How Long Will Trump Be In Office?

How Long will Trump be in offfice?

  • He won't

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Less than 1 year

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • Less than 4 years

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • 4 years

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • 8 years

    Votes: 28 56.0%

  • Total voters
Such are the dreams of the everyday Liberal. LOL!! I mean just sling anything up there, what have you got to lose now?

Again, you Trumpkins should be more worried about who is standing behind you than who is standing in front of you...

You do realize Trump offended just about every key person in the Republican party, from mocking John McCains war service to calling Mitt Romney a "choke artist" to saying Ted Cruz's dad shot JFK. In short, your own guys are more likely to turn on you... just biding their tiime to do so....

Keep pn slinging the crap. Maybe someone will believe you're not just a bitter butt hurt little brainless shit.
The question is....

How long can an overweight 70 year old withstand the burden of the presidency?

He could falter fast

Sure he could, but so could have Hillary. They're about the same age, and judging what we've seen from the both of them, Trump is in much better shape than she is.
Trump is the heaviest president since Taft and the oldest in history

Not a good sign

So what? Obama has the biggest ears in history............
Because jumbo ears created an environment where any employer can drop their coverage with less risk of losing good employees. Without Commie Care, most employers would fear dropping the benefit because it would send their employees to other companies, plus it would be harder to hire new ones to replace them.

Really? Frankly, in Bush's recessions, you were happy to just have a job..

Much less health care.

Again, I've never had a problem getting health coverage from an employer... you must be pretty pathetic if you can't.

Myself and millions of others.

At least during the recession, I did have coverage and a job.

If you ever want to F things up in this country, elect Democrats.
Four years. I think one term will be enough to accomplish what he wants ( or not) and he'll look forward to cashing in on the ex-president gravy train.
It's completely understandable that people who have never really had any 'real money' look at Trump through the lense of what a poor/struggling middle class life is like.
So they see a billionaire and assume that a billionaire wants to keep making more money.
That is a myth.
Among the very wealthy someone whose only reason for getting out of bed is to amass more fortune is seen to be shall we say a bit 'non-creative'.
I know some billionaires and a lot of millionaires.
For many it was the challenge of figuring out how to make the money, then proving to themselves they could make all that money then the ultimate challenge of hanging onto the money.
It's a game. A contest you fight to win.
Trump has said at this point in his life 'money' means nothing to him. He fucking won that contest decades ago.
Now it's the most challenging thing he's ever tried to succeed at.
Anyone who thinks President Trump after he leaves office will go out and give speeches so he can 'enrich' himself is fucking delusional.
(That's the sort of thing Bill and Hillary did because they are LIB scumbags.
The only paid for speeches Obama is going to give will be at LIB universities who don't have the money to spring for his first class flight and a dinner for two in the cafeteria.)

Trumps goal now is to succeed by keeping his promises.
THAT's the measure of a man's success.
Not a bunch of fucking BS lies about "millions of shovel ready green jobs". Not about making 'Red line' promises you never had the balls to enforce. Not keeping your promise to close Gitmo the day after you're inaugurated. And on and on with endless bullshit lies just to get elected by the fucking simpleton OJ jury.
A man who behaves this way is not a real man.

Words are cheap. He promised a lot of hot beans. One of them is 25 million jobs. Current unemployment rate is less than 5% but Trump and his followers disagree with that numbers. I can guarantee you 100% 4 or 5 months down the road........ Those numbers are accurate and 100% acceptable.
Now how are you going to fill 25 million jobs with that unemployment rates?
We will wait and see where we are those big promises 6 to 12 months from now.
The question is....

How long can an overweight 70 year old withstand the burden of the presidency?

He could falter fast

Sure he could, but so could have Hillary. They're about the same age, and judging what we've seen from the both of them, Trump is in much better shape than she is.
Trump is the heaviest president since Taft and the oldest in history

Not a good sign

So what? Obama has the biggest ears in history............
Not true...

LBJs were bigger

What's your prediction?

4 years and gone.

People will put up with his bullshit only so long as they believe that he will make economy magical.

In four years they will KNOW it ain't so. We are already beating your average business cycle span, another 4 years without a recession is unlikely....and that's just a baseline on top of which Trump promised doubled economic growth of 4% and an average of 210,000 a month job growth, all from near-full employment already.

At it's core this should be classic story of easy-come, easy-go for Trump.
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What's your prediction?

4 years and gone.

People will put up with his bullshit only so long as they believe that he will make economy magical.

In four years they will KNOW it ain't so. We are already beating your average business cycle span, another 4 years without a recession is unlikely....and that's just a baseline on top of which Trump promised doubled economic growth of 4% and an average of 210,000 a month job growth, all form current near-full employment already.

At it's core this should be classic story of easy-come, easy-go for Trump.
He can always work for Putin
What's your prediction?

4 years and gone.

People will put up with his bullshit only so long as they believe that he will make economy magical.

In four years they will KNOW it ain't so. We are already beating your average business cycle span, another 4 years without a recession is unlikely....and that's just a baseline on top of which Trump promised doubled economic growth of 4% and an average of 210,000 a month job growth, all form current near-full employment already.

At it's core this should be classic story of easy-come, easy-go for Trump.
He can always work for Putin

He will be 74 at that point heading into retirement.
His Thank You speech the other night in Mobile, Alabama I think. BUY AMERICANS & HIRE AMERICANS .............................. Is that mean he will fire all his foreign workers then hire Americans? Or he will bring in more foreign workers?
I'm sure his followers didn't hear that or they didn't know that he has foreign workers.
His Thank You speech the other night in Mobile, Alabama I think.......... He said............... BUY AMERICANS & HIRE AMERICANS.............................. Is that mean he will fire all his foreign workers then hire Americans? Or he will bring in more foreign workers?
I'm sure his followers didn't hear that or they didn't know that he has foreign workers.
He should marry Americans
Four years. I think one term will be enough to accomplish what he wants ( or not) and he'll look forward to cashing in on the ex-president gravy train.
It's completely understandable that people who have never really had any 'real money' look at Trump through the lense of what a poor/struggling middle class life is like.
So they see a billionaire and assume that a billionaire wants to keep making more money.
That is a myth.
Among the very wealthy someone whose only reason for getting out of bed is to amass more fortune is seen to be shall we say a bit 'non-creative'.
I know some billionaires and a lot of millionaires.
For many it was the challenge of figuring out how to make the money, then proving to themselves they could make all that money then the ultimate challenge of hanging onto the money.
It's a game. A contest you fight to win.
Trump has said at this point in his life 'money' means nothing to him. He fucking won that contest decades ago.
Now it's the most challenging thing he's ever tried to succeed at.
Anyone who thinks President Trump after he leaves office will go out and give speeches so he can 'enrich' himself is fucking delusional.
(That's the sort of thing Bill and Hillary did because they are LIB scumbags.
The only paid for speeches Obama is going to give will be at LIB universities who don't have the money to spring for his first class flight and a dinner for two in the cafeteria.)

Trumps goal now is to succeed by keeping his promises.
THAT's the measure of a man's success.
Not a bunch of fucking BS lies about "millions of shovel ready green jobs". Not about making 'Red line' promises you never had the balls to enforce. Not keeping your promise to close Gitmo the day after you're inaugurated. And on and on with endless bullshit lies just to get elected by the fucking simpleton OJ jury.
A man who behaves this way is not a real man.

Words are cheap. He promised a lot of hot beans. One of them is 25 million jobs. Current unemployment rate is less than 5% but Trump and his followers disagree with that numbers. I can guarantee you 100% 4 or 5 months down the road........ Those numbers are accurate and 100% acceptable.
Now how are you going to fill 25 million jobs with that unemployment rates?
We will wait and see where we are those big promises 6 to 12 months from now.

I know the answer to that.

Just check out the link in my sig.
His Thank You speech the other night in Mobile, Alabama I think. BUY AMERICANS & HIRE AMERICANS .............................. Is that mean he will fire all his foreign workers then hire Americans? Or he will bring in more foreign workers?
I'm sure his followers didn't hear that or they didn't know that he has foreign workers.

They knew and they know it now and if they don't, the link in my sig tells them what they need to know but will continue to ignore.

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