How Many USMBers Are Still Trump Supporters?

Now you see a lot of the 'at least he's not Hillary' rationales.

Then why did you people NOMINATE him? He wasn't running against Hillary in the primaries.
At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

So far so good. Very rough around the edges, and He isn't getting appointments completed as quick as he should.

That being said his SC appointment was spot on, and his lists for lower courts is A-OK.

The SC and lower courts to me was enough to vote for him. All the rest is icing on the cake.
Now you see a lot of the 'at least he's not Hillary' rationales.

Then why did you people NOMINATE him? He wasn't running against Hillary in the primaries.

I voted for Cruz in my Primary. Before that I supported Walker, then Jindal.
At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

Well out of my whole office, around 25 he has lost 2/3 support. Still a couple that thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Oh I never supported him but didn't Hillary either. If Johnson would have known a world leader he would have been a bit better, I did vote for him I liked Kasich but of course because he is moderate no one else liked him.
I work with a small group of people. One is so disgusted she switched to Independent from lifelong Republican.
Little Marco wouldn't have set up a meeting to get dirt from the Russian government on Hillary.
Now you see a lot of the 'at least he's not Hillary' rationales.

Then why did you people NOMINATE him? He wasn't running against Hillary in the primaries.

You want somebody else to beat Hillary the Hag now?

If we were doomed to get a Republican president in 2016, why not someone with at least an ounce of competence and another ounce of integrity.
I'm going to thank all that come in this thread to stand up and be counted.
Why can't you articulate which of his policies you disagree with?
I've done this in NUMEROUS threads before this.

Besides, this thread isn't AGAINST Trump, it is for those who are WITH Trump to stand up and be counted.

So just proclaim your support for him if that is the case.
All of them if they are UNITED STATES CITIZENS!


  • How many USMB'rs are Soros Supporters?
  • Are Communists?
  • Believe that Treason is ok if it helps forward your agenda?
  • Think that Wire Tapping someone is ok in a Presidential Campaign?
  • Think that working with spies from foreign countries and sending them to a Presidential Candidate's inner Circle to try to frame and discredit a candidate is ok?
  • Think that leaking classified information to try to alter an investigation, or create negative press to help you win an election is ok?
  • Think that The DOJ head telling The head of The FBI to suppress comments about a criminal investigation is not Obstruction of Justice, especially when The FBI head complies with such an order?
  • That think a sitting DOJ head meeting with someone on a TARMAC who is under Criminal Investigation is not Unethical & NOT Illegal, especially if she shuts down the investigation and seals all the records about it immediately after?
  • Are Illegal Aliens or do not believe in following US IMMIGRATION LAW?
  • Are Globalists?
  • Collectivists?
  • Jihadists, or Jihadist Sympathizers?
  • Ukrainians?
  • Chinese?
  • North Korean?
  • Paid Posters & Paid Trolls?
  • Global Warming Nazis?
  • Believe that deleted 30,000 pieces of Evidence on a Server that had Top Secret Information on it, and that had two preservation orders against it is NOT OBSTRUCTION of Justice Nor Destruction of Government Property?
  • That think if a crooked FBI director leaks classified intel to get his best friend appointed independent counsel that this isn't collusion and conspiracy to solicit?
  • That think STUPIDITY is a defense for not prosecuting someone?
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At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

1. Kept the bitch out of the White House
2. Great Supreme Court appointment
3. Killing regulations that stifle business
4. US beef being exported to China again helps reduce trade deficit
5. Straightening out the VA
6. Kicking the shit out of ISIS
7. Increasing US energy production
8. US coal going to China also helps reduce trade deficit
9. Going to export LPG to Europe hurts Russia/helps US

All that, slightly less than 6 moths in, yeah I'm good.

At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

Well out of my whole office, around 25 he has lost 2/3 support. Still a couple that thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Oh I never supported him but didn't Hillary either. If Johnson would have known a world leader he would have been a bit better, I did vote for him I liked Kasich but of course because he is moderate no one else liked him.
I work with a small group of people. One is so disgusted she switched to Independent from lifelong Republican.

Why,Trump isn't a republican. But I can see her point, republicans to me are nearly as bad as you quacks
Well out of my whole office, around 25 he has lost 2/3 support. Still a couple that thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Oh I never supported him but didn't Hillary either. If Johnson would have known a world leader he would have been a bit better, I did vote for him I liked Kasich but of course because he is moderate no one else liked him.
Interesting. Are those 2/3rds former Trump supporters?

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