How many of you believe Google's 141,000 search results.. "Trump anti-immigrant"?

Google 'pizzagate' and you get 3.2 million results in 3.3 seconds. I don't think there's much of a relationship between the number of results and the underlying truth of the subject.

Please don't introduce logic here.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?
You are seriously retarded. You think bigoted politicians go around in public telling everyone they are bigots?

Trump IMPLIES his anti-immigrant beliefs. For example, every time he has ever talked about El Paso in the past, he said it was one of the most dangerous cities in America (which is false), with the clear implication it was because of all the Mexican immigrants in that city.

All caught up now, retard?

Trump is wrong a lot about details, maybe that keeps him on par with AOC if that helps you any. most likely though, he had it in mind that Juarez is just right across the border and maybe some of his comments were in reference to the wall some people want to build. I know that a lot of democrats think checking out who comes and lives in the US is a very minor detail, but what region of the world do you think is the most dangerous region and contains the most gang activity?
Google 'pizzagate' and you get 3.2 million results in 3.3 seconds. I don't think there's much of a relationship between the number of results and the underlying truth of the subject.

Any ultra right silliness is always available for all to see. On the other hand, ultra lefty stuff is buried. Funny how that works. But not funny is how you are complicit in it.

Maybe you should ask your grandkids how the internet works.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?
You are seriously retarded. You think bigoted politicians go around in public telling everyone they are bigots?

Trump IMPLIES his anti-immigrant beliefs. For example, every time he has ever talked about El Paso in the past, he said it was one of the most dangerous cities in America (which is false), with the clear implication it was because of all the Mexican immigrants in that city.

All caught up now, retard?

AND you are a f...king LIAR when you say: "every time he has ever talked about El Paso in the past" PROVE IT. Find every time Trump talked about El Paso he said it was the most dangerous cities"! Prove it! cite me the exact dates and places where Trump was EVERY TIME!
YOU can't because a) you are too lazy!
b) and worst yet... YOU imply it is because of Mexican immigrants! How racists are YOU?
The El Paso Shooter was a Liberal.. He said so in his Manifesto. He attacked Walmart because is was full of Smelly Walmart Shoppers who vote for Trump.
Everyone knows Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric inflames the sickos and psychos around this forum. It it is no surprise the El Paso shooter took Trump's "invasion" talk and Trump's referring to El Paso as a dangerous city because of all the Mexicans there as a direct order to kill some Mexicans in El Paso.

Trump has the blood of the innocent on his hands. And it will never wash off.
Lol, okay I will educate you one time on this. The El Paso shooter hated immigrants because he thought more people here means more global warming. His hatred was because Mexicans like big families. He thought they were a big contribution to global warming. So you own this one. Had nothing to do with Trump.
You are seriously retarded. You think bigoted politicians go around in public telling everyone they are bigots?

Trump IMPLIES his anti-immigrant beliefs. For example, every time he has ever talked about El Paso in the past, he said it was one of the most dangerous cities in America (which is false), with the clear implication it was because of all the Mexican immigrants in that city.

All caught up now, retard?

First off, it's pretty juvenile and childish to call others 'retarded.' You do realize you are insulting truly handicapped developmentally delayed people?

Seems to me, after this mass shooting, El Paso is pretty dangerous. Trump was correct I guess.
So according to the below search results..."Trump anti-immigrant"... do you believe that?

My question to you that believe this is have you considered these facts:
1) Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant.
2) His grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) His daughter is a Jewish convert from her marriage to a Jew.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?

View attachment 273399

google is a evil company that distorts search results and blocks results to searches they don't like. They need to be destroyed.

Google 'pizzagate' and you get 3.2 million results in 3.3 seconds. I don't think there's much of a relationship between the number of results and the underlying truth of the subject.

Right! "Pizzagate" is the ONLY phony conspiracy plot and of COURSE the MSM and Google wrote 3.2 million results! BECAUSE it made
conservatives look bad! Of course Google found EVERY article written about that... BUT their anti-Trump algorithm will NOT find "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" for two reasons: 1) There aren't that many articles i.e. the MSM doesn't use that term! 2) Google won't show them if they are used.
So according to the below search results..."Trump anti-immigrant"... do you believe that?

My question to you that believe this is have you considered these facts:
1) Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant.
2) His grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) His daughter is a Jewish convert from her marriage to a Jew.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?

View attachment 273399

google is a evil company that distorts search results and blocks results to searches they don't like. They need to be destroyed.
Any Company like Google that would collude with Liberal Commies, China, and companies like Huawei cannot be trusted to be unbiased.

They dont even claim to be unbiased.
So according to the below search results..."Trump anti-immigrant"... do you believe that?

My question to you that believe this is have you considered these facts:
1) Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant.
2) His grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) His daughter is a Jewish convert from her marriage to a Jew.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?

View attachment 273399

No question Trump likes to marry communist immigrants
But he draws the line at immigrants coming in from what he calls shithole countries. Namely countries where the immigrants are black or Hispanic
A) Prove Sevnica, in the Yugoslav republic of Slovenia was communist state when Melania grew up.
B) PROVE he draws the line at "immigrants" coming from shithole countries!
1) Dumb f...ks like don't seem to have the capabilities of using the internet as those of us who are evidently SMARTER than you!

One factor behind this recent wave can be traced to the Refugee Act of 1980, which made it easier for those fleeing conflict-ridden areas, like Somalia and Ethiopia, to resettle in the U.S. Back then, less than 1% of all refugee arrivals were from Africa, compared with 37% in fiscal 2016, according to figures from the U.S. State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. Statistics from the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics confirm this point. Among the top 10 countries by refugee arrival in 2015, four were in Africa: Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Eritrea. (The data in this analysis predates executive action on immigration in early 2017.)
African immigrant population in U.S. steadily climbs

Now dummies like you seem to forget that nearly 100 million Americans LIKE me are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have relatives!
And quite frankly dumb sh..ts like you don't seem to comprehend that LARGE FACT.

More than 44.5 million immigrants resided in the United States in 2017, the historical high since census records have been kept. One in seven U.S. residents is foreign born, according to 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) data.
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Dumb ass...les like you seem to ignore that fact that America is made up of "LEGAL" immigrants who like my relatives spent money
(dumb illegals spend 3 times the amount to coyotes) to come "LEGALLY". They've learned english, passed constitutional exams and took
the OATH of allegiance something these "ILLEGALS" don't do! And yet you dummies! You want these kinds of people that sneak into the country, ignore our laws? How dumb are you idiots?
Both Melania and Ivana were raised as Communists until they were almost 20

Trump has made it clear that he wants immigrants from white countries like Sweden and Norway
He specifically told his staff he did not want people from Shithole countries

No intelligent person would.
So according to the below search results..."Trump anti-immigrant"... do you believe that?

My question to you that believe this is have you considered these facts:
1) Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant.
2) His grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) His daughter is a Jewish convert from her marriage to a Jew.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?

View attachment 273399

No question Trump likes to marry communist immigrants
But he draws the line at immigrants coming in from what he calls shithole countries. Namely countries where the immigrants are black or Hispanic
A) Prove Sevnica, in the Yugoslav republic of Slovenia was communist state when Melania grew up.
B) PROVE he draws the line at "immigrants" coming from shithole countries!
1) Dumb f...ks like don't seem to have the capabilities of using the internet as those of us who are evidently SMARTER than you!

One factor behind this recent wave can be traced to the Refugee Act of 1980, which made it easier for those fleeing conflict-ridden areas, like Somalia and Ethiopia, to resettle in the U.S. Back then, less than 1% of all refugee arrivals were from Africa, compared with 37% in fiscal 2016, according to figures from the U.S. State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. Statistics from the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics confirm this point. Among the top 10 countries by refugee arrival in 2015, four were in Africa: Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Eritrea. (The data in this analysis predates executive action on immigration in early 2017.)
African immigrant population in U.S. steadily climbs

Now dummies like you seem to forget that nearly 100 million Americans LIKE me are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have relatives!
And quite frankly dumb sh..ts like you don't seem to comprehend that LARGE FACT.

More than 44.5 million immigrants resided in the United States in 2017, the historical high since census records have been kept. One in seven U.S. residents is foreign born, according to 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) data.
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Dumb ass...les like you seem to ignore that fact that America is made up of "LEGAL" immigrants who like my relatives spent money
(dumb illegals spend 3 times the amount to coyotes) to come "LEGALLY". They've learned english, passed constitutional exams and took
the OATH of allegiance something these "ILLEGALS" don't do! And yet you dummies! You want these kinds of people that sneak into the country, ignore our laws? How dumb are you idiots?
Both Melania and Ivana were raised as Communists until they were almost 20

Trump has made it clear that he wants immigrants from white countries like Sweden and Norway
He specifically told his staff he did not want people from Shithole countries

Do you have PROOF of this statement: "He specifically told his staff he did not want people from Shithole countries"
Where did you read that?

NOW once again you idiots ONLY read a part that you want too!
Tell me in this statement:
Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”
Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti.
Trump Told Senators He Doesn’t Want Any More Immigrants From “Shithole” Countries
Where did he TELL his staff he didn't want them?
HE ASKED A QUESTION! But dummies like you again don't grasp the difference!
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?
You are seriously retarded. You think bigoted politicians go around in public telling everyone they are bigots?

Trump IMPLIES his anti-immigrant beliefs. For example, every time he has ever talked about El Paso in the past, he said it was one of the most dangerous cities in America (which is false), with the clear implication it was because of all the Mexican immigrants in that city.

All caught up now, retard?
So Trump is responsible for what YOU think he's said when he has not ACTUALLY said it?

Go fuck yourself.
So according to the below search results..."Trump anti-immigrant"... do you believe that?

My question to you that believe this is have you considered these facts:
1) Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant.
2) His grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) His daughter is a Jewish convert from her marriage to a Jew.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?

View attachment 273399
Trump is anti illegal immigration, so am I.
So according to the below search results..."Trump anti-immigrant"... do you believe that?

My question to you that believe this is have you considered these facts:
1) Trump is married to a Legal Immigrant.
2) His grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) His daughter is a Jewish convert from her marriage to a Jew.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?

View attachment 273399

No question Trump likes to marry communist immigrants
But he draws the line at immigrants coming in from what he calls shithole countries. Namely countries where the immigrants are black or Hispanic
A) Prove Sevnica, in the Yugoslav republic of Slovenia was communist state when Melania grew up.
B) PROVE he draws the line at "immigrants" coming from shithole countries!
1) Dumb f...ks like don't seem to have the capabilities of using the internet as those of us who are evidently SMARTER than you!

One factor behind this recent wave can be traced to the Refugee Act of 1980, which made it easier for those fleeing conflict-ridden areas, like Somalia and Ethiopia, to resettle in the U.S. Back then, less than 1% of all refugee arrivals were from Africa, compared with 37% in fiscal 2016, according to figures from the U.S. State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. Statistics from the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics confirm this point. Among the top 10 countries by refugee arrival in 2015, four were in Africa: Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Eritrea. (The data in this analysis predates executive action on immigration in early 2017.)
African immigrant population in U.S. steadily climbs

Now dummies like you seem to forget that nearly 100 million Americans LIKE me are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have relatives!
And quite frankly dumb sh..ts like you don't seem to comprehend that LARGE FACT.

More than 44.5 million immigrants resided in the United States in 2017, the historical high since census records have been kept. One in seven U.S. residents is foreign born, according to 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) data.
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Dumb ass...les like you seem to ignore that fact that America is made up of "LEGAL" immigrants who like my relatives spent money
(dumb illegals spend 3 times the amount to coyotes) to come "LEGALLY". They've learned english, passed constitutional exams and took
the OATH of allegiance something these "ILLEGALS" don't do! And yet you dummies! You want these kinds of people that sneak into the country, ignore our laws? How dumb are you idiots?
Both Melania and Ivana were raised as Communists until they were almost 20

Trump has made it clear that he wants immigrants from white countries like Sweden and Norway
He specifically told his staff he did not want people from Shithole countries

The unfortunate fact is, many of those countries are beautiful places, have beautiful people but they ARE shit hole countries. Do you even know why? mainly because many of them lack the protections for their people and are run by politicians who allow their country to become a shit hole.
Example, if you go to Nairobi handicapped children and children in general get abused by being used as beggars and often by people who have kidnapped them, or girls are used in prostitution everywhere. Forget about the police, they will work for the highest bidder.
I have a Kenyan friend who recently flew back to the country for a visit and she had to go by herself. Her big fear was taking a taxi cab by herself, ( no one from her family was picking her up on this trip because of tensions) .. she said her being an African woman alone in a taxi cab...from the airport at night mind you was dangerous if you were carrying a lot of bags because the cab driver could call someone if he was from a different ethnic group from herself and she could be robbed and end up in a ditch ( her words paraphrased)
I asked her why she did not just share a ride with some other tourists in a cab leaving the airport if that was safer and she said they don't allow that anymore because too many tourists were getting set up and robbed by Africans pretending to need a ride share.

I have a friend here who is from China and she has family pretty high up in academia there and knows a lot of what goes on. If you own any sort of substantial business there you WILL be approached by a government official at some point who will offer you a bribe for services or demand something corrupt of you, and you have to take the deal or something bad happens to you. Then if someone else from the government finds out you are taking part in corruption you can easily go to prison for it. And yet the same officials who may get you busted are doing the same very thing somewhere else.
She also goes to China every year to visit and takes her half American daughter along with her. In conversation that was brought up she mentioned that when you are in a crowd with your kid, you dont ever let go of their hand
(at least in the region she was talking about) because its also very common for them to be kidnapped sent to some far away place in China and be used as a beggar. She said often their they amputate the kids legs so they get more money. Pretty horrific.
Now, I can see calling these places shit hole countries and that doesn't mean i don't like the people but it refers to the way the system in those places affects peoples lives and the way it makes peoples lives cheap.
Now, if any of these Democratic politicians was truely a genuine person, when Trump made his "shit hole " comment. One of them would have stood up and said "Mr president, im a bit disturbed by your shi thole comment. can you please clarify to us what you mean by that?"
But as you can see, they were all too happy Trump made that comment.. and of course they pretend to be upset but it was so very useful to be paraded about 24/7 by CNN. It's all politics. Trump may be a coarse individual at times and come off as a duffus at times but he is nothing his political enemies try to make him out as.
4) Now how many times have you heard Trump say he is "anti-immigrant"?
You are seriously retarded. You think bigoted politicians go around in public telling everyone they are bigots?

Trump IMPLIES his anti-immigrant beliefs. For example, every time he has ever talked about El Paso in the past, he said it was one of the most dangerous cities in America (which is false), with the clear implication it was because of all the Mexican immigrants in that city.

All caught up now, retard?

Again the resident retard shows his ignorance. Show any time that color or race has been mentioned in a tweet. We'll wait retard........ Showing YOUR racist bigoted belief does not mean Trump is a racist. YOU are Showing your racism by translating his comments as such. Caught up now?
So according to the below search results..."Trump anti-immigrant"... do you believe that?

Believe what? That you are a native English speaker? No, I don't believe it at all, based on your gibberish here.

Hmmm... are you racist? After all you are criticizing my "gibberish" how RACIST!


You created the thread. If you can't state a topic then this is just a troll thread.

So you ARE a racist! Because YOU think my OP is not what a native English speaker would use you are a RACIST!
The internet is primarily run by those who declare themselves progressive. Not only do they train our brains and create social & economical destruction consistent with "1984", but they take great responsibility for destroying a once great State of California.

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