How many deaths are necessary before something should be banned?

It is not an end all be all… but it’s absolutely common sense

Done properly it will keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them
That’s almost true. For that to work, you’d need to get rid of the HIPPA laws and make all mental health providers mandatory reporters. But it still wouldn’t keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
It is not an end all be all… but it’s absolutely common sense

Done properly it will keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them
Come get them nazi liar.
That’s almost true. For that to work, you’d need to get rid of the HIPPA laws and make all mental health providers mandatory reporters. But it still wouldn’t keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
Does HIPPA impact existing background check laws?


Does HIPPA impact existing background check laws?


Yes they do. Due to the patient privacy provisions, mental health providers can’t report people who are mentally ill so they can be denied the right to purchase guns. Background checks can’t find information that is locked up in doctor’s files. Making the doctors mandatory reporters puts the onus on them, backed up by legal penalties for hiding patients from the system. It’s the same system that forces teachers and GP doctors to report suspected physical abuse seen in patients and students,
Try this again with supporting documentation and evidence.

The narrative: 30,000 people die due to guns, guns should be banned.
Drunk Driving kills 13,000. Does that number have to get to 30,000 before we ban alcohol again?

Drunk Driving | NHTSA.

What about 2nd hand tobacco smoke. According to the CDC, 2nd hand tobacco smoke deaths is estimated at 41,000 deaths. Where is the political and social outcry to ban tobacco.

Fuck off and pound sand bitch
Try this again with supporting documentation and evidence.

The narrative: 30,000 people die due to guns, guns should be banned.
Drunk Driving kills 13,000. Does that number have to get to 30,000 before we ban alcohol again?

Drunk Driving | NHTSA.

What about 2nd hand tobacco smoke. According to the CDC, 2nd hand tobacco smoke deaths is estimated at 41,000 deaths. Where is the political and social outcry to ban tobacco.

Come get them traitor.
See? Crazy huh? That shouldn't happen but it does.

I love using Hunter as an example of why Affirmative Action is still necessary. White privilege exists. Hunter is proof.
It's not white privilege liar, it's the biden crime family skating. again.
how is that going to stop a criminal that doesnt care about the laws??
Wait. Were you wrong? You said All that is already in place. You are a liar. Explain what common sense regulations you want. (I know you won't though)

Lesh responded for me by saying. How about universal background checks on ALL gun purchases?

Was Lesh right? Is universal background checks on ALL gun purchases already in place? If you were wrong what you said to me why don't you admit it please.
It's not white privilege liar, it's the biden crime family skating. again.
Well he shouldn't just blow it off and continue to spew nonsense if he was wrong. I noticed how he just kept on arguing. Lesh gave him a great response and he just threw another question back at Lesh. And I like Lesh's reply. Basically nothings going to solve all gun violence. But we could pass some common sense gun legislation that would mitigate the number of Americans who are killed by gun violence.

Don't ask "like what?" Bet you won't answer, and then blow it off when I, or LESH (thank you lesh) give you a good answer. Acknowledge it.

So, How about universal background checks on ALL gun purchases?

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