How Many Have Been Killed By Legal Ghost Guns So Far?

How Many Have Been Killed By Legal Ghost Guns So Far? From what I understand....they're already illegal. So why do Democrats feel they can do anything about them just by passing another law? This is a good question.....because it appears Ghost Guns are being sold and traded in California...or being shipped for sale to foreign countries to bypass being tracked by the government. Democrats seem to think making a law solves everything.

If you create a gun-free zone or a gun-free state....all you do is create another crime. It's like Prohibition....they never could stop people from drinking....and they never will be able to get rid of all of the guns in America.

"Axel Galvez had a deal: $7,500 for five untraceable semiautomatic rifles. And he had a buyer: a felon who planned to ship them overseas. Now, he just needed weapons that would be invisible to regulators.​

To avoid background checks, Mr. Galvez bought rifle parts, then assembled the five guns at the Los Angeles machine shop where he worked. He offered to build his buyer 100 more for $130,000.​

An underground gun-making industry that enables criminals to elude background checks and bypass gun regulations is creating a growing trade of “ghost guns,” weapons that can’t be traced by police, authorities say.​

Mr. Galvez’s buyer turned out to be a government informant; the 36-year-old machinist pleaded guilty in November to unlawful firearms manufacturing and dealing, according to court documents.​

Ghost guns have been in the spotlight since a Northern California man, who was prohibited from possessing firearms because of a restraining order, killed five people in a November rampage using semiautomatic rifles that he made himself, police say. Other gunmen have employed the weapons as well. In 2016, a Baltimore man fired at police with a homemade AR-15, and Santa Monica shooter John Zawahri used a ghost gun in his shooting spree that killed five in 2013."​
What they seem to have a problem figuring out is it's not the gun that causes's poverty, drugs, and mentally unstable human-beings. Maybe they have it figured out and all they're interested in is making sure plenty of mentally unstable people are walking the streets. Then they can start going full Nazi like Canada.
If Biden takes away ghost guns, will his dead voters switch parties? *L*
View attachment 478693
Lol...Biden in true Jesus like power “ raised the dead” and They all voted for him he should be able to walk on water but his dog keeps tripping him up whenever he gets out of the shower and both Major and him keep using her clothes to towel off and dry themselves ... smiling...
We knew he didn't walk on water, but he was so much better than tramp.
How Many Have Been Killed By Legal Ghost Guns So Far? From what I understand....they're already illegal. So why do Democrats feel they can do anything about them just by passing another law? This is a good question.....because it appears Ghost Guns are being sold and traded in California...or being shipped for sale to foreign countries to bypass being tracked by the government. Democrats seem to think making a law solves everything.

If you create a gun-free zone or a gun-free state....all you do is create another crime. It's like Prohibition....they never could stop people from drinking....and they never will be able to get rid of all of the guns in America.

"Axel Galvez had a deal: $7,500 for five untraceable semiautomatic rifles. And he had a buyer: a felon who planned to ship them overseas. Now, he just needed weapons that would be invisible to regulators.​

To avoid background checks, Mr. Galvez bought rifle parts, then assembled the five guns at the Los Angeles machine shop where he worked. He offered to build his buyer 100 more for $130,000.​

An underground gun-making industry that enables criminals to elude background checks and bypass gun regulations is creating a growing trade of “ghost guns,” weapons that can’t be traced by police, authorities say.​

Mr. Galvez’s buyer turned out to be a government informant; the 36-year-old machinist pleaded guilty in November to unlawful firearms manufacturing and dealing, according to court documents.​

Ghost guns have been in the spotlight since a Northern California man, who was prohibited from possessing firearms because of a restraining order, killed five people in a November rampage using semiautomatic rifles that he made himself, police say. Other gunmen have employed the weapons as well. In 2016, a Baltimore man fired at police with a homemade AR-15, and Santa Monica shooter John Zawahri used a ghost gun in his shooting spree that killed five in 2013."​
What they seem to have a problem figuring out is it's not the gun that causes's poverty, drugs, and mentally unstable human-beings. Maybe they have it figured out and all they're interested in is making sure plenty of mentally unstable people are walking the streets. Then they can start going full Nazi like Canada.
If Biden takes away ghost guns, will his dead voters switch parties? *L*
View attachment 478693
Lol...Biden in true Jesus like power “ raised the dead” and They all voted for him he should be able to walk on water but his dog keeps tripping him up whenever he gets out of the shower and both Major and him keep using her clothes to towel off and dry themselves ... smiling...
We knew he didn't walk on water, but he was so much better than tramp.
Seems to be plenty of AK's for sale on the black market why would they bother with ghost guns?

Considering that the black market is awash with AK-47s, how much would it cost to illegally procure one? A new report from Global Financial Integrity has shed some light on the shady world of arms smuggling and the cost of an AK-47 in several different countries. In Afghanistan, the gun could cost as little as $600 while on Mexico's northern border with the U.S., the price would increase to $1,200. In Belgium where the Paris perpetrators obtained their Balkan Kalashnikovs, it has a price tag of about $1,135. An authentic model would cost $1,200 in Pakistan but a locally produced model can be obtained there for as little as $148. It is also possible to obtain an AK-47 through the darknet where costs typically range from $2,800 to $3,600.
The Guns and Rifles used by criminals are never bought legally. They are not stupid enough to show a history of gun purchases. They use stolen guns and those flowing across the border from the Mexican Cartels. They are used by the gangs and Drug Lords in US Inner Cities. The highest rates of murders and shootings are found in these cities. The vast majority of which result from gangs and Drug Lords fighting each other. Then there is the collateral damage of murders and shootings of innocent people, children and even babies. Decades of Democratic Mayors have and continued allow this insanity to exist. Will one of you bright Liberals tell me why Mayors of the Inner Cities don't believe Black Lives Matter!
We knew he didn't walk on water, but he was so much better than tramp.

Your opinion based on personality. Unfortunately his record is already proving dismal. Our gasoline went up 30% since he took office, our borders are a complete mess; the worst it's been in 20 years, he's attacking legal gun owners now setting up the stage for a nationwide black market, he's increasing taxes on our job creators, and wants to put us 2 trillion more in the hole over green energy as if it's some sort of emergency.

How you can say this dementia patient is anywhere near as successful as President Trump is beyond me. But I also understand how hate can rule lives.
How Many Have Been Killed By Legal Ghost Guns So Far? From what I understand....they're already illegal. So why do Democrats feel they can do anything about them just by passing another law? This is a good question.....because it appears Ghost Guns are being sold and traded in California...or being shipped for sale to foreign countries to bypass being tracked by the government. Democrats seem to think making a law solves everything.

If you create a gun-free zone or a gun-free state....all you do is create another crime. It's like Prohibition....they never could stop people from drinking....and they never will be able to get rid of all of the guns in America.

"Axel Galvez had a deal: $7,500 for five untraceable semiautomatic rifles. And he had a buyer: a felon who planned to ship them overseas. Now, he just needed weapons that would be invisible to regulators.​

To avoid background checks, Mr. Galvez bought rifle parts, then assembled the five guns at the Los Angeles machine shop where he worked. He offered to build his buyer 100 more for $130,000.​

An underground gun-making industry that enables criminals to elude background checks and bypass gun regulations is creating a growing trade of “ghost guns,” weapons that can’t be traced by police, authorities say.​

Mr. Galvez’s buyer turned out to be a government informant; the 36-year-old machinist pleaded guilty in November to unlawful firearms manufacturing and dealing, according to court documents.​

Ghost guns have been in the spotlight since a Northern California man, who was prohibited from possessing firearms because of a restraining order, killed five people in a November rampage using semiautomatic rifles that he made himself, police say. Other gunmen have employed the weapons as well. In 2016, a Baltimore man fired at police with a homemade AR-15, and Santa Monica shooter John Zawahri used a ghost gun in his shooting spree that killed five in 2013."​
What they seem to have a problem figuring out is it's not the gun that causes's poverty, drugs, and mentally unstable human-beings. Maybe they have it figured out and all they're interested in is making sure plenty of mentally unstable people are walking the streets. Then they can start going full Nazi like Canada.

Does the "Stay Puff" Marsh Mellow Man count? Peter, Ray and Egon were packing some serious "ghost-guns"
I wonder how these idiots think they'll remove the guns by making them illegal? I mean, it's worked SOOOO well on drugs, yeah?

Democrats only appear to be stupid, but they really are not. Even they know if they could take our guns away, the criminals will continue to be armed. This is what they want.

Once good people are virtually disarmed, then they created a society where only the criminals, police and military have firearms. It puts us law abiding citizens at a serious disadvantage.

Political parties constantly try to get more people to join; expanding the tent as they like to call it in politics. One of the largest groups in the Democrat party are victims. So they create more victims: Victims of racism, victims of rich people, victims of big Pharma or Big Tobacco, victims of gun violence, and my favorite one, war on women.

By disarming the public and keeping the criminals armed, they created a new huge victim group. Because let's face it, if we can't defend ourselves from criminals, armed robbery goes way up, rape, home burglaries, attacks on the street, it all increase dramatically. So how do we attack big crime? The same way we attacked every other Big threat in our country, and that is with a bigger government.

Democrats don't care that we have guns. What bugs them is that we can take care of ourselves with them. Even the FBI statistics reveal that law abiding Americans use their guns over a million times every single year to stop crime or defend themselves. So if most Americans could take care of themselves without government to do it for them, then who needs the Democrat party around?

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