How many scandals have to come out before the Obamanots see he is shady


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
He is using Chicago politics against The AP and FOX news now . Hiding things about Benghazi , the IRS stuff.. Fast And Furious. HOW many more have to come out to show you Obama is a not a good president!!
Obama's a crook on the level of Hugo Chavez. Starting to look like he has enough power to pull it off too.


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I'm still looking for the first one

OF course you dont . YOu are an OBAMABOT.. He does no wrong in the eyes of you people

Look boys......

I know you Republicans are looking for payback from Watergate and the Bush scandals, but to be perfectly honest, your Obama "scandals" have been pretty pathetic

In case you haven't noticed, nobody outside of FoxNation gives a fuck. America has grown weary of Republicans crying wolf and is ignoring your "scandals" until somebody gives them a reason to give a shit
For the Diehard Obamanoids, the answer is: Infinity.
NEVER. These people will defend Obama even if he became our Chavez or Castro. Fact.
This is going to be amusing as we watch the so-called "patriot" bands of right wing extremists ultimately cause the collapse of American "exceptionalism." I guarantee you that no future U.S. president will be able to survive the post-Obama ordeal; if a Republican manages to squirm into the White House, Democrats will have a LOT of anger to unleash upon whomever that might be, as retalliation for what the GOP has done since Obama was elected.

I guarantee you that the Right Wing is striving toward undoing American democracy; this is exactly how they intend on accomplishing that task. Remember that the ideal of the right wing is a dictatorship. Look it up if you don't believe it.
He's shady ... on many levels. (I had to. It was just hanging there on the outside of the plate. Not a home run, but an easy single over the second baseman's head.)

But then, he's a politician. Arguably the IRS thing really rises to "scandal," and in a sane world senators from both parties would put together civil service protections, and penalties for not disclosing wrongdoing. But the gop can't even confirm a judge. We'll see if the gop has the votes to repeal obamacare in 2014 and take the WH in 16.
This is going to be amusing as we watch the so-called "patriot" bands of right wing extremists ultimately cause the collapse of American "exceptionalism." I guarantee you that no future U.S. president will be able to survive the post-Obama ordeal; if a Republican manages to squirm into the White House, Democrats will have a LOT of anger to unleash upon whomever that might be, as retalliation for what the GOP has done since Obama was elected.

I guarantee you that the Right Wing is striving toward undoing American democracy; this is exactly how they intend on accomplishing that task. Remember that the ideal of the right wing is a dictatorship. Look it up if you don't believe it.

You're confused man. Get help.

Obama is the one using his departments to silence people. This is a tactic to silence the opposition you're using.

You're the supporter of the dictatorship.
I'm still looking for the first one

OF course you dont . YOu are an OBAMABOT.. He does no wrong in the eyes of you people

Look boys......

I know you Republicans are looking for payback from Watergate and the Bush scandals, but to be perfectly honest, your Obama "scandals" have been pretty pathetic

In case you haven't noticed, nobody outside of FoxNation gives a fuck. America has grown weary of Republicans crying wolf and is ignoring your "scandals" until somebody gives them a reason to give a shit

The problem, though, is that the modern "24-hour news cycle" of television news has become sensational, focused on outrage, and reactive. I read a recent article (I think it may have originated from the WSJ) that points at how right-wing propaganda machines like the Drudge Report and Talk Radio have controlled the media spotlights. They set the agenda, they scream the loudest, and they create the most outrage and sensation.

Modern American media (since Reagan's rape of the Fairness in Media Doctrine) no longer serves the interest of an informed democracy--it is a profit-driven echo chamber that answers to nobody.

So now the squeakiest wheels get the most grease. And these partisan extremist ideologues have ALWAYS been the loudest (see the communists of the 1920's in Russian, and the fascists of the 1930's in Germany). Tragically, the loudest and stupidist often win--so long as they march in unison. Drudge/Hannity provide the unity.
They'll never see or care about any..Obama's Irs targeted a group of people they don't like, and everything else is a witch hunt and people out to hurt their Dear Leader, the hell if they were deerlick in their duty and people got killed or they blamed a AMERCIAN citizen for that attack in the first don't hold you breaths..

with them it's PARTY over Country..
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I'm still looking for the first one

How odd you can't find one when even Democrats are calling for firings in the IRS scandal.

" Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill is going further. A former state auditor, she has had years of experience with dissembling bureaucrats and errant officials. Last Friday, she issued a video statement calling for a full house-cleaning of everyone involved in the scandal:

“We should not only fire the head of the IRS, which has occurred, but we’ve got to go down the line and find every single person who had anything to do with this and make sure that they are removed from the IRS and the word goes out that this unacceptable.”

Three Signs There?s a Cover-Up | National Review Online
OF course you dont . YOu are an OBAMABOT.. He does no wrong in the eyes of you people

Look boys......

I know you Republicans are looking for payback from Watergate and the Bush scandals, but to be perfectly honest, your Obama "scandals" have been pretty pathetic

In case you haven't noticed, nobody outside of FoxNation gives a fuck. America has grown weary of Republicans crying wolf and is ignoring your "scandals" until somebody gives them a reason to give a shit

The problem, though, is that the modern "24-hour news cycle" of television news has become sensational, focused on outrage, and reactive. I read a recent article (I think it may have originated from the WSJ) that points at how right-wing propaganda machines like the Drudge Report and Talk Radio have controlled the media spotlights. They set the agenda, they scream the loudest, and they create the most outrage and sensation.

Modern American media (since Reagan's rape of the Fairness in Media Doctrine) no longer serves the interest of an informed democracy--it is a profit-driven echo chamber that answers to nobody.

So now the squeakiest wheels get the most grease. And these partisan extremist ideologues have ALWAYS been the loudest (see the communists of the 1920's in Russian, and the fascists of the 1930's in Germany). Tragically, the loudest and stupidist often win--so long as they march in unison. Drudge/Hannity provide the unity.

We get it you want the president to do anything he damn well pleases. Silence the opposition...You're the supporter of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez....

The fact that you would silence the opposition proves my point. Who the fuck do you think you're fooling siding with the government that the main stream media is partly controlled by.

No we don't live within a nation with a totally free press. At least not any longer.
I'm still looking for the first one

How odd you can't find one when even Democrats are calling for firings in the IRS scandal.

" Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill is going further. A former state auditor, she has had years of experience with dissembling bureaucrats and errant officials. Last Friday, she issued a video statement calling for a full house-cleaning of everyone involved in the scandal:

“We should not only fire the head of the IRS, which has occurred, but we’ve got to go down the line and find every single person who had anything to do with this and make sure that they are removed from the IRS and the word goes out that this unacceptable.”

Three Signs There?s a Cover-Up | National Review Online

And basically she's wrong.

As this thing is unraveling, it seems they were about as "guilty" as many law enforcement agencies are..when they do racial profiling.

And the consequences are far less severe.
Current Republican list of Obama "Scandals"

Rev Wright
Bill Ayers
Michelle Obama hates America
Birth Certificate
College Records
Obama is a Muslim
Obama used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders scandal
Obama vacations in Hawaii
Obama bows to world leaders
Obama plays golf scandal
Fast and Furious
Obama death panels
Obama stole the election
IRS picks on Teabaggers scandal
AP emails tapped
Obama faked firing a shotgun scandal

After Republican "outrage" at all of these Obama scandals, can anyone wonder why America just ignores them?
This is going to be amusing as we watch the so-called "patriot" bands of right wing extremists ultimately cause the collapse of American "exceptionalism." I guarantee you that no future U.S. president will be able to survive the post-Obama ordeal; if a Republican manages to squirm into the White House, Democrats will have a LOT of anger to unleash upon whomever that might be, as retalliation for what the GOP has done since Obama was elected.

I guarantee you that the Right Wing is striving toward undoing American democracy; this is exactly how they intend on accomplishing that task. Remember that the ideal of the right wing is a dictatorship. Look it up if you don't believe it.

The nation has divided. No longer will any leader of either party to be able govern half the people intent with revenge on the other half. If forced to stay together each side will see the other as a dictator.
This is going to be amusing as we watch the so-called "patriot" bands of right wing extremists ultimately cause the collapse of American "exceptionalism." I guarantee you that no future U.S. president will be able to survive the post-Obama ordeal; if a Republican manages to squirm into the White House, Democrats will have a LOT of anger to unleash upon whomever that might be, as retalliation for what the GOP has done since Obama was elected.

I guarantee you that the Right Wing is striving toward undoing American democracy; this is exactly how they intend on accomplishing that task. Remember that the ideal of the right wing is a dictatorship. Look it up if you don't believe it.

The nation has divided. No longer will any leader of either party to be able govern half the people intent with revenge on the other half. If forced to stay together each side will see the other as a dictator.

No shit...

Time to get back to our constitution and enforcing our rights. If they the left aren't going for a dictatorship they should at least try to agree with some on the right when the government is attacking our rights, right?
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