How many of you think that Donald trump did not lie?

as I've stated in the ''work lie'' thread, it's not a lie, if you believe it
Trump don't lie and i don't lie.

Libs lie!
Especially Jillian...the fake lawyer.
In your dreams imbecile.

But then again it’s not like lying lunatic trumpkins have ever been right about anything.

Psychotic freaks. Seriously.
Jillian of the "psychotic" moonbat rants calling others "psychotic freaks" is quite amusing.

Bet her eyes bulge and her veins pop too as she is permanently in a fit of TDS while spewing her fury daily on message boards instead of know...lawyering .

Seek help dear. :)
Trump don't lie and i don't lie.

Libs lie!
Especially Jillian...the fake lawyer.
In your dreams imbecile.

But then again it’s not like lying lunatic trumpkins have ever been right about anything.

Psychotic freaks. Seriously.
Jillian of the "psychotic" moonbat rants calling others "psychotic freaks" is quite amusing.

Bet her eyes bulge and her veins pop too as she is permanently in a fit of TDS while spewing her fury daily on message boards instead of know...lawyering .

Seek help dear. :)
She never presents an opposing opinion, her posts are strictly limited to name calling.
How many of you think Donald Trump did not lie? I know a lot of you think he did. But I think its Clinton people who are having a fit. I like Donald trump. I am not going to debate on him. Because I don't want people to think I am starting a war. I want to know how many of you supported him?
How are you defining the word "lie"?
Trump don't lie and i don't lie.

Libs lie!
Especially Jillian...the fake lawyer.
In your dreams imbecile.

But then again it’s not like lying lunatic trumpkins have ever been right about anything.

Psychotic freaks. Seriously.
Jillian of the "psychotic" moonbat rants calling others "psychotic freaks" is quite amusing.

Bet her eyes bulge and her veins pop too as she is permanently in a fit of TDS while spewing her fury daily on message boards instead of know...lawyering .

Seek help dear. :)
She never presents an opposing opinion, her posts are strictly limited to name calling.
Yep. She is strictly a troll. That's her job. :)
How many of you think Donald Trump did not lie? I know a lot of you think he did. But I think its Clinton people who are having a fit. I like Donald trump. I am not going to debate on him. Because I don't want people to think I am starting a war. I want to know how many of you supported him?
How are you defining the word "lie"?
Alternative facts
Trump don't lie and i don't lie.

Libs lie!
Especially Jillian...the fake lawyer.
In your dreams imbecile.

But then again it’s not like lying lunatic trumpkins have ever been right about anything.

Psychotic freaks. Seriously.
I think you need serious anger management. You have problems. Poor thing. Get out. Get some fresh air. Have some tea.
I’m not the one whose angry. I leave that to uneducatsd bigoted resentful trumpscum
How many of you think Donald Trump did not lie? I know a lot of you think he did. But I think its Clinton people who are having a fit. I like Donald trump. I am not going to debate on him. Because I don't want people to think I am starting a war. I want to know how many of you supported him?

I support him and will be voting for him in 2020.

Do you think obama lied?

Do you think hilary lied?
Trump don't lie and i don't lie.

Libs lie!
Especially Jillian...the fake lawyer.
In your dreams imbecile.

But then again it’s not like lying lunatic trumpkins have ever been right about anything.

Psychotic freaks. Seriously.
I think you need serious anger management. You have problems. Poor thing. Get out. Get some fresh air. Have some tea.
I’m not the one whose angry. I leave that to uneducatsd bigoted resentful trumpscum
Yes, you don’t sound a bit angry! What? You thong cutting too deep?
How many of you think Donald Trump did not lie? I know a lot of you think he did. But I think its Clinton people who are having a fit. I like Donald trump. I am not going to debate on him. Because I don't want people to think I am starting a war. I want to know how many of you supported him?

I support him and will be voting for him in 2020.

Do you think obama lied?

Do you think hilary lied?
blacks can't lie/cheat/murder/commit hate crimes/sneeze/etc
How many of you think Donald Trump did not lie? I know a lot of you think he did. But I think its Clinton people who are having a fit. I like Donald trump. I am not going to debate on him. Because I don't want people to think I am starting a war. I want to know how many of you supported him?
most people lie
all politicians lie

care to be specific as to when?
None lie with the frequency or audacity of our President
if you like the lie, you don't think it is one, that's the only real difference
How many of you think Donald Trump did not lie? I know a lot of you think he did. But I think its Clinton people who are having a fit. I like Donald trump. I am not going to debate on him. Because I don't want people to think I am starting a war. I want to know how many of you supported him?

Lie about what??????????????

Just to name a few of your leader bullshits.
1. Mexico will pay for the wall.
2. Illegals voted by the millions.
3. US steel companies building 6 new steel mills.
4. Claimed he cannot find janitors, cook and waitress in Florida. Then hire foreigners for his Maralago golf club and wineries. Not only a liar but a clear hypocrite.
5. Claimed he didn’t benefit on his tax cut policy.
6. Etc etc etc etc etc.
politicians stretch the truth or put a partisan spin on things
"If you like your doctor you can keep him"

How much less did he say we'd be paying with Obamacare?

You are still stuck with that?

Compared to non stop almost every time he open his mouth Trump lies.

1. There are no president tougher than me on Russia...... but continue to kiss Putin ass. He condemned just about every one even his own AG except his master Putin.
2. I’m tough on Russia they (Putin) don’t want me they want the democrats to win the midterm election.
So let me ask how many Politicians (current) do not stretch the truth or lie outright? How many liberals tell the truth, do not engage in white lies or exaggerate the consequences of this or that? How many involved in mainstream media report fact and not their warped, slanted interpretation of current events? Just asking.
Most politicians stretch the truth or put a partisan spin on things

Trump outright lies. Facts are irrelevant to him. He believes conspiracy theories as gospel. Worse is he makes those who work for him support his lies

The good part is for someone who lies so much, he is not very good at it
Most of his lies are easily verified as false
And this hurts
It impacts the credibility of our President
His word and his assurances cannot be trusted

This destroys his ability to deal with Congress, businesses and foreign nations
I asked how it hurts you.

1. It hurts when your president is a pathological lying bastard and hypocrite.
2. It hurts when he demonstrated how ignorant and dumb to the whole world. Total embarrassment.
3. It hurts when his own wife blasting how ignorant and dumb is this president. HIS OWN WIFE.
4. Is hurts when he continue to demonstrate and prove himself a Putin puppet.
5. It hurts when he continue to divide this country and his followers like you who do not give a crap of what is going on in this country.

Trump is a MONSTER.
the same can be said about your bud Obama and host of others, so whats your point other than you really wanted Hillary, I guess it boils down to who is a better lie'r and crook in chief which the Clinton gang were experts.

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