How Many USMBers Are Still Trump Supporters?

Little Marco wouldn't have set up a meeting to get dirt from the Russian government on Hillary.
Now here we go...Fist DT Jr did not "set" any meeting. Some operative from Russia claimed to have information that would be pertinent to Clinton. Jr said in his interview with Hannity, that the guy misrepresented what he had and misrepresented himself. On his way out of the meeting, he apologized for wasting Trump Jr's time.
You are chomping on another left wing media nothing burger.
1. Kept the bitch out of the White House
2. Great Supreme Court appointment
3. Killing regulations that stifle business
4. US beef being exported to China again helps reduce trade deficit
5. Straightening out the VA
6. Kicking the shit out of ISIS
7. Increasing US energy production
8. US coal going to China also helps reduce trade deficit
9. Going to export LPG to Europe hurts Russia/helps US

All that, slightly less than 6 moths in, yeah I'm good.

3. What regulations are those?

Just out of curiosity.
well....Trump Administration Orders Federal Agencies to Eliminate Dozens of Paperwork Requirements
Trump’s regulatory clampdown called more flash than substance
President Trump Eliminates Job-Killing Regulations..
closer to home. Several regulations regarding interstate commerce which create inefficiencies and higher costs of doing business which in turn are passed long to consumers, are on the chopping block.
Not a Trump supporter, willing to wait one year & see how we are doing. think Kasich would have been a better pick.
I'm going to thank all that come in this thread to stand up and be counted.

Sounds kinda like the electoral college?
Noticed your screen name. Hoosiers. One of my al time favorite movies.
My team is on the floor!
"Your team is playing like a bunch of gorillas!!!"....

"make it a good one strap."
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
Anything is better than a shitstain clinton...
Trump is the best president America has had in decades. .... :thup:
Best since Bush, for sure
Bush senior ..... Yes

Bush Jr was an idiot. ..... :cool:
The point was SINCE Bush... The question I want answered is who was/is the worst President since Ford?
1 Carter. 1A, Obama
I struggle with the order. I'm old enough to remember first hand the misery index and his conciliatory foreign policy. I think I place obama lower than Carter because although Jimmy was a horseshit POTUS, he was a man of integrity. He's STILL an ass, but I respect the man for standing up for what he believes in. I actually voted for the man (once only) because I felt at the time that a man of sterling character would make a great President.
I have no such respect for obama and the clintons. I've shown that in my own sub rosa way since forming my opinions of their character.
You already tried this once and got your ass handed to you.

I support him, probably more so than I did right after the election, he's taken everything you loons have dreamed up (and yes I mean dreamed up) and he's still standing.

It's far past time for you leftist twits to accept you lost, start dealing with it and stop this nonsense

Ditto on all of the above.
I'm going to thank all that come in this thread to stand up and be counted.

Sounds kinda like the electoral college?
Noticed your screen name. Hoosiers. One of my al time favorite movies.
My team is on the floor!

Don't get caught watchin' the paint dry.
Bwahaha love that movie.

and i don't even really like basketball all that much.
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

Didn't vote for him in the primary, but I did in the general...

He has done a fantastic job with very few bumps so far, can't wait to see the next 6 months...

The meltdown of the psycho left is the best part!!

He's done a what??!! lol

It's not my fault your a partisan hack, try Google, it's pretty easy to find. He's done more in the first 100 days than both of his predecessors...

But you've been so easily led around by your psycho Left buddies to notice...

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