How many “America First” Trump voters support Putin’s invasion?

Do you support or oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine?

  • Yes, I support it

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • No, I oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine.

    Votes: 38 88.4%

  • Total voters
I dont think Hawk is pro putin or pro russian

nor are many of the others here

if I had to guess, after the many foreign conflicts that America has been involved with since WWII many people have simply had enough of playing the Lone Ranger and just want to sit this one out

but I dont think we should

ukraine is just a precursor of troubled times to come

and we are in it whether we like it or not
Fortunately this one requires no direct involvement by US.

The Ukrainians seem to be willing to fight to the last as long as someone will provide them the tools to do so.

Give them whatever they need to fight as long as they are willing to do so.
I voted yes. See post #20

Yeah, I saw that. But you also said you didn't actually support Putin, plus you brought up the matter of the Khazarian mafia which no one else has mentioned, which I've looked into since and would seem to considerably change the complexion of the entire war.

What bothers me is that I've not seen any other mention of the role of this mafia, so now I have to wonder whether you could be wrong or whether the media is again lying to the public giving us a totally skewed picture of the motives behind his war which then begs the question whether Putin here is being deliberately framed as the bad man when the actual picture is far more complex.
Yeah, I saw that. But you also said you didn't actually support Putin, plus you brought up the matter of the Khazarian mafia which no one else has mentioned, which I've looked into since and would seem to considerably change the complexion of the entire war.

What bothers me is that I've not seen any other mention of the role of this mafia, so now I have to wonder whether you could be wrong or whether the media is again lying to the public giving us a totally skewed picture of the motives behind his war which then begs the question whether Putin here is being deliberately framed as the bad man when the actual picture is far more complex.
You don't hear about it because most people are not conspiracy nuts.
Please show where we invaded Libya. I have tried educating you on that point for months. Are you ignorant or just plain stupid?

As for Syria, we were fighting ISIS who was attacking our soldiers and civilians.

We invaded Iraq in 2003 because they were violating numerous provisions of the cease fire and intel was telling us Saddam was trying to field any WMD he could lay his hands on

Now, you were saying?
Are you really this dumb? We bombed the shit out of in 2011 and overthrew their government. I’d say that counts as starting a war with them.

Then there was our involvement in Syria. Obama funded the radical Sunni terrorists (ISIS) to overthrow Assad. It prolonged their civil war, created millions of refugees, and created ISIS and gave them a foothold in the region.

Iraq may have been justified, but I do recall many people protesting it.

You also seem to be missing the point I was making. We have meddled in other country’s affairs, bombed them, invaded them. All for our own national security interests. Did we get Russia’s permission to carry out those actions? No. So why would they need our permission to wage war against what they perceive as their enemy? Who the hell are we to tell them “no, you can’t do that”?
The US hasn't invaded any country that didn't attack us or someone else first and when we did so it was as part of an international coalition of allied nations.

This was an absolutely illegal unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation that has never posed a threat to Russia or anyone else.
Libya never attacked us or any of its neighbors.

Syria never attacked us or it’s neighbors.
This was an absolutely illegal unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation that has never posed a threat to Russia or anyone else
Absurd. Everyone knows that Russia would not tolerate NATO presence in the Ukraine.

Even Nigel Farage predicted it in 2014:

See 3:00 mark:
Absurd. Everyone knows that Russia would not tolerate NATO presence in the Ukraine.

Even Nigel Farage predicted it in 2014:

See 3:00 mark:

Nothing absurd about it. His only Objection to NATO being in Ukraine is that it would have prevented him from being able to take it.

NATO has never been a threat to anything but Russian Aggression.
Are you really this dumb? We bombed the shit out of in 2011 and overthrew their government. I’d say that counts as starting a war with them.

Then there was our involvement in Syria. Obama funded the radical Sunni terrorists (ISIS) to overthrow Assad. It prolonged their civil war, created millions of refugees, and created ISIS and gave them a foothold in the region.

Iraq may have been justified, but I do recall many people protesting it.

You also seem to be missing the point I was making. We have meddled in other country’s affairs, bombed them, invaded them. All for our own national security interests. Did we get Russia’s permission to carry out those actions? No. So why would they need our permission to wage war against what they perceive as their enemy? Who the hell are we to tell them “no, you can’t do that”?

In Libya, we had no boots on the ground. hw did we accomplish the overthrow?

In Syria, ISIS was Shiite, dumbass. They were supported by Iran.

Protests? Who gives a shit?

None of those were innocent countries, just quietly taking it day-to-day like Ukraine.
In Libya, we had no boots on the ground. hw did we accomplish the overthrow?

In Syria, ISIS was Shiite, dumbass. They were supported by Iran.

Protests? Who gives a shit?

None of those were innocent countries, just quietly taking it day-to-day like Ukraine.
Jesus Christ.

We accomplished an overthrow of Libya by bombing the fuck out of it which allowed the radical Sunni terrorists to take it over.

ISIS is not Shiite you fucking idiot, they are radical Sunnis.
The government of Syria is backed by Iran. Why would Iran want to overthrow it?

Seriously, you need to just stop talking/posting. You are making a fool of yourself.
Jesus Christ.

We accomplished an overthrow of Libya by bombing the fuck out of it which allowed the radical Sunni terrorists to take it over.

ISIS is not Shiite you fucking idiot, they are radical Sunnis.
The government of Syria is backed by Iran. Why would Iran want to overthrow it?

Seriously, you need to just stop talking/posting. You are making a fool of yourself.
I interchanged Sunni and Shiite. Excuse me1

What about your errors? That was not just the US fomenting the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya. As a matter of fact we did very little. to do with anything as NATO was most of the military air forces
Baby making factories? So let's kill the babies. This is the evil we have been talking about folks.
That is what we are doing here. We just call it abortion and it is premeditated not collateral damage.
I interchanged Sunni and Shiite. Excuse me1

What about your errors? That was not just the US fomenting the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya. As a matter of fact we did very little. to do with anything as NATO was most of the military air forces
No you didn’t, you didn’t know what you were talking about.

We did “very little” in Libya? NATO bombed the fuck out of them. Do you think NATO is going to do anything without the US? Hillary even bragged about killing Gaddafi.
Just asking. How many of you support Putin’s “special military intervention”? How many oppose his “invasion”?

Not looking for long explanations or historical analysis of rights and wrongs committed by the U.S., NATO, Russia or Ukrainian nationalists. Just a “I support Putin,” or “I oppose him” statement.

[I oppose Putin’s invasion — but I don’t count because I never voted for Donald Trump. Trump voters only, please.]

And, how often do you beat your wife-)
And, how often do you beat your wife-)
Asking nicely got 5 brave Trump voters here to admit they support Putin’s invasion. Perhaps more “beat their wives” … but just won’t admit it. 😎

Seriously, I myself supported the “right of self determination” for Crimeans in 2014 (won with Putin’s help). At Maidan Ukrainian nationalists, with the support of the U.S. and with “Ukraine First” Banderites serving as “shock troops,” overthrew a corrupt but fairly elected President. Many Trump voters here surely supported the January 6th attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power in D.C. “Revolutions” have consequences. Sometimes they lead to terrible and dangerous war.

Was the Russian-supported “annexation referendum” in Crimea then a case of “wife beating”? It was overwhelmingly peaceful and supported by the Crimean population … so maybe that time it only amounted to a very reasonable “slap on the wrist.”

In my opinion this discussion was … revealing.
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