How many “America First” Trump voters support Putin’s invasion?

Do you support or oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine?

  • Yes, I support it

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • No, I oppose Putin’s military action in Ukraine.

    Votes: 38 88.4%

  • Total voters
Thanks for confirming that you’re a spineless coward.

Let me know when you decide to answer the simple question.
While you kiss the ass of a supreme court nominee for doing what you're bitching at me about. too fking funny, makes you a fking hypocrite. That from a spineless coward.
While you kiss the ass of a supreme court nominee for doing what you're bitching at me about. too fking funny, makes you a fking hypocrite. That from a spineless coward.
I’m not the one avoiding questions and changing the subject, coward.

What a little bitch you are.
Yeah, I saw that. But you also said you didn't actually support Putin, plus you brought up the matter of the Khazarian mafia which no one else has mentioned, which I've looked into since and would seem to considerably change the complexion of the entire war.

What bothers me is that I've not seen any other mention of the role of this mafia, so now I have to wonder whether you could be wrong or whether the media is again lying to the public giving us a totally skewed picture of the motives behind his war which then begs the question whether Putin here is being deliberately framed as the bad man when the actual picture is far more complex.

Check these out.

I think many people are understandably suspicious of the U.S. government and its tendency to get involved in unjustified or adventurous wars abroad. Nor is everybody obliged to take a clear position on every foreign question, especially if they are complicated. After all, we are not geo-political experts or international statesmen. Most of us are simple working people, maybe retirees.

Perhaps some Trump supporters feel they are being set up by this simple poll because they are now pretty sure Putin has proven himself an outrageous bloody dictator … and maybe a loser too. Perhaps they are not sure what to think because Trump long had a certain admiration for this authoritarian “strong leader” and “genius,” and now he isn’t giving them clear signals on what the U.S. policy should be. So we see a lot of lashing out at the OP, and insults too.

I thank all those Trump voters who have answered honesty, and those who just commented without insults.

As “black and white” as this question is for some, for others it really is difficult — partly because they understandably do not trust U.S. war propaganda in general. We certainly have been lied to too often in the past. Even now, we need to pay close attention: After all, the first casualty of war is almost always truth.
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You have no idea why putin invaded. Keep religion out of it.
The reason is obvious, He wants their natural resources and territory.

That's the same reason Russia invaded Ukraine four other times over the last 200 years. It's one of the most resource rich countries in Europe.

Putin would love to have virtual monopolies on fossil fuels and exportable food so he can blackmail Europe economically whenever he wants to seize the next country's resources and territory.
I think many people are understandably suspicious of the U.S. government and its tendency to get involved in unjustified or adventurous wars abroad. Nor is everybody obliged to take a clear position on every foreign question, especially if they are complicated. After all, we are not geo-political experts or international statesmen. Most of us are simple working people, maybe retirees.

Perhaps some Trump supporters feel they are being set up by this simple poll because they are now pretty sure Putin has proven himself an outrageous bloody dictator … and maybe a loser too. Perhaps they are not sure what to think because Trump long had a certain admiration for this authoritarian “strong leader” and “genius,” and now he isn’t giving them clear signals on what the U.S. policy should be. So we see a lot of lashing out at the OP, and insults too.

I thank all those Trump voters who have answered honesty, and those who just commented without insults.

As “black and white” as this question is for some, for others it really is difficult — partly because they understandably do not trust U.S. war propaganda in general. We certainly have been lied to too often in the past. Even now, we need to pay close attention: After all, the first casualty of war is almost always truth.
The Odd part of all of this is that if Trump was still president he would have continued fortifying Ukraine against invasion and Putin would have never launched his invasion to start with.

This is nothing but "political schizophrenia".

These are the same people who for two years during the BLM/Antifa riots wanted police to use deadly force to stop rioters after they had been attacked who now swear the shooting of Ashley Babbitt was murderer.

If Joe is for it, they are against it and that's all the thinking that is applied to the issue by them at all.
Libya. Syria. Iraq.
Not Libya because no boots. Fuque Khadafi. Not Syria either...Just Iraq, stupidest war evr, Showed Putin how to do it. Tidal wave of propaganda and invade. Unfortunately his army suqs lol...
Dude, you think ukraine is a democracy. That's how fking stupid you are.
By every understood meaning of the word, "democracy" Ukraine is most certainly a "democracy".

Don't be fucking stupid man.

Zelensky was elected with 73% of the vote and full approval of the parliament.
By every understood meaning of the word, "democracy" Ukraine is most certainly a "democracy".

Don't be fucking stupid man.

Zelensky was elected with 73% of the vote and full approval of the parliament.
Was zelensky voted into his position?

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