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How much $$ aid does Israel get each year from the United States taxpayers??

The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 was amended by the Symington Amendment (Section 669 of the FAA) in 1976. It banned U.S. economic, and military assistance, and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections.
Symington Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International Atomic Energy Agency says Jerusalem must join Non-Proliferation Treaty, allow it to monitor its facilities. 'Israel will not cooperate with this resolution,' says Atomic Energy Commission official
IAEA urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection - Israel News, Ynetnews
US law is very clear in banning foreign aid to countries that either do not sign or fail to obey the NPT, but somehow more than $3 billion in illegal funds gets from Washington to Israel every year with nary a word of protest on Capitol Hill.

If America is unwilling to comply with its own laws when these do not suit Israel’s purposes, why should anyone trust it to undertake an accurate accounting of international security arrangements? And if the IAEA is unwilling to assert its independence in the face of pressure from Washington, why should any of its members bother to help maintain the pretense that signed agreements mean anything at all?
If Israel can ignore the IAEA, why should anyone else listen?
The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 was amended by the Symington Amendment (Section 669 of the FAA) in 1976. It banned U.S. economic, and military assistance, and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections.
Symington Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International Atomic Energy Agency says Jerusalem must join Non-Proliferation Treaty, allow it to monitor its facilities. 'Israel will not cooperate with this resolution,' says Atomic Energy Commission official
IAEA urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection - Israel News, Ynetnews
US law is very clear in banning foreign aid to countries that either do not sign or fail to obey the NPT, but somehow more than $3 billion in illegal funds gets from Washington to Israel every year with nary a word of protest on Capitol Hill.

If America is unwilling to comply with its own laws when these do not suit Israel’s purposes, why should anyone trust it to undertake an accurate accounting of international security arrangements? And if the IAEA is unwilling to assert its independence in the face of pressure from Washington, why should any of its members bother to help maintain the pretense that signed agreements mean anything at all?
If Israel can ignore the IAEA, why should anyone else listen?

What mental illness compels you to fixate on Israel 24/7?
What mental illness compels you to fixate on Israel 24/7?
No! I dont fixate 24/7, It only takes a few moments each day to counter your claims with the truth, the rest of the time I have something else --- It's called ¨a life¨ you should try it some time
Too damned much.

Cut them loose, let them fight an die for their own damned dirt on their own dime, and let the chips fall where they may.

Get a decent job, loser, so you wouldn't worry about foreign aid to Israel. I'm tired of supporting bums like you.

Maybe it would be easier on your hourly wage if you didn't have to buy so many dr. scholls foot powder after a long day of pouring concrete...
The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 was amended by the Symington Amendment (Section 669 of the FAA) in 1976. It banned U.S. economic, and military assistance, and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections.
Symington Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International Atomic Energy Agency says Jerusalem must join Non-Proliferation Treaty, allow it to monitor its facilities. 'Israel will not cooperate with this resolution,' says Atomic Energy Commission official
IAEA urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection - Israel News, Ynetnews
US law is very clear in banning foreign aid to countries that either do not sign or fail to obey the NPT, but somehow more than $3 billion in illegal funds gets from Washington to Israel every year with nary a word of protest on Capitol Hill.

If America is unwilling to comply with its own laws when these do not suit Israel’s purposes, why should anyone trust it to undertake an accurate accounting of international security arrangements? And if the IAEA is unwilling to assert its independence in the face of pressure from Washington, why should any of its members bother to help maintain the pretense that signed agreements mean anything at all?
If Israel can ignore the IAEA, why should anyone else listen?

Israeli is not a signatory of the NPT and is therefore not under IAEA juristiction. The IAEA can't just decide on itself which countries it can govern.
Israeli is not a signatory of the NPT and is therefore not under IAEA juristiction. The IAEA can't just decide on itself which countries it can govern.
The US in giving aid to a non signatory nation that has WMD's is in breech of its own laws
Too damned much.

Cut them loose, let them fight an die for their own damned dirt on their own dime, and let the chips fall where they may.

As much as I don't want to agree I have to agree foreign aid is a bad idea. Most countries that receive it squander it. Haiti has been given aid for years and look how they turned out. Chile had a 10x worse earthquake, we give them nothing (no one gives then anything), and the earthquake didn't destroy their country, economy or require the massive relief effort Haiti required. Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan haven't been helped much. Name one African receiver of our aid that has thrived?

Foreign INVESTMENT helps, in which a country invests, hires people, but does it for a profit. That is healthy intervention.

However, if we cut off Israel then don't be the same people that bitch about what she does to protect herself and her citizens. If she stranglholds Gaza, builds in East Jerusalem (part of her capital), tells Syria that she will not allow one Syrian soldier to use Golan as a route to destroy her, she will keep building the wall to prevent suicide bombing (which has already proven to do a great job) and she will continue large-scale justifiable destructive assaults on Gaza, if they fire missiles at her, then you must STFU!

I personally do see American cutting off Israel. I see, soon after the 2012 election (of course also assuming Obama wins a 2nd election). However, I don't see the dire effects that Arabs and Antisemites hope for. I see the effects happening, but not anywhere near what people like Kalam prays to Allah for!
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I personally do see American cutting off Israel. I see, soon after the 2012 election (of course also assuming Obama wins a 2nd election). However, I don't see the dire effects that Arabs and Antisemites hope for. I see the effects happening, but not anywhere near what people like Kalam pray for!

That will depend on the conduct of Israel. If it becomes less belligerent, it will be dismantled or secularized peacefully over an extended period of time. If it continues on its current course of land-grabbing and slaughtering civilians, the state will be dismantled by any means necessary.
I personally do see American cutting off Israel. I see, soon after the 2012 election (of course also assuming Obama wins a 2nd election). However, I don't see the dire effects that Arabs and Antisemites hope for. I see the effects happening, but not anywhere near what people like Kalam pray for!

That will depend on the conduct of Israel. If it becomes less belligerent, it will be dismantled or secularized peacefully over an extended period of time. If it continues on its current course of land-grabbing and slaughtering civilians, the state will be dismantled by any means necessary.

LOL. Israel is one of the most advanced, most successful, most prosperous countries in the world. Your cell phone was invented in Israel. The microprocessor and the operating system in your computer were likely designed and manufactured in Israel.

More likely, the Arab and Muslim worlds will self-destruct after continued fratricide and increasing illiteracy, leaving the Arabs and Muslims in regression, backwardness, violence and repression.

Arabs and Muslims are doomed.
LOL. Israel is one of the most advanced, most successful, most prosperous countries in the world.
Amazing what you can do with American coin, eh? If Israel is all that you make it out to be, why do they continue to draw their annual welfare check from the US?

Your cell phone was invented in Israel.
Mine was designed by an American company. The first cell network was launched in Japan. Do you have to steal credit for the inventions of others as well? Is Palestinian land and American money not enough? :lol:

The microprocessor and the operating system in your computer were likely designed and manufactured in Israel.
My OS? Windows is Israeli Now? :rofl:

Even if that happened to be the case, who gives a shit?

More likely, the Arab and Muslim worlds will self-destruct after continued fratricide and increasing illiteracy, leaving the Arabs and Muslims in regression, backwardness, violence and repression.

Arabs and Muslims are doomed.


  • Population: 6,800,000,000
  • Growth Rate: 1.1%

  • Population: 1,570,000,000 (23%)
  • Growth Rate: 2.9% - 6.4%
  • Population: 13,000,000 (0.2%)
  • Growth Rate: 0.3%
Amazing what you can do with American coin, eh? If Israel is all that you make it out to be, why do they continue to draw their annual welfare check from the US?

Amazing what Israel can do with intellectual capital, which money cannot buy.
Egypt receives a similar level of US foreign aid and Egypt's primary export is lupin beans.

And, with the trillions in oil wealth, the Arab world remains one of the most backward and decaying societies on the planet, scientifically, academically, culturally, financially and militarily.

One-third of Arabs--over 100 million--are illiterate. Half of all Arab women are illiterate.

Arabs are doomed.

Your cell phone was invented in Israel.
Mine was designed by an American company. The first cell network was launched in Japan. Do you have to steal credit for the inventions of others as well? Is Palestinian land and American money not enough? :lol:

Wrong. Motorola's design center in Israel invented the cell phone. Today, Israel has more technology companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country outside of the US, including Japan.

There is not one Arab or Muslim technology company listed on NASDAQ.

The microprocessor and the operating system in your computer were likely designed and manufactured in Israel.
My OS? Windows is Israeli Now? :rofl:

"Microsoft CEO: Microsoft Is As Israeli as American"...
Microsoft CEO, in Herzliya: Our company almost as Israeli as American - Haaretz - Israel News

  • Population: 6,800,000,000
  • Growth Rate: 1.1%

  • Population: 1,570,000,000 (23%)
  • Growth Rate: 2.9% - 6.4%
  • Population: 13,000,000 (0.2%)
  • Growth Rate: 0.3%

1.5 billion Muslims: Only 3 Muslims have won Nobel Prizes
13 million Jews: 160 Jews have won Nobel Prizes.

Moses kicks Muhammad's child-molesting ass.
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Amazing what you can do with American coin, eh? If Israel is all that you make it out to be, why do they continue to draw their annual welfare check from the US?

Amazing what Israel can do with intellectual capital, which money cannot buy.
Egypt receives a similar level of US foreign aid and Egypt's primary export is lupin beans.

And, with the trillions in oil wealth, the Arab world remains one of the most backward and decaying societies on the planet, scientifically, academically, culturally, financially and militarily.

One-third of Arabs--over 100 million--are illiterate. Half of all Arab women are illiterate.

Arabs are doomed.

Your cell phone was invented in Israel.

Wrong. Motorola's design center in Israel invented the cell phone. Today, Israel has more technology companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country outside of the US, including Japan.

There is not one Arab or Muslim technology company listed on NASDAQ.

My OS? Windows is Israeli Now? :rofl:

"Microsoft CEO: Microsoft Is As Israeli as American"...
Microsoft CEO, in Herzliya: Our company almost as Israeli as American - Haaretz - Israel News

  • Population: 6,800,000,000
  • Growth Rate: 1.1%

  • Population: 1,570,000,000 (23%)
  • Growth Rate: 2.9% - 6.4%
  • Population: 13,000,000 (0.2%)
  • Growth Rate: 0.3%

1.5 billion Muslims: Only 3 Muslims have won Nobel Prizes
13 million Jews: 160 Jews have won Nobel Prizes.

Moses kicks Muhammad's child-molesting ass.

Microsoft is on land stolen from Palestinians. Does that make them Palestinian products.
Amazing what Israel can do with intellectual capital, which money cannot buy.
Sure it can. Grow the fuck up. :lol:

Egypt receives a similar level of US foreign aid and Egypt's primary export is lupin beans.
Egypt also has a population that dwarfs Israel's, meaning that the effect per capita of the welfare is minuscule in comparison. This is basic math; where's that "intellectual capital" you've been going on about?

And, with the trillions in oil wealth, the Arab world remains one of the most backward and decaying societies on the planet, scientifically, academically, culturally, financially and militarily.
Sucks for them. I don't particularly care.

One-third of Arabs--over 100 million--are illiterate. Half of all Arab women are illiterate.

Arabs are doomed.
I think they've got you outnumbered, Shlomo, so you may be first. :lol:

Wrong. Motorola's design center in Israel invented the cell phone.
Motorola's first cellphone (which was designed/invented by Americans in Bell Labs) came four years after NTT launched its cell network in Japan. Sorry.

Today, Israel has more technology companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country outside of the US, including Japan.

There is not one Arab or Muslim technology company listed on NASDAQ.

You claimed that my OS is Israeli. Prove it.

1.5 billion Muslims: Only 3 Muslims have won Nobel Prizes
13 million Jews: 160 Jews have won Nobel Prizes.
That doesn't matter now and it really won't manner when Judaism is no longer practiced. :thup:

Moses kicks Muhammad's child-molesting ass.
Take any thee year-old brides lately? :lol:
Cut off all aid to The Nation that murdered our Men on the USS Liberty. ~BH

You have done zilch for the US, you bum.

Since 1967, Israel has given to the Pentagon Soviet military equipment captured in conflicts with Soviet-supported Arab countries, providing important data. Israel gave the US a full squadron of MiG-21s which was called the “Top Gun” squadron and used by the U.S. Air Force and Navy for training purposes.

In 1970, Israel forced the withdrawal of the Syrian army from US-ally Jordan while the U.S. was involved militarily in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, helping to prevent the collapse of a pro-American government and the installation of a pro-Soviet regime.

In the 1973 War, Israel defeated Soviet-trained and equipped Egyptian and Syrian armies. Israel shared captured Soviet equipment with the US. Israel emerged the one reliable ally where U.S. troops could land, where U.S. equipment can be pre-positioned and where the U.S. has friendly port facilities, saving the US billions of dollars.

In 1982, Israel destroyed Soviet anti-aircraft systems in Lebanon that were considered impenetrable by American weapons. Israel shared with the US insights from the conflict, estimated to be worth billions of dollars.

Senator Daniel Inouye has stated that Israeli data on the Soviet military has saved the U.S. billions of dollars and that the contribution made by Israeli intelligence to America exceeds information provided by all NATO countries combined.

In 1981, Israel bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak, stalling Saddam Hussein’s nuclear capabilities and allowing the U.S. to engage in conventional warfare with Iraq.

Israel has provided critical analysis of the F16 to General Dynamics that resulted in 600 improvements, including structural enhancements, software changes, increased capability landing gear, radio improvements and avionic modifications.

In the Gulf War, Israel provided the US with key intelligence, air cover for military cargo and had IDF stationed in the Iraqi desert to rescue downed American pilots.

The IDF was the sole military force in the region that could successfully challenge the Iraqi army. That fact, which Saddam Hussein understood, was a deterrent to further Iraqi aggression.

The US military benefited from the use of Israeli-made Have Nap air-launched missiles on its B-52 bombers. The Navy used Israeli Pioneer pilotless drones for reconnaissance in the Gulf.

Israel provided mine plows that were used to clear paths for Allied forces through Iraqi minefields.

Mobile bridges flown directly from Israel to Saudi Arabia were used by the U.S. Marine Corps

Israel Aircraft Industries developed conformal fuel tanks that enhanced the range of F15 aircraft used in the Gulf War.

An Israeli-produced targeting system was used to increase the Cobra helicopter's night-fighting capabilities.

Israel manufactured the canister for the highly successful Tomahawk missile.

Night-vision goggles used by U.S. forces were supplied by Israel.

A low-altitude warning system produced and developed in Israel was utilized on Blackhawk helicopters.

Other Israeli equipment provided to U.S. forces included flack vests, gas masks and sandbags.

Israel offered the United States the use of military and hospital facilities. U.S. ships utilized Haifa port shipyard maintenance and support on their way to the Gulf.

General George Keegan, former head of U.S. Air Force Intelligence, has stated that “Israel is worth five CIA’s.” He said that between 1974 and
1990, Israel received $18.3 billion in U.S. military grants, but, that in the same timeframe Israel provided the U.S. with $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development savings and Soviet weapons systems given to the U.S.

Israel shares with the US important experience in homeland defense and warfare against suicide bombers and car bombs.

In preparation for the Iraq War, American soldiers trained in IDF facilities and Israeli drones flew above the Sunni Triangle and in Afghanistan providing U.S. Marines with critical intelligence.

In Iraq, Israeli advisers have trained US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.

The IDF sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US special forces, and Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.

The US Army also travelled to Israel to glean lessons learned from their counterterrorist operations in urban areas. The IDF regularly shared its experience in the West Bank and Gaza with the US armed forces. The Pentagon regularly asked the IDF to debrief on operations similar to those engaged in by US military forces.

An American liaison team had been responsible for coordinating efforts and intelligence between the Pentagon, the IDF, and American forces. Major General Charles Simpson, the chief liaison officer for the U.S. Army, met repeatedly with IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon on this joint project.

Joint air force exercises, such as the Juniper Cobra, had taken place between Israeli and the American Patriot artillery in the Negev and radar units from the U.S. Sixth Fleet. Noble Dina, an anti-submarine warfare exercise, were executed with the combined efforts of the Israel Navy and the Sixth Fleet.

American soldiers were in Israel prior to the Iraq war to work with anti-missile defenses, both the U.S.-made Patriot and the Arrow, developed by both Israel and the U.S.

The U.S. sailed an aircraft carrier, the Harry Truman, into the Mediterranean Sea. The aircraft allowed U.S. planes to reach Iraqi targets by flying over Israeli and Jordanian territory. Israel has permitted the use of its air zones.

Israel has been sharing with the US its experience in combating Palestinian terrorism, which has been helpful in the US's war in Afghanistan. The US military benefits from Israel’s tactics against suicide bombers, car bombs and improvised explosive devices.

Most of the US military aid to Israel must be spent in the United States, which benefits US military contractors.

In contrast to US commitments to Korea, Japan, Germany and numerous other countries in which the US has over 100 military bases, the US has no military bases in Israel.

Former Secretary of State and NATO forces Commander Alexander Haig has said that he is pro-Israeli because Israel is "the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security"

In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, Israel provided assistance to the relief efforts. An Israeli airlift arrived in Little Rock, Arkansas with an eighty-ton shipment of humanitarian aid, including baby food, diapers, water, ready-to-eat meals, clothes, tents, blankets, mattresses, stretchers, first aid kits, wheelchairs and other medical supplies.

In addition to government aid, Israeli non-profit organizations assisted in the relief efforts. Magen David Adom (Israel's national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service) began the "United Brotherhood Operation," which sent a plane-load of supplies and financial assistance. IsraAid, the coordinating body of Israeli non-profits organizations involved in relief work, sent a delegation of medical personnel, psychologists and experienced search-and-rescue divers.

Five universities in Israel welcomed displaced American students from the affected areas and invited both undergraduate and graduate students to continue their studies in Israel.

When terrorists bombed the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998, Israel immediately dispatched search and rescue teams to assist in saving the victims trapped under the rubble. The IDF's Home Front Command Rescue Unit was the first delegation to arrive from abroad, and was accompanied by military and civilian doctors, rescue dogs and high-tech rescue equipment. The Israeli team led the rescue operation in Nairobi, Kenya and was able to pull three survivors from the building, perform life-saving operations and provide medical care to the victims of the bombing.

And the sad fact is that Egypt gets pretty close to the same aid and does nothing for the US.

In fact, according to Oliver North's book, who was heading counter intelligence at the time, America was able to capture the Achilla Lauro terrorists because of Israel, and they were allowed to escape based on the lies of Egypt.

Go figure.

What's really strange is you don't hear anyone complain about the aid to Egypt.

What mental illness compels you to fixate on Israel 24/7?
No! I dont fixate 24/7, It only takes a few moments each day to counter your claims with the truth, the rest of the time I have something else --- It's called ¨a life¨ you should try it some time

Really? I didn't see you prove any of his facts wrong.

Marc is right on target :clap2:

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