How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

I most certainly am choosing.

I am more than capable of pursuing women or accepting an advancement from a woman. I choose not to.

Just as I choose not to wear any purple. (There's just something inherently wrong with that color.)

If we want to talk about my PREFERENCE, that is different. I don't know where my preference for men came from - nature, nurture, combo.

it doesn't matter where your preference came from. it is probably a function of both nurture and nature.

but like i said, unless you're actually attracted to women and made a conscious decision not to pursue them, you're being disingenuous.

Wow, so judgemental of you.

you're not very bright.
I can choose not to eat, too, but it would go against my nature....

And yet you can still choose as many have chosen to not eat to the point of death.

I can choose to not drink alcohol despite genetic predisposition toward alcoholism.

EVERYTHING is a choice.

I was being facetious...

At the end of the day we are talking apples and oranges

I cannot choose my attraction to women. Either I'm wired that way or not. Ditto for bi's and gay's...

This 'choice' argument is vapid at best. All anti-gay people are trying to do is treat them like second-class citizens. If somebody can show me one society where marginalising a group of people due to the prejudices of others has worked out, please give me a link. Would love to read about it....
Even if I were to accept the oh-so-scientific left's presumption of "homosexuality is genetic; no one can prove it, but it's settled anyway!", when did we decide that "genetic" equals "God intends them to be that way"?

I remember when I was pregnant with my last child and had to go through "genetic counseling" before I could get an amniocentesis. The number of genetic defects for which they test, completely aside from the most famous one (Down's Syndrome), was just staggering. Are we assuming that, because children are born with these problems built into their genes, God "wants them that way"? Are we assuming that, should we ever find a way to treat or cure or prevent these defects, that God would disapprove because He wants people to have these problems?

Completely aside from these more drastic examples, God also "makes" people with genetic tendencies toward alcoholism and obesity. Should we stop trying to treat and prevent THESE genetically-indicated conditions?

Where is the logic here, leftists?
God didn't create gays

They "chose" the perversion of homosexuality as their lifestyle all by themselves.

Do you really believe that? I mean, I've heard there were people out there so stupid, they bought into this bs but I've never actually encountered one before.
So you believe all gays just wake up one day and decide that.
I guess that means you could just decide to be turned on by a man?
I couldn't.
God didn't create gays

They "chose" the perversion of homosexuality as their lifestyle all by themselves.

Do you really believe that? I mean, I've heard there were people out there so stupid, they bought into this bs but I've never actually encountered one before.
So you believe all gays just wake up one day and decide that.
I guess that means you could just decide to be turned on by a man?
I couldn't.

Yeah, I know...silly eh? All those buff, good-looking gay guys you see in the parades? They actually like women, but chose to bang men. I mean, as a male I can really believe that. You?
I have to ask this, how may of you got choose your sexuality ? How can anyone honestly answer that?
I can. I choose heterosexuality. I can and could have pursued women for dates and sexual relations, but I didn't.

What is right for you, may not be right for others...

You sound like you are a bi, but choose to be straight. What about those who are only attracted to the same sex?

Welcome back BTW...:cool:
Thanks, Grump! Good to know the class in the opposition sticks around. :thup:

IIRC, few persons are totally gay or totally hetero...some sort of scale. So, yeah, I problably have a touch of bi in me, as do you, too.

My preference certainly is men. And in no way would I advocate dictating a choice to someone that would make them miserable.

I'm not all that attracted to blonds, either. And, I would feel very uncomfortable if someone were to tell me I have to wear purple.

It may be just semantics, but it is a choice. And, I support those who choose their preference when it comes to hetero- or homosexuality.

But, if they wear purple? My authoritarian side rears its ugly head and I may just say off with theirs.
for political reasons or because you don't like it? :razz:

What they do to get it disgusts me....

fair enough.
It is a pretty disgusting treatment. But, if I think about how the animals I eat are killed, I would revert to being a vegetarian again.

In this case, it's not really ignorance that is bliss for me, it's more a willful ignorance. I like the taste of fois gras too much.

But, I certainly can support one who won't eat the stuff. And, now, I probably won't be able to stomach it for another year.
What they do to get it disgusts me....

fair enough.
It is a pretty disgusting treatment. But, if I think about how the animals I eat are killed, I would revert to being a vegetarian again.

In this case, it's not really ignorance that is bliss for me, it's more a willful ignorance. I like the taste of fois gras too much.

But, I certainly can support one who won't eat the stuff. And, now, I probably won't be able to stomach it for another year.

i'm with you. i love fois gras. on the other hand, i hate how we get it, too.

i don't eat veal, though.
God didn't create gays

They "chose" the perversion of homosexuality as their lifestyle all by themselves.

Do you really believe that? I mean, I've heard there were people out there so stupid, they bought into this bs but I've never actually encountered one before.
So you believe all gays just wake up one day and decide that.
I guess that means you could just decide to be turned on by a man?
I couldn't.

Yeah, I know...silly eh? All those buff, good-looking gay guys you see in the parades? They actually like women, but chose to bang men. I mean, as a male I can really believe that. You?

sunni ijit is constantly fighting his homosexual feelings.
I can choose not to eat, too, but it would go against my nature....

And yet you can still choose as many have chosen to not eat to the point of death.

I can choose to not drink alcohol despite genetic predisposition toward alcoholism.

EVERYTHING is a choice.

so you get up every day wanting to bonk other men and have to fight that impulse every day and instead have sex with women who skeeve you?

i believe it.

His name is Bowie, yes?
Getting this in here before Jill does that Jimmy Fallon gig again. lol.

[ame=]David Bowie's "Space Oddity" - YouTube[/ame]
fair enough.
It is a pretty disgusting treatment. But, if I think about how the animals I eat are killed, I would revert to being a vegetarian again.

In this case, it's not really ignorance that is bliss for me, it's more a willful ignorance. I like the taste of fois gras too much.

But, I certainly can support one who won't eat the stuff. And, now, I probably won't be able to stomach it for another year.

i'm with you. i love fois gras. on the other hand, i hate how we get it, too.

i don't eat veal, though.

It's next to impossible to eat veal these days, because almost no one carries it. I think in my entire city, I've found exactly ONE specialty butcher that will sell it. And as far as I can tell, there isn't a single restaurant in town that serves it.
I have to ask this, how may of you got choose your sexuality ? How can anyone honestly answer that?
I can. I choose heterosexuality. I can and could have pursued women for dates and sexual relations, but I didn't.

Well if that's how you look at it sure.

But you can't choose what you're attracted to. There's a reason most couples are on about the same paygrade in terms of looks. If a girl is attracted to a girl, she can't choose to be attracted to a guy.
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I have to ask this, how may of you got choose your sexuality ? How can anyone honestly answer that?
I can. I choose heterosexuality. I can and could have pursued women for dates and sexual relations, but I didn't.

Well if that's how you look at it sure.

But you can't choose what you're attracted to. There's a reason most couples are on about the same paygrade in terms of looks. If a girl is attracted to a girl, she can't choose to be attracted to a guy.

You can choose your preference and be happy or choose something else for some other reason and be miserable.

As it pertains to two adults consenting to be with each other, what business is it of mine?

If it affects my taxes, I'll make it my business; but it doesn't. If it affects my rights and the equality of those rights, same deal; but it doesn't. If it inconveniences me in any way, I'd have to weigh whether bitching about it is worth it; but I don't see any apparent inconvenience.

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