How Ginny Thomas Proves Judge Jackson Can't Be Trusted On The Supreme Court

And how did progs destroy Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka and Trump Airlines?

Trump is so stupid he couldn't even manage to make money off a casino. He even had to be bailed out by his daddy. Again.

You mean to tell me Trump was too stupid to learn the lay of the land before ripping off all those investors and banks? I thought he was a stable genius!
HOw can anyone be as big of a dumbfuck as you obviously are? Businesses go bankrupt all the time. In fact, more businesses fail within 7 years. It's not fraud or some kind of crime when they do. Only brain damaged progs swallow that horseshit.

BTW, numerous casinos in Atlantic city went bankrupt at the same time as Trump's.

Posting this sleazy crap only proves that you're a totally unscrupulous prog moron

Missed opportunity​

“Missed opportunity. Chris Rock should’ve insulted Ted Cruz’s wife. The worst that would’ve happened is that Cruz would’ve endorsed Rock for president.”
— James Wigderson, on Twitter.
Yet another example of Democrat hypocrisy and accusing the other side of things they themselves are far more guilty of. Ruth Bader Ginsburg completely violated her oath, neutrality and the constitution when she publicly trashed Trump and the GOP more than once. Yet all she got from Left and the media was praise and complements. Aren’t Supreme Court justices supposed to keep their traps shut at all times?

Apparently not, according to the anything goes Democrats.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a ‘faker,’ he says she should resign​

So why did the same folks voting against her now; voted for her last year??

View attachment 620920

Were they just too dumb to know all of the stuff they are suddenly outraged about now??

Or do they know their base voters are morons and will twist themselves into pretzels to justify how full of shit you all are?

Where did you find that list?
Those senators didn't all vote to confirm her nomination to the DC circuit.

Forum List
