How many Deaths from COVID19 do you Think We Will Have by the End of this year?

We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Democrats in ny finally cleaned the trains after 6 months..depends on if democrats get any votes in November, if Michigan and NY are run by republicans I think many will live.
I think it will be less than 100k
But we are at 65000 or so, right now without counting those that died at home or in nursing homes, if they never had a test while they were alive? (tests can be done on any samples of blood that the Coroner may have taken or doctors may have taken for those that died at home suspected of having the disease)

We are likely going to hit 100k just by the end of this month, May, even at half speed of last month with just those that have had tests for Corona V, before dying from it....? Let alone adding June and July deaths to that......?
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We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?

As of yesterday morning.

Deaths: 61,200 - of which, btw 29% is in NY (I believe those numbers include the Flu deaths and NY didn't allocate correctly as they are such an outlier but let's assume 61,200 is accurate).

Population: 330mil. Probably more due to the non documented but we will go with that #.

Deaths per 1000: Less than 2.

Let's say I assume 2.5x the deaths or 154,250. That number moves to less than 5 deaths per 1000 persons. We all agree it is a war and in war unfortunately you sacrifice the few to save the many. Why are we sacrificing 900+ people to save 2 or at worst 5?
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it is a shame we cant believe a word the government says ...regardless of party
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Democrats in ny finally cleaned the trains after 6 months..depends on if democrats get any votes in November, if Michigan and NY are run by republicans I think many will live.
Sadly, those trains are only "clean" of the virus, until the first person with the virus boards the train... or touches and coughs at the token machine, or the entrance gate...... :rolleyes:

Covid-19 is particularly severe in — and more likely to kill — the elderly and people with existing illnesses, including heart disease. Some people taken by Covid-19 would likely have died from these diseases even in the five-month time frame. We do not try to calculate how many of the Covid-19 deaths “substitute” for other deaths; that is an important calculation that researchers will be eager to do once the crisis passes.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Democrats in ny finally cleaned the trains after 6 months..depends on if democrats get any votes in November, if Michigan and NY are run by republicans I think many will live.
Sadly, those trains are only "clean" of the virus, until the first person with the virus boards the train... or touches and coughs at the token machine, or the entrance gate...... :rolleyes:
Which is why we need to end the lockdowns and garner herd immunity. Hospitals being overrun was the concern and it is not any longer. Plus we have some treatments now that have proven to work.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Democrats in ny finally cleaned the trains after 6 months..depends on if democrats get any votes in November, if Michigan and NY are run by republicans I think many will live.
Sadly, those trains are only "clean" of the virus, until the first person with the virus boards the train... or touches and coughs at the token machine, or the entrance gate...... :rolleyes:
Why wasn’t it wiped down months ago?
trump adm has ordered 100 k worth of body bags....the numbers are moving upwards quickly..and with states reopening we will get to 100 k...and all those cadets returning to west point....wonder how many of them will die of the virus or take it home....but does trump give a fuck well no he doesnt

You don't have a fuck's worth of sense either..... The economy must reopen or people will die from poverty and crime much faster than they will from the go back and cower in place you spineless piece of shit.

that is my cannot compare things that can be controlled with an uncontrollable virus

Control is a matter of opinion dude...... out of control is the foxcon suicide plant in the yellow river region in china where all of your cell phone parts get made..... but you still use your cell phone because YOU ARE OUT OF CONTROL.....idiot.

So, no guesses on the deaths from corona virus by the end of this year?

How about by the end of July, any guesses on that....?

What was the estimate based on our gvt's scientists projections?

With all of the Bullshit numbers being added to the count for political expediency instead of scientific accuracy we will never know what the true count is. We will know one thing though...the final number will be a greatly exaggerated one.

We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?

As of yesterday morning.

Deaths: 61,200 - of which, btw 29% is in NY (I believe those numbers include the Flu deaths and NY didn't allocate correctly as they are such an outlier but let's assume 61,200 is accurate).

Population: 330mil. Probably more due to the non documented but we will go with that #.

Deaths per 1000: Less than 2.

Let's say I assume 2.5x the deaths or 154,250. That number moves to less than 5 deaths per 1000 persons. We all agree it is a war and in war unfortunately you sacrifice the few to save the many. Why are we sacrificing 900+ people to save 2 or at worst 5?
Do you actually believe that if you opened the economy right now, things would be hunky dory, and things would go back to normal with booming sales? People are just going to go out and spend like crazy, and attend theaters and stadiums and restaurants like nothing ever happened?

It'll be quite a while before people will feel safe, and feel safe that their mom or dad or grandmom or grand dad, or sister with Asthma, or husband fighting cancer, etc., won't be killed by it

This great depression is with us for at least 5 years to recover from this pandemic and economic catastrophe.... maybe less, if a vaccine is working, and our gvt could actually pull off getting enough vaccines and chemicals, test tubes, shot casings and needles to actually administer it, unlike their total FAILURE on the virus test kits from the get go, let alone get people to accept and take the vaccination to protect the nation....

And the rest of the world would have to recover from it too, that we trade and sell our goods and agriculture to....

This is going to be a slower recovery than I believe you think.....

If we could give the public, a better assurance that the virus isn't just out there spreading like wildfire, it could bring consumer confidence up a little... but that would take great efforts of testing and contact tracing and isolating only those that were sick, and identifying new hot spots etc.....

And I have little confidence, that the Trump administration with the states, can accomplish such... though I have hope of such....

There are 60 million adults, that are at risk....the elderly and those younger with medical conditions.... let alone the ones that just get it and die with no pre existing or at risk, conditions.

the economy ain't coming back with any kind of roar, with all those big spenders in the 60 million adults at risk group, feeling the need to shelter, because no one is doing anything to curb the virus and identify where it is at and what areas it is moving through.....
So, no guesses on the deaths from corona virus by the end of this year?

How about by the end of July, any guesses on that....?

What was the estimate based on our gvt's scientists projections?

With all of the Bullshit numbers being added to the count for political expediency instead of scientific accuracy we will never know what the true count is. We will know one thing though...the final number will be a greatly exaggerated one.

And you are so certain of this, eh? :rolleyes:

And all the other pandemics we've had as well too? Like the 350 k killed in the 1918 Spanish Flu, or the Sars H1N1 IN 2009?

I think what will be the final number that goes in the History books WILL BE as accurate a number as it could be.....on best educated, and scientific means.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
/——-/ Real ones or fake ones?
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FAKE!!!! :lol:
FAKE like list as only Probable or the Gut that walked in front of a bus when he sneezed because of the virus and got run over
ONLY those testing positive are considered in their death counts right now, by the CDC.... if there was no test, the CDC does not count them, even if by all the symptoms, and high risk factors and xrays of pneumonia.... they are not counted unless they have been tested for it, and my understanding?
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Not enough for Dim Dems like you.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Since neither the media nor the government can be trusted...will we ever know the truth?
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Since neither the media nor the government can be trusted...will we ever know the truth?
Probably not.


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