How Many USMBers Are Still Trump Supporters?

At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

On July 14th ? I'll let you know on July 14th.
At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
The left converted me from a Trump hater (posts validate it) into a Trump cheerleader.

Good job.
Mostly because he ain't Hillary and not a Boosh. Aside from that I'm indeffrent and hope Trump leads to something better for both parties.
Too vague.

I'd like to get a definitive indication of your support. Are you a Trump supporter, or no?
How many left wing members still refuse to accept the results of the election? Are there any lefties who approve of the actions of the Bernie Sanders fan who tried to assassinate conservative republicans or the antics of the crazy h'wood celebs who advocate "blowing up the W.H." or "being the 2nd actor in history to assassinate the president"? There is plenty of craziness on the left to be concerned about without worrying if the USMB members are "Trump fans".
At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

Hey Genius, unless you live in eastern Europe, today is the 13th right now!

Was a Trump supporter the day he announced! Right there and then, FINALLY, a guy that STOOD OUT as a real man of the people not part of the system and not in bed with the other side like the rest of them are, both willing and committed to putting this nation's people ahead of global agendas. No one expected him to be polished and perfect. He is a DOER, not a TALKER. And he has been doing just fine.
I work with a small group of people. One is so disgusted she switched to Independent from lifelong Republican.

Has she shared her main reason(s) for her departure?
1. Kept the bitch out of the White House
2. Great Supreme Court appointment
3. Killing regulations that stifle business
4. US beef being exported to China again helps reduce trade deficit
5. Straightening out the VA
6. Kicking the shit out of ISIS
7. Increasing US energy production
8. US coal going to China also helps reduce trade deficit
9. Going to export LPG to Europe hurts Russia/helps US

All that, slightly less than 6 moths in, yeah I'm good.

3. What regulations are those?

Just out of curiosity.

I'm all for 8 years of Trump,
8 years of Pence,
then 8 years of Ivanka,
then 8 years of Donald Jr.

By my calculation, that takes us to 2048.
Besides, this thread isn't AGAINST Trump, is for those who are WITH Trump to stand up and be counted.

So just proclaim your support for him if that is the case.

I'm sure this sophistry is seen as clever in your liberal warrens, but out in the sunlight it is noting more than a continuing expression of dystopia over losing an election which you were depending on to maintain your fragile equilibrium.
I'm sure this sophistry is seen as clever in your liberal warrens, but out in the sunlight it is noting more than a continuing expression of dystopia over losing an election which you were depending on to maintain your fragile equilibrium.

Well out of my whole office, around 25 he has lost 2/3 support. Still a couple that thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Oh I never supported him but didn't Hillary either. If Johnson would have known a world leader he would have been a bit better, I did vote for him I liked Kasich but of course because he is moderate no one else liked him.
Interesting. Are those 2/3rds former Trump supporters?

Yes, they were, but they were not Hillary supporters.

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