How Long Can You Keep Saying “Is Nooooooottttt!!!!!”??????

Did you know that George W. had a chance to take BinLaden from the taliban to stay out of war with Afghanistan?

Look, I get you hate america. but sit the fk down.

You are the one who hates America. That is why you attack our freedoms.
Our top military planned the withdrawal.

Indeed, by late April two weeks after the president’s decision, military planners had crafted a number of evacuation scenarios. In mid-May I ordered Central Command to make preparations for potential NEO. And two weeks later, I began pre-positioning forces in the region to include three infantry battalions. And on the 10th of August, we ran another tabletop exercise around a non-combatant evacuation scenario. We wanted to be ready and we were. In fact, by the time that the state department called for a NEO, leading elements of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit were already on the ground in Kabul. And before that weekend was out another 3000 or so ground troops had arrived including elements of the 82nd Airborne. But let’s be clear. Those first two days were difficult. We all watched with alarm, the images of Afghans rushing the runway in our aircraft. We all remember the scenes of confusion outside the airport.

Sec. Lloyd Austin: (19:57)
But within 48 hours, our troops restored order and process began to take hold. Our soldiers, airmen and Marines in partnership with our allies and partners and our State Department colleagues secured the gates, took control of airport operations and set up a processing system for the tens of thousands of people they would be manifesting unto airplanes. They and our commanders exceeded all expectations. We planned to evacuate between 70 and 80,000 people. They evacuated more than 124,000. We planned to move between five and 9,000 people per day. On average, they moved slightly between more than 7,000 per day. On military aircraft alone, we flew more than 387 sorties averaging nearly 23 per day. At the height of this operation and aircraft was taking off every 45 minutes. And not a single sortie was missed for maintenance, fuel or logistical problems. It was the largest air lift conducted in US history and it was executed in 17 days. Was it perfect? Of course not.

Would that be the same leaders that are more worried about pronouns than defending the country?

Why do you support oil companies over taxpayers? There is nothing wrong with increasing royalties. Oil production shot up under Obama despite his ban on drilling on federal lands. Oil companies are not increasing their oil drilling so it matters little. These companies have thousands of oil leases that have not been used.

Why do you support oil companies over taxpayers? There is nothing wrong with increasing royalties. Oil production shot up under Obama despite his ban on drilling on federal lands. Oil companies are not increasing their oil drilling so it matters little. These companies have thousands of oil leases that have not been used.

Nothing wrong? Are you sure buy gas at your local station for the price it was before the royalty price went up 50%? Who pays that increase? Oil companies just raise the prices! DUH!!!

Again A total LIE! "thousands of oil leases"???? You just show your ignorance of the issue!
But answer this question HONESTLY!!! If you were part of an industry that employed 10 million people and made up 8% of the Nation's GDP and you heard the PrESIDENT of the UNITED STATES SaY.."I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” what would YOU as an OIL company planner do?
A) Raise prices now while they can! B) Look for another job, causing labor shortages! C) STOP all expenditures for oil exploration!
These are just plain simple steps any logical person would take if the President of the USA said he was guaranteeing your job will be gone!
Be honest now how stupid is that?

HERE is the facts regarding the LIE Biden said about 9,000 leases!!!

Biden claimed 9,000 oil drilling permits are unused. That’s true, but all work can’t begin ‘right now’​

According to the IPAA, some of these leases are going through a “complex regulatory process or are held up in litigation.” Western Energy Alliance, which represents hundreds of companies involved in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, says on its website that it is defending more than 2,200 leases in court, most of which cannot be developed while the cases are ongoing.
Companies often need to have separate permits secured for multiple well sites before they can bring in an oil rig, the IPAA says. But just because the government approves the permits doesn’t guarantee the well will produce oil and gas, as some never do. This means approved permits may go unused

NEXT why would any knowledgeable oil executive spend any money are drilling any more if the President wants to eliminate the entire industry?

How absolutely IGNORANT!!!
This particular poster has been valuable as a stereotype of the brainless Democrat voter.

Elmer, an exemplar of the sort of stupidity we find in every Democrat voter, came up with this knee-jerk post about American hero Senator Joseph McCarthy, who gave his career to save America from Marxism.

He wrote this:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”
Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true… should be eminently simple to prove.

When I challenged, he could not name a single such innocent ruined by McCarthy......yet he doubled down with his lies, continuing to blame McCarthy.

And now you....when given documentation that refutes your post, the same......we call them "Elmers."
None of what you said changes that you are a cult member. You are a trained monkey for Trump. You parrot what you are told to say by the cult. Everything you said above is what the cult wants you to say. You have no thoughts of your own.
Face the facts.

1.Every day, in every way, the Democrat debilitation of America becomes more and more evident. Name the ways America is better under Biden.

See what I mean?

Dick Morris put it this way: THREE BIG ISSUES LOOK to dominate the political landscape as this is written: inflation, immigration, and crime. Each of the three has the same unique feature: none was a problem under Donald Trump, and all emerged as serious issues on the day that Biden was inaugurated.

2. Executive Orders right from the start: Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWR, obviating Trump’s success in making America energy independent, effectively rewarding our enemies, Russian and Iran.

View attachment 695545

“…caused by Democratic policies. By killing the Keystone Pipeline, proclaiming an end to fossil fuels, stopping oil drilling offshore and in Alaska, and banning new fracking contracts on federal lands, their programs sent the price of gasoline and all energy soaring, from an average of $2.20 per gallon in November 2020, to $3.28 in May 2021, and is predicted to break four dollars by the end of the year.”

3. “Fear of Biden tax increases and tougher regulation reined in production. ….Biden was proposing to double the capital gains tax?

Anxious to appease a public concerned about the slow pace of recovery, Biden and his Congress lavished voters with new goodies. They increased unemployment benefits by $300 more per week, gave every person a $1,400 stimulus check, in- creased food stamp aid, and paid out more in Obamacare subsidies. Economists calculated that if people stayed home and did not work, a family of four could make a pretax income of $100,000 a year just living off federal benefits. So why work? Millions did the sensible thing and decided to stay home. Nine million jobs were unfilled by the end of summer 2021. It didn’t pay to go to work. You made more by not working.

Supply bottlenecks began to choke off the recovery.”

Soooo…..which was the worse plan…..the above by the Democrats……

…..or voting for Democrats???


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Trump didn't enforce 6 out of 7 of the conditions the Taliban agreed to, and his conditional withdrawal became 'Trumps Skedaddle Accords". Even after the 135 day deadline for implementation, Trump continued to withdraw more troop until his breakdown in Nov. when he ordered all troops from everywhere be withdrawn. Okay just Germany, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia....and he change his order in Afghanistan to leave a small force of 2500.
Amazingly, Biden managed to get all of our forces out as well as 125,000 civilians
None of what you said changes that you are a cult member. You are a trained monkey for Trump. You parrot what you are told to say by the cult. Everything you said above is what the cult wants you to say. You have no thoughts of your own.
Your post merely showed her right
That is bullshit and you know it. Certain companies are making huge profits.
Whatcha wanna bet Democrat Congress has stock in those companies, hmm?

No I don't "know it", motherfucker!

Biden fucked up the good fuel deals on day 1 of his presidency and the shitball has been rolling downhill ever since bigly, and it's Yuge!

That affected the entire world, and bad times are ahead, cupcake.

If Biden hadn't done that, we could supply Europe with fuel and Russia would not have had money to invade Ukraine.

Is your partisan fucktarded ass aware that India has moved away from the petrodollar, idiot?

That makes you a certain percentage poorer automatically. Not sure how much.

Probably somewhere between 1 and 6.
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It was Trump who fucked it up by signing a surrender document.
I don't know. If he had enforced the conditions and demanded there be peace negotiations before he removed 80% of our troops and maybe a truce on all sides.....
None of what you said changes that you are a cult member. You are a trained monkey for Trump. You parrot what you are told to say by the cult. Everything you said above is what the cult wants you to say. You have no thoughts of your own.

Unlike you, I can prove anything I post.

You Democrats gave up both honest and ability to think when you joined up.

Let's prove it:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”
Yea Or Nay?

Name one of those thousands, you imbecile.

And you believed every one of these lies, too.......

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, and that ‘armed insurrection’ that never occurred, and AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol. And, of course the 275 Democrat inspired riots were ‘mostly peaceful.’

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????

Democrats claimed it was Republicans who demanded defunding the police, AOC claimed ten people were killed Jan6th, Ilhan Omar blames the police for crime, they claimed that CRT wasn’t being taught in government school, men can become pregnant, and MAGA fans attacked Jussie Smollett, inflation due to Putin and the invasion…

  • Brett Kavanaugh — Serial Rapist
  • President Michael Avenatti
  • The Covington KKKids Hoax
  • Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
  • George Zimmerman
  • Mostly Peaceful Black Lives Matter Riots
  • The Russia Collusion Hoax
  • Antifa Stormed the Beaches on D-Day
  • Cuomo (D-NY): King of Coronavirus Competence
  • The Clearing of Lafayette Square Hoax
  • The Lab Leak Theory Has Been Debunked Hoax
  • The Russians Are Behind Hunter’s Laptop Hoax
  • The Russian Bounty Hoax
  • The Capitol Police Officer Killed with a Fire Extinguisher Hoax
  • The Very Fine People Hoax
  • Men Can Magically Transform into Women
  • And on and on and on
…what is the point of watching any corporate media outlet? All they do is lie. Even if you are an NPR wine mom, you do not want to be serially lied to.
The era of corporate media influence is ending thanks to the over the top bias, and that should be good for the future. Americans are rebelling against these exposed frauds, and 2022 should be a turning point."
Mark Simone 710


None of what you said changes that you are a cult member. You are a trained monkey for Trump. You parrot what you are told to say by the cult. Everything you said above is what the cult wants you to say. You have no thoughts of your own.

This is me smash yet another custard pie of truth in your ugly kisser:

Any of this false, you buffoon???????

Adults judge a President by his achievements for the people….Democrats judge by their personality and what they do for the party.
Dick Morris notes a number of astounding achievements by Trump…..

1.” He defied the economic establishment by getting Congress to pass a massive tax cut, skillfully crafted to aim at the middle class, the working poor, and small businesses. …. he made sure his tax cuts were the first in recent history to target the lower middle class—the working class. Trump signed a law giving a tax credit of $2,000 per child, and changed tax rates so the lower-income people did not even have to file returns.

2. ….holding Beijing accountable for its unfair trade practices through massive and highly effective trade sanctions. ….Trump insisted that we use our power to stop China from cheating, and force it to compete on a level playing field.

The establishment cautioned him not to mess with China. They said that we owe them so much money, they could pull the plug on us anytime they want to. But as a businessman, Trump understood that it is we who have the upper hand because we buy three times as much from China as they buy from us. And the debt? Trump realized that our debt to China made them dependent on us, not the other way around. After all, we are the ones sitting on their money.

3. The establishment wanted free flow of labor and open borders. But Trump demanded that we keep illegal immigrants out. He said that if we have millions of people willing to work for very little, there’s no way the middle class can move up in wages.

4. The environmental establishment wanted to scrap fossil fuels and go to wind and solar energy. But Trump pointed out that we have worked hard for forty years to be energy independent. So why would we give that power away? Especially for solar panels that don’t work when it’s cloudy, and wind turbines that don’t turn on calm days. Instead, he said, let America be the OPEC of the future and use our energy power for democracy and human rights.

5. The legal establishment said that when illegal immigrants come over the border, they are entitled to constitutional rights. But Trump didn’t see it that way and asked Mexico to put troops on the frontier to keep them on their side of the border. Mexican president López-Obrador, a hardline leftist, asked, “Why should we?” But when Trump threatened trade sanctions, López-Obrador saw the light and deployed 28,000 troops. End of problem, and illegal immigration dried up almost entirely. And to make sure, Trump built five hundred miles of a border wall that everyone was afraid to cross.”

6. “The diplomatic establishment had always pushed for the two-state solution in the Middle East. But Trump knew that wouldn’t accomplish anything. Hamas would still want to kill Israelis. So he got the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to stop subsidizing Hamas, in return for our protection against our common enemy—Iran.

He imposed crippling sanctions on Iranian ayatollahs, Russian oligarchs, and Venezuelan dictators.

7. The civil rights movement (more specifically, the Black Lives Matter movement) said that minorities have been discriminated against for decades, and that we must abandon the idea of equality. Instead, they claimed that we must begin discriminating against white people. They called it “equity.” Trump stood firm for colorblind government and cut the ground out from under them by ushering in policies that led to Black household income rising to historic heights.”

8. “The president pulled out of the Paris Accord when Europe refused to demand that China stop emitting massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Then he defied the environmental lobby by supporting an increase in fracking. As a result, we extracted enough natural gas to cut our carbon emissions by over eight hundred million metric tons—more than Europe and Japan combined.”

9. He scrapped NAFTA and negotiated a new deal that stopped China from sneak- ing products into the United States, and allowed duty free hemispheric trade in autos only for those goods produced by Mexican, American, or Canadian workers who are paid at least $15 per hour—the first and only trade deal in history to incentivize higher wages.”

10. Trump's popularity is built on achievements, no media hype.

He actually governed to help real working Americans.

“…Trump discovered a new ethnic group who had lain hidden in our politics, unknown to the oddsmakers, consultants, pundits, and analysts in the news media and the political establishment: the white high-school graduate living in middle America. “Fly-over country,” the insiders sneered. The states that don’t matter, and the voters who don’t really count.

Hillary famously called them the “deplorables.” Obama mocked them, saying, “It’s not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti- trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Low wages, closing factories, shrinking towns, and shattered dreams were the grief that gripped these Americans. Illegal immigration that dragged down wages and created a class of working poor, ruinous and unfair competition with China, and trade deals that let Mexico steal our jobs—those were the grievances. And when Trump ripped up NAFTA, sanctioned China, and built a wall along the Southern border—those were the solutions.”
Dick Morris, “The Return”

Compare the above to what the Democrats have done since the stolen election.
Worst President ever. Stole the title from O'Bama.

EVERYTHING he has done has Made America Worse Again. Everything he takes credit for, he had nothing to do with. What about the TWO MILLION illegals he has infested the country with? Why is this not at the top of everybody's list?
What? :ack-1:
No Clinton?
The fact is that has nothing to do with Biden. Biden cannot force them to pump oil. Republicans are the ones who are paid off by big oil.

He’s allowing a big business to gouge Americans

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