How many must die?

Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
Actually, it's none if your actual business.
And if it actually was, what actual difference would it actually make.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
Actually, it's none if your actual business.
And if it actually was, what actual difference would it actually make.

So what's your fascination with hating the US? Find a better hobby.

Where you at, btw? I'm guessing western Europe somewhere. Germany's always a great guess.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
Actually, it's none if your actual business.
And if it actually was, what actual difference would it actually make.

So what's your fascination with hating the US? Find a better hobby.

Where you at, btw? I'm guessing western Europe somewhere. Germany's always a great guess.
I don't hate hate the US. I hate the lies and hypocrisy belched by Republicans like you.
If I was a Republican you would want an origin. Your problem is I'm up your nose and you don't like it.

I won't be taking instructions from you or anyone else. I leave when I like but thank you foryour advice.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
Actually, it's none if your actual business.
And if it actually was, what actual difference would it actually make.

So what's your fascination with hating the US? Find a better hobby.

Where you at, btw? I'm guessing western Europe somewhere. Germany's always a great guess.
I don't hate hate the US. I hate the lies and hypocrisy belched by Republicans like you.
If I was a Republican you would want an origin. Your problem is I'm up your nose and you don't like it.

I won't be taking instructions from you or anyone else. I leave when I like but thank you foryour advice.

oh honey, I was beating down foreigners like you before you were even born. Trust that.
We have found ourselves in a terrible, no-win situation.

I wore a mask, and got vaccinated, not just for my own safety, but for that of my loved ones, friends, and anyone else I might come near.

I was more than happy to contribute my small share, as an American who knows it's about far more than just ME.
That's the problem, I suppose.

Everyone expects me to give a single fuck about them. I don't. Everyone can die. It does not bother me. Nor should GOVERNMENT force me to do ANYTHING for the bullshit "greater good." Terrible things are done in the name of the "greater good." Anything goes, as long as it serves the "greater good."
We have found ourselves in a terrible, no-win situation.

I wore a mask, and got vaccinated, not just for my own safety, but for that of my loved ones, friends, and anyone else I might come near.

I was more than happy to contribute my small share, as an American who knows it's about far more than just ME.
That's the problem, I suppose.

Everyone expects me to give a single fuck about them. I don't. Everyone can die. It does not bother me. Nor should GOVERNMENT force me to do ANYTHING for the bullshit "greater good." Terrible things are done in the name of the "greater good." Anything goes, as long as it serves the "greater good."

Well I would say the problem was that Mac thought wearing and mask and getting vaccinated prevented transmission in the first place.

They don't

What does is staying home if you are sick.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.
Yes, in my opinion especially since the Chinese covid people in general are more aggressive and stressed on the web and even in reality and it is true that foreigners at least here at the forum those who are leftists seem to have a real hatred towards Republicans like CN and the lad Tommy,
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.

And what repurcussions will you inflict on me? I'll suggest nothing because you can't.
America is not attractive to foreigners because of the stifling rigidity nonpartisan politics and mouthwatering racist that exists.
There's a certain aloofness also which is mocked regularly. Best country on earth rubbish. Home if the brave?? Really.

Dont talk about me, talk to me and make ignorant accusations. Throw a bit of religion into it also. See how good you are
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.

And what repurcussions will you inflict on me? I'll suggest nothing because you can't.
America is not attractive to foreigners because of the stifling rigidity nonpartisan politics and mouthwatering racist that exists.
There's a certain aloofness also which is mocked regularly. Best country on earth rubbish. Home if the brave?? Really.

Dont talk about me, talk to me and make ignorant accusations. Throw a bit of religion into it also. See how good you are

I'm not talking about any "repercussions" except national ones. I was 100% behind Trump's proposal to make you absolutely pay for whatever backwater military you have. What is it? German? Australian? French? And not rely on us IN ANY WAY. You understand that? So when things get hot with say, China or Russia, don't call us, we'll call you. I mean....maybe. I don't know. If that phone rings anymore.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.
Yes, in my opinion especially since the Chinese covid people in general are more aggressive and stressed on the web and even in reality and it is true that foreigners at least here at the forum those who are leftists seem to have a real hatred towards Republicans like CN and the lad Tommy,

You're not real smart. While ever you call dems paedos, communists, Marxists, b as by killers etc, you think they should take that shit from you?
Add the hate America crap and you wonder the animosity pr webmail sd when republicans trashed the capitol attempting to destroy out democracy???

You guys haven't got a functioning neuron amongst you.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.
Yes, in my opinion especially since the Chinese covid people in general are more aggressive and stressed on the web and even in reality and it is true that foreigners at least here at the forum those who are leftists seem to have a real hatred towards Republicans like CN and the lad Tommy,

You're not real smart. While ever you call dems paedos, communists, Marxists, b as by killers etc, you think they should take that shit from you?
Add the hate America crap and you wonder the animosity pr webmail sd when republicans trashed the capitol attempting to destroy out democracy???

You guys haven't got a functioning neuron amongst you.

WHOSE democracy? Not YOUR democracy
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.

And what repurcussions will you inflict on me? I'll suggest nothing because you can't.
America is not attractive to foreigners because of the stifling rigidity nonpartisan politics and mouthwatering racist that exists.
There's a certain aloofness also which is mocked regularly. Best country on earth rubbish. Home if the brave?? Really.

Dont talk about me, talk to me and make ignorant accusations. Throw a bit of religion into it also. See how good you are

I'm not talking about any "repercussions" except national ones. I was 100% behind Trump's proposal to make you absolutely pay for whatever backwater military you have. What is it? German? Australian? French? And not rely on us IN ANY WAY. You understand that? So when things get hot with say, China or Russia, don't call us, we'll call you. I mean....maybe. I don't know. If that phone rings anymore.

Why don't you go and invade China and Russia if you hate them so much?

The latest two follies in Vietnam and Iraq
weren't such a raging success to the point who would want us there spreading our type of partisan racist democracy.

Don't threaten people with the white supremeist shit like we control the world.
A few Muslims in the hills killed us in Iraq and who wants that type of protection.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.

And what repurcussions will you inflict on me? I'll suggest nothing because you can't.
America is not attractive to foreigners because of the stifling rigidity nonpartisan politics and mouthwatering racist that exists.
There's a certain aloofness also which is mocked regularly. Best country on earth rubbish. Home if the brave?? Really.

Dont talk about me, talk to me and make ignorant accusations. Throw a bit of religion into it also. See how good you are

I'm not talking about any "repercussions" except national ones. I was 100% behind Trump's proposal to make you absolutely pay for whatever backwater military you have. What is it? German? Australian? French? And not rely on us IN ANY WAY. You understand that? So when things get hot with say, China or Russia, don't call us, we'll call you. I mean....maybe. I don't know. If that phone rings anymore.

Why don't you go and invade China and Russia if you hate them so much?

The latest two follies in Vietnam and Iraq
weren't such a raging success to the point who would want us there spreading our type of partisan racist democracy.

Don't threaten people with the white supremeist shit like we control the world.
A few Muslims in the hills killed us in Iraq and who wants that type of protection.

We're not going to invade them. They will invade you. And you're so smart, Colin Norris, that you come to an American forum to spread your bile all over Republicans. Guess who most sends their kids to the military? That's right--Republicans. Great job, doing your own special part to make sure we want absolutely NO PART in defending any of your nations, just like Trump. Did you know that's what you're doing here? Dude. That's what you're doing here. "America First" means we are not the world's military. Which means, we ain't coming to save you, either.

Didn't really think that through did you
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.

And what repurcussions will you inflict on me? I'll suggest nothing because you can't.
America is not attractive to foreigners because of the stifling rigidity nonpartisan politics and mouthwatering racist that exists.
There's a certain aloofness also which is mocked regularly. Best country on earth rubbish. Home if the brave?? Really.

Dont talk about me, talk to me and make ignorant accusations. Throw a bit of religion into it also. See how good you are

I'm not talking about any "repercussions" except national ones. I was 100% behind Trump's proposal to make you absolutely pay for whatever backwater military you have. What is it? German? Australian? French? And not rely on us IN ANY WAY. You understand that? So when things get hot with say, China or Russia, don't call us, we'll call you. I mean....maybe. I don't know. If that phone rings anymore.

Why don't you go and invade China and Russia if you hate them so much?

The latest two follies in Vietnam and Iraq
weren't such a raging success to the point who would want us there spreading our type of partisan racist democracy.

Don't threaten people with the white supremeist shit like we control the world.
A few Muslims in the hills killed us in Iraq and who wants that type of protection.

We're not going to invade them. They will invade you. And you're so smart, Colin Norris, that you come to an American forum to spread you bile all over Republicans. Guess who most sends their kids to the military? That's right--Republicans. Great job, doing your own special part to make sure we want absolutely NO PART in defending any of your nations, just like Trump. Did you know that's what you're doing here? Dude. That's what you're doing here. "America First" means we are not the world's military. Which means, we ain't coming to save you, either.

Didn't really think that through did you

You didn't mind invading Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam?
The japs touched us up in pearl harbor.

Who Do you think didn't think that through now.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. You don't have the smarts.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.

And what repurcussions will you inflict on me? I'll suggest nothing because you can't.
America is not attractive to foreigners because of the stifling rigidity nonpartisan politics and mouthwatering racist that exists.
There's a certain aloofness also which is mocked regularly. Best country on earth rubbish. Home if the brave?? Really.

Dont talk about me, talk to me and make ignorant accusations. Throw a bit of religion into it also. See how good you are

I'm not talking about any "repercussions" except national ones. I was 100% behind Trump's proposal to make you absolutely pay for whatever backwater military you have. What is it? German? Australian? French? And not rely on us IN ANY WAY. You understand that? So when things get hot with say, China or Russia, don't call us, we'll call you. I mean....maybe. I don't know. If that phone rings anymore.

Why don't you go and invade China and Russia if you hate them so much?

The latest two follies in Vietnam and Iraq
weren't such a raging success to the point who would want us there spreading our type of partisan racist democracy.

Don't threaten people with the white supremeist shit like we control the world.
A few Muslims in the hills killed us in Iraq and who wants that type of protection.

We're not going to invade them. They will invade you. And you're so smart, Colin Norris, that you come to an American forum to spread you bile all over Republicans. Guess who most sends their kids to the military? That's right--Republicans. Great job, doing your own special part to make sure we want absolutely NO PART in defending any of your nations, just like Trump. Did you know that's what you're doing here? Dude. That's what you're doing here. "America First" means we are not the world's military. Which means, we ain't coming to save you, either.

Didn't really think that through did you

You didn't mind invading Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam?
The japs touched us up in pearl harbor.

Who Do you think didn't think that through now.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. You don't have the smarts.

No, you're just revealing how butthurt you are about things America has done in the past. Okay, go cry about it. Meanwhile, how is your military looking? Will they stand strong against the Chinese or Russian military? Without the backing of the US military? Yes or no

What are you doing here, making your nation look like idiots to the very people you most assuredly want to defend your nation in the future? That's a dumb move. Colin.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.

And what repurcussions will you inflict on me? I'll suggest nothing because you can't.
America is not attractive to foreigners because of the stifling rigidity nonpartisan politics and mouthwatering racist that exists.
There's a certain aloofness also which is mocked regularly. Best country on earth rubbish. Home if the brave?? Really.

Dont talk about me, talk to me and make ignorant accusations. Throw a bit of religion into it also. See how good you are

I'm not talking about any "repercussions" except national ones. I was 100% behind Trump's proposal to make you absolutely pay for whatever backwater military you have. What is it? German? Australian? French? And not rely on us IN ANY WAY. You understand that? So when things get hot with say, China or Russia, don't call us, we'll call you. I mean....maybe. I don't know. If that phone rings anymore.

Why don't you go and invade China and Russia if you hate them so much?

The latest two follies in Vietnam and Iraq
weren't such a raging success to the point who would want us there spreading our type of partisan racist democracy.

Don't threaten people with the white supremeist shit like we control the world.
A few Muslims in the hills killed us in Iraq and who wants that type of protection.

We're not going to invade them. They will invade you. And you're so smart, Colin Norris, that you come to an American forum to spread you bile all over Republicans. Guess who most sends their kids to the military? That's right--Republicans. Great job, doing your own special part to make sure we want absolutely NO PART in defending any of your nations, just like Trump. Did you know that's what you're doing here? Dude. That's what you're doing here. "America First" means we are not the world's military. Which means, we ain't coming to save you, either.

Didn't really think that through did you

You didn't mind invading Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam?
The japs touched us up in pearl harbor.

Who Do you think didn't think that through now.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. You don't have the smarts.

No, you're just revealing how butthurt you are about things America has done in the past. Okay, go cry about it. Meanwhile, how is your military looking? Will they stand strong against the Chinese or Russian military? Without the backing of the US military? Yes or no

What are you doing here, making your nation look like idiots to the very people you most assuredly want to defend your nation in the future? That's a dumb move. Colin.

Again, if those Chinese communists are so bad, invade them. You never hesitated in Vietnam. Maybe America can't beat China or Russia. So settle down. Military threats or the lack of them doesn't intimidate anyone. We have a history of enjoying glorifying defeat so why export that.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

Say where you posting from? Not the US.
He seem to know about the French more then me ! :biggrin: i said he come from somewhere in Europe where the no good leftie are in power like for the Frenchy Macaroni leader.

I sometimes try to imagine the hubris of hating a political party IN A FOREIGN NATION enough to sign up for a message board titled "US Message Board" and then go there and purposely troll people of that political party.

I....really can't imagine that. Note: I am not talking about people like you, who talk about a range of wide topics.

But ever since I have been on the internet, some people have just been drawn to do this. It is really what soured many, many Americans on foreigners, actually. I'm convinced of that. What's stunning to me is people like CN think this actions will never have repercussions. Like yeah, I'll just go hate on Americans to American's faces and nothing will ever come of it, ho hum.

Au contraire, to borrow a phrase from your lovely native tongue. Trumpism's push against Europe in part can be traced right back to the WWW and Americans' exposure to what Europeans REALLY think of us.

And what repurcussions will you inflict on me? I'll suggest nothing because you can't.
America is not attractive to foreigners because of the stifling rigidity nonpartisan politics and mouthwatering racist that exists.
There's a certain aloofness also which is mocked regularly. Best country on earth rubbish. Home if the brave?? Really.

Dont talk about me, talk to me and make ignorant accusations. Throw a bit of religion into it also. See how good you are

I'm not talking about any "repercussions" except national ones. I was 100% behind Trump's proposal to make you absolutely pay for whatever backwater military you have. What is it? German? Australian? French? And not rely on us IN ANY WAY. You understand that? So when things get hot with say, China or Russia, don't call us, we'll call you. I mean....maybe. I don't know. If that phone rings anymore.

Why don't you go and invade China and Russia if you hate them so much?

The latest two follies in Vietnam and Iraq
weren't such a raging success to the point who would want us there spreading our type of partisan racist democracy.

Don't threaten people with the white supremeist shit like we control the world.
A few Muslims in the hills killed us in Iraq and who wants that type of protection.

We're not going to invade them. They will invade you. And you're so smart, Colin Norris, that you come to an American forum to spread you bile all over Republicans. Guess who most sends their kids to the military? That's right--Republicans. Great job, doing your own special part to make sure we want absolutely NO PART in defending any of your nations, just like Trump. Did you know that's what you're doing here? Dude. That's what you're doing here. "America First" means we are not the world's military. Which means, we ain't coming to save you, either.

Didn't really think that through did you

You didn't mind invading Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam?
The japs touched us up in pearl harbor.

Who Do you think didn't think that through now.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. You don't have the smarts.

No, you're just revealing how butthurt you are about things America has done in the past. Okay, go cry about it. Meanwhile, how is your military looking? Will they stand strong against the Chinese or Russian military? Without the backing of the US military? Yes or no

What are you doing here, making your nation look like idiots to the very people you most assuredly want to defend your nation in the future? That's a dumb move. Colin.

Again, if those Chinese communists are so bad, invade them. You never hesitated in Vietnam. Maybe America can't beat China or Russia. So settle down. Military threats or the lack of them doesn't intimidate anyone. We have a history of enjoying glorifying defeat so why export that.

Your military CERTAINLY cannot. Yet here you are, provoking and insulting the very people who send their sons and daughters to protect your sorry hind end.

So there it is Colin. Well done.

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