How Homosexual Activists For Now Got Away With Making A Mockery Of Marriage

How did homosexuals make a mockery of marriage? Marriage is between 2 people. There is not one set rule for marriage that's just religious garbage. So homosexuals made a mockery of your marriage? How did they do that? Did your wife turn into a lesbian? Sigh how about you live your life and stop worrying about everyone else's life... The pursuit of happiness... Does that ring a bell? If you do not like it move into a religious commune where everyone is like everyone else... Besides the states issue a damn license for marriage, once the government is involved all religious gobble goop should not apply. Marriage is what you make it. Be happy and live your life to your values. Do not put your values onto everyone else, your not going to win. You fail by thinking marriage is just a religious entity for Christians. Hell, even pagans were married before Christ.
Males ore born with a penis and females are born with a vagina.

Once all procedures, surgeries and altercations are made illegal for being used to make a person appear the opposite sex that they are born globally. and once discrimination against heterosexuality is criminalized.

What discrimination against heterosexuality?

in 100 words or less.
LOL. But the message was aside from gay sex being icky (though I doubt he/she has a problem with a hetero partner giving oral), gays are unworthy because they don't breed, when of course they do breed for the most part.

Gays are worthy of marriage as long as they marry a member of the opposite sex genital they themselves are born with because as thousands of years prove, that is what marriage is about honoring which is quite obviously the unity of male and female.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Tell us, how do you know what sex someone is?

Males ore born with a penis and females are born with a vagina.
And what are they if they have neither, or both? Should we maybe check their genetics and alter them as appropriate?

Then that it a physical defect where as homosexuality is a sexual defect and again proof of this is that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. You as a homosexual activist compulsively and obsessively scramble to try and make anything else including every lie and deception that you can possibly fathom.the issue.

A hermaphrodite naturally born with two genitals, if they choose too, could have a genital removed and still be left with a genital that they were "naturally born with."

Hermaphrodites are a completely different issue than homosexuality but homosexual activists try and drag everyone else down to their level with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to be able to continue to try and make heterosexuals into guinea pigs for homosexuals to discriminate.

A person born without a genital is neither male or female. They are obviously not a homosexual or a heterosexual. They would obviously not have the nerve endings that make up a genital therefore what sex they pretend to be is their own choice to make and is irrelevant to the fact that these people are not homosexual, not male, not female, not heterosexual because the fact remains that they are not born with a sex genital and here we have homosexual activists trying to drag even these people down to their level to try and make their physical imposition out to be in any way shape or form about encouraging homosexuals to pretend to be the opposite sex thus continue to discriminate heterosexuals with their filthy deceptions.

Fact: "what makes a man a man is being born with a penis"

Fact"what makes a woman a woman is being born with a vagina"

Fact "what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with those born with the same sex genital that they themselves are born with"

Fact "what makes a heterosexual a heterosexual is that we have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital we ourselves are born with"

This particular conversation isn't about the foundation of marriage and would be appropriately discussed right here.

Being homosexual is natural but being heterosexual is not acceptable to homosexual activists US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
I'm pretty sure the 50% divorce rate, drive thru wedding chapels, and 6 day celebrity marriages are what have made a mockery of marriage.

Divorce doesn't disrespect that thousands of years prove that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions because thanks to heterosexual unions we even exist.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
We exist because men and women fuck each other. Most humans who have walked the earth were born to unmarried couples. Marriage turned out to be a great tool for resolving wars between kingdoms and solving the problem of inheritance. Your belief that without marriage we would not have babies is utter nonsense. Sweden is currently full of unmarried couples raising their children together. They don't need marriage. You are living in the past, the wrong past as a matter of fact.

where did I ever claim that without marriage we wouldn't have babies???

Oh right I never did, but thanks for sharing yet another example that all homosexual activists know how to do is desperately scramble to try and make every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom the issue which was how they managed to make this short lived mockery made of marriage in the first place along with false claims of discrimination..

What I shared was " For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. "

But instead of contesting what fact reveals on the foundation of this issue, again homosexual activists mentalities are only capable of demonstrating more lies and deceptions along with false claims of discrimination in desperate attempt to try and make their delusions the issue.

This is like a lovely picnic after a long snooze.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
It would seem that you have a problem here, since gay marriage is rather old: Timeline of same-sex marriage - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh you are referring to homosexual activists who became scholars just so that they could try and make their lies and deceptions the issue as I already mentioned in the very opening paragraph of the composition beginning this very thread and I quote

"Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring."

Even every heterosexual union found to have existed throughout history was not a marriage. I was in two relationships myself and I wasn't married even if someone wants to lie about it by claiming I was just to suit their own bias greedy selfish agenda.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
LOL. But the message was aside from gay sex being icky (though I doubt he/she has a problem with a hetero partner giving oral), gays are unworthy because they don't breed, when of course they do breed for the most part.

Gays are worthy of marriage as long as they marry a member of the opposite sex genital they themselves are born with because as thousands of years prove, that is what marriage is about honoring which is quite obviously the unity of male and female.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Tell us, how do you know what sex someone is?

Males ore born with a penis and females are born with a vagina.
And what are they if they have neither, or both? Should we maybe check their genetics and alter them as appropriate?

Then that it a physical defect where as homosexuality is a sexual defect and again proof of this is that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. You as a homosexual activist compulsively and obsessively scramble to try and make anything else including every lie and deception that you can possibly fathom.the issue.

A hermaphrodite naturally born with two genitals, if they choose too, could have a genital removed and still be left with a genital that they were "naturally born with."

Hermaphrodites are a completely different issue than homosexuality but homosexual activists try and drag everyone else down to their level with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to be able to continue to try and make heterosexuals into guinea pigs for homosexuals to discriminate.

A person born without a genital is neither male or female. They are obviously not a homosexual or a heterosexual. They would obviously not have the nerve endings that make up a genital therefore what sex they pretend to be is their own choice to make and is irrelevant to the fact that these people are not homosexual, not male, not female, not heterosexual because the fact remains that they are not born with a sex genital and here we have homosexual activists trying to drag even these people down to their level to try and make their physical imposition out to be in any way shape or form about encouraging homosexuals to pretend to be the opposite sex thus continue to discriminate heterosexuals with their filthy deceptions.

Fact: "what makes a man a man is being born with a penis"

Fact"what makes a woman a woman is being born with a vagina"

Fact "what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with those born with the same sex genital that they themselves are born with"

Fact "what makes a heterosexual a heterosexual is that we have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital we ourselves are born with"

This particular conversation isn't about the foundation of marriage and would be appropriately discussed right here.

Being homosexual is natural but being heterosexual is not acceptable to homosexual activists US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
So you cannot answer, how do we tell a boy from a girl then, if the answer is not obvious? Is that correct?
I'm pretty sure the 50% divorce rate, drive thru wedding chapels, and 6 day celebrity marriages are what have made a mockery of marriage.

Divorce doesn't disrespect that thousands of years prove that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions because thanks to heterosexual unions we even exist.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
We exist because men and women fuck each other. Most humans who have walked the earth were born to unmarried couples. Marriage turned out to be a great tool for resolving wars between kingdoms and solving the problem of inheritance. Your belief that without marriage we would not have babies is utter nonsense. Sweden is currently full of unmarried couples raising their children together. They don't need marriage. You are living in the past, the wrong past as a matter of fact.

where did I ever claim that without marriage we wouldn't have babies???

Oh right I never did, but thanks for sharing yet another example that all homosexual activists know how to do is desperately scramble to try and make every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom the issue which was how they managed to make this short lived mockery made of marriage in the first place along with false claims of discrimination..

What I shared was " For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. "

But instead of contesting what fact reveals on the foundation of this issue, again homosexual activists mentalities are only capable of demonstrating more lies and deceptions along with false claims of discrimination in desperate attempt to try and make their delusions the issue.

This is like a lovely picnic after a long snooze.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
It would seem that you have a problem here, since gay marriage is rather old: Timeline of same-sex marriage - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh you are referring to homosexual activists who became scholars just so that they could try and make their lies and deceptions the issue as I already mentioned in the very opening paragraph of the composition beginning this very thread and I quote

"Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring."

Even every heterosexual union found to have existed throughout history was not a marriage. I was in two relationships myself and I wasn't married even if someone wants to lie about it by claiming I was just to suit their own bias greedy selfish agenda.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Since the history is not on your side, you're rather stuck now aren't you?
Gays are worthy of marriage as long as they marry a member of the opposite sex genital they themselves are born with because as thousands of years prove, that is what marriage is about honoring which is quite obviously the unity of male and female.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Tell us, how do you know what sex someone is?

Males ore born with a penis and females are born with a vagina.
And what are they if they have neither, or both? Should we maybe check their genetics and alter them as appropriate?

Then that it a physical defect where as homosexuality is a sexual defect and again proof of this is that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. You as a homosexual activist compulsively and obsessively scramble to try and make anything else including every lie and deception that you can possibly fathom.the issue.

A hermaphrodite naturally born with two genitals, if they choose too, could have a genital removed and still be left with a genital that they were "naturally born with."

Hermaphrodites are a completely different issue than homosexuality but homosexual activists try and drag everyone else down to their level with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to be able to continue to try and make heterosexuals into guinea pigs for homosexuals to discriminate.

A person born without a genital is neither male or female. They are obviously not a homosexual or a heterosexual. They would obviously not have the nerve endings that make up a genital therefore what sex they pretend to be is their own choice to make and is irrelevant to the fact that these people are not homosexual, not male, not female, not heterosexual because the fact remains that they are not born with a sex genital and here we have homosexual activists trying to drag even these people down to their level to try and make their physical imposition out to be in any way shape or form about encouraging homosexuals to pretend to be the opposite sex thus continue to discriminate heterosexuals with their filthy deceptions.

Fact: "what makes a man a man is being born with a penis"

Fact"what makes a woman a woman is being born with a vagina"

Fact "what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with those born with the same sex genital that they themselves are born with"

Fact "what makes a heterosexual a heterosexual is that we have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital we ourselves are born with"

This particular conversation isn't about the foundation of marriage and would be appropriately discussed right here.

Being homosexual is natural but being heterosexual is not acceptable to homosexual activists US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
So you cannot answer, how do we tell a boy from a girl then, if the answer is not obvious? Is that correct?

A man is born with a penis and a woman is born with a vagina since you demonstrate time and time again that your brain is just way to small to understand something so simple all by yourself. After all you are a homosexual activist and who could expect any better from any of you?!..


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Gays are worthy of marriage as long as they marry a member of the opposite sex genital they themselves are born with because as thousands of years prove, that is what marriage is about honoring which is quite obviously the unity of male and female.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Tell us, how do you know what sex someone is?

Males ore born with a penis and females are born with a vagina.
And what are they if they have neither, or both? Should we maybe check their genetics and alter them as appropriate?

Then that it a physical defect where as homosexuality is a sexual defect and again proof of this is that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. You as a homosexual activist compulsively and obsessively scramble to try and make anything else including every lie and deception that you can possibly fathom.the issue.

A hermaphrodite naturally born with two genitals, if they choose too, could have a genital removed and still be left with a genital that they were "naturally born with."

Hermaphrodites are a completely different issue than homosexuality but homosexual activists try and drag everyone else down to their level with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to be able to continue to try and make heterosexuals into guinea pigs for homosexuals to discriminate.

A person born without a genital is neither male or female. They are obviously not a homosexual or a heterosexual. They would obviously not have the nerve endings that make up a genital therefore what sex they pretend to be is their own choice to make and is irrelevant to the fact that these people are not homosexual, not male, not female, not heterosexual because the fact remains that they are not born with a sex genital and here we have homosexual activists trying to drag even these people down to their level to try and make their physical imposition out to be in any way shape or form about encouraging homosexuals to pretend to be the opposite sex thus continue to discriminate heterosexuals with their filthy deceptions.

Fact: "what makes a man a man is being born with a penis"

Fact"what makes a woman a woman is being born with a vagina"

Fact "what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with those born with the same sex genital that they themselves are born with"

Fact "what makes a heterosexual a heterosexual is that we have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital we ourselves are born with"

This particular conversation isn't about the foundation of marriage and would be appropriately discussed right here.

Being homosexual is natural but being heterosexual is not acceptable to homosexual activists US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
So you cannot answer, how do we tell a boy from a girl then, if the answer is not obvious? Is that correct?

That homosexual activists become scholars to promote their lies and deceptions doesn't change history no matter how desperate the lot of you are to make your lies and deceptions the issue.

"Homosexual activists avoided the primary fact about marriage to make their lies and deceptions the issue to create corrupt legislation based upon every lie and deception they could possibly fathom. Some of them just became scholars just so they could start trying to make every gay relationship recorded throughout history a marriage because they are using every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom to try and hide the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence which is quite obviously worth honoring."

Even every heterosexual union found to have existed throughout history was not a marriage. I was in two relationships myself and I wasn't married even if someone wants to lie about it by claiming I was just to suit their own bias greedy selfish agenda.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
It was pretty easy to walk over the lot of them and their many lies and deceptions. Go ahead read the thread and learn how to best the lot of them yourself. It is quite easy.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
“...marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions.”


Marriage is contract law written by the states to recognize the committed relationships of consenting adult partners, same- or opposite-sex.

Nope. That wasn't true for 250 years. And it wasn't true under the British Empire.
not at all correct. Marriage existed before the state. And was designed for the creating and nurturing of children. The state cannot give a marriage rights only recognize them.

you guys want to disconnect the children aspect from marriage. You can't do it. It's the biggest flaw of the same sex marriage movement. No matter how much you want to pretend they are married they will never create life. It's just a cheap imitation of the real thing.

Marriage that existed before 1776 is something no modern woman would want any part of.

Also, realistically, there are all sorts of way gays can have children- surrogacy, artificial insemination, and so on.

Lots of straights use those methods, too.

A gay couple cannot have a child. One or the other of them can have a child, but they can't have a child that shares their genes.
not at all correct. Marriage existed before the state. And was designed for the creating and nurturing of children. The state cannot give a marriage rights only recognize them.

you guys want to disconnect the children aspect from marriage. You can't do it. It's the biggest flaw of the same sex marriage movement. No matter how much you want to pretend they are married they will never create life. It's just a cheap imitation of the real thing.

Marriage that existed before 1776 is something no modern woman would want any part of.

Also, realistically, there are all sorts of way gays can have children- surrogacy, artificial insemination, and so on.

Lots of straights use those methods, too.

A gay couple cannot have a child. One or the other of them can have a child, but they can't have a child that shares their genes.

So? What does that have to do with civil marriage? Oh, I know...nothing.
Yet notice not one of these homosexual activists responding with so much as a shred of validity contests the fact that thousands of years prove that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence and that sexual orientation is quite obviously heterosexuality!

Instead they continue to try and make their every lie and deception the issue, but see I am not weak minded like the cowardly governments here in North America and will never back down from such rhetoric homosexual activists represent because I share the facts which reveal homosexual activists for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be.

I love ganging up on the lot of them, it is so very easy yet gratifying because I do what I do for the well being and sanity of the future of the life on this planet where as they don''t care how insane things get as long as they get away with pushing their lies and deceptions upon everyone...


Dvaid Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
not at all correct. Marriage existed before the state. And was designed for the creating and nurturing of children. The state cannot give a marriage rights only recognize them.

you guys want to disconnect the children aspect from marriage. You can't do it. It's the biggest flaw of the same sex marriage movement. No matter how much you want to pretend they are married they will never create life. It's just a cheap imitation of the real thing.

Marriage that existed before 1776 is something no modern woman would want any part of.

Also, realistically, there are all sorts of way gays can have children- surrogacy, artificial insemination, and so on.

Lots of straights use those methods, too.

A gay couple cannot have a child. One or the other of them can have a child, but they can't have a child that shares their genes.

So what? Infertile couples get married all the time. Couples that choose to have no children get married all the time. Folks that can longer reproduce stay married all the time.

There's clearly a valid basis of marriage that has nothing to do with marriage or the ability to have children. As not one state requires either in order to get married.

Why then would we exclude gays from marriage based on a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?
Yet notice not one of these homosexual activists responding with so much as a shred of validity contests the fact that thousands of years prove that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence and that sexual orientation is quite obviously heterosexuality!

We made marriage. It is whatever we say it is. All sorts of things that have no particular reason to be have a long and venerable history. Racism, sexism, religious bigotry, etc.. Interracial marriage bans had been around since the founding of our nation before they were overturned in 1967.

If you're going to deny gays their right to marry, you need a very good reason and a valid state interest being served. But discriminating just because you've discriminated is just circular nonsense.

Instead they continue to try and make their every lie and deception the issue, but see I am not weak minded like the cowardly governments here in North America and will never back down from such rhetoric homosexual activists represent because I share the facts which reveal homosexual activists for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be.

We're following the loving example of our brothers to the north on gay marriage. Where Canada judicially opened marriage to gays and lesbians by the score more than a decade ago with Ontario leading the pack. And made it nation wide in 2005. Same sex marriages enjoy vast public support, with 2/3rds of Canadians supporting gay marriage. That's what we like to call a 'super majority'!

Perhaps you'd be better suited for say.....Russia. Or Iran. I hear their view on homosexuality is very similar to yours. Russia won't even allow them to drive.
Infertile couples get married all the time.
Yep, men and women have special relationships being opposite in gender. Confusing isn't it?

Not particularly. The infertile being able to marry or stay married demonstrate that there is a valid basis of marriage that has nothing to do with children or the ability to have them.

So why exclude gays from marriage based on a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

I can't think of a single reason.
Infertile couples get married all the time.
Yep, men and women have special relationships being opposite in gender. Confusing isn't it?

Not particularly. The infertile being able to marry or stay married demonstrate that there is a valid basis of marriage that has nothing to do with children or the ability to have them.

So why exclude gays from marriage based on a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

I can't think of a single reason.
You can't think, period. Or read. I said "Yep, men and women have special relationships being opposite in gender."
Infertile couples get married all the time.
Yep, men and women have special relationships being opposite in gender. Confusing isn't it?

I do think you're confused. You seem to predicate these "special relationships" based on gender. Actually, these "special relationships" are based on mutual trust, nurturing, support, love, and commitment.

This seems like a good time to post this video. Pay special attention to the story at 3:03.

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Infertile couples get married all the time.
Yep, men and women have special relationships being opposite in gender. Confusing isn't it?

I do think you're confused. You seem to predicate these "special relationships" based on gender. Actually, these "special relationships" are based on mutual trust, nurturing, support, love, and commitment.

This seems like a good time to post this video. Pay special attention to the story at 3:03.
LOL. I'll stick with mankind and reality vs a video. You sound like another one that spent their childhood pound square pegs into round holes. Male and female do have a special relationship, it isn't a secret. Homosexual activists live a lie and pretend there is no difference between the genders apart from superficial parts. Guys and gals are different well beyond the parts aspect. It's lost on some but they pay attention to propaganda, not reality.

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