How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ever notice how the phobes make up their own history and completely ignore the facts?


and notice that this homosexual activist evades what was in the very composition beginning this very thread. Look for what is in bold from the following quote that this homosexual activists attempts deliberate ignorance upon while trying to keep forcing their already exposed lies and deceptions down everyone's throat.

"Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?"

But thanks for sharing yet another example of the ignorant mentality of the homosexual activist. I guess that perhaps their mentality is just to oblivious to realize their own transparency which certainly makes it easier for me to expose them for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be on the foundation of their every issue to do with their bias agenda.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, e strong!
Homosexual couples making a mockery of marriage disrespects that thousands of years of only heterosexual couples being honored with marriages proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence and that sexual union is quite obviously heterosexual unions.!

As part of a heterosexual couple who has actually contributed offspring- therefore you owe me for our very existence- I can say with great confidence that you are quite wrong.

My wife and I got married for many reasons- and furthering the human race was not one of them. My marriage is not harmed- and indeed is enhanced by other couples- gay or straight- who marry for the right reasons- and that stay married.

The ones who are making a mockery of marriage are those who treat marriage as a mere convenience, who marry and divorce as casually as they buy and sell used cars.

IF your marriage is threatened by 'gay marriage' then that is a reflection of your marriage- not on 'gay marriage'.



see how homosexual activists avoid the foundation of this issue while they desperately scramble to try and make their lies and deceptions the issue.

that delusional attempt to make the homosexual activists deceptions the issue doesn't contest the primary fact proving what marriage is about which is quite obviously that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

again all homosexual activists have as they even demonstrate right here on this very thread are a bunch of lies and deception to try and drag everyone else down to their level because they have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are so they compulsively and obsessively attempt to continue to try and make everyone else suffer for it with a whole slew of homosexual activist lies and deceptions.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, e strong!
“You see how this one ignores that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our existence and that unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions.”

We only see your ignorance of the Constitution and its case law, where something perceived to be 'traditional' or 'historic' is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, and in no way justifies denying same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law:

“[T]he fact that the governing majority in a State has traditionally viewed a particular practice as immoral is not a sufficient reason for upholding a law prohibiting the practice; neither history nor tradition could save a law prohibiting miscegenation from constitutional attack.”


marriage has proven to be about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence as thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage reveals that very fact and here you are going on about that a constitution was altered (thousands of years after marriage was created) because of a bunch of homosexual activists lies and deceptions all the while they, as you are now, avoid / ignore the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

Thanks for demonstrating yet another example that homosexual activists have no respect for heterosexuality and no respect for marriage.

Marriage is marriage, the only reason that "traditional" was recently attached to marriage was because homosexual activists seek to make a mockery of it with every lie and deception that they could possibly fathom.

There is no traditional marriage, there is marriage, and thousands of years prove what marriage is about, and then there is the modern day mockery that homosexual activists are for now getting away with making of marriage which is why they attempted to label marriage as traditional marriage so they could then attempt to proceed with every other lie and deception that they could possibly fathom as demonstrated right here on this very thread.

But since we are on the subject of tradition, I'll humor your rhetoric with: It is traditional to call the sky the sky, but if it suited the homosexual activist bias agenda they would then say calling it a sky is a fallacy or saying that the sky being referred to as blue is a fallacy as well because homosexuals want to be referred to as the blue sky because they have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are and seek to degrade the meaning of everything else because of their own non acceptable of what they themselves are.. It is traditional to call an ocean an ocean but if it suited the homosexual activist bias agenda, they would call it a fallacy because they want to be referred to as the ocean just like they are attempting to do with marriage.

Tradition carries significance that will not be ignored for if it weren't for valuing genuine tradition, we wouldn't even be able to communicate but I guess as a homosexual activist, your brain is just way too small to figure out something so simple all by yourself as you yourself demonstrate.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!.

Let's push that ol' divorce rate below 40% or 50% and perhaps we can talk about he we can stop making a mockery of marriage.

How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

As eas
“...marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions.”


Marriage is contract law written by the states to recognize the committed relationships of consenting adult partners, same- or opposite-sex.

You see how this one ignores that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our existence and that unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Then this one shares a definition that was created because homosexual activists avoided contesting the very fact that proves that marriage is about honoring heterosexual unions while homosexual activists used their lies and deceptions along with false claims of discrimination to pull the wool over governing officials eyes.

and talk about a few short of a six pack, look at what this one quoted of me then what they responded with. Pretty sad.

With so much as a shred of validity contest the fact that hundreds / thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and that unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

Homosexual activists never have contested this fact with so much as a shred of validity and they never will. All they have are lies and deceptions when it comes to the foundation of their every issue to do with their very own bias agenda.

They obviously have no respect for heterosexuality as they literally are getting away with making a mockery of heterosexuality every chance they get with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom along with false claims of discrimination! Go ahead and look for my other thread here on the political forum for another factual example of this.

I'll leave you with this:

"They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact."

Which is the factual evidence that reveals that homosexual activists claims of discrimination is yet another lie they use to make fools out of everyone starting from the very governing officials that create legislation.

Allow homosexual activists lies and deceptions to continue to hold or further form legislations? Not on my watch! What kind of example is that to set for anyone basing legislation on lies and deceptions? It's an outrage / mockery!

My pleasure


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Many people notice thousands of years of sheeple not thinking but following.

Gays don't want you to accept them. They just want America to stop using Federal and State laws against them. It's a thing called LIBERTY.
I don't understand gays and gays won't judge me for that statement.
Just stop your bigotry and stop GOVERNMENT LAWS oppressing gays and you probably won't hear much out of them.

What small brains like you think is that we need to create new laws to accept gays.

When the fact is, laws made by primitive minds like YOU simply have to be undone to make gays equal in society.

Nice video's though........sober up.

Your experience where a gay sneak attacked you with a PP was probably intentional since I've gotten to know you.
Just stop trying to CONTROL gays............Idiot bigot alcoholic.

and yet not any of that contests the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

Reminding people of this primary fact and that homosexual activists managed to hide it behind a collage of lies and deceptions and false claims of discrimination to corrupt legislation to be based upon homosexual activist lies and deceptions makes me a bigot according to this homosexual activist who quite obviously wastes no time in trying to make their lies and deceptions the issue.

What homosexual activists call oppression is homosexuals not being able to accept themselves for what they are while attempting to make everyone else suffer with every lie and deception that homosexual activists can quite obviously fathom for their non acceptance of what homosexuals themselves are.


They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
You see how this one ignores that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our existence and that unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

Without even bothering to read your wall of text, we can stop you right here.

For thousands of years, "Marriage" was a woman becoming the property of her husband after her family arranged her marriage. This was NOT a good deal for the woman at all.

She had no right to property and it was expected that her husband can beat her within certain parameters.

In some parts of the world, women were expected to throw themselves on their husband's funeral pyres.

Thanks for sharing yet another example that marriage is about honoring heterosexual unions. Again thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

Look for the bold in the following quote which was extracted from the very composition beginning this very thread.

"Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself wasalways between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?"


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Let's push that ol' divorce rate below 40% or 50% and perhaps we can talk about he we can stop making a mockery of marriage.


another fine example of homosexual activists desperately scrambling to try and make their delusions the issue.

divorce doesn't disrespect that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage was created for and in honor of the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

We have another one,

another fine example of homosexual activists desperately scrambling to try and make their delusions the issue.

divorce doesn't disrespect that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage was created for and in honor of the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
60% of all Christian marriages end in divorce. Are you sure it's the homos making a mockery of marriage?

Divorce doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. But thanks for sharing an example of you trying to make something irrelevant the issue.

Also notice that not one person here contests the fact with so much as a shred of validity that hundreds / thousands of years of exclusively heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage honors the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and that sexual orientation is quite obviously heterosexuality.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Marriage was "created" to unite economic resources between families. Concept of marriage for love and procreation is only a few hundred years old.

More directly marriage was created to give a man title of ownership to a woman and any property she may have, so that he may freely use such property as he wishes.

But it was always in honor of heterosexual unions, thank you very much.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

We have another one,

another fine example of homosexual activists desperately scrambling to try and make their delusions the issue.

divorce doesn't disrespect that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage was created for and in honor of the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

You are one verbose homophobe. Thank God for small favors that the ravings of your tiny mind have nothing to do with sound American law, especially that of equality before the law. It's why you've lost this fight, pick another please, this one is over and done with and equality won the day as it tends to in the end.
60% of all Christian marriages end in divorce. Are you sure it's the homos making a mockery of marriage?

Divorce doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. But thanks for sharing an example of you trying to make something irrelevant the issue.

Also notice that not one person here contests the fact with so much as a shred of validity that hundreds / thousands of years of exclusively heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage honors the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and that sexual orientation is quite obviously heterosexuality.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Marriage was "created" to unite economic resources between families. Concept of marriage for love and procreation is only a few hundred years old.

and another

It was always in honor of heterosexual unions, thank you very much.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Marriage is not about heterosexuals blaming gays for having a bad marriage no matter how desperate you are to try and make your delusions the issue. It's about For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

Now we have homosexual activists attempting to make a mockery of what marriage is with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom.

I would never consider getting married while marriage is in this mockery state homosexual activists have for now gotten away with making it with their every lie, deception and false claim of discrimination.. It, until restored to a respectable state it was created for and in honor of is garbage that needs to be restored to the respectable state it was created for and in honor of before it can be taken seriously again by everyone. I wouldn't blame heterosexuals for getting so upset that they wasted their time getting married only to have marriage trashed and perhaps may have ended a few heterosexual marriages because of such a degrading mockery homosexual activists make of everything.

Marriage is garbage in North America and anywhere else on the globe homosexual activists have made a mockery of it until marriage is restored to the respectable state it was created for and in honor of.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Marriage is not about heterosexuals blaming gays for having a bad marriage no matter how desperate you are to try and make your delusions the issue. It's about For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions.

Now we have homosexual activists attempting to make a mockery of what marriage is with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom.

I would never consider getting married while marriage is in this mockery state homosexual activists have for now gotten away with making it with their every lie, deception and false claim of discrimination.. It, until restored to a respectable state it was created for and in honor of is garbage that needs to be restored to the respectable state it was created for and in honor of before it can be taken seriously again by everyone. I wouldn't blame heterosexuals for getting so upset that they wasted their time getting married only to have marriage trashed and perhaps may have ended a few heterosexual marriages because of such a degrading mockery homosexual activists make of everything.

Marriage is garbage in North America until restored.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Marriage in the US is a legally binding contract, a license, nothing more, and about as hard to break as a fishing license in most cases, a fishing license with a big bill usually.
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

Shows too how straight people married make LGBT offspring. :)

yes defects are rare but they do happen and lgbt is proof of this..


Davvid Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

Shows too how straight people married make LGBT offspring. :)

yes defects are rare but they do happen and lgbt is proof of this..


Davvid Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's no more a defect than a blonde from two brunettes.
What is with the flood of fag threads lately? Live & let live.

Mud dumb haters don't know how to do anything else'

how does sharing that for hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions make anyone a hater? Right it doesn't but this just goes to show yet another example of homosexual activists delusional mentality of crying wolf with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

Shows too how straight people married make LGBT offspring. :)

yes defects are rare but they do happen and lgbt is proof of this..


Davvid Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's no more a defect than a blonde from two brunettes.

yet this is coming from a homosexual activist who would likely sew two dogs together and call it a woman if they thought it would help perpetuate their homosexual activists lies and deceptions.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

Shows too how straight people married make LGBT offspring. :)

yes defects are rare but they do happen and lgbt is proof of this..


Davvid Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's no more a defect than a blonde from two brunettes.

yet this is coming from a homosexual activist who would likely sew two dogs together and call it a woman if they thought it would help perpetuate their homosexual activists lies and deceptions.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Do try to debate rationally, if you are capable that is? And I would allow gay marriage even if no gays even wanted to get married. Their opinion, like yours, matters not a damn. Equality demands such things but you are wedded to your homophobia, nothing more.
How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring.

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that was marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance us such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activist demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

You prove to the world that homosexuality equals heterosexuality and you have a case but you never will because one does not equal the other no matter how much you choose to ignore this simple fact.

Marriage will soon be restored to a respectable state that it was created for and in honor of globally thus ending this short lived mockery that homosexuals activists have managed to make of it in only a couple of countries where homosexual activists managed to hide the primary fact of what marriage is behind an onslaught of homosexual activist lies and deceptions upon weaker minded parliamentarians.

My pleasure to play a primary role in restoring marriage to a respectable state.

the following video was made a couple of years back and I have become much more well versed on the subject than I was back then. I will some time in the near future make a new video that will blow this one away but for now it will do. I also took a nicer approach, but the next one I make on this subject, there will be no more Mr. nice guy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Nothing makes a mockery out of marriage more than multiple divorces. How many times has Gingrich been married and what were the frivolous reasons for his divorces, even one that was purely political, too old and not pretty enough to be first lady.

Shows too how straight people married make LGBT offspring. :)

yes defects are rare but they do happen and lgbt is proof of this..


Davvid Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's no more a defect than a blonde from two brunettes.

yet this is coming from a homosexual activist who would likely sew two dogs together and call it a woman if they thought it would help perpetuate their homosexual activists lies and deceptions.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

I always wonder about people that spend so much time, thinking about what's going in the bedroom of others.

Is it sexual repression? What?

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