How many “America First” Trump voters support Putin’s invasion?

Do you support or oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine?

  • Yes, I support it

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • No, I oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine.

    Votes: 38 88.4%

  • Total voters
Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]
How could zelensky settle for peace?

Concede territory to Russia?
A general surrender is essentially what Russia demands.

A demilitarized Ukraine wouldn't even be a speedbump when Putin came back to take the rest of it.
Trump trash have completely sold out America to Russia.
Kind of funny considering it was Hillary and her campaign that were actually in bed with the Russians and thence the whole of the democratic party trying to sell us on the "Russian Collusion" scam.

There was Russian Collusion, on the part of the Democrats, not Trump nor his followers.
As I've said many times, Putin is the lesser of two evils in this war. The majority of the people here have no idea why Putin invaded the Ukraine. I do not support the evil Putin but I do approve of his reasons to invade. First of all he's fighting the Serpent People, the Khazarian Mafia. Another reason is the destruction of all the baby making factories that produce children for sex trafficking. He's taking those children to Russia for adoption. Then there's the drug production. Those reasons are only the tip of the iceberg. I suggest that people here google the Khazars and their Mafia. It would stop all these silly accusations and misinformation.

BTW, I voted 'YES'.
Baby making factories? So let's kill the babies. This is the evil we have been talking about folks.
Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]
I supported Trump because he had the right vision for this country and was a competent President. I liked the fact he was a Nationalist that put America's interest ahead of other countries. Unlike this jerkoff Biden who sold out his country to foreign interest to get rich.

While Trump did not have a perfect Conservative record that I would have wanted to see he was better than any RINO and much much better than any Democrat shithead.

I was born just about the time the Cold War started.

For my entire life the Russians have been assholes. We saw their brutality all over the world; Europe, Central America, Africa, Asia, Middle East and Vietnam where the NVA and VC were supplied with Russian weapons.

We thought (and hoped) they were going to play nice when the Berlin Wall went down. However, as we see afterwards and especially now, they have no intentions of being civilized.

Putin is a mad man. Ukraine is a corrupt country but I hope they prevail over the Russians.

Does that answer your question?
The problem isn't "The Russians", it's their leaders.

I don't think they've had a clean election since Lenin rose to power.

I think the odds are very high that Putin ends up dead or driven from office after this debacle but as long as Russia is run by Kleoptocrats and Oligarchs I doubt we'll see a rational actor at the helm or a Russia that is not constantly a threat to it's neighbors and others around the world.
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There was no alternative. See post #20. And if you call me moron again I'll start talking about your mother. Got that?
The alternative would be voting no. Moron.

So you admit that you voted for “Yes, I support it”. You know, just like I said.

Glad we got that settled.
I’m not in support of it, nor in total opposition to it.

We’ve invaded several countries over the last five decades, for our own national and strategic reasons. Some were bad decisions, some were justified. I don’t recall our country being “cancelled” over them.

So why is it if Russia “invades” another country for their national and strategic reasons does it make Putin “Hitler”.
It certainly doesn’t make the Ukrainian government a “democracy”. It’s a puppet regime installed by Obama in 2014, when he funded an insurrection to overthrow a rightfully elected government. Russia “took” Crimea as well back then, yet there was zero outcry about it. Those provinces held elections to either join Russia or be independent.

Also, Russia is never going to accept the Ukraine being associated or close to NATO, much less in NATO.

Zelensky is a dictator and a fascist. He wants to prolong this war when he could easily settle for peace. He’s banned opposition media and political parties.

What do you think they do in war time? He is far from a dictator and/or fascist. You just don't know what those are!
Libya. Syria. Iraq.
Please show where we invaded Libya. I have tried educating you on that point for months. Are you ignorant or just plain stupid?

As for Syria, we were fighting ISIS who was attacking our soldiers and civilians.

We invaded Iraq in 2003 because they were violating numerous provisions of the cease fire and intel was telling us Saddam was trying to field any WMD he could lay his hands on

Now, you were saying?
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We’ve invaded several countries over the last five decades, for our own national and strategic reasons. Some were bad decisions, some were justified. I don’t recall our country being “cancelled” over them.
The US hasn't invaded any country that didn't attack us or someone else first and when we did so it was as part of an international coalition of allied nations.

This was an absolutely illegal unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation that has never posed a threat to Russia or anyone else.
That is precisely the intent of this thread—to label other USMB members, to coerce them into going on the record, pigeonholed so the OP can quote them in his signature or reference them as anti-American at some future date. With some fellow Americans either you are on one side, or you are on the other—there is no middle ground, no diversity of imagination or thought. Expect to be labelled accordingly.

What Americans ought to be is terrified of Vladimir Putin. That's not to suggest however, Americans need hate all or any Russians or even Putin himself. For decades Russia has kept itself in check in the background, policing regional hotspots and otherwise keeping to herself, save perhaps for her Syrian operations and various special ops missions carried out in a number of Third World backwaters. What Russia is not is an imperialistic or colonial civilization. Speaking to near history, Russia tends to stand in her corner and make the best out of being the progeny of a once colossal but now fallen empire—the USSR.

One cannot answer the OP's question constrained by the conditions he placed on desired responses. One must compare the military actions of the only two true global superpowers over the past few decades to even begin to form an intelligent, informed opinion. Since 1990 the United States of America has invaded Iraq twice, Afghanistan, carried out large scale military operations all over the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe and aggressively projects its power everywhere around the planet that isn't Chinese or Russian territory. The results of US military ops since 1990 are hundreds of thousands of dead civilians and millions more displaced. The only difference between the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and Putin's 2022 invasion of the Ukraine is United Nations approval of US war(s).

That's it.

Further, one does not have to use one's imagination to game what would happen if Russia placed nuclear weapons and massive conventional military forces mere miles off America's shores. History has told us all about it in the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis. And yet, seemingly half and more of my fellow Americans cannot understand Putin's concerns with US and NATO moving into the Ukraine and other closely neighboring NATO nations. Russia stands alone for the most part, against the vast combined resources of the United States and NATO, an alliance which for some reason is not content with containing Russia in her corner but has decided to encroach upon her buffer zone(s) as well.

Corner a wild animal and what happens?

I am no Russophile, however, I also harbor no ill will against the Russian people; the Russians have not been our enemies since the end of the Cold War. If anything, the US and Russia should be working ceaselessly to spread peace and disarm their nuclear arsenals, not play some wild ass game of thermonuclear Russian Roulette.

As for the Ukraine, her government likely had it coming—trying for too long to play one side off the other. The Ukrainian People, of course are victims of both Russia and their own government and war is hell and war is never pretty. One day we American will experience it again on our home shores. Until that day, everyone seems far too excited to watch it unfold in videos, as if they secretly masturbate to photos and footage of the carnage.

The answer is all wars are living nightmares and no national leader is more or less guilty of mass murder than any other. The US and NATO should fuck off away from Russian territory, forge alliances with Putin and Russia, and Russia should get done and get out. The thing about wars of the twenty-first century is almost all superpowers who engage in them fail to achieve acceptable victory, get bogged down, kill lots and lots of native people and then bug out with their tails between their legs. Still, this is a much better trend, as far as war is concerned, than small conflicts of the early to mid-20th century escalating into global conflicts.

Shame on you OP, for attempting to politicize the deaths of Ukrainian civilians to win points on an internet forum.

When did all of that crap happen? What were those :"large scale military operations"? I'll give you the Balkans but the others do not exist. Check your history!
The world is certainly aware of the rise of White Nationalism, particularly in American and Eastern Europe, and especially since our 2016 elections.

We haven't forgotten.
So because they are white and nationalist you make the leap to Nazism? Really?
What Russia is not is an imperialistic or colonial civilization. Speaking to near history, Russia tends to stand in her corner and make the best out of being the progeny of a once colossal but now fallen empire—the USSR.
Putin promised to rebuild the Russian Empire in his first acceptance speech before the Kremlin when he was elected PM.

He's keeping his promise.

This invasion was about territorial expansionism from the start along with Russia for the 4th time now trying to seize their national resources in the last hundred years or so.
Further, one does not have to use one's imagination to game what would happen if Russia placed nuclear weapons and massive conventional military forces mere miles off America's shores. History has told us all about it in the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis. And yet, seemingly half and more of my fellow Americans cannot understand Putin's concerns with US and NATO moving into the Ukraine and other closely neighboring NATO nations. Russia stands alone for the most part, against the vast combined resources of the United States and NATO, an alliance which for some reason is not content with containing Russia in her corner but has decided to encroach upon her buffer zone(s) as well.
Russia has nukes and other WMD's long all of it's borders including those of all of the former Soviet Republics.

NATO is a defense pact only, it has never launched a war of conquest anywhere nor would it's charter allow for it to.

The only thing Russia has ever had to fear from NATO is that NATO is the one organization capable of stopping Russia when it invades another country particularly in Europe.

You've swallowed the Kremlin's propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
You have to excuse Hawk. He has been a moron since his first post.
I dont think Hawk is pro putin or pro russian

nor are many of the others here

if I had to guess, after the many foreign conflicts that America has been involved with since WWII many people have simply had enough of playing the Lone Ranger and just want to sit this one out

but I dont think we should

ukraine is just a precursor of troubled times to come

and we are in it whether we like it or not

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