How many HOMELESS American citizens could be helped with the resources we waste on illegal aliens?

How many homeless veterans?
How many homeless single mothers?
How many abused children?
How many addicts?
How many failing school children?
How many special needs children?

You realize it doesn't matter to Trump supporters right? They don't want ANY of their money being taxes and used to help someone else, regardless if they are a U.S. citizen or not. In a Trump supporters eyes a person is only in a bad position in life because it is their own fault and if they want something they need to get off their ass and get it themselves...

I am now a Trump supporter and you don't speak for me or anyone else

Then you are a faux Trump supporter...

I've seen so many anti-health care, anti-food stamp, anti-housing, and anti-educational assistance threads on here ALL made by Trump supporters... that it doesn't matter if someone is U.S. citizen or not, they don't want THEIR MONEY HELPING THOSE LAZY ASS MOOCHERS! They can take care of themselves!

So as much as I agree that we should be helping our own citizens at home before we help those from other countries and in other countries... that shit doesn't matter to Conservatives and Trump supporters. It's all about THEIR MONEY and how they can keep as much of it as possible and not pay into taxes that helps society.
The fact that YOU think what is printed on this forum is important makes you a laughing stock.

You realize what you are saying in this thread is printed on this forum?
How many homeless veterans?
How many homeless single mothers?
How many abused children?
How many addicts?
How many failing school children?
How many special needs children?
Republicans would never help any of those people.

You know better.
Except we do, daily. Just without the government forcing us to do it.

Every winter our grocery store has "Harvesters" tickets for sale. Those tickets are direct money for the homeless. I live in a 90% republican district. Those tickets are ALWAYS sold out. I send my cashier on a "gofer" trip every time I check out (several times a week) to find more tickets.

Forced charity via the government is not charity, it's extortion.

Having said that my point remains

Most of your charities get their funding from the government. In fact, it costs more due to a middle man.
How many homeless veterans?
How many homeless single mothers?
How many abused children?
How many addicts?
How many failing school children?
How many special needs children?
But. But. But. The D party needs more voters and that always takes precedence.
How many homeless veterans?
How many homeless single mothers?
How many abused children?
How many addicts?
How many failing school children?
How many special needs children?

You realize it doesn't matter to Trump supporters right? They don't want ANY of their money being taxes and used to help someone else, regardless if they are a U.S. citizen or not. In a Trump supporters eyes a person is only in a bad position in life because it is their own fault and if they want something they need to get off their ass and get it themselves...

I am now a Trump supporter and you don't speak for me or anyone else

That is NOT how this Trump supporter feels. I want my vets off the street (a large portion of the homeless) and we could have Fed and housed all of them with what we've gifted Iran, in cash, or paid for weapons to fund ISIS. We can certainly care for our own with the $150 billion a year the illegals are costing us now, without tearing our culture apart.

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How many homeless veterans?
How many homeless single mothers?
How many abused children?
How many addicts?
How many failing school children?
How many special needs children?
how many can be helped with the money the "wall" is going to cost?....
Not near as many as can be helped by closing the revolving door.
if you think that wall will keep everyone out,you are just kidding yourself...he said he is going to hire 5,000 more BP agents,that will be more effective than a wall that will still be breached....
How many homeless veterans?
How many homeless single mothers?
How many abused children?
How many addicts?
How many failing school children?
How many special needs children?
how many can be helped with the money the "wall" is going to cost?....
Not near as many as can be helped by closing the revolving door.
if you think that wall will keep everyone out,you are just kidding yourself...he said he is going to hire 5,000 more BP agents,that will be more effective than a wall that will still be breached....
Just bring all our troops stationed in foriegn lands home and put some of them on the border. It would be a win-win. No more foriegn interventions and no more illegals crossing the border.

Easy peasy.
Americans should be number one, always. Sadly, they haven't been in decades.
1 in 5 American children go to bed hungry EVERY NIGHT and we spending MILLIONS arming/training terrorists!
How many homeless veterans?
How many homeless single mothers?
How many abused children?
How many addicts?
How many failing school children?
How many special needs children?
how many can be helped with the money the "wall" is going to cost?....
Not near as many as can be helped by closing the revolving door.
if you think that wall will keep everyone out,you are just kidding yourself...he said he is going to hire 5,000 more BP agents,that will be more effective than a wall that will still be breached....
Just bring all our troops stationed in foriegn lands home and put some of them on the border. It would be a win-win. No more foriegn interventions and no more illegals crossing the border.

Easy peasy.
in conjunction with the BP and the police in the areas it would be cheaper and probably more effective....

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