How long before we find out that this "Spy in Trump's Camp" story is a...

Typical of the dimwitted left they overreach and it blows up in their face. Using federal government agencies to spy on a presidential candidate is so wrong even prominent Dem's are demanding those responsible be held accountable.

President Donald Trump continues to cause confusion by complaining that the F.B.I. was “spying” on him.

In a rational world, saying that the F.B.I. had enough evidence to authorize an informant to infiltrate your campaign wouldn’t be the kind of thing you talked about in public.

But, whatever, Spygate plays well on Fox, I guess. And the people who watch Fox are the only people Trump cares about.

MEANWHILE, on Earth 2, the investigation into Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen continues apace.

Yesterday, a major “witch” fell.

‘Taxi King’ Of New York Pleads, Flips On Michael Cohen

Clapper Admits on live TV he had Spies in the Trump Campaign.
Typical of the dimwitted left they overreach and it blows up in their face. Using federal government agencies to spy on a presidential candidate is so wrong even prominent Dem's are demanding those responsible be held accountable.

fake news :eusa_clap:
How long before we find out that this "Spy in Trump's Camp" story is a...

Russian Troll Farm priority push story.

from behind his twitterverse curtain, traitor trump sparked another troll-farm fake news squawking talking point :eusa_clap:


Old KGB spy manual reveals origin of fake-news strategy
Typical of the dimwitted left they overreach and it blows up in their face. Using federal government agencies to spy on a presidential candidate is so wrong even prominent Dem's are demanding those responsible be held accountable.
How long before we find out that the Russians pwned you all again?
It won't matter. They'll have some other bee in their bonnet as soon as the facts wake up, have coffee, and read the paper.
Plant a spy and then when nothing shows up have Hillary produce a book and when that doesn’t work then accuse the other side of what you have been doing
How can anyone listen to Clapper and his explanation of spying and not get sick? He says they (FBI) placed a spy into the campaign of the opposition party to protect Trump the opposition candidate and left the spy there after Trump won...but never told Trump about they spied on the president elect....this is worse than watergate times will be fun to watch them squirm....And its nice to not have Obama anywhere near a camera or a reporter....he is hiding...:113:
How can anyone listen to Clapper and his explanation of spying and not get sick? He says they (FBI) placed a spy into the campaign of the opposition party to protect Trump the opposition candidate and left the spy there after Trump won...but never told Trump about they spied on the president elect....this is worse than watergate times will be fun to watch them squirm....And its nice to not have Obama anywhere near a camera or a reporter....he is hiding...:113:
Unwad your shorts, rambunctious. Eat more fiber. And take a "Comprehension 101" course, then read Clapper again.
How can anyone listen to Clapper and his explanation of spying and not get sick? He says they (FBI) placed a spy into the campaign of the opposition party to protect Trump the opposition candidate and left the spy there after Trump won...but never told Trump about they spied on the president elect....this is worse than watergate times will be fun to watch them squirm....And its nice to not have Obama anywhere near a camera or a reporter....he is hiding...:113:

Most real Americans no matter your political beliefs, see that putting a spy in the opposite campaign is not legal.
And for all you liberals that say it’s ok because they did it to Trump, just think Trump is President now and if it’s ok then he can use spies during the next election,it goes both ways liberals!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

President Donald Trump continues to cause confusion by complaining that the F.B.I. was “spying” on him.

In a rational world, saying that the F.B.I. had enough evidence to authorize an informant to infiltrate your campaign wouldn’t be the kind of thing you talked about in public.

But, whatever, Spygate plays well on Fox, I guess. And the people who watch Fox are the only people Trump cares about.

MEANWHILE, on Earth 2, the investigation into Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen continues apace.

Yesterday, a major “witch” fell.

‘Taxi King’ Of New York Pleads, Flips On Michael Cohen

Clapper Admits on live TV he had Spies in the Trump Campaign.
Just think if Hillary would've been elected, we wouldn't know nothing of this Democrat corruption. Keep up the investigation, the only people it's hurting are democrats.

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