How many must die?

Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
How many have died that were not vaccinated?
We’ll never know. However even if we believe the figures put out by the establishment, over 99% of those infected recover.

There are numerous reasons not to take the jab, not just the lack of long term studies. Additional reasons include:
- unregulated profit motive results in unsafe products.
- vax makers have a long history of fines, penalties, and criminality.
- the silencing of any voices opposing vaccines indicates something
- no vax has ever been successful against corona viruses.
- full indemnity from lawsuits given vax makers.
- 99.9% of people survive COVID-19.
- reports of deaths caused by the vax are being silenced and ignored.
- doctors who promote vitamins and supplements for curing Covid-19 patients lose their license, removed from social media, and are attacked.

If this is news to you, please admit you’re uninformed.

5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine
- no vax has ever been successful against corona viruses.

They might just as well be telling us that they discovered a vax for the common cold.
Exactly right.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
How many have died that were not vaccinated?
We’ll never know. However even if we believe the figures put out by the establishment, over 99% of those infected recover.

There are numerous reasons not to take the jab, not just the lack of long term studies. Additional reasons include:
- unregulated profit motive results in unsafe products.
- vax makers have a long history of fines, penalties, and criminality.
- the silencing of any voices opposing vaccines indicates something
- no vax has ever been successful against corona viruses.
- full indemnity from lawsuits given vax makers.
- 99.9% of people survive COVID-19.
- reports of deaths caused by the vax are being silenced and ignored.
- doctors who promote vitamins and supplements for curing Covid-19 patients lose their license, removed from social media, and are attacked.

If this is news to you, please admit you’re uninformed.

5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine
Come on Gipper how can you argue against something when you don't have all the facts. Tell us how many folks have died that were infected as compared to those who have been vaccinated. Because if you are going to convince me not to take the shot you have to show me how many have died that didn't take the shot or wouldn't have died if they would have had the opportunity to get the shot.
I’ve already done that, if the data at VAERS is legitimate. Ever heard of them?
VAERS is anecdotal information. Ever heard of that?
Should we go over the stories of the 600k+ who've died of covid?
There's no link in your link and a search of the name returns a bunch of truly questionable "sources"
I mean when "newswars" is literally the most "reliable" return from a search there's reason to mistrust the entire claim.
You must know the 600k figure is bogus, right?

We will never know the exact number of people who died of the Covid, nor will we know the exact number who died due to the vax. Why? Because we’re being lied to.

Did you know the authorities are not doing autopsies of those who died shortly after the jab. Why?

I don’t know about you but when the establishment lies repeatedly to me, I chose not to believe anything stated by the establishment.
4 bogus conspiracy theories in the same post!
You win the NutJob of the day prize.
An all expenses paid trip to the crapper where you can toss that shit.
For a virus 99.9% of those who contract it recover completely. It’s crazy. We’ve lost our collective minds.

Number of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Jumps by More Than 2,000 in 1 Week, According to VAERS​

VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 438,441 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 9,048 deaths and 41,015 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021.
Wingnut anti-vax sites are not information sources.
Why can't you just post the DCD data? HMMMMMMMM??????
Of course, always believe the establishment. They’d never lie to you.
I don't "believe" anyone/thing.
Until I see sufficient evidence that a thing is to be believed.
But that is irrelevant.
You claimed it was CDC data, why not present the data and keep their opinion to yourself?
I don't care about someone's opinion.
If you've got something to say, say it and I may respond.
But pushing some other guy's opinion around?
If he's got something to say, let him sign up.

Well, how many have died from the virus and how many have died from the vaccine?

Because the Zionist leftist alliance for treason keeps lying, it is hard to tell how many died because of Covid, but 30k max is a reasonable guess.

Vas has killed over 4K, and that is their number which we cannot trust and they would bias it down.

There is no Covid. Ignore it. Do not allow the Zionist left to make you part of the solution to the problem of human overpopulation....
Damn those rascally Jews!
In the 23 years since Zionism and their slave army of Karl rove voters took over the GOP....

The us federal debt is up from $6 triil to $30+
Government as a percent of GDP has doubled
Voting machines, mainly dominion, are in 27 states
Senior drugs were socialized
Pills have opium

You seem thrilled with that....

I liked newt and government half the size...
We have found ourselves in a terrible, no-win situation.

I wore a mask, and got vaccinated, not just for my own safety, but for that of my loved ones, friends, and anyone else I might come near.

I was more than happy to contribute my small share, as an American who knows it's about far more than just ME.

Like many people I was skeptical about getting the vaccine. Read this---read that, you don't know what to think. That's why I talked to my cousin who was a doctor that did research. She's retired now but stays up with new information about medical. She studied this intensely because of course, when it became available, she had to decide whether to get it.

She said her research showed that yes, people have died after they took the shot, but there is no clear cut evidence the shot had anything to do with it. If a million people drank orange juice on Monday, and 10,000 died by Thursday, you can't say the orange juice was the cause unless the research shows it was.

Over half of the country is vaccinated now and others have had their first dose. The results in regards to hospitalizations and deaths have improved dramatically, and there are a lot of people that got rid of the masks already.

I don't approve of it for children because there have been some problems in that area; that and kids really don't die from this. The younger the child, the less chance they have the ability to even catch it yet alone spread it.

As for myself, I took my cousins advice and got the shot. This Thursday will mark the three weeks after my second shot, and I'm not wearing that Fn mask anymore. I stopped using it this weekend. It feels great to return back to normal.

If you want the shot, get it. If you don't want the shot, by all means, don't get it. Because if you get it, any medical problem you have in the future you will be thinking of the vaccine over anything else and it will just make you paranoid and drive you nuts.
Should we go over the stories of the 600k+ who've died of covid?
There's no link in your link and a search of the name returns a bunch of truly questionable "sources"
I mean when "newswars" is literally the most "reliable" return from a search there's reason to mistrust the entire claim.
dying with covid doesn't mean people died because of covid
Suppose you have covid but you die in a wreck or are murdered
did covid cause the person to die?
Moderna reported billions in vax profits

Well that convinces me
The 300 million doses given safely must be an aberration
Hey, take it, don't take it, live like you gotta live, baby. Meanwhile, if the day comes when the government goes full retard and demands compliance, remember those that died too young and have a little respect for the hesitancy that millions feel regarding this vaccine for a virus that kills fewer than 2% of all who contract it.

Tell me what Your strategy would have been when the outbreak started.

Watch this folks. Well see how smart he is now.
Lol. My strategy. Lol

This isn’t rocket science. It’s a virus. Humans have dealt with viruses for a long time. Do you not know this? Do you think viruses are new?

In the past we quarantined the sick and weak.
dying with covid doesn't mean people died because of covid
Suppose you have covid but you die in a wreck or are murdered
did covid cause the person to die?

That's exactly what happened to my Uncle this time last year. He died at the age of 94 from colon cancer. They marked his death certificate as a covid death.
dying with covid doesn't mean people died because of covid
Suppose you have covid but you die in a wreck or are murdered
did covid cause the person to die?

That's exactly what happened to my Uncle this time last year. He died at the age of 94 from colon cancer. They marked his death certificate as a covid death.
Sorry for your lose and also sorry how democrats TDS sufferers used his death to fortify their position on covid 19
We have found ourselves in a terrible, no-win situation.

I wore a mask, and got vaccinated, not just for my own safety, but for that of my loved ones, friends, and anyone else I might come near.

I was more than happy to contribute my small share, as an American who knows it's about far more than just ME.
Can you autofellate as well?
You sure sound like a guy who loves him some him.
You learn quick. Good job n00b :thup:
Sorry for your lose and also sorry how democrats TDS sufferers used his death to fortify their position on covid 19

That was only part of it. After he passed away his sons stopped by my house and told me the rest of the story. On his death bed in the hospital, he told his sons to beg forgiveness of all the family members that came to see him off for what he did to them. At the time he had no idea nobody had this thing and it was all bullshit. This proud WWII vet died in shame and guilt instead of the glory he should have died with. Really pisses me off.

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