How is this the "Largest tax cut in American history"?

$6 Trillion in the pockets of Americans versus Big Brother.
I call that winning.
I'm not talking about winning and losing dumbshit this thread isn't supposed to be a partisan dick measuring competition. I'm just looking for simple numbers. So you say it is a 6 Trillion savings plan. How does that compare to Reagans cuts?
Reagan's tax cuts were $38B, about $99B in todays dollars.
Reagan - $99B cut
Trump - $6T cut.

There's your comparison.
Interesting, so this is a 6x larger tax cut than Reagans by your math. Did you factor in GDP?
Straight dollars to dollars on what people are claiming.
That's what Trump means by the largest ever. Not the fact that Reagans put more money in a families hands.
Thats a pretty manipulated and dishonest message don't you think? Under those standards you could also claim that this bill is one of the largest single contributors to our debt in American history, right?
Spending creates debt, dufus.
Let me educate you.
A person making $20,000 a year can be debt free by living within their income.
Or you can be like this billionaire and get a $58B debt notice delivered to your door.
A Cable Billionaire's $58 Billion Debt Reminder
I hear this phrase used to describe the new tax plan but I don't understand how the numbers add up. Wasn't the high end tax rate during JFK near 90% and during Reagan 70%? Can somebody explain how this plan is the largest in American history?
Perhaps they meant dollars and not percentages? Im not sure but i would like to know as well.

I don’t care in the least. As long as they get it done.
If taxes are cut by 6 trillion, what is that going to do to the national debt?

You guys DO know that the government's "paycheck" is what they raise in taxes, right? It's how they manage to pay for stuff like wars and infrastructure.

By the way.....................when is Mexico going to start making good on their wall payments? Those samples that have already been built weren't cheap ya know.
Federal revenue went from $500B to $1T with Reagan's tax cuts.
What did fed debt do?
Spending is entirely independent from revenue. :cuckoo:
So you may spend at will even when funds are not available???
It’s hyperbole something most if not all politicians and there supporters deal in. As long as Mike Pence doesn’t get caught on a hot mic saying this is a big fucking deal right before Trump signs the bill into law I’m not really concerned with it.
I'm not talking about winning and losing dumbshit this thread isn't supposed to be a partisan dick measuring competition. I'm just looking for simple numbers. So you say it is a 6 Trillion savings plan. How does that compare to Reagans cuts?
Reagan's tax cuts were $38B, about $99B in todays dollars.
Reagan - $99B cut
Trump - $6T cut.

There's your comparison.
Interesting, so this is a 6x larger tax cut than Reagans by your math. Did you factor in GDP?
Straight dollars to dollars on what people are claiming.
That's what Trump means by the largest ever. Not the fact that Reagans put more money in a families hands.
Thats a pretty manipulated and dishonest message don't you think? Under those standards you could also claim that this bill is one of the largest single contributors to our debt in American history, right?
Spending creates debt, dufus.
Let me educate you.
A person making $20,000 a year can be debt free by living within their income.
Or you can be like this billionaire and get a $58B debt notice delivered to your door.
A Cable Billionaire's $58 Billion Debt Reminder
I understand how debt works dumb ass. But if you get a $5000 paycheck every month and your living expenses are $3000 then you run a $2000 surplus every month. If you lose your job and don't adjust your living expenses then you run a $5000 deficit every month and you build debt. This bill just dropped revenue and didn't adjust with spending cuts so the end result is as I said, one of the Largest Deficit Bills in US history!
It’s hyperbole something most if not all politicians and there supporters deal in. As long as Mike Pence doesn’t get caught on a hot mic saying this is a big fucking deal right before Trump signs the bill into law I’m not really concerned with it.
Yeah, we love getting lied to! sweet

Trump says we broke every record. Biggest tax cut in American history. It just isn't true.

They did something good for people who support the bill. Why lie about it? They can get just as much phrase from their base by calling it what it is.
I hear this phrase used to describe the new tax plan but I don't understand how the numbers add up. Wasn't the high end tax rate during JFK near 90% and during Reagan 70%? Can somebody explain how this plan is the largest in American history?
Only a moronic leftard asshole thinks there were not huge deductions available then.

Congrats, moronic leftard asshole.
Did I say that dumbass? No. I asked a simple question. You obviously can't answer. Thanks for playing

Look these dupes follow the leader, if trumptard says it's the biggest tax cut in history it is to them. Let them be they are the low iq crowd.
It’s hyperbole something most if not all politicians and there supporters deal in. As long as Mike Pence doesn’t get caught on a hot mic saying this is a big fucking deal right before Trump signs the bill into law I’m not really concerned with it.
Yeah, we love getting lied to! sweet

Trump says we broke every record. Biggest tax cut in American history. It just isn't true.

They did something good for people who support the bill. Why lie about it? They can get just as much phrase from their base by calling it what it is.
If people are dumb enough to take everything a politician says literally that’s on them. I know this isn’t the largest tax cut in American history just like I knew Obamacare wasnt the great prize President Obama and the Democrats made it out to be but if people want to believe that kind of stuff and lie to themselves that’s up to them.
It’s hyperbole something most if not all politicians and there supporters deal in. As long as Mike Pence doesn’t get caught on a hot mic saying this is a big fucking deal right before Trump signs the bill into law I’m not really concerned with it.
Yeah, we love getting lied to! sweet

Trump says we broke every record. Biggest tax cut in American history. It just isn't true.

They did something good for people who support the bill. Why lie about it? They can get just as much phrase from their base by calling it what it is.
If people are dumb enough to take everything a politician says literally that’s on them. I know this isn’t the largest tax cut in American history just like I knew Obamacare wasnt the great prize President Obama and the Democrats made it out to be but if people want to believe that kind of stuff and lie to themselves that’s up to them.
How about we just call out the lies and distortions as they come no matter who they come from? Not defend them as part of the game
I hear this phrase used to describe the new tax plan but I don't understand how the numbers add up. Wasn't the high end tax rate during JFK near 90% and during Reagan 70%? Can somebody explain how this plan is the largest in American history?

It's not.

This tax bill will bring $128 billion more tax money to be collected than they would otherwise have over the next decade, and $500 billion more in the subsequent decade, according to the Tax Policy Center

They adopted chained CPI into the bill.

I believe the chained CPI will limit future social security increases for the ones drawing.

Yeah. That, too. Stealth benefit cut.

Here's a read explaining how they're doing it - The chained CPI: Another secret tax hike for the middle class slipped into the GOP tax bills

There's other reads elsewhere. Just search for GOP tax bill chained CPI

I like to look at the big picture, I see that yes withholding will go down next year and the individual mandate 12/31/2018 but there is more to this bill that bits and pieces are now just coming out. We'll all may enjoy a small tax decrease and then in 7 or 8 years BAM.

One thing that just stood out was you cannot take casualty losses unless you are in a Federally declared disaster area. Well, your house can burn down, pipes bust, etc and you can't claim any of that even if your homeowner's insurance doesn't cover it all. I suppose more will come out as we go along. Anyway, heres a link for anyone that thinks obamacare has been repealed as trump does.
It’s hyperbole something most if not all politicians and there supporters deal in. As long as Mike Pence doesn’t get caught on a hot mic saying this is a big fucking deal right before Trump signs the bill into law I’m not really concerned with it.
Yeah, we love getting lied to! sweet

Trump says we broke every record. Biggest tax cut in American history. It just isn't true.

They did something good for people who support the bill. Why lie about it? They can get just as much phrase from their base by calling it what it is.
If people are dumb enough to take everything a politician says literally that’s on them. I know this isn’t the largest tax cut in American history just like I knew Obamacare wasnt the great prize President Obama and the Democrats made it out to be but if people want to believe that kind of stuff and lie to themselves that’s up to them.
How about we just call out the lies and distortions as they come no matter who they come from? Not defend them as part of the game
If it makes you feel better have it those who choose to believe what they want to believe still will no matter what side they are one and I for one don't have the time or patience to try and get blind partisans to see what they don't want to see.
It’s hyperbole something most if not all politicians and there supporters deal in. As long as Mike Pence doesn’t get caught on a hot mic saying this is a big fucking deal right before Trump signs the bill into law I’m not really concerned with it.
Yeah, we love getting lied to! sweet

Trump says we broke every record. Biggest tax cut in American history. It just isn't true.

They did something good for people who support the bill. Why lie about it? They can get just as much phrase from their base by calling it what it is.
If people are dumb enough to take everything a politician says literally that’s on them. I know this isn’t the largest tax cut in American history just like I knew Obamacare wasnt the great prize President Obama and the Democrats made it out to be but if people want to believe that kind of stuff and lie to themselves that’s up to them.
How about we just call out the lies and distortions as they come no matter who they come from? Not defend them as part of the game
If it makes you feel better have it those who choose to believe what they want to believe still will no matter what side they are one and I for one don't have the time or patience to try and get blind partisans to see what they don't want to see.
Thats a good attitude to take, especially on this board. Sometimes, with stuff like this that I hear the president, vice president and so many others using over and over again, I have to call it out. Hell, Obama is out of office and we are still hearing "Keep your doctor, keep your plan" thats fine, call them out, just do it on both sides.
I hear this phrase used to describe the new tax plan but I don't understand how the numbers add up. Wasn't the high end tax rate during JFK near 90% and during Reagan 70%? Can somebody explain how this plan is the largest in American history?

It's not.

This tax bill will bring $128 billion more tax money to be collected than they would otherwise have over the next decade, and $500 billion more in the subsequent decade, according to the Tax Policy Center

They adopted chained CPI into the bill.

I believe the chained CPI will limit future social security increases for the ones drawing.

Yeah. That, too. Stealth benefit cut.

Here's a read explaining how they're doing it - The chained CPI: Another secret tax hike for the middle class slipped into the GOP tax bills

There's other reads elsewhere. Just search for GOP tax bill chained CPI

I like to look at the big picture, I see that yes withholding will go down next year and the individual mandate 12/31/2018 but there is more to this bill that bits and pieces are now just coming out. We'll all may enjoy a small tax decrease and then in 7 or 8 years BAM.

One thing that just stood out was you cannot take casualty losses unless you are in a Federally declared disaster area. Well, your house can burn down, pipes bust, etc and you can't claim any of that even if your homeowner's insurance doesn't cover it all. I suppose more will come out as we go along. Anyway, heres a link for anyone that thinks obamacare has been repealed as trump does.
Theres a lot to criticize about this plan but I wouldn't use the sunset arguemnt. Who is not going to vote to renew the tax cuts in 7 years? Ask any Dem if they are going to vote to take away the individual cuts, as any Republican.... who is going to say yes to taking away the tax cuts?
I hear this phrase used to describe the new tax plan but I don't understand how the numbers add up. Wasn't the high end tax rate during JFK near 90% and during Reagan 70%? Can somebody explain how this plan is the largest in American history?

It's not.

This tax bill will bring $128 billion more tax money to be collected than they would otherwise have over the next decade, and $500 billion more in the subsequent decade, according to the Tax Policy Center

They adopted chained CPI into the bill.

I believe the chained CPI will limit future social security increases for the ones drawing.

Yeah. That, too. Stealth benefit cut.

Here's a read explaining how they're doing it - The chained CPI: Another secret tax hike for the middle class slipped into the GOP tax bills

There's other reads elsewhere. Just search for GOP tax bill chained CPI

I like to look at the big picture, I see that yes withholding will go down next year and the individual mandate 12/31/2018 but there is more to this bill that bits and pieces are now just coming out. We'll all may enjoy a small tax decrease and then in 7 or 8 years BAM.

One thing that just stood out was you cannot take casualty losses unless you are in a Federally declared disaster area. Well, your house can burn down, pipes bust, etc and you can't claim any of that even if your homeowner's insurance doesn't cover it all. I suppose more will come out as we go along. Anyway, heres a link for anyone that thinks obamacare has been repealed as trump does.
Theres a lot to criticize about this plan but I wouldn't use the sunset arguemnt. Who is not going to vote to renew the tax cuts in 7 years? Ask any Dem if they are going to vote to take away the individual cuts, as any Republican.... who is going to say yes to taking away the tax cuts?

Well if the rest of obamacare is left intact and even expanded if CSR's are funded as Trump has indicated who is going to pay for both the CSR's and Advanced premium tax credits? You can't take unpopular mandate away and leave the rest intact. Someone at some time or another will have to raise the taxes or completely gut ACA.

Trump White House Signals It Will Abandon Obamacare Repeal

Oh you do know why they expire in 2025 don't you? They don't expect to be in office and can blame any increases on the left.
It's not.

This tax bill will bring $128 billion more tax money to be collected than they would otherwise have over the next decade, and $500 billion more in the subsequent decade, according to the Tax Policy Center

They adopted chained CPI into the bill.

I believe the chained CPI will limit future social security increases for the ones drawing.

Yeah. That, too. Stealth benefit cut.

Here's a read explaining how they're doing it - The chained CPI: Another secret tax hike for the middle class slipped into the GOP tax bills

There's other reads elsewhere. Just search for GOP tax bill chained CPI

I like to look at the big picture, I see that yes withholding will go down next year and the individual mandate 12/31/2018 but there is more to this bill that bits and pieces are now just coming out. We'll all may enjoy a small tax decrease and then in 7 or 8 years BAM.

One thing that just stood out was you cannot take casualty losses unless you are in a Federally declared disaster area. Well, your house can burn down, pipes bust, etc and you can't claim any of that even if your homeowner's insurance doesn't cover it all. I suppose more will come out as we go along. Anyway, heres a link for anyone that thinks obamacare has been repealed as trump does.
Theres a lot to criticize about this plan but I wouldn't use the sunset arguemnt. Who is not going to vote to renew the tax cuts in 7 years? Ask any Dem if they are going to vote to take away the individual cuts, as any Republican.... who is going to say yes to taking away the tax cuts?

Well if the rest of obamacare is left intact and even expanded if CSR's are funded as Trump has indicated who is going to pay for both the CSR's and Advanced premium tax credits? You can't take unpopular mandate away and leave the rest intact. Someone at some time or another will have to raise the taxes or completely gut ACA.

Trump White House Signals It Will Abandon Obamacare Repeal

Oh you do know why they expire in 2025 don't you? They don't expect to be in office and can blame any increases on the left.
I honestly don’t think that is the intent. Meadows was on new day this AM and he said he has been drafting legislation that they will bring to the floor in January that would make these cuts permanent... we shall see
I hear this phrase used to describe the new tax plan but I don't understand how the numbers add up. Wasn't the high end tax rate during JFK near 90% and during Reagan 70% which he dropped to 50% and then 28%? Can somebody explain by what metrics this plan is the largest tax cut in American history?
When does the crying end?
I hear this phrase used to describe the new tax plan but I don't understand how the numbers add up. Wasn't the high end tax rate during JFK near 90% and during Reagan 70% which he dropped to 50% and then 28%? Can somebody explain by what metrics this plan is the largest tax cut in American history?
When does the crying end?
What about my post did you interpret as crying?
It’s hyperbole something most if not all politicians and there supporters deal in. As long as Mike Pence doesn’t get caught on a hot mic saying this is a big fucking deal right before Trump signs the bill into law I’m not really concerned with it.
Yeah, we love getting lied to! sweet

Trump says we broke every record. Biggest tax cut in American history. It just isn't true.

They did something good for people who support the bill. Why lie about it? They can get just as much phrase from their base by calling it what it is.
If people are dumb enough to take everything a politician says literally that’s on them. I know this isn’t the largest tax cut in American history just like I knew Obamacare wasnt the great prize President Obama and the Democrats made it out to be but if people want to believe that kind of stuff and lie to themselves that’s up to them.
How about we just call out the lies and distortions as they come no matter who they come from? Not defend them as part of the game

Exactly Slade. This whataboutism has to stop and we ALL need to hold ALL politicians accountable.

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