How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

Shows too how straight people married make LGBT offspring. :)

yes defects are rare but they do happen and lgbt is proof of this..


Davvid Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
That's no more a defect than a blonde from two brunettes.

yet this is coming from a homosexual activist who would likely sew two dogs together and call it a woman if they thought it would help perpetuate their homosexual activists lies and deceptions.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

I always wonder about people that spend so much time, thinking about what's going in the bedroom of others.

Is it sexual repression? What?

Let's push that ol' divorce rate below 40% or 50% and perhaps we can talk about he we can stop making a mockery of marriage.


another fine example of homosexual activists desperately scrambling to try and make their delusions the issue.

divorce doesn't disrespect that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage was created for and in honor of the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Hey everybody, I'm a "homosexual activist"!

This place is a hoot.


It's about For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.


Guy, I am an ordained member of the clergy for a religious tradition who, for thousands of years, has recognized the validity of same sex couples being married. So get off your loquacious, double speaking high horse.
I've been feeling under the weather lately but I will soon be back t breeze through all of the homosexual activist rhetoric as I look forward to showing you once again how very easy it is to put them in their place. They always avoid the foundation of the issue while instead desperately scrambling to try and make their lies and deceptions the issue which is how the managed for now to corrupt legislation in the first place.. Since my last response here, scroll through the examples and when I get back, piece of cake.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

Shows too how straight people married make LGBT offspring. :)

yes defects are rare but they do happen and lgbt is proof of this..


Davvid Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's no more a defect than a blonde from two brunettes.

How does a blonde from a brunette compare to the fact that thanks to heterosexuality we even exist and yet if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective?!! Heterosexuality is obviously not defective where as homosexuality quite obviously is defective and yet how are brunettes defective compared to blondes?

Thanks for yet another demonstration of the irrational mentality of the homosexual activist who is always desperately scrambling to make their lies and deceptions the issue because they are not able to contest what fact proves on the foundation of this issue which again is hundreds / thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence and that sexual unity once again is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

Homosexuality doesn't even come close in comparison to heterosexuality. Again if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor or what sis their to be proud of in that?

Homosexual activists exemplify no respect for heterosexuality so I will see to it that they don't have that legal choice much longer. Marriage will be restored to the respectful state it was create for and in honor of as the modern day homosexual activist poisoning society with a bunch of lies and deceptions craze comes to a close.

My pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
It's about For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.


Guy, I am an ordained member of the clergy for a religious tradition who, for thousands of years, has recognized the validity of same sex couples being married. So get off your loquacious, double speaking high horse.

And all you are capable of is lying to no surprise. You made such a claim and yet you evade backing it up with so much as a shred of validity because all you quite obviously have are lies in the form of vacant un backed claims as you yourself demonstrate.

That's all homosexual activists have on the foundation of their every issue to do with their bias agenda are more lies and deceptions to try and hide their already revealed lies and deceptions because as this one demonstrates, that is all that they are mentally capable of. A bunch of mentally weak and pathetic cowards that try and degrade heterosexuals because homosexuals themselves are the ones having a hard time accepting themselves for what they are and seek to continue to try and pass the blame off on heterosexuals like we deserve to suffer for homosexuals being insane (having a hard time accepting themselves for what they are while trying to blame everyone else for it) in the warped mind of homosexual activists! Our societies of current and future generations deserve far better than such garbage as homosexual activist insanity (plaguing our societies with a bunch of lies and deceptions) and homosexual activist obsessive compulsive lying disorders corrupting legislation etc.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
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And that's how it's done, I know I make it look easy but for me it really is that easy to gang up on the lot of them.

Homosexual activists exemplify no respect for heterosexuality so I will see to it that they don't have that legal choice much longer. Marriage will be restored to the respectful state it was create for and in honor of as the modern day homosexual activist poisoning society with a bunch of lies and deceptions craze comes to a close. My pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
And that's how it's done, I know I make it look easy but for me it really is that easy to gang up on the lot of them.

Homosexual activists exemplify no respect for heterosexuality so I will see to it that they don't have that legal choice much longer. Marriage will be restored to the respectful state it was create for and in honor of as the modern day homosexual activist poisoning society with a bunch of lies and deceptions craze comes to a close. My pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

The idea that gays do not respect or even like heterosexuals is laughable at best. Good luck trying to take away the legal rights of gays when it comes to marriage, it seems you folks are doing a wonderful job thus far. lol
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Gay people never have straight sex and straight marrieds never have gay sex. Really it's that simple. In you mind.
I'd like to know how the OP thinks that allowing about 5% of the population to legally marry is going to affect the rate of population growth in any way, shape or form.

SoundCloud Mobile
LOL. But the message was aside from gay sex being icky (though I doubt he/she has a problem with a hetero partner giving oral), gays are unworthy because they don't breed, when of course they do breed for the most part.
How does a blonde from a brunette compare to the fact that thanks to heterosexuality we even exist and yet if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective?!!

Here's an idea: Don't rely on homosexuals to sustain the human race.

In fact, you should not rely on anyone to sustain the human race. People will have children, or not, based on their own desires. Don't worry, there are alot of people in the world. There's at least a couple dozen of them who will end up engaging in heterosexual coitus each month. And one or two of them is bound to "forget" to pull out eventually. I don't think extinction through attrition is anything humanity needs to worry about for at least a couple millennia. In the mean time, better to spend your worries on nuclear war, dirty water, renegade elves, and the blackout.
60% of all Christian marriages end in divorce. Are you sure it's the homos making a mockery of marriage?

Which leads to broken families and higher rime rates and lower rates of success, which makes a mockery of divorce and the entire liberal welfare state that makes divorce easy.

Divorce rates were very low before the welfare state.
Obviously you're unaware of how moronic this is.
60% of all Christian marriages end in divorce. Are you sure it's the homos making a mockery of marriage?

Which leads to broken families and higher rime rates and lower rates of success, which makes a mockery of divorce and the entire liberal welfare state that makes divorce easy.

Divorce rates were very low before the welfare state.

Because of the social stigma now absent. Has nothing to do with the state.
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

We have another one,

another fine example of homosexual activists desperately scrambling to try and make their delusions the issue.

divorce doesn't disrespect that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage was created for and in honor of the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

You are one verbose homophobe. Thank God for small favors that the ravings of your tiny mind have nothing to do with sound American law, especially that of equality before the law. It's why you've lost this fight, pick another please, this one is over and done with and equality won the day as it tends to in the end.

Exactly- he is a verbose homophobe and completely irrational at that.

I'm pretty sure the 50% divorce rate, drive thru wedding chapels, and 6 day celebrity marriages are what have made a mockery of marriage.
Hollyweird has made a mockery of marriage.

The government being involved in marriage has made a mockery of marriage.

Then again, long ago, marriage was once based on things like money, land and wealth and not love..

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