How many must die?

Tell me what Your strategy would have been when the outbreak started.

Watch this folks. Well see how smart he is now.
The only people who know the real numbers of actual covid 19 deaths are the medical field I'm not buying the lie they sold America that over 600,000 died because of covid 19. When we find out the true numbers anyone can pick a plan and find out that it works.
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Tell me what Your strategy would have been when the outbreak started.

Watch this folks. Well see how smart he is now.
The only people who know the real numbers of actual covid 19 deaths are the medical field I'm not buying the lie they sold America that over 600,000 died because of covid 19. When we find out the true numbers anyone can pick a plan and find out that it works.

How do you know it's a lie if you don't know the true figure?

If it wasn't covid, why would there be that many more over and above the normal flu numbers?
Do they normally bury flu deaths in mass graves each year?
If the only people who know the real figures, why would they lie about that many deaths? Don't give me that shit it's because they get funding or it's bogus figures because you have no evidence of anything.
You're just another Republican conspiracy theorist.

Tell me what Your strategy would have been when the outbreak started.

Watch this folks. Well see how smart he is now.
The only people who know the real numbers of actual covid 19 deaths are the medical field I'm not buying the lie they sold America that over 600,000 died because of covid 19. When we find out the true numbers anyone can pick a plan and find out that it works.

How do you know it's a lie if you don't know the true figure?

If it wasn't covid, why would there be that many more over and above the normal flu numbers?
Do they normally bury flu deaths in mass graves each year?
If the only people who know the real figures, why would they lie about that many deaths? Don't give me that shit it's because they get funding or it's bogus figures because you have no evidence of anything.
You're just another Republican conspiracy theorist.
why must you continue to defend that lie?
People died but not because of covid 19 but were still counted as a covid 19 death
this is a true statement
Why would someone lie about the deaths? political, monetary reasons, but mainly \it was a power grab by democrats

Tell me what Your strategy would have been when the outbreak started.

Watch this folks. Well see how smart he is now.
The only people who know the real numbers of actual covid 19 deaths are the medical field I'm not buying the lie they sold America that over 600,000 died because of covid 19. When we find out the true numbers anyone can pick a plan and find out that it works.

How do you know it's a lie if you don't know the true figure?

If it wasn't covid, why would there be that many more over and above the normal flu numbers?
Do they normally bury flu deaths in mass graves each year?
If the only people who know the real figures, why would they lie about that many deaths? Don't give me that shit it's because they get funding or it's bogus figures because you have no evidence of anything.
You're just another Republican conspiracy theorist.
why must you continue to defend that lie?
People died but not because of covid 19 but were still counted as a covid 19 death
this is a true statement
Why would someone lie about the deaths? political, monetary reasons, but mainly \it was a power grab by democrats
You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the above lies.
How could any rational person believe it was a power grab. What would democrats achieve by that? 500k died under trump. Was that a power grab also?
You're a typical brain dead conspiratorial repuican. No evidence of anything but pure hate and bile against the democrats
Because you lost the election.

I love tearing apart you idiots.
dying with covid doesn't mean people died because of covid
Suppose you have covid but you die in a wreck or are murdered
did covid cause the person to die?

That's exactly what happened to my Uncle this time last year. He died at the age of 94 from colon cancer. They marked his death certificate as a covid death.
If he officially died of covid, how can you say he died of colon cancer?
One of you is lying.
dying with covid doesn't mean people died because of covid
Suppose you have covid but you die in a wreck or are murdered
did covid cause the person to die?

That's exactly what happened to my Uncle this time last year. He died at the age of 94 from colon cancer. They marked his death certificate as a covid death.
If he officially died of covid, how can you say he died of colon cancer?
One of you is lying.
because they lied and you believed the lie
More and more people are seeing what happened a family member died and the death certificate states cause of death covid 19 even though covid 19 wasn't the cause of death.
the lie will come tumbling down
dying with covid doesn't mean people died because of covid
Suppose you have covid but you die in a wreck or are murdered
did covid cause the person to die?

That's exactly what happened to my Uncle this time last year. He died at the age of 94 from colon cancer. They marked his death certificate as a covid death.
If he officially died of covid, how can you say he died of colon cancer?
One of you is lying.
because they lied and you believed the lie
More and more people are seeing what happened a family member died and the death certificate states cause of death covid 19 even though covid 19 wasn't the cause of death.
the lie will come tumbling down

Again, you have no evidence it's lie.piss off until you get the facts.
That woman would have been and just because the daughter is a Republican, doesn't mean she wasn't tested.
I understand visitors are restricted to patients in hospital. Plenty if time to test her.

So forget all the propaganda and lies. It all comes down you hating drmocrats like the rest and fabricating lies. There could be a thousand of those Instances, they can rant all they want, but nothing will change.
Get over it.
dying with covid doesn't mean people died because of covid
Suppose you have covid but you die in a wreck or are murdered
did covid cause the person to die?

That's exactly what happened to my Uncle this time last year. He died at the age of 94 from colon cancer. They marked his death certificate as a covid death.
If he officially died of covid, how can you say he died of colon cancer?
One of you is lying.
because they lied and you believed the lie
More and more people are seeing what happened a family member died and the death certificate states cause of death covid 19 even though covid 19 wasn't the cause of death.
the lie will come tumbling down

Again, you have no evidence it's lie.piss off until you get the facts.
That woman would have been and just because the daughter is a Republican, doesn't mean she wasn't tested.
I understand visitors are restricted to patients in hospital. Plenty if time to test her.

So forget all the propaganda and lies. It all comes down you hating drmocrats like the rest and fabricating lies. There could be a thousand of those Instances, they can rant all they want, but nothing will change.
Get over it.
plenty of evidence Ray's testimony is evidence I posted a link that to is evidence here's another link
You fell for the lies about President trump you were so desperate to see him go you grabbed onto other lies
such as covid 19 deaths.
If he officially died of covid, how can you say he died of colon cancer?
One of you is lying.

Yes, that's the point, they lied about it. How did this 94 year old man with colon cancer that couldn't walk, never went anywhere, die of a virus he was never exposed to? Nobody that went near him had it, including his healthcare worker that came to the house. She was tested immediately after they claimed my Uncle had Covid. My 89 year old father in poor health that was there had to quarantine for 12 days, and nothing. Everybody there was saying their final goodbye, so there were plenty of hugs and kisses going around, and nobody caught this highly contagious virus out of 12 people?

A few weeks after my Uncle died, the VA called my cousin to ask his opinion about the care his father received. He said the care was fine, but...........

The doctor on the phone told him to take a number, because there is a line of people who's family member was listed as a Covid death they knew never happened.
You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the above lies.
How could any rational person believe it was a power grab. What would democrats achieve by that? 500k died under trump. Was that a power grab also?

Did you notice how the media suddenly quit reporting the amount of covid deaths after Dementia got in? After all, people died of covid after he got in and still are today. It can't be politics, can it???

Tell me what Your strategy would have been when the outbreak started.

Watch this folks. Well see how smart he is now.
Lol. My strategy. Lol

This isn’t rocket science. It’s a virus. Humans have dealt with viruses for a long time. Do you not know this? Do you think viruses are new?

In the past we quarantined the sick and weak.
You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the above lies.
How could any rational person believe it was a power grab. What would democrats achieve by that? 500k died under trump. Was that a power grab also?

Did you notice how the media suddenly quit reporting the amount of covid deaths after Dementia got in? After all, people died of covid after he got in and still are today. It can't be politics, can it???

It's not a fault of Biden nor a conspiracy on anyones part other than you.
The deaths are still mounting if you check.

You people need mental health assessments. There is no conspiracy.
The problem is you can't accept Biden and create scaremongering theories attempting to ridicule him. Grow up dickhead.
If he officially died of covid, how can you say he died of colon cancer?
One of you is lying.

Yes, that's the point, they lied about it. How did this 94 year old man with colon cancer that couldn't walk, never went anywhere, die of a virus he was never exposed to? Nobody that went near him had it, including his healthcare worker that came to the house. She was tested immediately after they claimed my Uncle had Covid. My 89 year old father in poor health that was there had to quarantine for 12 days, and nothing. Everybody there was saying their final goodbye, so there were plenty of hugs and kisses going around, and nobody caught this highly contagious virus out of 12 people?

A few weeks after my Uncle died, the VA called my cousin to ask his opinion about the care his father received. He said the care was fine, but...........

The doctor on the phone told him to take a number, because there is a line of people who's family member was listed as a Covid death they knew never happened.

I repeat. Someone is lying.
It would appear he was exposed by the nurse so one option.

There's no reason for anyone to say he died if something else. It makes no sense. The conspiracy crap about funding or making trump look bad doesn't wash.
I would like to see the death certificate
And post mortem results before I make a conclusion. Neither of us is qualified so you especially should not be making assumptions.
I repeat. Someone is lying.
It would appear he was exposed by the nurse so one option.

There's no reason for anyone to say he died if something else. It makes no sense. The conspiracy crap about funding or making trump look bad doesn't wash.
I would like to see the death certificate
And post mortem results before I make a conclusion. Neither of us is qualified so you especially should not be making assumptions.

Well I did see the death certificate. My cousin took a picture of it before he came here, and he's showing anybody that's interested.

When my father found out about the test, he immediately contacted his doctor and asked if he should get the test. The doctor told him it would be useless since it takes at least 5 days after you get covid for the test to show any positive results, so there goes your nurse theory. But do tell, how is it out of the dozen people in the room the day my Uncle was hauled off to the hospital did nobody else get it if my Uncle did indeed have covid? This was last year; no vaccine out for another several months.

It's not just my Uncle. A lifelong friend of mine stopped over around that time to announce he's going to be a grandfather. His son is a police officer out of town, but works on the side as an EMT. He met this ER nurse in the ER and they got together. He said he was coming back home for the family to meet the mother of his future grandchild. When they got here, she too told him of all the phony covid claims they issued. It's a small town hospital, and she said they were worried because they actually ran out of testing supplies, and the hospital was losing money from the government. She also told him about a case involving a serious motorcycle accident. The guy was barely alive when he got to the ER, and died not long afterwards. They tested him positive and proclaimed his death as a covid death.
It's not a fault of Biden nor a conspiracy on anyones part other than you.
The deaths are still mounting if you check.

You people need mental health assessments. There is no conspiracy.
The problem is you can't accept Biden and create scaremongering theories attempting to ridicule him. Grow up dickhead.

Correct, it's not Dementia's fault. But just further proof that social media and the MSM are nothing more than extensions of the Communist party and will go out of their way to protect and help them anyway they can. Yes, if you dig around you can find updated covid deaths, but it's not front page news anymore and hasn't been since January 20th.
We have found ourselves in a terrible, no-win situation.

I wore a mask, and got vaccinated, not just for my own safety, but for that of my loved ones, friends, and anyone else I might come near.

I was more than happy to contribute my small share, as an American who knows it's about far more than just ME.

And cue for the applause followed by the cheers of admiration and cheers for your bravery and courage.

Just be careful you don't pull a muscle patting yourself on the back now.
It's not a fault of Biden nor a conspiracy on anyones part other than you.
The deaths are still mounting if you check.

You people need mental health assessments. There is no conspiracy.
The problem is you can't accept Biden and create scaremongering theories attempting to ridicule him. Grow up dickhead.

Correct, it's not Dementia's fault. But just further proof that social media and the MSM are nothing more than extensions of the Communist party and will go out of their way to protect and help them anyway they can. Yes, if you dig around you can find updated covid deaths, but it's not front page news anymore and hasn't been since January 20th.

Extensions of the communist party???
You're paranoia is certainly taking over.
You need medical attention.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.
Another person among so many who lost their lives after being vaccinated but this does not seem to bother most leaders of countries around the world life no longer has no value.
So lets be honest here, since most of you anti--vaccine are not, how many people have died that can be 100% attributed to the vaccine? Her death was a tragedy, but why are you so quick to blame the vaccine without any evidence? My reading of the article does not show direct cause.

I have had friends and family both die of COVID. I damn sure guarantee they would have rather had the vaccine than the alternative.

Here's the thing though: the bar should be HIGHER for the cure than for the disease. Dying of a disease is a "natural cause". When you are injecting young, healthy people--like this woman in her 40s with children--with something that's supposed to PREVENT illness, it's not even in the same universe as dying from an actual virus.

This is why we sue for medical malpractice. It is a weighty trust to ensure that cures are actually safe, and we don't just SAY they're safe but they're actually maiming and killing people.

You love that word "actually" .
Throw it in a few more times.

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