How Many USMBers Are Still Trump Supporters?

He is exactly the man we needed, not just to keep Hillary out of the WH but to turn the tables and put Americans and America first. I support him now even more given the level of irrational hostility against him and his family. The Left and their Media have disgraced themselves and America.

Do you support Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama more, given the levels of irrational hostility against them?
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

Didn't vote for him in the primary, but I did in the general...

He has done a fantastic job with very few bumps so far, can't wait to see the next 6 months...

The meltdown of the psycho left is the best part!!

He's done a what??!! lol
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
LOL, hell yes. More than ever. I voted primarily to make you arrogant libtards foam over and lose what little control of your faculties you had. Mission accomplished in spades and it just keeps getting better.

Your policies suck, you have to lie and twist them to get them in the door, otherwise people wouldn't even consider it. And even at that your only hope it to vilify the opposition.

I shudder to think where we would be if that bitch had won. Trump's Supreme Court pick alone is a giant sigh of relief, with more to come. Don't like people still supporting Trump after all the filth and garbage you leftists can muster? I knew what you people are, now many millions more know.
I refer to President Trump as The President, Mr. President or President Trump.

I never ever in 8 years called 0bama by his undeserving title.

I'm quite proud of that?
This shouldn't be a source of pride. In the military there is a saying, respect the uniform not the man.

He doesn't wear a uniform and respect is earned. Obama earned my scorn. I'm an American, we have no king and no ruler, we do not respect any office. 0bama was a public servant, and a bad one at that.
I refer to President Trump as The President, Mr. President or President Trump.

I never ever in 8 years called 0bama by his undeserving title.

I'm quite proud of that?
I call him scumbag Far more appropriate
Trump will never be my president

He already is.
F that low life pos YOU call him President Not I

Hey nit wit! you said "he's not my president" not "I don't call him president". You are a confused lefty. Pardon the redundancy.
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

I was not a Trump supporter. However, the more Pubes and Dims he seems to make crazy, perhaps he is not so bad after all.

The US has gone to hell thanks to Pubes and Dims. The US has sunk to well over $20 trillion in debt and growing exponentially. There is no border security as Progs have made US citizenship a right to anyone who wants to walk across the border. Anyone who wishes to invade the US for monovalent reasons is free to do so. Abortion has become such a political football that monsters like Dr. Gosnell are free to murder for decades with impunity. Then when a movie is attempted to be made about the biggest mass murderer in US history, Hollywood refuses to make it so people won't know the truth.

Will Trump change any of this? Nope, but it is entertaining watching him piss them off with tweets. What Progs are most pissed off about I think is the inability to give Executive Edicts like they enjoyed under Obama as well as letting Islamic extremism grow around the world thanks to such things as drawing imaginary red lines in the sand and letting terrorists go free from Club Gitmo and giving Iran nukes with a pile of cash..

No worries, the DIms should have no problem winning in 2020 cuz Trump is so far down in the polls these days, just like before the election against Hillary.

Welcome to the hell you created.

At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
What do you mean by "Still"?....Look genius, if you want to start a poll, then just do the poll. Don;'t add your inflammatory one sided commentary.
The answer is an unqualified YES....Business activity at record highs. Unemployment at historic lows( U-6) labor participation rate is now over 70%. And leading economic indicators point to continued growth in all core business sectors.
it is you people on the left who are the dividers, the naysayers, the haters.
Why don't you put away your personal biases and come on in for the big win?
Try being an American
I didn't in the beginning. But the more ridiculous claims that are made against him the stronger I support him. Congrats. You people are being hoist on your own petard.
This is precisely the point i have been making to others. The more the left pushes their anti Trump agenda, the more people join the movement to support our POTUS. As for those already in support of the POTUS, their resolve is stronger than ever.
I didn't in the beginning. But the more ridiculous claims that are made against him the stronger I support him. Congrats. You people are being hoist on your own petard.
That is so stupid it's not even funny.
Yeah well, when you are 30 games behind at the All Star break, you get desperate. Or you throw in the towel and say "wait til next year".
You lib progressives are so down in the dumps, you've reached perpetual darkness.
At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

Well out of my whole office, around 25 he has lost 2/3 support. Still a couple that thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Oh I never supported him but didn't Hillary either. If Johnson would have known a world leader he would have been a bit better, I did vote for him I liked Kasich but of course because he is moderate no one else liked him.
Your office. HA....Ya know what happens in office environments? Group think. The workers are so afraid being politically incorrect could jeopardize their job, they just agree with the lefties and go about their business.
Did it ever occur to you why the pre election polls pointed toward a Hillary Clinton win? Jesus Christ....People just did not want to put up with the bullshit from your left wing moon bats, so they just said "yep, I'm voting for Clinton" Or they said "no i don;t support Trump".....You people immersed yourselves in your own arrogance.
People did not respond to polls because the information as to whom they would vote is no ones God Damned business.
And for you to take your office and project it as a legitimate cross section of the country, is absurd and is narrow minded.
Case closed.
At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
You're going to get claims of support no matter what. Republicans are terrible at admitting they are wrong about anything.
Ha....That's nice. We had 8 years of total fuck up with Obama. And the DNC gave you Hilary Fucking Clinton?The DNC had to manipulate the rules of the Democrat primaries just to get her enough delegates for nomination.
Your party is being towed to the junk yard.
I didn't in the beginning. But the more ridiculous claims that are made against him the stronger I support him. Congrats. You people are being hoist on your own petard.
This is precisely the point i have been making to others. The more the left pushes their anti Trump agenda, the more people join the movement to support our POTUS. As for those already in support of the POTUS, their resolve is stronger than ever.
I don't think you can point to his support growing. But those who really bought in will not go anywhere. I think basically there are something like 40% who just think the whole "system" is rigged against them, so why would Putin helpingTrump, and Trump welcoming the help and even planning to end sactions in return for the help, bother them.
I'm going to thank all that come in this thread to stand up and be counted.
Why can't you articulate which of his policies you disagree with?

The healthcare bill he is trying to get the Republicans to pass.

and one of the five positions he has on abortion.

for starters.
The Senate Bill is not Trump's
What about abortion?....See this is the one thing I cannot stand about the fringes. You people on the left and the far right are single issue.
Evangelical Christians sit out elections because they will vote only for a candidate that promises to either make abortion illegal again or dramatically restrict access. That ain't happening. They however, don't accept that.
On the other side, any candidate that expresses their personal beliefs that abortion is not something with which they agree, the libs go crackers and sling arrows.
The current Health INSURANCE ( not healthcare) bill seems to be DOA. They left in many of the taxes in ACA which conservative Sens want gone.
The best thing to do is take only the best parts of ACA( for example prexisting conditions coverage), pass a law that they cannot be touched and them repeal the rest and start over.
Some GOP Sens are not governing. They are weighing political capital and reading the tea leaves as to potential political fall out. I'm sick of it..
They promised to do their jobs and they aren't.

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