How Ginny Thomas Proves Judge Jackson Can't Be Trusted On The Supreme Court

Can you? Hell no.

Ginni Thomas is a traitor to this country, and it will be proven in court.
You are a traitor to this country to decent ethical and moral people.

Prove it asshole? Where's the main office? Ph.number? Address? That's right you haven't got shit, because you're a pathetic, pos liar.
You are a traitor to this country to decent ethical and moral people.

From your own article; Probably the scariest thing about all this is Antifa’s simple existence, its basis, and its leadership. Who sponsors and who leads them? Who knows. Your article just admitted to lying, and so did you. See how easy this is.
I just proved you wrong. And I proved you are a pos liar as always. Probably the scariest thing about all this is Antifa’s simple existence, its basis, and its leadership. Who sponsors and who leads them? Who knows.
I just proved you wrong. And I proved you are a pos liar as always. Probably the scariest thing about all this is Antifa’s simple existence, its basis, and its leadership. Who sponsors and who leads them? Who knows.

You are a traitor to this country to decent ethical and moral people.

Read the title of your own article clown; Is ANTIFA real? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: You are a straight fucking idiot.
You are a traitor to this country to decent ethical and moral people.

Moral people? :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::cuckoo:🤪:aargh: You? You're a fucking liar who does it in Gods name. The devil is in love with your evil ass.
From your own article; Probably the scariest thing about all this is Antifa’s simple existence, its basis, and its leadership. Who sponsors and who leads them? Who knows. Your article just admitted to lying, and so did you. See how easy this is.
Not knowing where their money comes from, and who ships in pallets of bricks for their riots says nothing about their existence. They are real and you lied about their existence. No shock to me. Lying is just a tool for you to get what you want. It's a sin and you are accountable to God for your sins. SO just stop.
Moral people? :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::cuckoo:🤪:aargh: You? You're a fucking liar who does it in Gods name. The devil is in love with your evil ass.
Your soul is corrupt, and unless you do something to correct your course, judgment day awaits you. Repent and find peace.
Prove it asshole? Where's the main office? Ph.number? Address? That's right you haven't got shit, because you're a pathetic, pos liar.
Look you cowardly welching fucktard, you’ve been given proof time and time again, you just ignore it. Hey asshole, your Pantifa pals have taken credit for multiple attacks on conservatives. Now STFU asshole.
Read the title of your own article clown; Is ANTIFA real? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: You are a straight fucking idiot.
Leave here forever asswipe. You made an bet with me and predictably you LOST. But you’re a fucking coward and an idiot and just keep spewing your totally debunked bullshit. You don’t even know what a woman is.

"In one of 29 messages seen by the news outlets, Thomas wrote to Mark Meadows on 10 November: “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!! … You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.” “This is a fight of good versus evil,” Meadows wrote in a 24 November message. “Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. The text messages – 21 of which are from Thomas and eight from Meadows – contain references to conspiracy theories. Thomas, for instance, highlighted a claim popular among QAnon followers that the president had watermarked certain ballots as a means of identifying fraud.

She also suggested the Bidens were behind supposed fraud. “Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators … are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition,” she wrote. When the supreme court rejected Trump challenges over the election in February 2021, Clarence Thomas dissented, calling the decision “baffling”, the Post notes."

Ginny Thomas essentially proves why Jackson can't be trusted to sit on the highest court in the land. Everyone knows that Ginny is a staunch political activist and a crusader against evil forces..... but she knows not to ever involve her husband in her activism or try to encourage him to do something that would give off appearances of impropriety...and Clarence being the man of the house, would never allow a woman to have influence over him....He knows his wife is a bit nutty and he knows how to put her in her place if she acts up....

However, Jackson is not the leader of her household...her husband is....and we know about her husband's strong ties to Antifa and other racist anti-American we honestly think she won't use her power as a Supreme Court justice to do what her husband tells her to do?? What will happen when Biden loses in 2024?? You know he will order Kamala to do what Pence should have you think for a minute that Jackson's husband won't tell her to support Biden's effort to overturn the election?? She must be stopped....anyone who will assist a president in nullifying a legitimate Republican victory; should be arrested for treason.
No one like Kangaroo Brown should sit on SCOTUS when they have ties to ANTIFA and BLM. Both groups are Domestic Terrorists.
Leave here forever asswipe. You made an bet with me and predictably you LOST. But you’re a fucking coward and an idiot and just keep spewing your totally debunked bullshit. You don’t even know what a woman is.
Dude is pissed because it came out that Kangaroo Brown's husband is deeply involved with ANTIFA.

Forrest says lock up Ginnaaayyy!!!
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