How many times have you heard "Oklahoma City" and "Timmy McVeigh"?


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
"Golly Gee , we don't know which kind of radical group could have done this!"

sure we do, his first name is Mohammad, and we're just waiting for the government to tell us what his last name was.

"all 16 intelligence agencies are working on this"
...and not one of them could prevent sht could they?
we pay these people to pass laws against us.

news reporters trying to twist this in the direction they want to go.
"well usually around April 20 we see attacks during Hitler's birthday, like Columbine"

Columbine wasn't originally planned for April 20th and one of the kids was Jewish, so sorry, it wasn't a right-wing terrorist attack.

"this could be a Timmy McVeigh, Oklahoma city domestic terrorist"
i'm sorry but no, McVeigh chose a government target and there's not one right-wing terrorist in America who thinks they will accomplish something by blowing up random people.

"you know , it is tax day April 15th"
yeah right!
someone who is upset over paying taxes is going to blow people up in Boston.

"one 20 year old Middle Eastern guy was tackled and brought in for questioning"
"law enforcement raided an apartment and left with bags of evidence"
"but we still have no idea who did this"

it seems to me this crazy ass government and it's 16 intelligence agencies are more concerned with the public image of Islam then they are reporting to us who did this.

if they don't come up with some Muslims, i'm calling bullsht.

the finish line was heavily filmed, they should have something on tape.

"Golly Gee , we don't know which kind of radical group could have done this!"

sure we do, his first name is Mohammad, and we're just waiting for the government to tell us what his last name was.

"all 16 intelligence agencies are working on this"
...and not one of them could prevent sht could they?
we pay these people to pass laws against us.

news reporters trying to twist this in the direction they want to go.
"well usually around April 20 we see attacks during Hitler's birthday, like Columbine"

Columbine wasn't originally planned for April 20th and one of the kids was Jewish, so sorry, it wasn't a right-wing terrorist attack.

"this could be a Timmy McVeigh, Oklahoma city domestic terrorist"
i'm sorry but no, McVeigh chose a government target and there's not one right-wing terrorist in America who thinks they will accomplish something by blowing up random people.

"you know , it is tax day April 15th"
yeah right!
someone who is upset over paying taxes is going to blow people up in Boston.

"one 20 year old Middle Eastern guy was tackled and brought in for questioning"
"law enforcement raided an apartment and left with bags of evidence"
"but we still have no idea who did this"

it seems to me this crazy ass government and it's 16 intelligence agencies are more concerned with the public image of Islam then they are reporting to us who did this.

if they don't come up with some Muslims, i'm calling bullsht.

the finish line was heavily filmed, they should have something on tape.


possibly a Muslim with FBI handlers
Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Boston Attack
April 16, 2013

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has condemned the Boston Marathon bombings, saying that Islamic law, or Shariah, does not condone violence against civilians.

A Tuesday statement from the Islamist group's political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, expressed "condolences to the American people and to the families of victims, with hopes for a quick recovery of those injured."

The party also says that Islamic law "firmly rejects assaults on civilians and doesn't accept any means of terrorizing people, regardless of their religion, color, or gender."

Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Boston Attack - Reason 24/7 :
I have confidence that the authorities will find the perp(s) responsible for this crime.

My guess is there's a lot of highly motivated investigators on the task.

FWIW I seriously doubt that this was a "false flag" operation.
"Golly Gee , we don't know which kind of radical group could have done this!"

sure we do, his first name is Mohammad, and we're just waiting for the government to tell us what his last name was.

"all 16 intelligence agencies are working on this"
...and not one of them could prevent sht could they?
we pay these people to pass laws against us.

news reporters trying to twist this in the direction they want to go.
"well usually around April 20 we see attacks during Hitler's birthday, like Columbine"

Columbine wasn't originally planned for April 20th and one of the kids was Jewish, so sorry, it wasn't a right-wing terrorist attack.

"this could be a Timmy McVeigh, Oklahoma city domestic terrorist"
i'm sorry but no, McVeigh chose a government target and there's not one right-wing terrorist in America who thinks they will accomplish something by blowing up random people.

"you know , it is tax day April 15th"
yeah right!
someone who is upset over paying taxes is going to blow people up in Boston.

"one 20 year old Middle Eastern guy was tackled and brought in for questioning"
"law enforcement raided an apartment and left with bags of evidence"
"but we still have no idea who did this"

it seems to me this crazy ass government and it's 16 intelligence agencies are more concerned with the public image of Islam then they are reporting to us who did this.

if they don't come up with some Muslims, i'm calling bullsht.

the finish line was heavily filmed, they should have something on tape.


The M.O sounds like rightwing terrorist(s) like Eric Rudolph (the Christian terrorist who did the same thing at the Atlanta Olympics) If it were muslims they would have claimed responsibility, Not so with rightwing Christian terrorists .:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
The anti terror industry in this country and around the world needs to be funded. Many jobs depend on it.
It is dependent on government money and contracts. Just like the massive expenditures for the "war on drugs" and the private prison industry.

The Boston marathon was not a very logical place to target to make a statement by any anti government, anti tax, or gun rights groups to use....especially of all days..patriots day.

And why would "Alqaeda" bite the hand that is feeding it around the world?

This was just a reminder to the those in charge of financing the anti terror industry, to not even think about curbing any funding as part of any budget cuts, and to instill more fear, and substantiate the need to keep throwing money at the "problem" and reinforce the thinking that "we can't let our guard down"
The poison in the letter to a senator is similar to what happened after 9-11, only on a smaller far..

The message is apparently getting through to "law makers"....
"After 9/11 Money Flowed To Police And Now It Has Trickled! So...?" (Cui Bono?)

"You can't be cutting back on Homeland security funding"-Rep. Peter King, (R) NY
Another is calling for another look at the sequestration efforts, to insure that the terror industry is not effected by cuts. Expect budget cuts to "security" to become a hot topic now.

"After 9/11 Money Flowed To Police And Now It Has Trickled! So...?" (Cui Bono?) | XRepublic

All the billions that have been spent on "security" and the infringements of civil rights, couldn't prevent the attack on a major city like Boston at one of the big national and world events..Now they'll want to push for more money or no budget cuts for security that failed. I wouldn't doubt if the investigation yields no suspects, the "terror threat" will then remain high, and the need even greater...
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I think boston has some nasty neo nazis doesnt it?
This is just dumb....
Stupid target for "Nazi's" to target...How many black or Jewish casualties were there??
Stupid target for tax protesters.
Stupid target for for crazed right wing extremist.
Stupid target for Constitution loving, pro 2nd amendment patriots as well.
Not so stupid if one wants to indeed "terrorize" and instill fear to keep the terror industry well funded and taken off the table in any budget cutting discussions..
The anti terror industry in this country and around the world needs to be funded. Many jobs depend on it.
It is dependent on government money and contracts. Just like the massive expenditures for the "war on drugs" and the private prison industry.

The Boston marathon was not a very logical place to target to make a statement by any anti government, anti tax, or gun rights groups to use....especially of all days..patriots day.

And why would "Alqaeda" bite the hand that is feeding it around the world?

This was just a reminder to the those in charge of financing the anti terror industry, to not even think about curbing any funding as part of any budget cuts, and to instill more fear, and substantiate the need to keep throwing money at the "problem" and reinforce the thinking that "we can't let our guard down"
The poison in the letter to a senator is similar to what happened after 9-11, only on a smaller far..

The message is apparently getting through to "law makers"....
"After 9/11 Money Flowed To Police And Now It Has Trickled! So...?" (Cui Bono?)

"You can't be cutting back on Homeland security funding"-Rep. Peter King, (R) NY
Another is calling for another look at the sequestration efforts, to insure that the terror industry is not effected by cuts. Expect budget cuts to "security" to become a hot topic now.

"After 9/11 Money Flowed To Police And Now It Has Trickled! So...?" (Cui Bono?) | XRepublic

All the billions that have been spent on "security" and the infringements of civil rights, couldn't prevent the attack on a major city like Boston at one of the big national and world events..Now they'll want to push for more money or no budget cuts for security that failed. I wouldn't doubt if the investigation yields no suspects, the "terror threat" will then remain high, and the need even greater...
I think boston has some nasty neo nazis doesnt it?
This is just dumb....
Stupid target for "Nazi's" to target...How many black or Jewish casualties were there??
Stupid target for tax protesters.
Stupid target for for crazed right wing extremist.
Stupid target for Constitution loving, pro 2nd amendment patriots as well.
Not so stupid if one wants to indeed "terrorize" and instill fear to keep the terror industry well funded and taken off the table in any budget cutting discussions..

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