How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Governments job is to do what needs doing in the interests of We the People

What a sad, sad statement. And what an indictment on America today.

Just out of curiosity left-winger - if it is in the interest of We the People to exterminate all liberals (since they are destroying the U.S. Constitution and stripping the American people of their rights and freedoms), would you support that? Be honest for a moment. Is it ok to murder if that's (and I quote) "what needs doing in the interest of We the People"?

The fact that you don't even know what government's real job is, is tragic. It shows a deep contempt for the U.S. You snub your nose and piss on the grave of the millions who died to give you the freedom that you not only take for granted, but which you trade like a useless asset for rationed, pitiful government table scraps.
Another amazingly ignorant and non Christian post.
I would love for you to explain

A.) what was "ignorant" about it


B.) what was "non-Christian" about it

The fact that you provide no evidence to back up your one sentence, nonsensical posts speaks volumes.
If you need an explanation then it's glaringly obvious you are not a Christian.

As to being ignorant .

How do you explain to an ignorant person likever yourself that they don't even know that they are ignorant.
Thank you for proving my point. You can't articulate either of your statements (you can't even begin to try) because neither are true.

another in an endless series of false assumptions...

here is the KJV definition of ignorance ( I chose it to point out your lack of knowledge about what you profess to believe.

KJV Dictionary Definition: ignorance
IG'NORANCE, n. L. ignorantia; ignoro,not to know; ignarus, ignorant; in and gnarus, knowing.

1. Want, absence or destitution of knowledge; the negative state of the mind which has not been instructed in arts, literature or science, or has not been informed of facts. Ignorance may be general, or it may be limited to particular subjects. Ignorance of the law does not excuse a man for violating it. Ignorance of facts if often venial.

Ignorance is not knowing, apathy is lack of wanting to do anything. (That's without looking it all up in Wikipedia.) If you are looking at ignorance on a social scale, there is some reason that a social group will be ignorant of something. There are sources of information that are used by a group that can be some sort of mass media or political power. The question is, if one is ignorant, is it because something or someone is being ignored, or just not looked for? There are written and unwritten rules of conduct that help put up blinders or remove blind spots. The culture one grows up with will educate the individual to exist in that culture. That can be beneficial, but it is usually blind to something.
as to non Christian your posts violate the most basic rules of Christianity
Luke 10:27].
Matthew 7:12
Luke 6:37
Proverbs 6:16-19

so you can STFU.
Got any links to support your claim of liberals "taking people's property in an illegal and evil way.

That's not my claim. Are you making stuff up now?

As I said, I consider liberalism evil because liberalism advocates taking people's property to give to others.

I don't see the word "illegal" in what I said. Why did you add it?
when you take some thing that doesn't belong to you it's illegal ,is it not?
yes that is your claim and you've provided no proof of it's validity .
as I said post links where liberalism actually takes property from people, not you opinion of what's evil.

Help people who need helping
That's not liberalism. That's charity.

Liberalism is using government force to take people's property in order to hand it over to others.

Governments job is to do what needs doing in the interests of We the People

Then why are doing what needs doing for Special Interest ?
It's the golden rule
He who has the gold makes the rules

So you admit you support a broken system ?

Or are you saying our government does not kowtow to Special Interests ?
when you take some thing that doesn't belong to you it's illegal ,is it not?

Not if you're the government.

yes that is your claim and you've provided no proof of it's validity .
as I said post links where liberalism actually takes property from people, not you opinion of what's evil.

Liberalism advocates taking people's property and handing it over to other people. Example? Welfare.
What a sad, sad statement. And what an indictment on America today.

Just out of curiosity left-winger - if it is in the interest of We the People to exterminate all liberals (since they are destroying the U.S. Constitution and stripping the American people of their rights and freedoms), would you support that? Be honest for a moment. Is it ok to murder if that's (and I quote) "what needs doing in the interest of We the People"?

The fact that you don't even know what government's real job is, is tragic. It shows a deep contempt for the U.S. You snub your nose and piss on the grave of the millions who died to give you the freedom that you not only take for granted, but which you trade like a useless asset for rationed, pitiful government table scraps.
Another amazingly ignorant and non Christian post.
I would love for you to explain

A.) what was "ignorant" about it


B.) what was "non-Christian" about it

The fact that you provide no evidence to back up your one sentence, nonsensical posts speaks volumes.
If you need an explanation then it's glaringly obvious you are not a Christian.

As to being ignorant .

How do you explain to an ignorant person likever yourself that they don't even know that they are ignorant.
Thank you for proving my point. You can't articulate either of your statements (you can't even begin to try) because neither are true.

another in an endless series of false assumptions...

here is the KJV definition of ignorance ( I chose it to point out your lack of knowledge about what you profess to believe.

KJV Dictionary Definition: ignorance
IG'NORANCE, n. L. ignorantia; ignoro,not to know; ignarus, ignorant; in and gnarus, knowing.

1. Want, absence or destitution of knowledge; the negative state of the mind which has not been instructed in arts, literature or science, or has not been informed of facts. Ignorance may be general, or it may be limited to particular subjects. Ignorance of the law does not excuse a man for violating it. Ignorance of facts if often venial.

Ignorance is not knowing, apathy is lack of wanting to do anything. (That's without looking it all up in Wikipedia.) If you are looking at ignorance on a social scale, there is some reason that a social group will be ignorant of something. There are sources of information that are used by a group that can be some sort of mass media or political power. The question is, if one is ignorant, is it because something or someone is being ignored, or just not looked for? There are written and unwritten rules of conduct that help put up blinders or remove blind spots. The culture one grows up with will educate the individual to exist in that culture. That can be beneficial, but it is usually blind to something.
as to non Christian your posts violate the most basic rules of Christianity
Luke 10:27].
Matthew 7:12
Luke 6:37
Proverbs 6:16-19

so you can STFU.
I noticed every time you get defeated in a debate, you immediately turn to personal insults and foul language. Prime example of the modern day liberal who has been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas.

Help people who need helping
That's not liberalism. That's charity.

Liberalism is using government force to take people's property in order to hand it over to others.

Governments job is to do what needs doing in the interests of We the People

Then why are doing what needs doing for Special Interest ?
Because they are we the people too.

And if the interests of the majority of We The People don't coincide with what is happening.....

The standard answers is....of course....change it.

Does not change that it is happening.

So most of the We The People can just bend over.....
I don't know of any conservative that opposes people's freedoms to engage in homosexuality. You're lying and you know it. What conservatives oppose is the sexual deviance that turns you on - like a cross-dressing pedophile being allowed into the girls bathroom to watch 8 year old girls change.

And I don't even play the "freedom" game from a bunch of people who work day and night to deny America their 1st Amendment rights, their 2nd Amendment rights, their 4th Amendment rights, and want to force everyone to accept sexual deviance. There is nobody who opposes freedom more than the left. If you truly embraced freedom, you would celebrate the freedom to be hateful, bigoted, racist, or homophobic. Because that is TRUE freedom. You hate freedom and everything about it. You want to force people to believe what you believe, think what you think, say what you say, and accept what you accept. The left is just a bunch of little Saddam Hussein's.
" I don't know" that's the first and only intelligent thing you've said in this thread.

Nice try.....ignore the rest.

Selective reason much ?
Fact. The rest is meaningless.

IOW: You've got nothing.
I need nothing .

Thanks for clearing that up.

You need nothing and you've got nothing.
Governments job is to do what needs doing in the interests of We the People

What a sad, sad statement. And what an indictment on America today.

Just out of curiosity left-winger - if it is in the interest of We the People to exterminate all liberals (since they are destroying the U.S. Constitution and stripping the American people of their rights and freedoms), would you support that? Be honest for a moment. Is it ok to murder if that's (and I quote) "what needs doing in the interest of We the People"?

The fact that you don't even know what government's real job is, is tragic. It shows a deep contempt for the U.S. You snub your nose and piss on the grave of the millions who died to give you the freedom that you not only take for granted, but which you trade like a useless asset for rationed, pitiful government table scraps.
Another amazingly ignorant and non Christian post.
I would love for you to explain

A.) what was "ignorant" about it


B.) what was "non-Christian" about it

The fact that you provide no evidence to back up your one sentence, nonsensical posts speaks volumes.
If you need an explanation then it's glaringly obvious you are not a Christian.

As to being ignorant .
How do you explain to an ignorant person likever yourself that they don't even know that they are ignorant.

Are the moron who posted the little meme about circular reasoning ?

Help people who need helping
That's not liberalism. That's charity.

Liberalism is using government force to take people's property in order to hand it over to others.

Governments job is to do what needs doing in the interests of We the People

Then why are doing what needs doing for Special Interest ?
It's the golden rule
He who has the gold makes the rules

So you admit you support a broken system ?

Or are you saying our government does not kowtow to Special Interests ?
how is it broken ,it has a shit load of things that need to fixed but it's far from broken .
if it were we would have been an Inquisition style theocracy by now.
Another amazingly ignorant and non Christian post.
I would love for you to explain

A.) what was "ignorant" about it


B.) what was "non-Christian" about it

The fact that you provide no evidence to back up your one sentence, nonsensical posts speaks volumes.
If you need an explanation then it's glaringly obvious you are not a Christian.

As to being ignorant .

How do you explain to an ignorant person likever yourself that they don't even know that they are ignorant.
Thank you for proving my point. You can't articulate either of your statements (you can't even begin to try) because neither are true.

another in an endless series of false assumptions...

here is the KJV definition of ignorance ( I chose it to point out your lack of knowledge about what you profess to believe.

KJV Dictionary Definition: ignorance
IG'NORANCE, n. L. ignorantia; ignoro,not to know; ignarus, ignorant; in and gnarus, knowing.

1. Want, absence or destitution of knowledge; the negative state of the mind which has not been instructed in arts, literature or science, or has not been informed of facts. Ignorance may be general, or it may be limited to particular subjects. Ignorance of the law does not excuse a man for violating it. Ignorance of facts if often venial.

Ignorance is not knowing, apathy is lack of wanting to do anything. (That's without looking it all up in Wikipedia.) If you are looking at ignorance on a social scale, there is some reason that a social group will be ignorant of something. There are sources of information that are used by a group that can be some sort of mass media or political power. The question is, if one is ignorant, is it because something or someone is being ignored, or just not looked for? There are written and unwritten rules of conduct that help put up blinders or remove blind spots. The culture one grows up with will educate the individual to exist in that culture. That can be beneficial, but it is usually blind to something.
as to non Christian your posts violate the most basic rules of Christianity
Luke 10:27].
Matthew 7:12
Luke 6:37
Proverbs 6:16-19

so you can STFU.
I noticed every time you get defeated in a debate, you immediately turn to personal insults and foul language. Prime example of the modern day liberal who has been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas.
really where was I defeated ?
this post like all your others makes
false claims and you get all catholic school nun about the language or spelling grammar etc.
the reality is I handed you your ass and being the coward you are ,you whine.
" I don't know" that's the first and only intelligent thing you've said in this thread.

Nice try.....ignore the rest.

Selective reason much ?
Fact. The rest is meaningless.

IOW: You've got nothing.
I need nothing .

Thanks for clearing that up.

You need nothing and you've got nothing.
no I have all need.
your responses prove it.
Governments job is to do what needs doing in the interests of We the People

What a sad, sad statement. And what an indictment on America today.

Just out of curiosity left-winger - if it is in the interest of We the People to exterminate all liberals (since they are destroying the U.S. Constitution and stripping the American people of their rights and freedoms), would you support that? Be honest for a moment. Is it ok to murder if that's (and I quote) "what needs doing in the interest of We the People"?

The fact that you don't even know what government's real job is, is tragic. It shows a deep contempt for the U.S. You snub your nose and piss on the grave of the millions who died to give you the freedom that you not only take for granted, but which you trade like a useless asset for rationed, pitiful government table scraps.
Another amazingly ignorant and non Christian post.
I would love for you to explain

A.) what was "ignorant" about it


B.) what was "non-Christian" about it

The fact that you provide no evidence to back up your one sentence, nonsensical posts speaks volumes.
If you need an explanation then it's glaringly obvious you are not a Christian.

As to being ignorant .
How do you explain to an ignorant person likever yourself that they don't even know that they are ignorant.

Are the moron who posted the little meme about circular reasoning ?
English ?
I would love for you to explain

A.) what was "ignorant" about it


B.) what was "non-Christian" about it

The fact that you provide no evidence to back up your one sentence, nonsensical posts speaks volumes.
If you need an explanation then it's glaringly obvious you are not a Christian.

As to being ignorant .

How do you explain to an ignorant person likever yourself that they don't even know that they are ignorant.
Thank you for proving my point. You can't articulate either of your statements (you can't even begin to try) because neither are true.

another in an endless series of false assumptions...

here is the KJV definition of ignorance ( I chose it to point out your lack of knowledge about what you profess to believe.

KJV Dictionary Definition: ignorance
IG'NORANCE, n. L. ignorantia; ignoro,not to know; ignarus, ignorant; in and gnarus, knowing.

1. Want, absence or destitution of knowledge; the negative state of the mind which has not been instructed in arts, literature or science, or has not been informed of facts. Ignorance may be general, or it may be limited to particular subjects. Ignorance of the law does not excuse a man for violating it. Ignorance of facts if often venial.

Ignorance is not knowing, apathy is lack of wanting to do anything. (That's without looking it all up in Wikipedia.) If you are looking at ignorance on a social scale, there is some reason that a social group will be ignorant of something. There are sources of information that are used by a group that can be some sort of mass media or political power. The question is, if one is ignorant, is it because something or someone is being ignored, or just not looked for? There are written and unwritten rules of conduct that help put up blinders or remove blind spots. The culture one grows up with will educate the individual to exist in that culture. That can be beneficial, but it is usually blind to something.
as to non Christian your posts violate the most basic rules of Christianity
Luke 10:27].
Matthew 7:12
Luke 6:37
Proverbs 6:16-19

so you can STFU.
I noticed every time you get defeated in a debate, you immediately turn to personal insults and foul language. Prime example of the modern day liberal who has been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas.
really where was I defeated ?
this post like all your others makes
false claims and you get all catholic school nun about the language or spelling grammar etc.
the reality is I handed you your ass and being the coward you are ,you whine.
Where were you defeated? Throughout this entire thread. You post one sentence opinions backed up by nothing. Meanwhile, the rest of us are posting facts backed up with links. The only thing you've posted outside of angry one sentence insults so far is a definition which only served to describe you. :lmao:
If you need an explanation then it's glaringly obvious you are not a Christian.

As to being ignorant .

How do you explain to an ignorant person likever yourself that they don't even know that they are ignorant.
Thank you for proving my point. You can't articulate either of your statements (you can't even begin to try) because neither are true.

another in an endless series of false assumptions...

here is the KJV definition of ignorance ( I chose it to point out your lack of knowledge about what you profess to believe.

KJV Dictionary Definition: ignorance
IG'NORANCE, n. L. ignorantia; ignoro,not to know; ignarus, ignorant; in and gnarus, knowing.

1. Want, absence or destitution of knowledge; the negative state of the mind which has not been instructed in arts, literature or science, or has not been informed of facts. Ignorance may be general, or it may be limited to particular subjects. Ignorance of the law does not excuse a man for violating it. Ignorance of facts if often venial.

Ignorance is not knowing, apathy is lack of wanting to do anything. (That's without looking it all up in Wikipedia.) If you are looking at ignorance on a social scale, there is some reason that a social group will be ignorant of something. There are sources of information that are used by a group that can be some sort of mass media or political power. The question is, if one is ignorant, is it because something or someone is being ignored, or just not looked for? There are written and unwritten rules of conduct that help put up blinders or remove blind spots. The culture one grows up with will educate the individual to exist in that culture. That can be beneficial, but it is usually blind to something.
as to non Christian your posts violate the most basic rules of Christianity
Luke 10:27].
Matthew 7:12
Luke 6:37
Proverbs 6:16-19

so you can STFU.
I noticed every time you get defeated in a debate, you immediately turn to personal insults and foul language. Prime example of the modern day liberal who has been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas.
really where was I defeated ?
this post like all your others makes
false claims and you get all catholic school nun about the language or spelling grammar etc.
the reality is I handed you your ass and being the coward you are ,you whine.
Where were you defeated? Throughout this entire thread. You post one sentence opinions backed up by nothing. Meanwhile, the rest of us are posting facts backed up with links. The only thing you've posted outside of angry one sentence insults so far is a definition which only served to describe you. :lmao:

argumentum ad populum .
used together is desperation incarnate.
btw rotten crotch .
I've posted 20 links in this thread to support my argument ,
you only 6 and two of those were you tube clips.
by that count, I'm beating the living shit out of you and your imaginary "WE"
Last edited:
when you take some thing that doesn't belong to you it's illegal ,is it not?

Not if you're the government.

yes that is your claim and you've provided no proof of it's validity .
as I said post links where liberalism actually takes property from people, not you opinion of what's evil.

Liberalism advocates taking people's property and handing it over to other people. Example? Welfare.
your first sentence kills your argument
your first sentence kills your argument

Then you don't understand my argument. I never said that welfare is illegal. I said it is evil.

Taking someone's property in order to hand it over to someone else is unethical and evil.
when you take some thing that doesn't belong to you it's illegal ,is it not?

Not if you're the government.

yes that is your claim and you've provided no proof of it's validity .
as I said post links where liberalism actually takes property from people, not you opinion of what's evil.

Liberalism advocates taking people's property and handing it over to other people. Example? Welfare.

No, it does not. Learn your terms.
"Welfare", depending on what you mean by it, may be leftism, but not Liberalism.

My go-to example for this runs thus:
To declare "all men are created equal" is Liberalism in essence. But to then try to make it happen artificially rather than organically via Affirmative Action, is leftism. Either one may be appropriate in a given situation, but the activist approach is the leftism (or rightism).
your first sentence kills your argument

Then you don't understand my argument. I never said that welfare is illegal. I said it is evil.

Taking someone's property in order to hand it over to someone else is unethical and evil.
that your opinion and you have no evidence to back it up have no "real" evidence that it is evil.

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