How many “America First” Trump voters support Putin’s invasion?

Do you support or oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine?

  • Yes, I support it

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • No, I oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine.

    Votes: 38 88.4%

  • Total voters
No, not in any of those cases.

Each of those were cases where the aggression had already taken place and a UN resolution authorizing force had been issued properly.
Ahah ahaha. Yea right, as if Libya ever attacked us. Same with Syria. You people are so fucking stupid.

Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]

How many libs who are having such a conniption about the current conflict in Ukraine gave a shit when Russia killed millions of Ukrainians in the Holomodor, or Russia invaded Hungary or Czechoslovakia when those nations sought freedom?

Putin's unforgivable sin was being cordial to President Trump, if he was a typical lib like Stalin, this latest conflict wouldn't even be reported in the media.
Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]
As I've said many times, Putin is the lesser of two evils in this war. The majority of the people here have no idea why Putin invaded the Ukraine. I do not support the evil Putin but I do approve of his reasons to invade. First of all he's fighting the Serpent People, the Khazarian Mafia. Another reason is the destruction of all the baby making factories that produce children for sex trafficking. He's taking those children to Russia for adoption. Then there's the drug production. Those reasons are only the tip of the iceberg. I suggest that people here google the Khazars and their Mafia. It would stop all these silly accusations and misinformation.

BTW, I voted 'YES'.
Hell dude, that country is so bad, Vice President Xiden of the US had to ask them to fire their prosecutor investigating his son so he could continue his improper deals in Ukraine. The country is not democratic, Zelensky was not voted into office. Putin did himself no favors here, but that doesn't wash the sins of the father in Ukraine. Just doesn't. Thanks
Good gawd you are fucking stupid.
There is maybe 2 people on here that actually support the invasion.
Where you cultist dumbfucks confuse it is when people just dont give a fuck about ukraine, dont buy in to all the propaganda etc.
Quit watching the media and pay attention to people. In other words, GROW THE FUCK UP.

Well, I phrased the question in as honest and non-judgemental way as I could. I asked because I simply was curious.

I try to pay close attention to people — without insulting them until they insult me repeatedly. In ordinary life I have some Trump-supporting friends and we never insult one another. But the tribal tendency to insult others — which here often takes the form of Repubs vs. Dems, rural vs. urban, or Trump supporters vs. Trump haters — can be found also in Ukraine & Russia, especially now. Imo, such extreme tribalism is dangerous and itself part of our domestic problems.

My own position on NATO and Russia, Dems and Repubs, is quite nuanced. I opposed the “Maidan Revolution,” supported Russia’s annexation of Crimea, but strongly oppose Putin’s bloody and reactionary invasion of Ukraine. For a long time many liberals (and neo-con Republicans too) called me a Putin or Trump apologist, like Glenn Greenwald (some still do). I strongly warned that NATO expansion and “U.S. adventurism” overseas could lead to a “proxy war” that would devastate both Ukraine and Russia and hurt Europe as a whole.

Anyway, nobody is forcing you to answer this very simple question. If you feel compelled to defend your tribal pro-Trump or anti-“left” politics by insulting me personally … go right ahead. As they say, “it’s a free country,” and nobody is stopping you from venting.
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Typical of the left to reduce an extremely complicated issue to two questions. Somehow the myth persisted that so-called right wingers approved of the invasion of Ukraine if they were critical of Biden. Nobody wants to see Ukraine citizens killed by Russians but it seems that only ignorant lefties who dodged the draft forty years ago want to put American kids today in a shooting war with Russia.
Typical of the left to reduce an extremely complicated issue to two questions. Somehow the myth persisted that so-called right wingers approved of the invasion of Ukraine if they were critical of Biden. Nobody wants to see Ukraine citizens killed by Russians but it seems that only ignorant lefties who dodged the draft forty years ago want to put American kids today in a shooting war with Russia.
It’s not just the left. Many on the right are doing the same thing.
Actually, these threads exist because they want to turn the lie that the GOP, Conservatives, and the right-leaning members on this forum, all support Putin, regardless of the infinite number of times they've been told otherwise.

It isn't about truth or analysis. It is about attacking their fellow Americans for not looking at the world in the same way they do.
They need to create an issue to run against Republicans on They need to sell this lie
Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]
C. I don't give a rat fuck.
The world is certainly aware of the rise of White Nationalism, particularly in American and Eastern Europe, and especially since our 2016 elections.

We haven't forgotten.
There's that bullshit buzzword intended to replace "free enterprise."

My, you have been duped by the fucking Marxists, haven't you?

Pay no attention to "Critical Theory" and its bastard child "CRT." Right, Mac?

There was no such thing as The Frankfurt School, right?

No way any of us are smart enough to connect the dots, right?

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