How many “America First” Trump voters support Putin’s invasion?

Do you support or oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine?

  • Yes, I support it

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • No, I oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine.

    Votes: 38 88.4%

  • Total voters
I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. I will vote for Trump if he is a candidate in 2024 or later. I oppose Putin's invasion.
Won't dignify your TDS with an answer.

But did tou support Ted Kennedys trip to Moscow to undermine President Reagan? That act DIRECTLY affected this nation
Pretty interesting responses so far! They're normally so black & white, but Putin has made them all squishy 'n gooey 'n stuff.

They do love their hyper-nationalist authoritarian strongmen, no matter how much damage they cause.
We love leaders who protect basic freedoms, not compromise them
Zelensky is a dictator and a fascist. He wants to prolong this war when he could easily settle for peace. He’s banned opposition media and political parties.
How could zelensky settle for peace?

Concede territory to Russia?
Pretty interesting responses so far! They're normally so black & white, but Putin has made them all squishy 'n gooey 'n stuff.

They do love their hyper-nationalist authoritarian strongmen, no matter how much damage they cause.
Progressives finally found a border to defend!

Progressives in solidarity with White Nationalists- in Ukraine
Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]
Good gawd you are fucking stupid.
There is maybe 2 people on here that actually support the invasion.
Where you cultist dumbfucks confuse it is when people just dont give a fuck about ukraine, dont buy in to all the propaganda etc.
Quit watching the media and pay attention to people. In other words, GROW THE FUCK UP.
Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]
This has to be one of the most trollish ignorant threads of 2022. Why don't you ask leftists when did they stop supporting Russia?
Progressives finally found a border to defend!

Progressives in solidarity with White Nationalists- in Ukraine
The world is certainly aware of the rise of White Nationalism, particularly in American and Eastern Europe, and especially since our 2016 elections.

We haven't forgotten.
The world is certainly aware of the rise of White Nationalism, particularly in American and Eastern Europe, and especially since our 2016 elections.

We haven't forgotten.

But you support Ukrainian nationalism, right?
Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]
stop trying to paint one class as evil.

it's bullshit.
The better question is, how many dumbass threads are you ignorant commies going to start asking the same stupid shit?

I have an even better question. Once Putin's asseater Trump starts bellowing that Ukraine is the bad guy how long before you mouth breather's jump on the bandwagon in agreement?
Way to miss the point. These threads exist for the purpose of creating the us/them situation that is not conducive to intelligent discourse. The Eurotrash squabble didn't happen in a vacuum.
Actually, these threads exist because they want to turn the lie that the GOP, Conservatives, and the right-leaning members on this forum, all support Putin, regardless of the infinite number of times they've been told otherwise.

It isn't about truth or analysis. It is about attacking their fellow Americans for not looking at the world in the same way they do.

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