How Many USMBers Are Still Trump Supporters?

At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
/---- Me and I'm not alone.
We had to take a chance between a man with some obvious personality disorders* and a women who is obviously DEPRAVED. Also Incompetent, Corrupt, and a Career Coat-Tail Rider who fucked up every job her husband ever got her; which is all the jobs she ever had.

Very happy with what Trump is trying to do; repulsed by the Bolsheviks (who currently call themselves Democrats) and disgusted with the Pussies (who currently call themselves Republicans).

America and Americans first. Thanks Donald Trump.


* Andrew Jackson had some personality disorders, and was mean as Hell---served two terms.

*Theodore Roosevelt had some personality disorders, but did well.

*The Brits were absolutely sure that Winston Churchill was bat-shit crazy until Hitler got after their ass and they had to take a chance. He turned out to be the Greatest man of the 20th Century.

Heartland America had to take a chance on Trump against the Depraved, Incompetent, Corrupt Bolshevik. I'm very happy with how he's doing; the rest of Washington can get Fucked. The New York Media can get Fucked.

And your bogus ASS needs to stop watching Morning Joe and CNN.

How refreshing to have a president who says the things that others only dare to think but have a career to worry about so only give you pasteurized, audience-tested pablum they don't even sincerely mean! The guy says what he thinks, doesn't worry about how it sounds, and your guts tell you he is telling it to you straight.

He's not perfect, he often needs to course correct, but at least you know he's out there really trying to make thing better. He's a REAL person, not some preened up pony in a stiff suit. He wants others to have the same opportunities in a similar America as to what he's had.
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Now you see a lot of the 'at least he's not Hillary' rationales.

Then why did you people NOMINATE him? He wasn't running against Hillary in the primaries.

You want somebody else to beat Hillary the Hag now?

If we were doomed to get a Republican president in 2016, why not someone with at least an ounce of competence and another ounce of integrity.


What happened to the Hag by a landslide?

I thought the Hag would win.

How do you lose to trump.
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
Didn't anybody tell you not to spit into the wind?

I thought blacks were supposed to be full of "folksy" wisdom like that.
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you still support the President?

I do.

If so, why?.

Because he loves this country and wants to fix what needs fixing.

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

He wasn't my guy when he was running in the primaries. I voted for Ted Cruz. And I only voted for Trump in general to keep Hillary out and to get a SCOTUS pick. The president has earned my trust and respect in his actions since taking office.
At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
You're going to get claims of support no matter what. Republicans are terrible at admitting they are wrong about anything.
/---- Actually we admitted another Bush presidency would be a bad idea. Too bad you guys didn't admit that about Hildabeast.
I still support him he is doing what's good for the country, not the political money machine.
I like the law passed for the promotion of women entrepreneurs for all women not just a small pick and choose group.
At this point and time, on July 14th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.

Well out of my whole office, around 25 he has lost 2/3 support. Still a couple that thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Oh I never supported him but didn't Hillary either. If Johnson would have known a world leader he would have been a bit better, I did vote for him I liked Kasich but of course because he is moderate no one else liked him.

Out of the 125 that work in the surgical unit with me, he has gained a lot of support. Every doctor I know supports Trump except one who was going to vote Hillary no matter what. I have been surprised by some people who have said to me that they wish they had voted for Trump before (they didn't vote) and a lot of them are Hispanic and some are black. I don't know of a single person who voted for Trump and now wishes they didn't.
Well out of my whole office, around 25 he has lost 2/3 support. Still a couple that thinks his shit doesn't stink.
Don't believe the polls

Why ? They have been right so far yeah?

It's his childish tweets, from the beginning, they feel and rightfully so he is holding up congress.

His tweets are holding up congress? I am inflicted with logic and reason. You'll have to explain that to me.
Ok, with the date corrected, I can now reply.

I'm still a Trump supporter holding on hoping for another SCOTUS pick, lower taxes, and killing Obamacare.
At this point and time, on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 how many of you are still considering yourself supporters of Trump?

If so, why?

Don't be shy, this is your time to give your full support to your guy, I wouldn't be shy or ashamed to speak about it if I supported someone. Stand up and be counted.

This is your time. Shine.
How many blacks still believe the party of slavery and the kkk still actually care about them and don't see them as automatic votes?

We know this black guy does and that is hilarious.
Mostly because he ain't Hillary and not a Boosh. Aside from that I'm indeffrent and hope Trump leads to something better for both parties.
Too vague.

I'd like to get a definitive indication of your support. Are you a Trump supporter, or no?

It's not so much Trump as it's the idea of trump. To me, trump getting elected is one step outside of conventional candidates who are chosen to run when "it's their turn". I was even pulling for Bernie even though he was and is batshit crazy he was far and away a different Ritter then the other people the democrats put up with Hillary. Bernie is crazy. But he would have been a step in the right direction over Hillary.
1. Kept the bitch out of the White House
2. Great Supreme Court appointment
3. Killing regulations that stifle business
4. US beef being exported to China again helps reduce trade deficit
5. Straightening out the VA
6. Kicking the shit out of ISIS
7. Increasing US energy production
8. US coal going to China also helps reduce trade deficit
9. Going to export LPG to Europe hurts Russia/helps US

All that, slightly less than 6 moths in, yeah I'm good.

3. What regulations are those?

Just out of curiosity.

Oh I forgot one,

10. Illegal border crossing on the southern border down 70+% because of the end of catch and release

You asked why I still support the President, if you think my opinion is misguided feel free to provide links and show me the error of my ways.

Well out of my whole office, around 25 he has lost 2/3 support. Still a couple that thinks his shit doesn't stink.
Don't believe the polls

Why ? They have been right so far yeah?

It's his childish tweets, from the beginning, they feel and rightfully so he is holding up congress.

His tweets are holding up congress? I am inflicted with logic and reason. You'll have to explain that to me.

Well, it's because the tweets are so devastating that they have taken on a form like the big black obelisk in that movie 2010.

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