How Germany feels about Trump After the NATO Conference

What, ruin America? That's what you elected him for?

German will be spoken in Germany now, 10 years from now, and 100 years after that.

You do realise the german birthrate is was the lowest in the world right?
Well it was they are experiencing a boom in birthrates.
Good for them right?

Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years

You bring new meaning to the word moron.
DEPLORABLES being pulverized by substantiated facts.
Tramp's biggest enemy.

You need to work on reading comprehension.
My post was in no way supportive of I am 2,in fact it pointed out his complete ignorance.

You've shown nothing. This thread is about how Germany feels about Trump.

It's not good and you should be concerned.

You will understand why as Trump continues as president if he doesn't change.
Germany is one of our top allies.

“Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.”

“He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump. And one of the media’s tasks is to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House. Quickly. He is a danger to the world.”

Leave It To German Paper To Say What Every Sane American Thinks Of Trump; It’s F**king Brutal

The malignant narcissus really made an impression on the Germans.
But more than half ofAmerica feels the same way.

Yeah our allies consider Trump to be the drunken uncle you're forced to invite to the bar-b-q that sits alone in the yard and blurts out something outrageous every now and then.


Do snowflakes always make up what other people believe or think?
The short bus must have just pulled in.
Notice the non Trump supporters are the only ones using links. Duh.
You do realise the german birthrate is was the lowest in the world right?
Well it was they are experiencing a boom in birthrates.
Good for them right?

Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years

You bring new meaning to the word moron.
DEPLORABLES being pulverized by substantiated facts.
Tramp's biggest enemy.

You need to work on reading comprehension.
My post was in no way supportive of I am 2,in fact it pointed out his complete ignorance.

You've shown nothing. This thread is about how Germany feels about Trump.

It's not good and you should be concerned.

You will understand why as Trump continues as president if he doesn't change.
Why can't you articulate your position?
Who in America really gives a shit what Eurotrash think?

Only stupid Moon Bats.

Europe is being over run with Muslims nowadays and they are socialists so they have already fucked themselves so they have absolutely no credibility.
Germany is one of our top allies.

“Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.”

“He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump. And one of the media’s tasks is to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House. Quickly. He is a danger to the world.”

Leave It To German Paper To Say What Every Sane American Thinks Of Trump; It’s F**king Brutal

The malignant narcissus really made an impression on the Germans.
But more than half ofAmerica feels the same way.
Germany is a Muslim infected liberal infected pos. I am perfectly sane and I do NOT think bad of Trump. That makes you a liar. An insane liar. You nuts post the same shit day after day after day hoping for a different result but never getting it. That makes you insane. You take every media story and swallow it whole. Nut jobs man, all of of you.
DEPLORABLES being pulverized by substantiated facts.
Tramp's biggest enemy.

You need to work on reading comprehension.
My post was in no way supportive of I am 2,in fact it pointed out his complete ignorance.

You've shown nothing. This thread is about how Germany feels about Trump.

It's not good and you should be concerned.

You will understand why as Trump continues as president if he doesn't change.
Why can't you articulate your position?

Iam2 and unreasonable are pretty much on the short list for ignore.
All they do is post up bullshit and ignore any posts that cant be explained away without looking like a complete idiot.
DEPLORABLES being pulverized by substantiated facts.
Tramp's biggest enemy.

You need to work on reading comprehension.
My post was in no way supportive of I am 2,in fact it pointed out his complete ignorance.

You've shown nothing. This thread is about how Germany feels about Trump.

It's not good and you should be concerned.

You will understand why as Trump continues as president if he doesn't change.
Why can't you articulate your position?

You don't need his "articulation" to continue to lie. Go ahead on.
When you can't debate or defend the whiny little bitch's policies, resort to grammar errors. Lol

Your turn.

QUESTIONS for "Reasonable"

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

WHY is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is shrinking??


"you can't debate" = you in the mirror, libtard....

Alternative facts.Business as usual for you.

Western Antarctica's ice growing slightly but mostly because of the winter season. Eastern part is melting rapidly because of the warming oceans due to climate change.,

Moron in Chief: Climate change was invented by the Chinese. It's a hoax.

You didn't answer the questions. You also got the facts WRONG in your bogus chicken shit dodge of an answer....

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Antarctica, which is 90% of Earth ice, has added at least 80 billion tons of net ice every year since Algore started lying...
You need to work on reading comprehension.
My post was in no way supportive of I am 2,in fact it pointed out his complete ignorance.

You've shown nothing. This thread is about how Germany feels about Trump.

It's not good and you should be concerned.

You will understand why as Trump continues as president if he doesn't change.
Why can't you articulate your position?

Iam2 and unreasonable are pretty much on the short list for ignore.
All they do is post up bullshit and ignore any posts that cant be explained away without looking like a complete idiot.
I've backed up everything I have said. That really pisses off the no teeth brigade like you.
When you can't debate or defend the whiny little bitch's policies, resort to grammar errors. Lol

Your turn.

QUESTIONS for "Reasonable"

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

WHY is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is shrinking??


"you can't debate" = you in the mirror, libtard....

Alternative facts.Business as usual for you.

Western Antarctica's ice growing slightly but mostly because of the winter season. Eastern part is melting rapidly because of the warming oceans due to climate change.,

Moron in Chief: Climate change was invented by the Chinese. It's a hoax.

You didn't answer the questions. You also got the facts WRONG in your bogus chicken shit dodge of an answer....

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Antarctica, which is 90% of Earth ice, has added at least 80 billion tons of net ice every year since Algore started lying...
Quote NASA that global warming isn't happening... because we both know that's your long game.
You do realise the german birthrate is was the lowest in the world right?
Well it was they are experiencing a boom in birthrates.
Good for them right?

Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years

You bring new meaning to the word moron.
DEPLORABLES being pulverized by substantiated facts.
Tramp's biggest enemy.

You need to work on reading comprehension.
My post was in no way supportive of I am 2,in fact it pointed out his complete ignorance.

You've shown nothing. This thread is about how Germany feels about Trump.

It's not good and you should be concerned.

It actually only shows how one German "journalist" feels about Trump.

No. It's more than that.
You've shown nothing. This thread is about how Germany feels about Trump.

It's not good and you should be concerned.

You will understand why as Trump continues as president if he doesn't change.
Why can't you articulate your position?

Iam2 and unreasonable are pretty much on the short list for ignore.
All they do is post up bullshit and ignore any posts that cant be explained away without looking like a complete idiot.
I've backed up everything I have said. That really pisses off the no teeth brigade like you.

Actually you backed up what I said.
You even gave me a thumbs up...
When you can't debate or defend the whiny little bitch's policies, resort to grammar errors. Lol

Your turn.

QUESTIONS for "Reasonable"

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

WHY is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is shrinking??


"you can't debate" = you in the mirror, libtard....

Alternative facts.Business as usual for you.

Western Antarctica's ice growing slightly but mostly because of the winter season. Eastern part is melting rapidly because of the warming oceans due to climate change.,

Moron in Chief: Climate change was invented by the Chinese. It's a hoax.

You didn't answer the questions. You also got the facts WRONG in your bogus chicken shit dodge of an answer....

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Antarctica, which is 90% of Earth ice, has added at least 80 billion tons of net ice every year since Algore started lying...
Quote NASA that global warming isn't happening... because we both know that's your long game.
Obama turned NASA into a propaganda organ, so why would we ask NASA?
When you can't debate or defend the whiny little bitch's policies, resort to grammar errors. Lol

Your turn.

QUESTIONS for "Reasonable"

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

WHY is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is shrinking??


"you can't debate" = you in the mirror, libtard....

Alternative facts.Business as usual for you.

Western Antarctica's ice growing slightly but mostly because of the winter season. Eastern part is melting rapidly because of the warming oceans due to climate change.,

Moron in Chief: Climate change was invented by the Chinese. It's a hoax.

You didn't answer the questions. You also got the facts WRONG in your bogus chicken shit dodge of an answer....

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Antarctica, which is 90% of Earth ice, has added at least 80 billion tons of net ice every year since Algore started lying...
More inconvenient information for you: “The new study highlights the difficulties of measuring the small changes in ice height happening in East Antarctica,” said Ben Smith, a glaciologist with the University of Washington in Seattle who was not involved in Zwally’s study.
When you can't debate or defend the whiny little bitch's policies, resort to grammar errors. Lol

Your turn.

QUESTIONS for "Reasonable"

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other?

WHY is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is shrinking??


"you can't debate" = you in the mirror, libtard....

Alternative facts.Business as usual for you.

Western Antarctica's ice growing slightly but mostly because of the winter season. Eastern part is melting rapidly because of the warming oceans due to climate change.,

Moron in Chief: Climate change was invented by the Chinese. It's a hoax.

You didn't answer the questions. You also got the facts WRONG in your bogus chicken shit dodge of an answer....

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Antarctica, which is 90% of Earth ice, has added at least 80 billion tons of net ice every year since Algore started lying...
Quote NASA that global warming isn't happening... because we both know that's your long game.
Obama turned NASA into a propaganda organ, so why would we ask NASA?
Who should we get our science information from then instead of NASA? Alex Jones, Hannity????The idiot Trump who can't even spell science?
Quote NASA that global warming isn't happening... because we both know that's your long game.

In the last few pages, you accused someone else of refusing to debate/answer questions, and here you are, unable to find any left wing parroting for "your" answer to my questions...

If 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica is increasing, is there a net ice melt ongoing on Earth??


I would expect nothing less from a muslim media outlet. Germany is all but gone. They will be lucky if German is even spoken in 10 years. They wanted to be crushed and they are being crushed. All they can do, in whatever tepid defense they can muster up is point and say 'You won't be muslim! Waaah."

Trump is doing exactly what he was voted into office to do. Too bad for the left.

What, ruin America? That's what you elected him for?

German will be spoken in Germany now, 10 years from now, and 100 years after that.

You do realise the german birthrate is was the lowest in the world right?
Well it was they are experiencing a boom in birthrates.
Good for them right?

Immigration pushes Germany's ailing birth rate to highest in more than 30 years

You bring new meaning to the word moron.
DEPLORABLES being pulverized by substantiated facts.
Tramp's biggest enemy.

You need to work on reading comprehension.
My post was in no way supportive of I am 2,in fact it pointed out his complete ignorance.

You've shown nothing. This thread is about how Germany feels about Trump.

It's not good and you should be concerned.

Why ?

Of course, more than half of Americans think the same thing as the Germans, too.

That half was stupid enough to vote for Hillary so....
Yeah the most experienced candidate who wouldn't have had a neo Nazi as a top adviser nor put incompetent people in top cabinet posts.

Nor would she have done this to the working class:

Trump Signs Bill Making It Easier For Employers To Hide Workplace Injuries | HuffPost

He didn't do any of those things, that only exists in your alleged mind and left wing rags like Huffpo.

Hillary would have continued to sell this country down the river like 0bama did. America and its future generations dodged a bullet when Trump won.
now this little nazi is doubting the only bill Trump signed that it hurts working people because of the source.
Shoot the messenger.
You really are a special kind of stupid

From my link:
The GOP-controlled Congress used an arcane legislative tool known as the Congressional Review Act in an effort to repeal the Obama regulation last month, drawing sharp rebukes from Democrats. By signing the bill, Trump may be legally preventing the Occupational Safety and Health Administration from rolling out a similar rule in the future.

Workplace safety experts warn that the rollback of the OSHA record-keeping rule will enable unscrupulous companies to fudge their injury data and conceal ongoing hazards from regulators. That, in turn, could make it harder for OSHA to identify recurring problems at particular employers and in broader industries.

You begin your argument with a false premise and then you quote a fake news site as proof. You are truly an idiot.

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