How many Deaths from COVID19 do you Think We Will Have by the End of this year?

View attachment 330336

Covid-19 is particularly severe in — and more likely to kill — the elderly and people with existing illnesses, including heart disease. Some people taken by Covid-19 would likely have died from these diseases even in the five-month time frame. We do not try to calculate how many of the Covid-19 deaths “substitute” for other deaths; that is an important calculation that researchers will be eager to do once the crisis passes.
But is it not true you are measuring the corona virus death count for about two months with Cancer and Heart disease deaths over 12 months?
one can control their diet one controls this virus i am sorry you dont see the difference
Yes, but what you are so conveniently ignoring is that death WITH Covid, and death FROM Covid are two distinctly different things.
Unfortunately, the government has incentivized hospitals to do this.

And then we have Florida where the Governor is ordering that death numbers not be released.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?

As of yesterday morning.

Deaths: 61,200 - of which, btw 29% is in NY (I believe those numbers include the Flu deaths and NY didn't allocate correctly as they are such an outlier but let's assume 61,200 is accurate).

Population: 330mil. Probably more due to the non documented but we will go with that #.

Deaths per 1000: Less than 2.

Let's say I assume 2.5x the deaths or 154,250. That number moves to less than 5 deaths per 1000 persons. We all agree it is a war and in war unfortunately you sacrifice the few to save the many. Why are we sacrificing 900+ people to save 2 or at worst 5?
Do you actually believe that if you opened the economy right now, things would be hunky dory, and things would go back to normal with booming sales? People are just going to go out and spend like crazy, and attend theaters and stadiums and restaurants like nothing ever happened?

It'll be quite a while before people will feel safe, and feel safe that their mom or dad or grandmom or grand dad, or sister with Asthma, or husband fighting cancer, etc., won't be killed by it

This great depression is with us for at least 5 years to recover from this pandemic and economic catastrophe.... maybe less, if a vaccine is working, and our gvt could actually pull off getting enough vaccines and chemicals, test tubes, shot casings and needles to actually administer it, unlike their total FAILURE on the virus test kits from the get go, let alone get people to accept and take the vaccination to protect the nation....

And the rest of the world would have to recover from it too, that we trade and sell our goods and agriculture to....

This is going to be a slower recovery than I believe you think.....

If we could give the public, a better assurance that the virus isn't just out there spreading like wildfire, it could bring consumer confidence up a little... but that would take great efforts of testing and contact tracing and isolating only those that were sick, and identifying new hot spots etc.....

And I have little confidence, that the Trump administration with the states, can accomplish such... though I have hope of such....

There are 60 million adults, that are at risk....the elderly and those younger with medical conditions.... let alone the ones that just get it and die with no pre existing or at risk, conditions.

the economy ain't coming back with any kind of roar, with all those big spenders in the 60 million adults at risk group, feeling the need to shelter, because no one is doing anything to curb the virus and identify where it is at and what areas it is moving through.....
Not everyone is a paranoid hypochondriac so Im sure people will be out and about. however *Im sure there is a small percentage that will cower under their beds wearing their face masks even in their own homes and the country will be better off having not to deal with these idiots
This is a moral issue and a moral issue that challenges selfishness and greed over fundamental ethical and religious tenets. We are deciding if we can kill the old and vulnerable in exchange for comfort, pleasure, and material advantages and privileges. now because the math says we should reopen we go to a moral issue, which is 100% subjective. So you want to have 900+ suffer to save fewer than five...this is per 1000. That is morality? WOW!
Math doesn't say we should reopen. Your thesis is immoral and you do not want to admit it because of your cowardice. You are weak and unwilling to defend the vulnerable in your society. Most members of your society are showing far more courage than you and your ilk.
Math is math. It doesn't say anything. I believe, MY OPINION, is that we should reopen. If people believe that making 900+ suffer to save fewer than 5...per 1000 then of course we should remain on lockdown. You have resorted to personal insults as you cannot dispute facts. That is the epitome of "Your ilk"...the illogical, the uneducated, the cowardly.
You have determined in your opinion a finite number of deaths are acceptable in exchange for material and comfort from being open instead of in lockdown. That is a moral decision that tests your moral character.
Material comfort?

Suicide hotline numbers have doubled, alcoholism, depression, loss of business and livelyhood, kids missing school...impact is LIVES vs. LIVES. Again, I am not saying I am right but if our deaths increase 2.5x we would still lose 1.6 people per 33,000....CRAZY!
Likely some of those suicides would have happened anyway. People don't just decide to commit suicide because they've been in a shutdown for 4 weeks. Same with alcoholism and depression. You'd have to be pre-disposed to something that extreme. You can't count all those as Covid-19 related.
4 weeks? You mean around 7? And when you lose your business and or cannot see your family, depression sets in quickly.
7 weeks for some, not all. And if a person cannot handle 7 weeks of shut down then they had other issues to begin with. Covid-19 did not cause all their mental issues.
Of course but it exacerbated them. By that logic if a person cannot survive a COVID cold they had issues anyway and would have died soon anyway..
Your ego won't let you let go. You go from one lame excuse to another. Now your dopey excuse is a 40 or 50-year-old woman 25 lbs overweight and or with mild type ll Diabetes will die someday anyway, and, COVID-19 is only a common COVID cold.
Then we have New York and California that ordered thousands of death certificates already issued be recalled to change the cause of death to virus deaths.
View attachment 330336

Covid-19 is particularly severe in — and more likely to kill — the elderly and people with existing illnesses, including heart disease. Some people taken by Covid-19 would likely have died from these diseases even in the five-month time frame. We do not try to calculate how many of the Covid-19 deaths “substitute” for other deaths; that is an important calculation that researchers will be eager to do once the crisis passes.
But is it not true you are measuring the corona virus death count for about two months with Cancer and Heart disease deaths over 12 months?
I am? No I am not. I am presuming 160k deaths. That’s 1.6 per 33k...
one can control their diet one controls this virus i am sorry you dont see the difference
Yes, but what you are so conveniently ignoring is that death WITH Covid, and death FROM Covid are two distinctly different things.
Unfortunately, the government has incentivized hospitals to do this.

And then we have Florida where the Governor is ordering that death numbers not be released.
Freedom of Press and Speech is a First Amendment Right.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?

As of yesterday morning.

Deaths: 61,200 - of which, btw 29% is in NY (I believe those numbers include the Flu deaths and NY didn't allocate correctly as they are such an outlier but let's assume 61,200 is accurate).

Population: 330mil. Probably more due to the non documented but we will go with that #.

Deaths per 1000: Less than 2.

Let's say I assume 2.5x the deaths or 154,250. That number moves to less than 5 deaths per 1000 persons. We all agree it is a war and in war unfortunately you sacrifice the few to save the many. Why are we sacrificing 900+ people to save 2 or at worst 5?
Do you actually believe that if you opened the economy right now, things would be hunky dory, and things would go back to normal with booming sales? People are just going to go out and spend like crazy, and attend theaters and stadiums and restaurants like nothing ever happened?

It'll be quite a while before people will feel safe, and feel safe that their mom or dad or grandmom or grand dad, or sister with Asthma, or husband fighting cancer, etc., won't be killed by it

This great depression is with us for at least 5 years to recover from this pandemic and economic catastrophe.... maybe less, if a vaccine is working, and our gvt could actually pull off getting enough vaccines and chemicals, test tubes, shot casings and needles to actually administer it, unlike their total FAILURE on the virus test kits from the get go, let alone get people to accept and take the vaccination to protect the nation....

And the rest of the world would have to recover from it too, that we trade and sell our goods and agriculture to....

This is going to be a slower recovery than I believe you think.....

If we could give the public, a better assurance that the virus isn't just out there spreading like wildfire, it could bring consumer confidence up a little... but that would take great efforts of testing and contact tracing and isolating only those that were sick, and identifying new hot spots etc.....

And I have little confidence, that the Trump administration with the states, can accomplish such... though I have hope of such....

There are 60 million adults, that are at risk....the elderly and those younger with medical conditions.... let alone the ones that just get it and die with no pre existing or at risk, conditions.

the economy ain't coming back with any kind of roar, with all those big spenders in the 60 million adults at risk group, feeling the need to shelter, because no one is doing anything to curb the virus and identify where it is at and what areas it is moving through.....
Not everyone is a paranoid hypochondriac so Im sure people will be out and about. however *Im sure there is a small percentage that will cower under their beds wearing their face masks even in their own homes and the country will be better off having not to deal with these idiots
This is a moral issue and a moral issue that challenges selfishness and greed over fundamental ethical and religious tenets. We are deciding if we can kill the old and vulnerable in exchange for comfort, pleasure, and material advantages and privileges. now because the math says we should reopen we go to a moral issue, which is 100% subjective. So you want to have 900+ suffer to save fewer than five...this is per 1000. That is morality? WOW!
Math doesn't say we should reopen. Your thesis is immoral and you do not want to admit it because of your cowardice. You are weak and unwilling to defend the vulnerable in your society. Most members of your society are showing far more courage than you and your ilk.
Math is math. It doesn't say anything. I believe, MY OPINION, is that we should reopen. If people believe that making 900+ suffer to save fewer than 5...per 1000 then of course we should remain on lockdown. You have resorted to personal insults as you cannot dispute facts. That is the epitome of "Your ilk"...the illogical, the uneducated, the cowardly.
You have determined in your opinion a finite number of deaths are acceptable in exchange for material and comfort from being open instead of in lockdown. That is a moral decision that tests your moral character.
Material comfort?

Suicide hotline numbers have doubled, alcoholism, depression, loss of business and livelyhood, kids missing school...impact is LIVES vs. LIVES. Again, I am not saying I am right but if our deaths increase 2.5x we would still lose 1.6 people per 33,000....CRAZY!
Likely some of those suicides would have happened anyway. People don't just decide to commit suicide because they've been in a shutdown for 4 weeks. Same with alcoholism and depression. You'd have to be pre-disposed to something that extreme. You can't count all those as Covid-19 related.
4 weeks? You mean around 7? And when you lose your business and or cannot see your family, depression sets in quickly.
7 weeks for some, not all. And if a person cannot handle 7 weeks of shut down then they had other issues to begin with. Covid-19 did not cause all their mental issues.
Of course but it exacerbated them. By that logic if a person cannot survive a COVID cold they had issues anyway and would have died soon anyway..
Your ego won't let you let go. You go from one lame excuse to another. Now your dopey excuse is a 40 or 50-year-old woman 25 lbs overweight and or with mild type ll Diabetes will die someday anyway, and, COVID-19 is only a common COVID cold.
Never said any of those things. There is no proof those women would not survive. 82% of deaths are for those above 65. You just cannot help yourself when you throw out insults. You have a weak constitution. Typical Leftist. Keep listening to Air Supply.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Weird question. Depends on the outbreak, if there is one, in the fall, herd immunity, vaccines and the fact that a great many of those who perished were going to anyway by the end of this year.
that is my cannot compare things that can be controlled with an uncontrollable virus
Funny. We have an epidemic of overweight people putting themselves at risk because they CAN'T control their behavior.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?

As of yesterday morning.

Deaths: 61,200 - of which, btw 29% is in NY (I believe those numbers include the Flu deaths and NY didn't allocate correctly as they are such an outlier but let's assume 61,200 is accurate).

Population: 330mil. Probably more due to the non documented but we will go with that #.

Deaths per 1000: Less than 2.

Let's say I assume 2.5x the deaths or 154,250. That number moves to less than 5 deaths per 1000 persons. We all agree it is a war and in war unfortunately you sacrifice the few to save the many. Why are we sacrificing 900+ people to save 2 or at worst 5?
Do you actually believe that if you opened the economy right now, things would be hunky dory, and things would go back to normal with booming sales? People are just going to go out and spend like crazy, and attend theaters and stadiums and restaurants like nothing ever happened?

It'll be quite a while before people will feel safe, and feel safe that their mom or dad or grandmom or grand dad, or sister with Asthma, or husband fighting cancer, etc., won't be killed by it

This great depression is with us for at least 5 years to recover from this pandemic and economic catastrophe.... maybe less, if a vaccine is working, and our gvt could actually pull off getting enough vaccines and chemicals, test tubes, shot casings and needles to actually administer it, unlike their total FAILURE on the virus test kits from the get go, let alone get people to accept and take the vaccination to protect the nation....

And the rest of the world would have to recover from it too, that we trade and sell our goods and agriculture to....

This is going to be a slower recovery than I believe you think.....

If we could give the public, a better assurance that the virus isn't just out there spreading like wildfire, it could bring consumer confidence up a little... but that would take great efforts of testing and contact tracing and isolating only those that were sick, and identifying new hot spots etc.....

And I have little confidence, that the Trump administration with the states, can accomplish such... though I have hope of such....

There are 60 million adults, that are at risk....the elderly and those younger with medical conditions.... let alone the ones that just get it and die with no pre existing or at risk, conditions.

the economy ain't coming back with any kind of roar, with all those big spenders in the 60 million adults at risk group, feeling the need to shelter, because no one is doing anything to curb the virus and identify where it is at and what areas it is moving through.....
Not everyone is a paranoid hypochondriac so Im sure people will be out and about. however *Im sure there is a small percentage that will cower under their beds wearing their face masks even in their own homes and the country will be better off having not to deal with these idiots
This is a moral issue and a moral issue that challenges selfishness and greed over fundamental ethical and religious tenets. We are deciding if we can kill the old and vulnerable in exchange for comfort, pleasure, and material advantages and privileges. now because the math says we should reopen we go to a moral issue, which is 100% subjective. So you want to have 900+ suffer to save fewer than five...this is per 1000. That is morality? WOW!
Math doesn't say we should reopen. Your thesis is immoral and you do not want to admit it because of your cowardice. You are weak and unwilling to defend the vulnerable in your society. Most members of your society are showing far more courage than you and your ilk.
Math is math. It doesn't say anything. I believe, MY OPINION, is that we should reopen. If people believe that making 900+ suffer to save fewer than 5...per 1000 then of course we should remain on lockdown. You have resorted to personal insults as you cannot dispute facts. That is the epitome of "Your ilk"...the illogical, the uneducated, the cowardly.
You have determined in your opinion a finite number of deaths are acceptable in exchange for material and comfort from being open instead of in lockdown. That is a moral decision that tests your moral character.
Material comfort?

Suicide hotline numbers have doubled, alcoholism, depression, loss of business and livelyhood, kids missing school...impact is LIVES vs. LIVES. Again, I am not saying I am right but if our deaths increase 2.5x we would still lose 1.6 people per 33,000....CRAZY!
Likely some of those suicides would have happened anyway. People don't just decide to commit suicide because they've been in a shutdown for 4 weeks. Same with alcoholism and depression. You'd have to be pre-disposed to something that extreme. You can't count all those as Covid-19 related.
4 weeks? You mean around 7? And when you lose your business and or cannot see your family, depression sets in quickly.
7 weeks for some, not all. And if a person cannot handle 7 weeks of shut down then they had other issues to begin with. Covid-19 did not cause all their mental issues.
Of course but it exacerbated them. By that logic if a person cannot survive a COVID cold they had issues anyway and would have died soon anyway..
Your ego won't let you let go. You go from one lame excuse to another. Now your dopey excuse is a 40 or 50-year-old woman 25 lbs overweight and or with mild type ll Diabetes will die someday anyway, and, COVID-19 is only a common COVID cold.
Never said any of those things. There is no proof those women would not survive. 82% of deaths are for those above 65. You just cannot help yourself when you throw out insults. You have a weak constitution. Typical Leftist. Keep listening to Air Supply.
You said nothing about age. You said a person with existing conditions. Every one of your excuses includes back peddling. As I said, you can't let your ego go. You will spend all day long defending your ego and immoral opinion.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
Weird question. Depends on the outbreak, if there is one, in the fall, herd immunity, vaccines and the fact that a great many of those who perished were going to anyway by the end of this year.
Another moron spewing unproven speculation and nonsense. Sweden, testing so-called herd immunity is suffering 10 times as many hospitalizations and deaths as neighbors.
Another moron spewing unproven speculation and nonsense. Sweden, testing so-called herd immunity is suffering 10 times as many hospitalizations and deaths as neighbors.
Link it greaseball. Btw, Sweden has a much larger population than any of its neighbors.
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We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?

As of yesterday morning.

Deaths: 61,200 - of which, btw 29% is in NY (I believe those numbers include the Flu deaths and NY didn't allocate correctly as they are such an outlier but let's assume 61,200 is accurate).

Population: 330mil. Probably more due to the non documented but we will go with that #.

Deaths per 1000: Less than 2.

Let's say I assume 2.5x the deaths or 154,250. That number moves to less than 5 deaths per 1000 persons. We all agree it is a war and in war unfortunately you sacrifice the few to save the many. Why are we sacrificing 900+ people to save 2 or at worst 5?
Do you actually believe that if you opened the economy right now, things would be hunky dory, and things would go back to normal with booming sales? People are just going to go out and spend like crazy, and attend theaters and stadiums and restaurants like nothing ever happened?

It'll be quite a while before people will feel safe, and feel safe that their mom or dad or grandmom or grand dad, or sister with Asthma, or husband fighting cancer, etc., won't be killed by it

This great depression is with us for at least 5 years to recover from this pandemic and economic catastrophe.... maybe less, if a vaccine is working, and our gvt could actually pull off getting enough vaccines and chemicals, test tubes, shot casings and needles to actually administer it, unlike their total FAILURE on the virus test kits from the get go, let alone get people to accept and take the vaccination to protect the nation....

And the rest of the world would have to recover from it too, that we trade and sell our goods and agriculture to....

This is going to be a slower recovery than I believe you think.....

If we could give the public, a better assurance that the virus isn't just out there spreading like wildfire, it could bring consumer confidence up a little... but that would take great efforts of testing and contact tracing and isolating only those that were sick, and identifying new hot spots etc.....

And I have little confidence, that the Trump administration with the states, can accomplish such... though I have hope of such....

There are 60 million adults, that are at risk....the elderly and those younger with medical conditions.... let alone the ones that just get it and die with no pre existing or at risk, conditions.

the economy ain't coming back with any kind of roar, with all those big spenders in the 60 million adults at risk group, feeling the need to shelter, because no one is doing anything to curb the virus and identify where it is at and what areas it is moving through.....
Not everyone is a paranoid hypochondriac so Im sure people will be out and about. however *Im sure there is a small percentage that will cower under their beds wearing their face masks even in their own homes and the country will be better off having not to deal with these idiots
This is a moral issue and a moral issue that challenges selfishness and greed over fundamental ethical and religious tenets. We are deciding if we can kill the old and vulnerable in exchange for comfort, pleasure, and material advantages and privileges. now because the math says we should reopen we go to a moral issue, which is 100% subjective. So you want to have 900+ suffer to save fewer than five...this is per 1000. That is morality? WOW!
Math doesn't say we should reopen. Your thesis is immoral and you do not want to admit it because of your cowardice. You are weak and unwilling to defend the vulnerable in your society. Most members of your society are showing far more courage than you and your ilk.
Math is math. It doesn't say anything. I believe, MY OPINION, is that we should reopen. If people believe that making 900+ suffer to save fewer than 5...per 1000 then of course we should remain on lockdown. You have resorted to personal insults as you cannot dispute facts. That is the epitome of "Your ilk"...the illogical, the uneducated, the cowardly.
You have determined in your opinion a finite number of deaths are acceptable in exchange for material and comfort from being open instead of in lockdown. That is a moral decision that tests your moral character.
Material comfort?

Suicide hotline numbers have doubled, alcoholism, depression, loss of business and livelyhood, kids missing school...impact is LIVES vs. LIVES. Again, I am not saying I am right but if our deaths increase 2.5x we would still lose 1.6 people per 33,000....CRAZY!
Likely some of those suicides would have happened anyway. People don't just decide to commit suicide because they've been in a shutdown for 4 weeks. Same with alcoholism and depression. You'd have to be pre-disposed to something that extreme. You can't count all those as Covid-19 related.
4 weeks? You mean around 7? And when you lose your business and or cannot see your family, depression sets in quickly.
7 weeks for some, not all. And if a person cannot handle 7 weeks of shut down then they had other issues to begin with. Covid-19 did not cause all their mental issues.
Of course but it exacerbated them. By that logic if a person cannot survive a COVID cold they had issues anyway and would have died soon anyway..
I believe that logic has been presented here several times already...
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?

As of yesterday morning.

Deaths: 61,200 - of which, btw 29% is in NY (I believe those numbers include the Flu deaths and NY didn't allocate correctly as they are such an outlier but let's assume 61,200 is accurate).

Population: 330mil. Probably more due to the non documented but we will go with that #.

Deaths per 1000: Less than 2.

Let's say I assume 2.5x the deaths or 154,250. That number moves to less than 5 deaths per 1000 persons. We all agree it is a war and in war unfortunately you sacrifice the few to save the many. Why are we sacrificing 900+ people to save 2 or at worst 5?
Do you actually believe that if you opened the economy right now, things would be hunky dory, and things would go back to normal with booming sales? People are just going to go out and spend like crazy, and attend theaters and stadiums and restaurants like nothing ever happened?

It'll be quite a while before people will feel safe, and feel safe that their mom or dad or grandmom or grand dad, or sister with Asthma, or husband fighting cancer, etc., won't be killed by it

This great depression is with us for at least 5 years to recover from this pandemic and economic catastrophe.... maybe less, if a vaccine is working, and our gvt could actually pull off getting enough vaccines and chemicals, test tubes, shot casings and needles to actually administer it, unlike their total FAILURE on the virus test kits from the get go, let alone get people to accept and take the vaccination to protect the nation....

And the rest of the world would have to recover from it too, that we trade and sell our goods and agriculture to....

This is going to be a slower recovery than I believe you think.....

If we could give the public, a better assurance that the virus isn't just out there spreading like wildfire, it could bring consumer confidence up a little... but that would take great efforts of testing and contact tracing and isolating only those that were sick, and identifying new hot spots etc.....

And I have little confidence, that the Trump administration with the states, can accomplish such... though I have hope of such....

There are 60 million adults, that are at risk....the elderly and those younger with medical conditions.... let alone the ones that just get it and die with no pre existing or at risk, conditions.

the economy ain't coming back with any kind of roar, with all those big spenders in the 60 million adults at risk group, feeling the need to shelter, because no one is doing anything to curb the virus and identify where it is at and what areas it is moving through.....
Not everyone is a paranoid hypochondriac so Im sure people will be out and about. however *Im sure there is a small percentage that will cower under their beds wearing their face masks even in their own homes and the country will be better off having not to deal with these idiots
This is a moral issue and a moral issue that challenges selfishness and greed over fundamental ethical and religious tenets. We are deciding if we can kill the old and vulnerable in exchange for comfort, pleasure, and material advantages and privileges. now because the math says we should reopen we go to a moral issue, which is 100% subjective. So you want to have 900+ suffer to save fewer than five...this is per 1000. That is morality? WOW!
Math doesn't say we should reopen. Your thesis is immoral and you do not want to admit it because of your cowardice. You are weak and unwilling to defend the vulnerable in your society. Most members of your society are showing far more courage than you and your ilk.
Math is math. It doesn't say anything. I believe, MY OPINION, is that we should reopen. If people believe that making 900+ suffer to save fewer than 5...per 1000 then of course we should remain on lockdown. You have resorted to personal insults as you cannot dispute facts. That is the epitome of "Your ilk"...the illogical, the uneducated, the cowardly.
You have determined in your opinion a finite number of deaths are acceptable in exchange for material and comfort from being open instead of in lockdown. That is a moral decision that tests your moral character.
Material comfort?

Suicide hotline numbers have doubled, alcoholism, depression, loss of business and livelyhood, kids missing school...impact is LIVES vs. LIVES. Again, I am not saying I am right but if our deaths increase 2.5x we would still lose 1.6 people per 33,000....CRAZY!
Likely some of those suicides would have happened anyway. People don't just decide to commit suicide because they've been in a shutdown for 4 weeks. Same with alcoholism and depression. You'd have to be pre-disposed to something that extreme. You can't count all those as Covid-19 related.
4 weeks? You mean around 7? And when you lose your business and or cannot see your family, depression sets in quickly.
7 weeks for some, not all. And if a person cannot handle 7 weeks of shut down then they had other issues to begin with. Covid-19 did not cause all their mental issues.
Of course but it exacerbated them. By that logic if a person cannot survive a COVID cold they had issues anyway and would have died soon anyway..
Your ego won't let you let go. You go from one lame excuse to another. Now your dopey excuse is a 40 or 50-year-old woman 25 lbs overweight and or with mild type ll Diabetes will die someday anyway, and, COVID-19 is only a common COVID cold.
Never said any of those things. There is no proof those women would not survive. 82% of deaths are for those above 65. You just cannot help yourself when you throw out insults. You have a weak constitution. Typical Leftist. Keep listening to Air Supply.
You said nothing about age. You said a person with existing conditions. Every one of your excuses includes back peddling. As I said, you can't let your ego go. You will spend all day long defending your ego and immoral opinion.
Back pedaling? I am giving you facts while you act like an emotional drama queen. In terms of morality that is 100% subjective.
We have had 33000 deaths in just the past two weeks, 57000 or so in the past month....

What do you think the number will be of the deaths from this virus by the end of the year, based on what you know now of how the States are handling their reopenings, and how some states are not affected by it, while other states are swarming with it, and medical discoveries?

My guess is 100k by the end of July and another 100k by the end of the year, so probably about 200k in total by the end of the year....even if a vaccine is available by the end of the year and if there are drugs created that helps recovery time.

It could be higher... I dunno?
The rate of covid-19 deaths is exponential and can reach a very very high level at high speed but can also drop at a faster speed to zero.
I would say, it will end in mid-august.
You're so sleazy:
Cumulative number of coronavirus cases in the Nordics 2020
Published by F. Norrestad, Apr 30, 2020
The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Nordic countries as of April 30, 2020 was in Sweden, where the number amounted to 21,092. Denmark followed with 9,158 cases, and Norway with 7,710 cases.


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