How is Jesus the Messiah?

I enjoy watching christians take a jewish prophecy and tell them they have it wrong :lol:

I enjoyed reading about Jesus doing just that...

I even do it.. Its a hoot!

wanna have some more fun?

Lets discuss kosher Law.

good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story
I enjoy watching christians take a jewish prophecy and tell them they have it wrong :lol:

I enjoyed reading about Jesus doing just that...

I even do it.. Its a hoot!

wanna have some more fun?

Lets discuss kosher Law.

good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story

The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person.....
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Yes; Hillel was pivotal to the survival of Judaism.

and called a "SOFER" sheeeesh Paul decided that he was evil? So why did Jesus
QUOTE evil sofer Hillel incessantly???? Seems to me that the real Jesus---would have been
horrified at the stuff Paul wrote about him
You mean MISQUOTE.
“Quoting” the Jewish Scripture was Paul’s biggest mistake.
Mohammed wisely did not make the same mistake.

NO NO NO!!! it was Jesus who quoted Hillel------more like Paraphrased. As to muhummad---
the people who wrote the Koran did not misquote. They got the midrashic tale of talking ants
almost right. Remember---muhummad was completely illiterate------or so they say.
As to Paul-----imho-----he was mildly pixilated and tended to screw up things so badly that
I am convinced that he had no idea what the real Jesus actually SAID
Hillel was paraphrasing the Torah.
Paul stole everything.

I will try again------ I DO believe that there was a Jesus-----Paul never met him. Luke never
met him. MOST of the writers of the NT never met him (if not all) They seem to have
had some sort of a written record on him------or some legends written. My game after reading
the NT was to try to come up with that which seems likely that a real Jesus might have done
or said.. I kinda believe the story about overturning the tables of the Money changers -----
so Pharisee like. The real Jesus seems to me to be a paraphraser of Hillel. It turns out that
Hillel died in Jerusalem at about the same time that Jesus is said to have been born. My conclusion
is that Jesus was real----a Pharisee who favored Hillel. None of the writers of "curse the Pharisee"
stuff are credible. It's Constantine. Paul got more and more confused as time when on
In other words, you don't believe the Scriptures in the book of Acts where Paul describes his meeting with the Risen Jesus.
and called a "SOFER" sheeeesh Paul decided that he was evil? So why did Jesus
QUOTE evil sofer Hillel incessantly???? Seems to me that the real Jesus---would have been
horrified at the stuff Paul wrote about him
You mean MISQUOTE.
“Quoting” the Jewish Scripture was Paul’s biggest mistake.
Mohammed wisely did not make the same mistake.

NO NO NO!!! it was Jesus who quoted Hillel------more like Paraphrased. As to muhummad---
the people who wrote the Koran did not misquote. They got the midrashic tale of talking ants
almost right. Remember---muhummad was completely illiterate------or so they say.
As to Paul-----imho-----he was mildly pixilated and tended to screw up things so badly that
I am convinced that he had no idea what the real Jesus actually SAID
Hillel was paraphrasing the Torah.
Paul stole everything.

I will try again------ I DO believe that there was a Jesus-----Paul never met him. Luke never
met him. MOST of the writers of the NT never met him (if not all) They seem to have
had some sort of a written record on him------or some legends written. My game after reading
the NT was to try to come up with that which seems likely that a real Jesus might have done
or said.. I kinda believe the story about overturning the tables of the Money changers -----
so Pharisee like. The real Jesus seems to me to be a paraphraser of Hillel. It turns out that
Hillel died in Jerusalem at about the same time that Jesus is said to have been born. My conclusion
is that Jesus was real----a Pharisee who favored Hillel. None of the writers of "curse the Pharisee"
stuff are credible. It's Constantine. Paul got more and more confused as time when on
In other words, you don't believe the Scriptures in the book of Acts where Paul describes his meeting with the Risen Jesus.
The story is at best suspect.

Any other time someone met Jesus their eyes were opened, they didn't go blind unless they were against him...

Not only that the guy was a rabid Christian murderer. They way I see it he became a double agent, a mole, and made sure that gentiles would be cursed and Jews would reject Jesus out of hand by promoting the belief that Jesus made the law obsolete, a bald faced lie.

Paul becoming a believer in Jesus was about as likely as Jeff Sessions becoming a hippie, or Osama Bin Laden dancing in a disco.

Even if his conversion was sincere, he wrote his letters from prison. Like the Romans wouldn't have redacted his writings for security purposes....
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I enjoy watching christians take a jewish prophecy and tell them they have it wrong :lol:

I enjoyed reading about Jesus doing just that...

I even do it.. Its a hoot!

wanna have some more fun?

Lets discuss kosher Law.

good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story

The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
I enjoy watching christians take a jewish prophecy and tell them they have it wrong :lol:

I enjoyed reading about Jesus doing just that...

I even do it.. Its a hoot!

wanna have some more fun?

Lets discuss kosher Law.

good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story

The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a sacrilegious wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...
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I enjoy watching christians take a jewish prophecy and tell them they have it wrong :lol:

I enjoyed reading about Jesus doing just that...

I even do it.. Its a hoot!

wanna have some more fun?

Lets discuss kosher Law.

good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story

The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?
I enjoyed reading about Jesus doing just that...

I even do it.. Its a hoot!

wanna have some more fun?

Lets discuss kosher Law.

good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story

The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?
The Apostles were uneducated Tax Collectors and fishermen.
Can someone explain this to me?
As far as i can tell, he didnt meet the requirements. Obviously lol..
So how?
Jesus is the son of the God the Republicans used to follow before they threw their lot in with Donald Trump.

Now, they follow a serial adulterer, a proven liar, a man who peeps at underage girls, a racist, just about everything Christians in the past called "evil".

And they want him as a role model for their children.

They still call themselves "Christian", but they have actually lost that right.
Can someone explain this to me?
As far as i can tell, he didnt meet the requirements. Obviously lol..
So how?
Jesus is the son of the God the Republicans used to follow before they threw their lot in with Donald Trump.

Now, they follow a serial adulterer, a proven liar, a man who peeps at underage girls, a racist, just about everything Christians in the past called "evil".

And they want him as a role model for their children.

They still call themselves "Christian", but they have actually lost that right.
The Republicans have always been as self interested as the Democrats.
good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story

The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?
The Apostles were uneducated Tax Collectors and fishermen.

how did the tax collectors keep their books? ------fishermen were illiterate by custom or law?
Minhag or Din?. Some of the apostles wrote GOSPELS (I think----don't quote me)
The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?
The Apostles were uneducated Tax Collectors and fishermen.

how did the tax collectors keep their books? ------fishermen were illiterate by custom or law?
Minhag or Din?. Some of the apostles wrote GOSPELS (I think----don't quote me)
When one lives one day at a time one does not need to keep books.
Tax Collectors only answer to the local government.
Do you what happened to people who didn’t pay?
They got the shit kicked out of them (bookkeeping).
Can someone explain this to me?
As far as i can tell, he didnt meet the requirements. Obviously lol..
So how?
Jesus is the son of the God the Republicans used to follow before they threw their lot in with Donald Trump.

Now, they follow a serial adulterer, a proven liar, a man who peeps at underage girls, a racist, just about everything Christians in the past called "evil".

And they want him as a role model for their children.

They still call themselves "Christian", but they have actually lost that right.
We elected a President that will stand up to the establishment and elitists and fight for us, not a pastor for our church. That's why Christians support Trump.
I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?
The Apostles were uneducated Tax Collectors and fishermen.

how did the tax collectors keep their books? ------fishermen were illiterate by custom or law?
Minhag or Din?. Some of the apostles wrote GOSPELS (I think----don't quote me)
When one lives one day at a time one does not need to keep books.
Tax Collectors only answer to the local government.
Do you what happened to people who didn’t pay?
They got the shit kicked out of them (bookkeeping).

the romans ---soldiers and and roman prelates were the local government with the interest in
taxes. The tax collectors were the "employees" of the roman "local government"-----aka KAPOS
I enjoyed reading about Jesus doing just that...

I even do it.. Its a hoot!

wanna have some more fun?

Lets discuss kosher Law.

good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story

The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?

The religious authorities that disputed with Jesus were highly respected and admired by the people for their apparent dedication to what they were taught to believe was a holy life.

Jesus walking around the Temple calling priests, doctors, lawyers, and scribes degenerate actors and lying frauds, came across like someone walking around Vatican City calling Mother Teresa a whore.
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good idea HOBE-------I have nothing against Jesus----which is why I do not
buy into the "I Won't wash my hands" story

The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?

The religious authorities that disputed with Jesus were highly respected and admired by the people for their apparent dedication to a holy life.

Jesus walking around the Temple calling priests, doctors, lawyers, and scribes degenerate actors and lying frauds, was like someone walking around vatican city calling Mother Teresa a whore.

Try again------the priests of the temple were ROMAN APPOINTEES-------shills. ---largely
SADDUCEES ----disdained to the point of violence by the Pharisees. doctors? lawyers?
King Herod the edomite was also not a public darling. You need some history. When was Jesus
walking around the Temple? It was probably a place he needed to AVOID. I read the NT---I do
not remember him STROLLING around the Temple
The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?

The religious authorities that disputed with Jesus were highly respected and admired by the people for their apparent dedication to a holy life.

Jesus walking around the Temple calling priests, doctors, lawyers, and scribes degenerate actors and lying frauds, was like someone walking around vatican city calling Mother Teresa a whore.

Try again------the priests of the temple were ROMAN APPOINTEES-------shills. ---largely
SADDUCEES ----disdained to the point of violence by the Pharisees. doctors? lawyers?
King Herod the edomite was also not a public darling. You need some history. When was Jesus
walking around the Temple? It was probably a place he needed to AVOID. I read the NT---I do
not remember him STROLLING around the Temple
It was a mixed bag.
I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?

The religious authorities that disputed with Jesus were highly respected and admired by the people for their apparent dedication to a holy life.

Jesus walking around the Temple calling priests, doctors, lawyers, and scribes degenerate actors and lying frauds, was like someone walking around vatican city calling Mother Teresa a whore.

Try again------the priests of the temple were ROMAN APPOINTEES-------shills. ---largely
SADDUCEES ----disdained to the point of violence by the Pharisees. doctors? lawyers?
King Herod the edomite was also not a public darling. You need some history. When was Jesus
walking around the Temple? It was probably a place he needed to AVOID. I read the NT---I do
not remember him STROLLING around the Temple
It was a mixed bag.

the priests? as in ALL of them? no doubt--------but the biggest shots. The "high priest" was
ROMAN APPROVED and in the pocket of Pilate. (remember CAIAPHAS?) The romans knew
how to do an oppressive occupation
The I wont wash my hands story is about the dispute Jesus had with the establishment about what defiles a person according to the teaching of divine law.


Its not what goes into the mouth the defiles a person.....

I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?

The religious authorities that disputed with Jesus were highly respected and admired by the people for their apparent dedication to a holy life.

Jesus walking around the Temple calling priests, doctors, lawyers, and scribes degenerate actors and lying frauds, was like someone walking around vatican city calling Mother Teresa a whore.

Try again------the priests of the temple were ROMAN APPOINTEES-------shills. ---largely
SADDUCEES ----disdained to the point of violence by the Pharisees. doctors? lawyers?
King Herod the edomite was also not a public darling. You need some history. When was Jesus
walking around the Temple? It was probably a place he needed to AVOID. I read the NT---I do
not remember him STROLLING around the Temple
I recall Jesus making a whip and beating the business men in the temple and driving them and their animals out of the temple.
I remember it very well------which is why I do not believe it. According to the writings in the
NT------the followers of Jesus made a POINT of not washing their hands before eating
IN ORDER TO DEMONSTRATE the point that all restrictions on that which a person eats
are worthless. The idea is consistent TOO MUCH with the popular roman orgy. At the time,
ROME was obsessed with unbridled gluttony. IT IS FAR TOO CONTRIVED to be credible.
From where do you get the "dispute Jesus had with the establishment regarding divine law"??
To what establishment do you refer?
His friends were common working class unrefined people. They were just being themselves, not deliberately provoking a dispute. The Pharisee objected to their low class habits because they thought that they were so pure.

Thats when Jesus revealed that the subject of what defiles a person is what comes out of the mouth, the produce of the mind, which is a direct reference to kosher law.

Must have been very embarrassing to be bested by a foul mouthed wise guy and his rag tag group of peasants...

from where do you get the idea that the "friends" of Jesus were "rag tag peasants"? his mother?
his father? can you name a few of these brutes? John the Baptist? Handwashing before
eating was not an exclusive habit of the aristocracy. Poor illiterate people did it. It was and IS
an ingrained social custom------still is. The jews from the most backward countries do it-----even the
Kurdish jews. Children grow up with it. My illiterate grandfather did it. (I am not sure what the literate
one did------he was from England) It is obvious to me from reading the NT that Jesus----son of a
Carpenter ------was EDUCATED-------who was the foul mouthed peasant?

The religious authorities that disputed with Jesus were highly respected and admired by the people for their apparent dedication to a holy life.

Jesus walking around the Temple calling priests, doctors, lawyers, and scribes degenerate actors and lying frauds, was like someone walking around vatican city calling Mother Teresa a whore.

Try again------the priests of the temple were ROMAN APPOINTEES-------shills. ---largely
SADDUCEES ----disdained to the point of violence by the Pharisees. doctors? lawyers?
King Herod the edomite was also not a public darling. You need some history. When was Jesus
walking around the Temple? It was probably a place he needed to AVOID. I read the NT---I do
not remember him STROLLING around the Temple
I recall Jesus making a whip and beating the business men in the temple and driving them and their animals out of the temple.

right-----the most compelling evidence that he was a Pharisee. The Pharisees HATED the business
activities that went on in the Temple Courtyard--------it was a ROMAN FAVE------considered a corruption
of Roman occupation for several reasons

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