothing and have a great deal of it left to this day! hehe

But in all seriousness...if they are in need of cash to make ends meet, then you sell.....

That is, after all, what the government requires of you if you want to move into a government run housing assistance program for the elderly.
The average home price in the USA in 1962 was $12,500....I just looked it the $6000 they paid for a home was less than 50% of the I said, the poor buy homes, they are just cheaper homes in poorer in-laws neighborhood, turned out to be prized property and a good neighborhood over the 45 years...people are buying the small tiny homes on this street, and just leveling them, and putting up 2 story mansions....

old people don't just sell their homes, especially when it took blood sweat and tears to buy it, over decades of time....and my inlaws NEVER took a penny from government, they didn't even know they could...they just worked harder and harder....they did get help from their Church....not money, but food, or a babysitter, or the help of a maintenance guy to help fix something....or build her deck in the back....
I guess you're not following My argument.

Making a purchase you can afford is all well and good. But simply because you have no disposable cash and yet own property does not make one poor.

An example......A couple live frugally because they think its a proper kind of life, but also because they make little money....they live this way their entire a box buried under the back bedroom bed, is a single gold bar that weighs 400 oz. They saved up an squirreled way the gold bar for a rainy day. Yet they continue live as they alway have....

Outwardly, they appear poor but they are not...

In 1962, that gold was $19.75 per oz.....

Today gold is 1123.00 per oz.....

They are the same the same way....are they poor?
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
Internet tough guy.

that's what you are

you lack the manhood to stay on subject, so you attack me and my personal life.

what a sad pathetic worm you are. Do you feel better acting like this? Does it make you feel all manly? Will you go tell you FB "friends" how you gave hell to a poor man?

I work and take no handouts.

when life gets hard, I dig in and push harder. wimps like you run to mommy and daddy and cry that it's not fair

shame they failed to raise you into a man

I have no problems with the poor, I have problems with hypocrites. You happen to be both.

The fact that you can't see your own hypocrisy explains a lot. You support a party that blames the countries problems on the poor and comes up with 'solutions' that favor the rich. And you as a poor person support that. Oh I get it, it's those OTHER poor people that are the problem, not you. Right?

Simply amazing.
This entire reply is BS.

Thanks for your valuable feedback. Truly insightful.


it must be both of us them dude; cuz i dont see what insight YOU are providing Care4all

Can someone translate this in to English for me please.
Last edited:
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
Internet tough guy.

that's what you are

you lack the manhood to stay on subject, so you attack me and my personal life.

what a sad pathetic worm you are. Do you feel better acting like this? Does it make you feel all manly? Will you go tell you FB "friends" how you gave hell to a poor man?

I work and take no handouts.

when life gets hard, I dig in and push harder. wimps like you run to mommy and daddy and cry that it's not fair

shame they failed to raise you into a man

I have no problems with the poor, I have problems with hypocrites. You happen to be both.

The fact that you can't see your own hypocrisy explains a lot. You support a party that blames the countries problems on the poor and comes up with 'solutions' that favor the rich. And you as a poor person support that. Oh I get it, it's those OTHER poor people that are the problem, not you. Right?

Simply amazing.
This entire reply is BS.

Thanks for your valuable feedback. Truly insightful.


it must be both of us them dude; cuz i dont see what insight YOU are providing Care4all
I'm having a conversation...not providing insight.

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