How many white supremacists are there?

No, they aren't. You can tell because you had to add words he never said. Indeed, he expressly stated that his point was applicable to brains regardless of skin color.

You are LYING.
That's the thing about 90% of black voters being Democratic voters, when you are implying that blacks who vote democratic aren't thinking for themselves and are brainwashed you are, in fact, talking about the vast majority of black voters. Either you believe those voters are smart enough to come to their own conclusions on who to vote for or you don't and if you don't think the vast majority of black people are thinking for themselves the implication speaks for itself.
That's the thing about 90% of black voters being Democratic voters, when you are implying that blacks who vote democratic aren't thinking for themselves and are brainwashed you are, in fact, talking about the vast majority of black voters. Either you believe those voters are smart enough to come to their own conclusions on who to vote for or you don't and if you don't think the vast majority of black people are thinking for themselves the implication speaks for itself.

You seem to be unable to think for yourself. You certainly are unable to read and understand simple words.
He did not make the implication that you are pushing. YOu are a lying whore.
Note, It wasn't I that wanted to make it specifically about blacks. I said from the start the same can happen to anyone else.

How do you think separatists and supremacists of all races became what they are? By programming.

Dogmatic programming can affect any closed group whether it's about race, religion, nationality or any other ideology.

Blacks are programmed from birth with "group think" mentality and anyone straying from the group and it's core beliefs has to be ostracized and destroyed.

I've seen people cut off by their entire family for breaking out of their "group think".
You seem to be unable to think for yourself. You certainly are unable to read and understand simple words.
He just likened 90% of black voters to cult members. I don't have to imply anything. That's pretty loud and clear. 😄
That's the thing about 90% of black voters being Democratic voters, when you are implying that blacks who vote democratic aren't thinking for themselves and are brainwashed you are, in fact, talking about the vast majority of black voters. Either you believe those voters are smart enough to come to their own conclusions on who to vote for or you don't and if you don't think the vast majority of black people are thinking for themselves the implication speaks for itself.
Most of the Black voters are in deep blue urban areas. Al of those Prog programs and politicians and you are yelling and blaming others who have done nothing.
Note, It wasn't I that wanted to make it specifically about blacks. I said from the start the same can happen to anyone else.

How do you think separatists and supremacists of all races became what they are? By programming.

Dogmatic programming can affect any closed group whether it's about race, religion, nationality or any other ideology.

Blacks are programmed from birth with "group think" mentality and anyone straying from the group and it's core beliefs has to be ostracized and destroyed.

I've seen people cut off by their entire family for breaking out of their "group think".

Yes, you were very clear. He is pretending to be retarded so that he can race bait.

It is a common tactic with the more evil and vile libs. Ie all of them.
So you believe the vast majority of black voters are brain washed and not thinking for themselves?
Like the owl in the old Tootsie Pop commercial....there are three white supremacists. Making up names and hate against people who have done nothing wrong and then when they are attacked by African Americans they are not hate crimes.
He just likened 90% of black voters to cult members. I don't have to imply anything. That's pretty loud and clear. 😄

You folks make it about race, not the rest of us, from the ground up most blacks are raised with an "us against them" mentality as though blacks are a segregated/separatist race in the US.

Not conservatives, not republicans, democrats and, "Black Leaders".

Since when do we need "black leaders" anyway? It's because they have been conditioned to believe in "Black America" and "White America" as thought there actually are two Americas in opposition to one another.

It's there for everyone to see you clown.
Indeed it is you race baiting fool.

You folks make it about race, not the rest of us,

He says before he goes on a rant about how blacks are this and that and how there's no need for black leaders... 😄
from the ground up most blacks are raised with an "us against them" mentality as though blacks are a segregated/separatist race in the US.

Not conservatives, not republicans, democrats and, "Black Leaders".

Since when do we need "black leaders" anyway? It's because they have been conditioned to believe in "Black America" and "White America" as thought there actually are two Americas in opposition to one another.
How ignorant of American history are you? 😄
He's the one who keeps talking about how blacks are this and that. I didn't make him say that racist nonsense. 😄

Except he specified taht he was NOT talking about only blacks think that way. You ignored so you could be a race baiting whore.

To ignore it, you had to pretend to be retarded.

Are you retarded?
Except he specified taht he was NOT talking about only blacks think that way. You ignored so you could be a race baiting whore.

To ignore it, you had to pretend to be retarded.

Are you retarded?
I can quote him for you if you'd like.

... from the ground up most blacks are raised with an "us against them" mentality as though blacks are a segregated/separatist race in the US.

Not conservatives, not republicans, democrats and, "Black Leaders".

Since when do we need "black leaders" anyway? It's because they have been conditioned to believe in "Black America" and "White America" as thought there actually are two Americas in opposition to one another.
I can quote him for you if you'd like.

What makes you think for a second that he only believes that blacks are effected by propaganda and/or conditioning?

I mean, you are a lying whore, so feel free to just make up shit.

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