How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?

Why change it? That old light bulb is fine just the way it is. Flashlight? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, ya sissy.
Republicans would claim that our founding fathers did not have light bulbs and neither should we
Ted Cruz would change the light bulb by hanging on to the bulb and just letting the world revolve around him....

As the crazies (John McCain's word) in the Republican party gain prominence in their party, more and more Republicans are seeing the light and leaving the Republican party.

Below is the story of just one prominent former Republican.

GOP College Chairman Slams Tea Party, Resigns, And Joins The Democrats - Here's To Our Youth!
By Leslie Salzillo



The chairman of the MFCR (Mississippi Federation of College Republicans), Evan Alvarez, has opted not only to leave his position as College GOP Chairman this week, but he is joining the Republican party's arch enemy - the Democrats. In a publicly released letter, Alvarez outlines the reasons behind his decision:

I over the last 48 hours or so, I have been in deep thought about the future of MFCR and of the Republican Party. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer want to be the leader of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans. I refuse to simply let people break the rules and think they don't have to answer for their actions, admit they were wrong, or even apologize. When I ran for Chairman in the spring, I ran to be Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College REPUBLICANS, not the Mississippi Federation of College "Tea Partiers". Also, I believe that the Republican Party has allowed these groups of extremist to have too much of a voice and because of that, the platform of the Republican Party has shifted too far to the right in my opinion. For example, the drastic cuts on needed federal funding that these groups of Republican extremists support would leave society weak and crippled.

Secondly, their far right stance on immigration is not only ignorant, but it is cruel. After all our country is a nation of immigrants and should welcome immigrants from every country. My father was an immigrant from Cuba and came to America in 1959 because of the freedom that this nation offers. This freedom should be available to each and every individual that wants to come work hard and pursue his or her goals in America.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party has not done enough to put a stop to the hatred and cruel words and actions of the far right extremist in the party. The Republican Party consistently says they are trying to appeal to minorities, but this will never happen when we allow members of party to say cruel and ignorant things about Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities in our country. I simply cannot be apart of organization that have members who support these far right extremist views, much less be the Chairman of the organization. So in conclusion, I, Evan Alvarez, am hereby resigning my position as Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans, as well as my membership at the Mississippi State Chapter of MFCR. This change is effective immediately!

Spoken like a true Democrat. Now my questions are:
1. How many more college students will follow the lead of Alvarez?
2. How many Republicans out there secretly agree with Alvarez but are afraid to speak out?

3. How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?
"They wouldn’t try. They prefer to just sit in the dark and complain that someone else isn’t changing it."


For full story visit the Clarion-Ledger.

Note that his objections concern social issues, where he and other 'young republicans' likely remain 'conservative' on fiscal issues.

'Young republicans,' and young voters in general, aren't going to tolerate the politics of fear, hate, and bigotry that's all to prevalent in the GOP – they're not going to accept the GOP's hostility toward gay Americans, immigrants, and the privacy rights of women.

Most won't leave the party, most won't become democrats, but many will opt not to vote for social right republican politicians, and opt not to vote for the republican nominee for president.
"Secondly, their far right stance on immigration is not only ignorant, but it is cruel. After all our country is a nation of immigrants and should welcome immigrants from every country. My father was an immigrant from Cuba and came to America in 1959 because of the freedom that this nation offers. This freedom should be available to each and every individual that wants to come work hard and pursue his or her goals in America."

We have no need of Third World Immigrants.

2. We have already too many Immigrants and are experiencing rapid and negative change as a result.

3. If we let everyone in who appears willing to work hard, this nation's culture and history and political cohesion will be lost as the cultures and groups that built is are buried in a Third World Majority.

4. SO, piss off young fool.
As people get older they get wiser.
This jerk proves the exception to the rule.
Goodbye and good riddance to weak minded bleeding heart rubbish.

BTW the light bulb does not need to be changed. The power needs to be restored.
Typical of most on the right, and typical of most republicans – to call someone a 'jerk' because he dares to disagree with errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

As the crazies (John McCain's word) in the Republican party gain prominence in their party, more and more Republicans are seeing the light and leaving the Republican party.

Below is the story of just one prominent former Republican.

GOP College Chairman Slams Tea Party, Resigns, And Joins The Democrats - Here's To Our Youth!
By Leslie Salzillo



The chairman of the MFCR (Mississippi Federation of College Republicans), Evan Alvarez, has opted not only to leave his position as College GOP Chairman this week, but he is joining the Republican party's arch enemy - the Democrats. In a publicly released letter, Alvarez outlines the reasons behind his decision:

I over the last 48 hours or so, I have been in deep thought about the future of MFCR and of the Republican Party. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer want to be the leader of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans. I refuse to simply let people break the rules and think they don't have to answer for their actions, admit they were wrong, or even apologize. When I ran for Chairman in the spring, I ran to be Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College REPUBLICANS, not the Mississippi Federation of College "Tea Partiers". Also, I believe that the Republican Party has allowed these groups of extremist to have too much of a voice and because of that, the platform of the Republican Party has shifted too far to the right in my opinion. For example, the drastic cuts on needed federal funding that these groups of Republican extremists support would leave society weak and crippled.

Secondly, their far right stance on immigration is not only ignorant, but it is cruel. After all our country is a nation of immigrants and should welcome immigrants from every country. My father was an immigrant from Cuba and came to America in 1959 because of the freedom that this nation offers. This freedom should be available to each and every individual that wants to come work hard and pursue his or her goals in America.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party has not done enough to put a stop to the hatred and cruel words and actions of the far right extremist in the party. The Republican Party consistently says they are trying to appeal to minorities, but this will never happen when we allow members of party to say cruel and ignorant things about Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities in our country. I simply cannot be apart of organization that have members who support these far right extremist views, much less be the Chairman of the organization. So in conclusion, I, Evan Alvarez, am hereby resigning my position as Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans, as well as my membership at the Mississippi State Chapter of MFCR. This change is effective immediately!

Spoken like a true Democrat. Now my questions are:
1. How many more college students will follow the lead of Alvarez?
2. How many Republicans out there secretly agree with Alvarez but are afraid to speak out?

3. How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?
"They wouldn’t try. They prefer to just sit in the dark and complain that someone else isn’t changing it."


For full story visit the Clarion-Ledger.

Note that his objections concern social issues, where he and other 'young republicans' likely remain 'conservative' on fiscal issues.

'Young republicans,' and young voters in general, aren't going to tolerate the politics of fear, hate, and bigotry that's all to prevalent in the GOP – they're not going to accept the GOP's hostility toward gay Americans, immigrants, and the privacy rights of women.

Most won't leave the party, most won't become democrats, but many will opt not to vote for social right republican politicians, and opt not to vote for the republican nominee for president.

Blah, blah, fear, blah, blah hate, blah, blah bigotry.
"How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?"

Only an incandescent bulb – the new bulbs are the work of the devil.
Why I Am Leaving the Democratic Party - Mic
Nov 28, 2015 - Why I Am Leaving the Democratic Party. Marjorie Romeyn-Sanabria's avatar image By Marjorie Romeyn-Sanabria July 02, 2013. Like Mic on ...

Poll: Millennials Leaving Democratic Party, Less Likely to ...
Apr 29, 2014 - Is it really true that young progressives are leaving the Democratic Party and joining the ranks of the GOP? In a sense, yes, according to a ...

Democrats can't win white working class voters: The party is ...
Nov 14, 2014 - The Democratic Party styles itself a fighter for the working class. But a substantial part of that class—the white part—wants nothing to do with it.

My GOD, need more?

Secondly, their far right stance on immigration is not only ignorant, but it is cruel. After all our country is a nation of immigrants and should welcome immigrants from every country. My father was an immigrant from Cuba and came to America in 1959 because of the freedom that this nation offers. This freedom should be available to each and every individual that wants to come work hard and pursue his or her goals in America.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party has not done enough to put a stop to the hatred and cruel words and actions of the far right extremist in the party. The Republican Party consistently says they are trying to appeal to minorities, but this will never happen when we allow members of party to say cruel and ignorant things about Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities in our country. I simply cannot be apart of organization that have members who support these far right extremist views, much less be the Chairman of the organization.

Many of us keep pointing this out to them, but they just don't seem to get it.

As the crazies (John McCain's word) in the Republican party gain prominence in their party, more and more Republicans are seeing the light and leaving the Republican party.

Below is the story of just one prominent former Republican.

GOP College Chairman Slams Tea Party, Resigns, And Joins The Democrats - Here's To Our Youth!
By Leslie Salzillo



The chairman of the MFCR (Mississippi Federation of College Republicans), Evan Alvarez, has opted not only to leave his position as College GOP Chairman this week, but he is joining the Republican party's arch enemy - the Democrats. In a publicly released letter, Alvarez outlines the reasons behind his decision:

I over the last 48 hours or so, I have been in deep thought about the future of MFCR and of the Republican Party. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer want to be the leader of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans. I refuse to simply let people break the rules and think they don't have to answer for their actions, admit they were wrong, or even apologize. When I ran for Chairman in the spring, I ran to be Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College REPUBLICANS, not the Mississippi Federation of College "Tea Partiers". Also, I believe that the Republican Party has allowed these groups of extremist to have too much of a voice and because of that, the platform of the Republican Party has shifted too far to the right in my opinion. For example, the drastic cuts on needed federal funding that these groups of Republican extremists support would leave society weak and crippled.

Secondly, their far right stance on immigration is not only ignorant, but it is cruel. After all our country is a nation of immigrants and should welcome immigrants from every country. My father was an immigrant from Cuba and came to America in 1959 because of the freedom that this nation offers. This freedom should be available to each and every individual that wants to come work hard and pursue his or her goals in America.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party has not done enough to put a stop to the hatred and cruel words and actions of the far right extremist in the party. The Republican Party consistently says they are trying to appeal to minorities, but this will never happen when we allow members of party to say cruel and ignorant things about Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities in our country. I simply cannot be apart of organization that have members who support these far right extremist views, much less be the Chairman of the organization. So in conclusion, I, Evan Alvarez, am hereby resigning my position as Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans, as well as my membership at the Mississippi State Chapter of MFCR. This change is effective immediately!

Spoken like a true Democrat. Now my questions are:
1. How many more college students will follow the lead of Alvarez?
2. How many Republicans out there secretly agree with Alvarez but are afraid to speak out?

3. How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?
"They wouldn’t try. They prefer to just sit in the dark and complain that someone else isn’t changing it."


For full story visit the Clarion-Ledger.

There is a lot money for being a Rino...

As the crazies (John McCain's word) in the Republican party gain prominence in their party, more and more Republicans are seeing the light and leaving the Republican party.

Below is the story of just one prominent former Republican.

GOP College Chairman Slams Tea Party, Resigns, And Joins The Democrats - Here's To Our Youth!
By Leslie Salzillo



The chairman of the MFCR (Mississippi Federation of College Republicans), Evan Alvarez, has opted not only to leave his position as College GOP Chairman this week, but he is joining the Republican party's arch enemy - the Democrats. In a publicly released letter, Alvarez outlines the reasons behind his decision:

I over the last 48 hours or so, I have been in deep thought about the future of MFCR and of the Republican Party. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer want to be the leader of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans. I refuse to simply let people break the rules and think they don't have to answer for their actions, admit they were wrong, or even apologize. When I ran for Chairman in the spring, I ran to be Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College REPUBLICANS, not the Mississippi Federation of College "Tea Partiers". Also, I believe that the Republican Party has allowed these groups of extremist to have too much of a voice and because of that, the platform of the Republican Party has shifted too far to the right in my opinion. For example, the drastic cuts on needed federal funding that these groups of Republican extremists support would leave society weak and crippled.

Secondly, their far right stance on immigration is not only ignorant, but it is cruel. After all our country is a nation of immigrants and should welcome immigrants from every country. My father was an immigrant from Cuba and came to America in 1959 because of the freedom that this nation offers. This freedom should be available to each and every individual that wants to come work hard and pursue his or her goals in America.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party has not done enough to put a stop to the hatred and cruel words and actions of the far right extremist in the party. The Republican Party consistently says they are trying to appeal to minorities, but this will never happen when we allow members of party to say cruel and ignorant things about Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities in our country. I simply cannot be apart of organization that have members who support these far right extremist views, much less be the Chairman of the organization. So in conclusion, I, Evan Alvarez, am hereby resigning my position as Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans, as well as my membership at the Mississippi State Chapter of MFCR. This change is effective immediately!

Spoken like a true Democrat. Now my questions are:
1. How many more college students will follow the lead of Alvarez?
2. How many Republicans out there secretly agree with Alvarez but are afraid to speak out?

3. How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?
"They wouldn’t try. They prefer to just sit in the dark and complain that someone else isn’t changing it."


For full story visit the Clarion-Ledger.


A college student changes his party affiliation, and you think that's big news?

It's hilarious to observe how desperate and pathetic Democrats are.
Your light bulb joke was a lift from the original that was about how many feminists does it take to change a light bulb.
Oh, the creativity of the left!

Rightwingers crack me up, with a minimum amount of (obviously, asking to much) research, you know (giggle), clicking on the link(s) in the OP - you would have discovered that the source of the very apropos "joke" was C&Ped from a uber-conservative website, here then here. Point being, even their fellow Republicans think the Republican "do nothing" congress are a useless bunch of lazy do nothings.
Your light bulb joke was a lift from the original that was about how many feminists does it take to change a light bulb.
Oh, the creativity of the left!

Rightwingers crack me up, with a minimum amount of (obviously, asking to much) research, you know (giggle), clicking on the link(s) in the OP - you would have discovered that the source of the very apropos "joke" was C&Ped from a uber-conservative website, here then here. Point being, even their fellow Republicans think the Republican "do nothing" congress are a useless bunch of lazy do nothings.
Your post has nothing to do with anything I posted.

Secondly, their far right stance on immigration is not only ignorant, but it is cruel. After all our country is a nation of immigrants and should welcome immigrants from every country. My father was an immigrant from Cuba and came to America in 1959 because of the freedom that this nation offers. This freedom should be available to each and every individual that wants to come work hard and pursue his or her goals in America.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party has not done enough to put a stop to the hatred and cruel words and actions of the far right extremist in the party. The Republican Party consistently says they are trying to appeal to minorities, but this will never happen when we allow members of party to say cruel and ignorant things about Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities in our country. I simply cannot be apart of organization that have members who support these far right extremist views, much less be the Chairman of the organization.

Many of us keep pointing this out to them, but they just don't seem to get it.

Well, we disagree.

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