How many times do you come to the US Message Board a day? Poll and Questions~

How many times do you come to the US Message Board a day?

  • I am on all day

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • I pop in once a day or so

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • I come around only during elections

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 24/7

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
I understand privacy so you don't have to answer all~

How many times do you come to the US Message Board a day? Poll

It seems I got the US message board bug and hang here for many hours a day now

Are you retired or at work when you come on?

I still sell online otherwise I am retired

Do you come on to socialize or argue in the threads?

At first it was to argue, the more I am here I am meeting some very nice people

What do you do with your time when your not on the message board? ( not too personal}

My husband still works, but we are doing bucketlist things, even though we are not too old..
Last year we rode horses through Yosemite way into the back country for a week, camped with only a few around us.
it was so scary on the cliffs but rewarding when it was all done

How many times do you come to the US Message Board a day? Poll
My pc is on USMB but I may not be, so I put "all the time". It's winter, so I am watching tv, checking here, back to tv, back to here. I also have other windows open for pinterest, twitter, etc. This will all change when spring comes. I will be outside all day.

Are you retired or at work when you come on?

I still sell online otherwise I am retired
(Same here)

Do you come on to socialize or argue in the threads?


What do you do with your time when your not on the message board? ( not too personal

See first answer.
I come and go. If topics interest me, then I stick around. I enjoy the conversations and difference of opinions.
I come and go. If topics interest me, then I stick around. I enjoy the conversations and difference of opinions.
This goes for me too. My intention is to be here at least once a day. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

In and out and in and out and in and out... until about 5 or 6pm
Prob'ly 4-6 times a day...

... I have a number of news sources I use...

... takes me 4-6 sessions to work through them all.

... nah, Uncle Ferd likes to come here...

... fer all the purty avatars of the womens...

... like you.

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