How Many Lives Would Have Been Saved Had we Tortured the Captured Paris Terrorist?

Would torture have saved any lives in Brussells today?

  • No

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 5 13.2%

  • Total voters
When did America get the option of torturing prisoners captured in France for committing crimes or terrorism in France or any other foreign nation?

Since 1935 the US has been a continuing criminal enterprise. The impostors in DC claim to have the authority to do whatever, whenever for whatever with impunity The so-called SCOTUS will look the other way in order to preserve and support the gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

In other words, Trump is just talking bullshit the way he always does and you are unable to give a sensible, rational or factual basis. Trump followers are suckers for his nonsense responses to critical situations.

Don't blame me because you can not determine what is sensible, rational or factual .

Sue your school district.
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?

Actually, that's John McCain that says it doesn't work. A man who was tortured for months, possibly years.

You'll admit to the Lincoln assassination if it will make the pain stop.
When did America get the option of torturing prisoners captured in France for committing crimes or terrorism in France or any other foreign nation?

For many conservatives, their proposals would best be described as 'Reality fan fiction'. So little details like that really only fuck up the narrative.
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?

Actually, that's John McCain that says it doesn't work. A man who was tortured for months, possibly years.

You'll admit to the Lincoln assassination if it will make the pain stop.
John McCain said that torture doesn't work. How odd. It certainly worked with him.
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?

Actually, that's John McCain that says it doesn't work. A man who was tortured for months, possibly years.

You'll admit to the Lincoln assassination if it will make the pain stop.
John McCain said that torture doesn't work. How odd. It certainly worked with him.

Says who?
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?

What you do when you torture is subject the young men and women in our armed forces to the same treatment. 'Course Republicans don't worry about it because they send somebody else's young men and women 10,000 miles to fight and die in a godforsaken desert. SCREW THE WARMONGERS......SCREW GEORGE W. BUSH!!!!
(The Gentleman's Coward)
Fewer Americans were killed under Clinton than Bush because unlike Bush, Clinton did not ignore warnings of a potential terrorist attack.
Clinton was too busy getting a BJ and sexually harassing women to notice any signs of a pending attack! The PLANNING for 9/11/01 happened on CLINTON'S watch. The terrorist pilots got their flight training on CLINTON'S watch. The investigating (afterwards) report described how they received training on how to FLY the jets but never completed the training regarding how to LAND the jets. Maybe if Clinton was using the right head at the time he would have considered that a little unusual.

AFTER 9/11/01 not another single terrorist attack on the US in the US was perpetrated. Obama, however....
Ft. Hood Terrorist Attack
Boston Marathon Bombing
Tn Recruiting Station Attack
Ca terrorist attack

Obama KNEW ahead of time that terrorists were going to attack, in Benghazi and in Boston - Obama KNEW when and by whom the attack in Benghazi was going to happen...Obama even KNEW WHO was going to perpetrate the Boston Bombing yet failed to stop either. Despite knowing exactly who had perpetrated the Boston Bombing, Obama plastered their faces on TV and asked citizens to help ID them, trying to prevent US citizens from realizing he DID know their identities and how he had f*ed up and failed to prevent the attack.

Clinton was blind because had his eyes closed, making his 'Ohhh' face while Monica was on her knees, and failed to prevent 9/11/01. Barry has kept his eyes closed to Islamic Extremism his entire 7 years in office, and yet Liberals - deathly allergic to any measure of accountability, claim ONLY BUSH is to blame.

I swear - there is NO CURE for THAT amount of partisanship and / or 'stupid'.
Again, because you're hard of learning.... Clinton thwarted the 9.11 type of attack that was planned while he was president. Who knows what more you expected of him after he left office? Who knows why you don't accept the reality that Bush failed to protect America on 9.11?
Clinton says torture doesnt work; nonsense, of course it works.

But I also think we could have gotten the information out of the captured terrorist and saved a lot of lives today.

What say the rest of you?

Actually, that's John McCain that says it doesn't work. A man who was tortured for months, possibly years.

You'll admit to the Lincoln assassination if it will make the pain stop.
John McCain said that torture doesn't work. How odd. It certainly worked with him.
It did? What info did he give up?
You mean the attack where bombs were successfully blown up at the Twin Towers but did not bring the towers down?

The planning for 9/11/01 happened on Slick Willey's watch....not that he noticed because he was 'getting his freak on', lying to the world about it, and being found in CONTEMPT OF COURT AND BEING DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in his sexual harassment law suit.
And it was thwarted on Clinton's watch. Who knows what more you expected of him after he left office.
9/11/01 was successful...and Bush ensured not another successful terrorist attack happened on US soil again...

Unlike Barry, terrorists did not warn Bush they were going to attack on 9/11/01 like they told Hillary and Barry they would on 9/11/12.

Unlike Barry, no one called up Bush and told him the names of terrorist attackers, like Putin did with Obama, in plenty of time for him to prevent 9/11/01 like Obama and the Boston Bombings...which he failed to stop.

Only 1 successful attack on US soil by terrorists he did not know...unlike with Barry. Hell, the last terrorist who successfully murdered Americans was given a visa by Obama & his administration....welcomed in to kill Americans.

Bush - and America - were caught unaware and unprepared on 9/11/01. In regards to Obama and the MULTIPLE SUCCESSFUL terrorist attacks inside the US that have resulted in the deaths of Americans, Obama has just repeatedly been caught 'stupid'.

...not that he gives a damn, anyway. A successful terrorist attack and dead victims, especially Americans, for Obama is just an excuse to go play golf, go to a baseball game with yo communist buddy, or to go hide somewhere until it's all over and you can come up with a good lie.
What part of 'the bomb was successfully detonated' do you not understand? Clinton stopped NOTHING. Miscalculations on the terrorists' part is what prevented more destruction and loss of life, NOT Clinton.
John McCain said that torture doesn't work. How odd. It certainly worked with him.

McCain wasn't "tortured" at Hoa Lo prison. He'd suffered arm and shoulder injuries in his crash (luckily he hit water), and he was bayoneted in the groin and foot by his captors. To the contrary, he signed a "war criminal" statement to get the medical attention he needed. And his father being a big shot admiral was another reason he wasn't subjected to what others were...he might have been a trading chip but he wouldn't play that game.
9.11 was successful on 9/11 because Bush was the president. He was not unaware an attack was coming, there were warnings. Similar to the warning that Clinton got several years earlier. The terrorists failed to pull it off while Clinton was President, so they tried again in 2001 and as you said, were successful. Aside from your stupidity of making it sound like Bush kept us safe while ignoring the worst terrorist attack in US history that scarred us forever, you're not even right. You're ignoring the anthrax attack, you're ignoring the LAX attack, you're ignoring the Beltway Sniper attacks. But sure, if you ignore all of the attackes under Bush's watch, he kept a safe.
9.11 was successful on 9/11 because Bush was the president. He was not unaware an attack was coming, there were warnings. Similar to the warning that Clinton got several years earlier. The terrorists failed to pull it off while Clinton was President, so they tried again in 2001 and as you said, were successful. Aside from your stupidity of making it sound like Bush kept us safe while ignoring the worst terrorist attack in US history that scarred us forever, you're not even right. You're ignoring the anthrax attack, you're ignoring the LAX attack, you're ignoring the Beltway Sniper attacks. But sure, if you ignore all of the attackes under Bush's watch, he kept a safe.

Link us to the "warnings" that named the men, the day, the cities, the airlines, the flight #s, the targets, dipshit.
9.11 was successful on 9/11 because Bush was the president. He was not unaware an attack was coming, there were warnings. Similar to the warning that Clinton got several years earlier. The terrorists failed to pull it off while Clinton was President, so they tried again in 2001 and as you said, were successful. Aside from your stupidity of making it sound like Bush kept us safe while ignoring the worst terrorist attack in US history that scarred us forever, you're not even right. You're ignoring the anthrax attack, you're ignoring the LAX attack, you're ignoring the Beltway Sniper attacks. But sure, if you ignore all of the attackes under Bush's watch, he kept a safe.

Link us to the "warnings" that named the men, the day, the cities, the airlines, the flight #s, the targets, dipshit.
Maybe you think Bush needed to have their passports too? Meanwhile, Clinton received a similar PDB while he was president and responded by having airport security raised at suspect airports. The result was zero planes hijacked, zero buildings bombed and zero people killed.

And Clinton did that without the names of the terrorists, the day they were planning the attack, the cities, airlines or flight numbers.

And he did it while getting blow jobs.
When did America get the option of torturing prisoners captured in France for committing crimes or terrorism in France or any other foreign nation?

We are probably supposed to send in specially trained SEAL Teams for that......

SEAL teams would have no jurisdiction, idiot, and we would send in FBI or CIA or DIA.

Ok, so now that I have proven that no one knows if this guy was tortured or not, for information.

you can all shut up and quit making fools of yourself.
Our ethics include not dropping atomic bombs, not killing people unnecessarily, not torturing people, not doing many things. These aren't difficult to define, we've done it many time.

In a perfect world you're correct, problem is we're human, far from perfect.

Our world is far from perfect and mistakes occur, innocent casualties take place with the best intentions.

Mistakes happen, or "mistakes" are deliberately made?

I'm not talking about the conduct of the war, but the reasons to go to war here. The war in itself was unethical. It wasn't a mistake, it was deliberate.

So why did we enter WW I & WW II?

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