How Long Will Trump Be In Office?

How Long will Trump be in offfice?

  • He won't

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Less than 1 year

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • Less than 4 years

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • 4 years

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • 8 years

    Votes: 28 56.0%

  • Total voters
4.......Don't think he wants eight....Hand it off to Pence in what should be a stroll in the park if they accomplish even half of the agenda
trumpery himself said he would not be president, that Mike sharia law Pence would run the country while the Cheeto in Chief was out "making America great again".

Besides that very important meeting with Kanje West and a couple of other ridiculous stunts, it looks like it might be the one time he told the truth.
Four years. I think one term will be enough to accomplish what he wants ( or not) and he'll look forward to cashing in on the ex-president gravy train.
It's completely understandable that people who have never really had any 'real money' look at Trump through the lense of what a poor/struggling middle class life is like.
So they see a billionaire and assume that a billionaire wants to keep making more money.
That is a myth.
Among the very wealthy someone whose only reason for getting out of bed is to amass more fortune is seen to be shall we say a bit 'non-creative'.
I know some billionaires and a lot of millionaires.
For many it was the challenge of figuring out how to make the money, then proving to themselves they could make all that money then the ultimate challenge of hanging onto the money.
It's a game. A contest you fight to win.
Trump has said at this point in his life 'money' means nothing to him. He fucking won that contest decades ago.
Now it's the most challenging thing he's ever tried to succeed at.
Anyone who thinks President Trump after he leaves office will go out and give speeches so he can 'enrich' himself is fucking delusional.
(That's the sort of thing Bill and Hillary did because they are LIB scumbags.
The only paid for speeches Obama is going to give will be at LIB universities who don't have the money to spring for his first class flight and a dinner for two in the cafeteria.)

Trumps goal now is to succeed by keeping his promises.
THAT's the measure of a man's success.
Not a bunch of fucking BS lies about "millions of shovel ready green jobs". Not about making 'Red line' promises you never had the balls to enforce. Not keeping your promise to close Gitmo the day after you're inaugurated. And on and on with endless bullshit lies just to get elected by the fucking simpleton OJ jury.
A man who behaves this way is not a real man.
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Four years. I think one term will be enough to accomplish what he wants ( or not) and he'll look forward to cashing in on the ex-president gravy train.
It's completely understandable that people who have never really had any 'real money' look at Trump through the lense of what a poor/struggling middle class life is like.
So they see a billionaire and assume that a billionaire wants to keep making more money.
That is a myth.
Among the very wealthy someone whose only reason for getting out of bed is to amass more fortune is seen to be shall we say a bit 'non-creative'.
I know some billionaires and a lot of millionaires.
For many it was the challenge of figuring out how to make the money, then proving to themselves they could make all that money then the ultimate challenge of hanging onto the money.
It's a game. A contest you fight to win.
Trump has said at this point in his life 'money' means nothing to him. He fucking won that contest decades ago.
Now it's the most challenging thing he's ever tried to succeed at.
Anyone who thinks President Trump after he leaves office will go out and give speeches so he can 'enrich' himself is fucking delusional.
(That's the sort of thing Bill and Hillary did because they are LIB scumbags.
The only paid for speeches Obama is going to give will be at LIB universities who don't have the money to spring for his first class flight and a dinner for two in the cafeteria.)

Trumps goal now is to succeed by keeping his promises.
THAT's the measure of a man's success.
Not a bunch of fucking BS lies about "millions of shovel ready green jobs". Not about making 'Red line' promises you never had the balls to enforce. Not keeping your promise to close Gitmo the day after you're inaugurated. And on and on with endless bullshit lies just to get elected by the fucking simpleton OJ jury.
A man who behaves this way is not a real man.

So far, he has backed down on every single one of his "promises" and he has lied about every single thing he has done.
4.......Don't think he wants eight....Hand it off to Pence in what should be a stroll in the park if they accomplish even half of the agenda
No. President Trump's daughter will run in four years and be the President for eight years.
In four years the DEMs will put up for election one Hillary Clinton. Donna Brazile will be the DNC chair.
Robby Mook will run Hillary's campaign.
And the DEMs will lose fifty seats in Congress, twenty seats in the Senate and Nancy will be wheeled in to tell those assembled that there is "no need to change course".
The question is....

How long can an overweight 70 year old withstand the burden of the presidency?

He could falter fast

Sure he could, but so could have Hillary. They're about the same age, and judging what we've seen from the both of them, Trump is in much better shape than she is.
I think Trump will make it through four years but his scandals will make him irrelevant the last two

Trumps tendency to create his own facts and outright lie when he gets cornered will be his downfall. The press will cut him no slack and his own party would turn on him in a minute

Why didn't that happen with Obama then?

Just stop it with the "Obama does it too" nonsense

Trump lies at a level never approached by any politician. He lives on conspiracy sites and repeats their claims as facts. It is not just us, but the rest of the world that will be calling him out for his misstatements and blatant lies

It's less of how many lies one told. It's what they lied about that matters. DumBama told a trillion dollar lie......actually lies. Now our healthcare is all Fd up in this country. I'll wait to see if Trump can ever top that one.

Now we get to see if Trump can deliver a better healthcare plan or if he was just lying out his ass again

He promised coverage of pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps, no mandates all at a cheaper cost

Well whatever he does, it can't be any worse than Commie Care.
It's less of how many lies one told. It's what they lied about that matters. DumBama told a trillion dollar lie......actually lies. Now our healthcare is all Fd up in this country. I'll wait to see if Trump can ever top that one.

Guy, why is it your boss screws you on health care and you blame Obama for it?

Because jumbo ears created an environment where any employer can drop their coverage with less risk of losing good employees. Without Commie Care, most employers would fear dropping the benefit because it would send their employees to other companies, plus it would be harder to hire new ones to replace them.

You can't look at a joker that took over over one-fifth of our private economy and say he had nothing to do with it. I'm 56 years old, and I had insurance all of my life (with preexisting conditions) until you people elected that moron. And oh yeah, I called Commie Care to see what they could do for me. It would cost me over 20% of my net pay to get insurance, and it wouldn't cover anything with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. Even the lady that took my call admitted she couldn't afford that kind of insurance, and she works at Commie Care.
Why didn't that happen with Obama then?

Just stop it with the "Obama does it too" nonsense

Trump lies at a level never approached by any politician. He lives on conspiracy sites and repeats their claims as facts. It is not just us, but the rest of the world that will be calling him out for his misstatements and blatant lies

It's less of how many lies one told. It's what they lied about that matters. DumBama told a trillion dollar lie......actually lies. Now our healthcare is all Fd up in this country. I'll wait to see if Trump can ever top that one.

Now we get to see if Trump can deliver a better healthcare plan or if he was just lying out his ass again

He promised coverage of pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps, no mandates all at a cheaper cost
The free market does that....

The free market also ships low-end jobs to Mexico and China.

But you guys don't seem like that.
How free is the market when government is standing on your fucking neck?
Kaine would have as much chance as Hillary running again!
President Trump for four years then the 'First' Female President.......... Trump's daughter.
100% guaranteed.

hillary won the popular vote. that is a fact jack, so nothing of drumpf's will be a mandate. & doubt kaine will run next time around. as for ivanka? not gonna happen either.
What did she win?

3,000,000 more votes than tribbles. he got the presidency courtesy of putin as well. cheating always seems to surround the mango colored one, doesn't it?
But what did she win?

she is vindicated. he won thru nefarious means, not because he was a better candidate.
well if hillary was a better candidate then we would not be having this discussion..... i thought they both sucked....
What did she win?

3,000,000 more votes than tribbles. he got the presidency courtesy of putin as well. cheating always seems to surround the mango colored one, doesn't it?
But what did she win?

she is vindicated. he won thru nefarious means, not because he was a better candidate.
But you think she won something, what did she win?

2.8 million more votes than Trump did.
which means jack shit in our system....maybe she should have convinced more people not living in democrat land to vote for her...and im sure there was plenty of them....
Why didn't that happen with Obama then?

Just stop it with the "Obama does it too" nonsense

Trump lies at a level never approached by any politician. He lives on conspiracy sites and repeats their claims as facts. It is not just us, but the rest of the world that will be calling him out for his misstatements and blatant lies

It's less of how many lies one told. It's what they lied about that matters. DumBama told a trillion dollar lie......actually lies. Now our healthcare is all Fd up in this country. I'll wait to see if Trump can ever top that one.

Now we get to see if Trump can deliver a better healthcare plan or if he was just lying out his ass again

He promised coverage of pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps, no mandates all at a cheaper cost
The free market does that....

The free market also ships low-end jobs to Mexico and China.

But you guys don't seem like that.
Here are the current odds: “Trump to build wall covering entirety of US-Mexican border before end of 2020” — 4/1

Source: Discussion Forums | Crush Live Poker
Because jumbo ears created an environment where any employer can drop their coverage with less risk of losing good employees. Without Commie Care, most employers would fear dropping the benefit because it would send their employees to other companies, plus it would be harder to hire new ones to replace them.

Really? Frankly, in Bush's recessions, you were happy to just have a job..

Much less health care.

Again, I've never had a problem getting health coverage from an employer... you must be pretty pathetic if you can't.
The question is....

How long can an overweight 70 year old withstand the burden of the presidency?

He could falter fast

Sure he could, but so could have Hillary. They're about the same age, and judging what we've seen from the both of them, Trump is in much better shape than she is.
Trump is the heaviest president since Taft and the oldest in history

Not a good sign
Trump is the heaviest president since Taft and the oldest in history

Not a good sign

Now that you bring up the point. Another way we could rid the world of Trump other than impeachment or death is by utilizing the 25th Amendment.

Simply declare him mentally unfit for office. You'd need the VP and his cabinet to agree, of course. But it's actually less painful than impeachment.
Trump is the heaviest president since Taft and the oldest in history

Not a good sign

Now that you bring up the point. Another way we could rid the world of Trump other than impeachment or death is by utilizing the 25th Amendment.

Simply declare him mentally unfit for office. You'd need the VP and his cabinet to agree, of course. But it's actually less painful than impeachment.

Such are the dreams of the everyday Liberal. LOL!! I mean just sling anything up there, what have you got to lose now?
Such are the dreams of the everyday Liberal. LOL!! I mean just sling anything up there, what have you got to lose now?

Again, you Trumpkins should be more worried about who is standing behind you than who is standing in front of you...

You do realize Trump offended just about every key person in the Republican party, from mocking John McCains war service to calling Mitt Romney a "choke artist" to saying Ted Cruz's dad shot JFK. In short, your own guys are more likely to turn on you... just biding their tiime to do so....

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